-*v IK 24 - PLAIN DEALER - WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 1.1978 y,^' ' rf Mary L. Gunderson Jolinsburg 385-3052 iscu0 Squad pinnar Dane• :haduM Aug. 25 Johnsburg Rescue Squad's ity-seventh annual benefit will be held Saturday, 25, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. more information and tickets, call 385-2508 year there will be a sit- START LOSING WEIGHT TODAY The hardest part of losing weight is • getting started New extra-strength SUPER lOBRMEX will give your will power that • extra push it needs to start losing weight £ today. , Begin with this amazing tiny tablet *Vou"ll eat less-turn food and excess fat ito burned-up energy instead of extra ;weight as you follow the Plan Clinically proven effective the SUPER HEX Reducing Plan will enable you to se pounds and inches without getting Vvous To lose water bloat and puff iness during • (tie pre-menstrual cycle try OORINtt. "A Natural Water Pill" Both sold with money back guarantee •olgenDrog, HWN. CrcanSt.. M, tl rin.j ivMNi wrwri riiiwo M. down dinner before the dance, also at the community club, from 6 to 8 p.m. Additional monies are needed for their building fund. Present quarters are too small. Your sincere cooperation will be greatly appreciated. Come and enjoy a delightful dinner and-or a pleasant evening dancing. Bring some of your friends, too. Mark your calendar now for this big event! tywUiqil ft4* (tout life/ PICNIC Sunday, Aug. 5 from noon to 9 p.m. at the Johnsburg com munity club grounds and hall, the St. John's picnic will take place. All net proceeds will benefit St. John's restoration fund. The schedule is as follows: noon, outdoor Mass; "Sit- Down" roast beef dinner, 1 to 4 p.m.; home made bakery goods, hand craft btfoth, kid die games, popcorn, cotton candy, homegrown vegetables, ducky games, kiddie rides, sandwich shop,aHirom 4 to 8 p.m.; church souvenir sales; entertainment, 4 to 5 p.m.; German Polka dahcers, 6 to 9 Pm- 317 Country Club Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 815/344-0588 CHARLES €r PAULA JAMES DISTRIBUTORS RAWLEIGH & MR. GROOM PRODUCTS SEE YOU AT THE McHENRY COUNTY FAIR FRI. & SAT. AUG. 4 & 5 4400 VRTI1)9, 47 & CHHTBY CM I Join the fun and bring entire family to enjoy the Tickets are available for after church services Sati and Sunday. Don't miss it! * " •> SODALITY ' St. John's parish is planning a tour of the "House of Stained Glass" in Prairie View, 111., on Wednesday, Aug. 22. Luncheon will be at the Hopson House, Long Grove, at 1 p.m. In dividual cars will be used. Please call Mrs. Michael (EVa) Schaefer for complete details, and for reservations, which must be made by Aug. 14. This will be a pleasant afternoon to spend with your friends. There will be no sodality meeting in August. FAMILY REUNtON On Sunday, July 22, at the Pregnant, INEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT OfFICE OPEN FROM9 To 11 A.M. AND FROM 7 To 9 P.M. MON thru FRI 24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICE 815-385-2999 city park in McHenry, the John M. and Elizabeth Schmitt family gathered for their family picnic. Eleven children from Jfcis union attended. RelativoCame from Tulsa, Okla., Wisconsin and Illinois. Outdoor Mass was offered by Father Everett Hiller, a grandson. Many, many memories were recalled, and photos and records kept of past gatherings were thoroughly enjoyed by young and old. HOME AND HOSPITAL In your thoughtfulness, pray for the following who are ill: Norbert Lippert, Frances Lewan, Roman Martin, Tony Freund and Gene O'Dohnell, as well as your friends and neigh bors, too. SYMPATHY ...to the family of Bernard Stern, father of Lauri& Dohrn of St. Johnvs, who died early in July. TRAVELERS Cards with beautiful scenes have been coming from our young folks who have been visiting and studying in various countries in Europe. The cards will be added to their collection of photos of the beautiful places they have seen. They will have plenty to talk about when they reach McHenry again! It has been a great experience for them, from an educational growth, and also in their contact with people in the ' foreign countries, and the members of their group! DISTRICT 12 Registration dates for all students in District 12 schools will be Aug. 13 and Tuesday, Aug. 14. Kindergarten through 8 will be held in the Middle school. Grades 9 through 12 will be held at Johnsburg high school. First day of school for all District 12 students is Tuesday, Sept. 4. Watch for .the next issue of "Info 12", for further details as to times, etc. ST. JOHNS Registration envelopes will be available in church, Sunday, Aug. 19. Actual registration, tuition and book bill days are Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Aug. 27. 28, 29 and 31. from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Parents of new students should call the convent and ask for Sister Vi. to make an ap pointment and order uniforms. Grades l through 5 wear uniforms. Pupils for kindergarten and 5th grade, must have their 34% OFF Croat •7« Salt Itcg. 1.47. Creat toothpaste with YfluorUton. Holp* fight cavitiea. WSvmA WBWmi prtoi Volwf Popular Brand CigariHis| ISaie Limit 2 R«g. 5.0S-5.15. Popular brand cigarettea. Limit 2 par customar Surgeon QmmI ho* dotormlwd cigorotfo smoking it dangerous Omdcles ASSORTED CANOY J E IKE 3 32% OFF Qwcklu Assorted Candies Sale 28< from spice strings, spearmint loaves, fruit , ondorango slices. 9oi. bog. Reg. 41' 4mm. Wmm- 111! 34% OFF Secret Roll-On 97* 25% OFF 24 Ox. Scope® Mouthwash Sal* 1" Jog- 2.02. 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M tablets. » Hog. 4.47. Auto Oil Chang* Kit 446. Includos: Utility drain pan, oil wrench, and oil can spout, limit j Minoiim r«w»r ten H with $1 OC Ho. II robete coupon W I flltor II | 54 Evoraody Alkolln* Powor * p*r II Coll. For bost. longsst-lostlng powor. * ^^^jolt^^^urpos*^^^^^^^^^^ 20% OFF Our Entire Stock of Ladies' Panties All sites, all styles, all fabrics, all prices. Bikinis, briefs: band legs, elastic legs, flare legs. Prints, solids -- our entire stock -- 20% off regular low discount everyday prices. 39% OFF Finking Shears Sale fj un.it j Rag. 11.97. Hornofey'o t-lnch pinking shears. Croat advantage In tawing. Limit 1 pair par . cvetomar. j 40% OFF Bulletin Board a 17 Sag. 1.97 bulletin board. ^^•coroMv^waj^^eov^meaaogea^ m" 30% OFF Aorosol Snap Fire Extijj^ifhor 1 um», tag. 1.47 oarosol snap flra extinguisher. A safety nacasslty for avary homa. 14 22% OFF Cranston V.I.F, Print Fabric Sbart lengths 1" Sale Par Yd. Rag. 1.57 par yard. Famous mafcar. first quality blousa and shirt walght fabric that Is parfact for ryy.-yy. back-to-schaol clothing. CHaasa from all typas of prints and calars. Palyastar/cotton blonds. 44 wide. limit 4 yds. 1RA/W 34% OFF v Brother® Rlvorla Free Arm Sewing Machine Softs13IM Our MFGR. LIST 199.95. Quality | v'MWVWVMV. orm zig-zag sawing machino stretch stitch. Sews 9 dif ferent stitches. No. 14S1. 33% OFF i Arm Sewing Machine tw* Sola 14" I Our MFGR. LIST 24.99. Decorator styled with two large storage compartments for sewing ac- cessories. No. 5007. . . 41% OFF Cannon Solid Color Bath Towsls 127 Sel* Limit 1 Reg. 2.17 bath towels. Cannon® first quality thick 'n' thirsty solid color bath towels. Limit 3 per customer. Pmtk Vol s. 1.17. Twin | It. . . . . p w i «ahld* asst. Chaosa (Ms Sascua Army B 33% OFF _ Mouth IS k r w physicals from their family and tour "House of Stained doctor. Arrangements witt be Glass made after school is in session for physicals for other grade classes. First day of school will be Tuesday. Sept. 4. S F St.. AgneSv Court 777, will have a regular meeting Tuesday. Aug. 2Kat 8 p.m. at the Johnsburg community club. There will be no fleeting in September. They will attend a' luncheon and matinee Wednesday, Sept. 26. Tickets and information from Mrs. Leo (Evelyn) Diedrich. or Mrs. Frank (Laura) Schmitt. Reservations must be received and picked up by Sept. 15. This should prove to be a very relaxing and en joyable afternoon with the ladies! PLEASE NOTE! This will be the last issue of I lie Johnsburg column until Wednesday, Sept. 12. We will be celebrating! If you have news, keep me in mind, and call after Sept. 1. Will keep all of you in my prayers. God bless you! DATES TO REMEMBER Aug. 1 - N.C.S.F. Juniors Outing Aug. 5 - St. John's family picnic ' . Aug. 13-14 - Registration for Johnsburg schools Aug. 22 - Sodality luncheon 2S - Johnsburg rescue squad dance and dinner Aug. 27-23-29-31 • Registration at St. John's school Sept. 26 - N.C.S.F. luncheon and matinee • / ! V.A. NEWS I Editor's note: Following are representative questions an swered daily by VA counselors. Full information is available at any VA office. / Q - I am a widow receiving nonservice-connected pension benefits. If I remarry, will these benefits be discontinued? A - Yes. However, if you have children, they can con tinue to receive benefits. Contact your nearest VA office for applications for each child. Q - If a veteran dies in a VA facility, can his survivor request a contract burial service? A - Except for unclaimed remains, contract burials were ended July 1, 1963. Q - I received an honorable discharge after completing a two-year enlistment. Am I eligible for a headstone or gravemarker even though I had no wartime service? Cool your < home without wasting energy with LENNOX. central cooling. A A headstone or gravemarker is available for .^any deceased veteran of wartime or peacetime service (other than for training) who was discharged under con ditions other than dishonorable. Reservists who die while on duty may also be eligible. Security American Family's Special Homeowners Package Policy. Complete security for that spociel piece ysu cell home. It's themoat comprehensive, home owners coverage we've ever offered. Cell me today. I'll provide you with all the information. Extra officiant. Quiet. Ruggad. Find out the differ ence between a so- called bargain and the best. Call us for a professional home survey. No obliga tion of course. CmrtfCi|tlilUln IhcHwIltia ALTH0FF INDUSTRIES 809 N. FRONT ST. McHENRY CALL 385-5700 CALL (B FOt KTMLS 385-2384 American Family Mutual Insurance Co Madison, SUMMER VACATION SPECIAL-THRU AUGUST! SWE20% on banna* Window Shades, Shutters and Woven Woods! JOANNA WINDOW SHUTTERS With movable or fixed louvers easy to install. I I CUSTOM WINDOW SHADES Save up to 8% in fuel costs, up to 21% in air conditioning costs. WOVEN WOODS Designed for today's lifestyle, the natural decor you like. DISTINCTIVE WINDOW FASHIONS Specialists in custom window treatment 12-14 N. WILLIAMS ST. nnwumwM rnv«TAi. •m** *