i ia lcwa>j PEALTOPS a PUWD1AUI • WEDNESDAY, JULY 25.1S7S Flaindealer_ Editorial Opinion 1 Plaindealer- Letters to the fall tor Public Pulse^ ̂ Vacation Walking • Thto is the time of the yesr most of us enjoy vacations. The idea is te gst away frwn routine work and life, to change the pace, and Interestingly, not is often equated with doing nothing. In other words, many of us think of rest as lying in bed, sleeping iong hours Mi taking little physical exercise. , Yet the exports advise us to gst exercise. For most people, s hsttai vacation and a better rest would result from reasonable physical exertion on vacation. . One of the finest forms recommended is simple enough-walking. M Europe people plan and anticipate walking vacations with great cue. Somehow in the United States, where just about everyone vMss everywhere in a car in spite of the soaring cost of gas, this is •st equally fashionable. Yet, there are many U.S. vacation spots where hiking and waking trails, amid beautiful scenery, can be found. It saves gas and improves the health. * Weather Indications Of all subjects which interest the average individual, weather is the most universal, with which practically everyone is concerned. It's surprising, however, how little most people know about the subject, if one will take the time, he can learn simple rules which are valuable in predicting the weather. All you need to apply these rules is a barometer and a wind vane, •bleb win tell you the direction the wind is blowing. Here are several: If you have a high and steady barometer, and the wind is from the southwest or the northwest, the weather will probably be fair with little temperature change for a day or so. H the barometer is high and falling rapidly and the wind is from the south sr southeast, you will probably have increasing wind and rata within IS to 24 hours. tf you have a high barometer, falling rapidly, and the wind is between the southeast and the northeast, the wind will increase aad rain win come within twelve hours, in most cases. If you have a low barometer, rising slowly, and the wind is from the south to the southwest, you will soon have clearing weather and it win be clear for several days. If you have a low barometer which is rising rapidly, and the wind is from the west, it indicates the weather will be clearing and • , 2S73* 60 V® 108«/f AgjG.Edwards & Sons, Inc. WEEKtY MARKET REPORT ( The Farmer's Plight J03 N. Richmond Rd . McHenry Eyes examined Contact Lenses Glasses lifted Mon., Tues.. Thurs.. Fri ,4 tp m Tues.. Thurs., Fri.. 7-tp m Sat..* JO to 3 00 Ph. MS-4ISI or MS-MAI Fire. Autf, Farm. Lite Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES 4410 W Rte. 120. McHenry MS 3300 (Part 2) The National Financial Crisis: We in the United States have more of the good things of life than the people of any nation have ever had before. This is due to the fact that about 4 percent of our people who are on the farms feed aad clothe the other 96 percent of our population, who in turn are free to provide the many things that make for our very high standard of living. Our highly efficient food and fiber production system has made America a land of plenty and the envy of the world. Despite this, however, our national economy, including the financial solvency of our farm producers, is in real trouble today. The dollar has depreciated 50 percent since 19C7. At this rate of decline, it will be worth only 25 cents by 19M and 10 cents by the turn of the century. We have continued to buy more from abroad than we have sold. More than half our dollars are held overseas. There is virtually nothing behind our money today except a promise to pay. Our Federal debt has reached $800 billion and from present commitments is expected to increase to $900 billion by 1990. This is about $4,000 for every man, woman and child in this country. The interest on the public debt win increase to nearly $60 billion per year by 1980-over 10 percent of all Federal expenditures. On top of this tremendous commitment, the Federal Government has contingent liabilities of about $4 trillion- nearly 5 times the public debt-for loan guarantees, insurance liabilities, retirement entitlements, and international obligational. These include: (In billions of dollars) Private-loan guarantee (FHA k VA mortgages, etc.) ; $230.3 Insurance liabilities (bank deposits, savings and loans, etc.) ..2,078.3 Social Security (unfunded liability) 1,189.5 Other pension compensation funds 425.7 International (pledges to World Bank and others) 46.1 Total 3,969.9 Our state, local, private and business debt, about $2.6 trillion at the end of 1976, is increasing steadily as more and more people are living beyond their immediate income, and ds business and governmental institutions expand debt to meet inflated costs of operation. The substitution of credit for cash, and the use of loan guarantees instead of loans backed by real assets, are becoming an increasing danger to the solvency of this nation and its people. This is greatly exacerbated by the spiraling inflation running through our economic health of this nation. To do so, however, we must face up to the harsh realities of the present financial threat, apply the needed discipline, and take the necessary steps to correct pest mistakes. Farmers Plight Threatens the Economy: The financial crisis facing American Agriculture today is very similar to the one which created the disastrous farm depression in the 1920's and the great national depression which followed in the 1930's. Failure to maintain farm exports and support farm prices after World War I destroyed farm purchasing power, which in turn brought on bankruptcy for many banking and other commercial concerns. The same combination of factors-relatively low commodity prices, expanding production costs, inadequate net farm income and a crushing debt hanging over many farmers-exists again today, and many of our termers are on the verge of bankruptcy. If they go broke, other segments of the economy will surely follow. In Its report last year (H. Rept. 95-1290, July 13, 1978) the Committee described at great length the conditions leading up to the Great Depression of the 1930's and the consequences therefrom to all segments of society in this country and in other parts of the world. The lessons of history must be fully understood if we, as a nation, are to prevent their recurrence. AUTO LIFE FIRE SALES SERVICE * RENTALS • MonSa4»i:30 v Friday til * 00 «3 Grant St.. CrystaULake Ph. 4S*-I2M 3«» W Elm St fMHenry. III. JS5-7I1I McHenry Telephone Answering & Letter Service * Answering Service * Cor, Telephone 8 Paging Service • Complete Mimeographing 8 Printing Serivc* • Typing 8 Photocopying Ph. .385-025 JW2W. St. 120. McHenry "GATEWAY TO YOUR FUTURE" Service Line McHENRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 385-4300 * FAMILY SERVICE * MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC 3409 W. Waukegan Road McHenry 39*4400 PARENTAL STRESS UNE OF McHENRY COUNTY Meeting Place: McHenry County 34 hours a dsy, 7 days a week Call 815-314-3944 Parents Anonymous meetings on Wednesday. STATE CHAMBER GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS HOTLINE 217-S22-5514 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 202-755-9990 Hours7:30a.m. to 5:30 p.m. weekdays (Ever had a problem involving the federal government and not know where to call? And then been given a runaround or referrals by persons who meant well hut didn't know how to help? Ten specialists available at this center.) NATIONAL RUN-AWAY SWITCHBOARD Illinois Phone: 800-972-6004 (For confidential conversation on problems dealing with run-away children) MOVING HOTLINE Phone 900-424-9213 (Complaints about interestate moving by companies, buses or trains. Sponsored by Interstate Commerce commission) CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION Phone 900-639-2096 (For questions or complaints on products ranging from toys to ovens) ' NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION Phone 900-424-9903 (Answers questions about automobile safety defects or whether a particular model has ever been recalled. Valuable for those interested in buying a used car) ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES Child Abuse Center McHenry County (312) 546-2150 CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION 800-638-2666 (Operates five national lines. Answers inquiries about, or reporting on. the safety of products from kitchen appliances to children's toys) NATIONAL SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING INFORMATION CENTER 800-523-2929 P.O. Box 1607, Rockville, Md. 20650 (Dispenses information on solar systems for heating and cooling to anyone from architects to home owners looking for a sun-powered hot-water system) CONSUMER PROTECTION DIVISION 312-793-3580 Chicago, lit. BIKTHKK.HT Prafcnunl? Vrd Hrlp? I Ji«in»rlin£ Srrvirr. 385-2VW. 2 Mmar An- «wrrin|( Smirr. . YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU FOR McHENRY COUNTY 849 N. Seminary Avenue, Woodstock Phone: 338-7369 24-hour Crisis Intervention and Confidential Counseling for youth and families. Are you concerend about your angry feelings toward your children? 24-hour Parental Stress Line, 344-3944. ILLINOIS STATE CHAMBER HOTLINE . Phone 217-522-5514 Answer to questions on government regulations. "" l-Hirir* (315) 385-4810 McHenry Trophies 3715 W. John St. McHenry JII. 385-4559 farm Equipment George P. Freund, Inc Cose - New Holland 4102 W. Crystal Lake R«J.. MCHENRY Bus. 385-0420 Res. 385-0227 I IRELLI RADIAL TIRES FOR ALL CARS Europa Motors, Inc 2 3 1 8 R t e . 1 2 0 ' 815-385-0700 * df our quick-action copy center. FINEST QUALITY COPIES MADE ON XEROX EQUIPMENT See us, also, for every kind of Printing Need!! 3909 W MAIN HILLSBORO 4 OWNES DUMP-FLATBEDS-CAR HAULERS Stidham Horse & Cattle Trailers Wus A Complete Line Of Broden Winches ADAMS ENTERPRISES >017 W. Rte. 120 AAcHENRV. IU. gi 5-395-5970 For Your In fo rmat ion Do Yn Know Someone New? presslons of grief. They will soy "For your own food, don't cry so much." Translated, it means. "Whan you cry you upset mo and I can't tolerate pour grief. A grief counsellor will encourage the mour ner to cry openly and to discuss any aspect of the deceased's Me. This has a healing effect. WE WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND A ROYAL WELCOME TO EVERY NEWCOMER TO OUR AREA!!"! CALL JOAN STULL 385-5418 Respectfully PETER M.JISTEN • con I FUNERAL HOME QJZKZK&B KNOW YOUR AREA-ROYAL WELCOME DOES IT BEST