J.bjfcL FOfl KENT QUALITY MOTORHOME, 30 ft. Diplomat, sleeps 9, rent by clamor week. Reserve now for signer vacation. Richmond ajTCp; 815-675-6356. 8-ltfc 'i«Vi . "r • CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS for mature adult men. 815-385- 02fl»or 385-8905. 8-ltfc • 3 VI. *• WAREHOUSE or factory space from 5,000 to 15,000 ft. 815-385- 1079« 8-ltfc Dekixe Ranch Condo, two be&foom, lVfe baths, kitchen appliances, draperies, air conditioned, patio, attached garage, 815-385-0936. 8-29-9-5c For rent 2 bedroom, mature couple preferred, one child, security deposit $225.00 mon thly. 815-385-2170. 8-29-8-31c Fofoiwrij" 3 bedroom house, McHenry area, $325.00 per month plus security deposit Call 815-344-1776^ 8-29-8-31C , i __ 6 t'ROOM APARTMENT, 3 bedrooms, $350.00 month $350 security deposit. 815-385-7852. - =• 8-29-8-31C ; NICE 1 BEDROOM HOME, Wonder Lake $250 month, plus $190 security deposit. Call 815- 728<-0406. Ask for Tom. Available immediately. 8-29-8- 31C e O.t . MoHenry-Country Club area, private coach house, one bedroom apartment, large sundeck, single person preferred $325.00 per month, utilities included, security deposit 815-385-8470 after 4pm. < < > 8-29-8-3 lc Wanted female to share house on 7 acres. Bring your horse. 815-338-7343. 8-29-8-31C For Rent, one bedroom apartment in Pistakee Bay area. Available Sept. 1st. 815- 3&8419. 8-29-8-31C FOX LAKE AREA waterfront, fireplace, 2 bedroom, short tej*m availablility $325.00 rfr'onth, security, deposit and references. 312-894-5182. 8-29-8- 3ic To Sublet in McHenry, Garden Quarter apts, 2 bedroom, 2 baths, $297.00 plus security deposit. Pets and kids ok. Immediate occupancy. Call 815-344-2803 or 815-344-3160. 8- 29-8-31C n _ • SPUING GROVE 3 bedroom rffcuse. $350 month plus security' cfesft.' tjfilfti6s.'M5-344-3454. u< 8-29-8-31C WONDER LAKE September to June, 3 bedrooms furnished $325. We pay utilities. Children welcome. No pets. Call 312-383- 3287. 8-29-8-31C 2 BEDROOM furnished home, ideal for teacher in Wonder Lake, access to RTA. Call after 4 or on weekends. 312-774-6276. 8-29-8-31C MALL OFFICES, IN pHenry, new, clean, neat, hiirtdy, $95. month, 2nd office $$9. month. 815-344-1183. 8-ltfc HOUSE FOR RENT "^Jdhnsburg area and schools. 3 bedrooms 1 'A baths, ((•basement, 2 car garage, family rm„ fireplace on Vi I acre with rights to water. No , lease, $425 a mo. includes .utilities - one months security deposit required. Call 312-639-3939 - o,344-1244 Now taking applications for new apartments. 'Located at 4005 Lillian St., City of McHenry. 2 bedrooms with 1 or l'/i bcrfhs, carpeted, all ap pliances. Ideal tor [retired, semi-retired or older people. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. Call for^ Appointment. ) t 815-344-1632 or i 815-385-6566 e n. MODERN OFFICE SPACE For lease, available im mediately. Up to 1,500 sq. ft. Fully air conditioned and car peted. Office suites start at $100. per month, including utilities. 815-728-0404 7/25TF WHISPERING OAKS, two bedroom house with basement and garage $400.00 plus security deposit. 815-385-9361 or 385-8441. - 8-29tfc IMMACULATE 2 bedroom house $275 month, yard with garden,_ no pets, security deposit, references. 815-344- 1699 8-29-8-31c 4 BEDROOM RAISED RAN CH, Johnsburg, 1M; baths, built ins, attached 2 car garage. Available September l, $400 month. Deposit required, would like long term. 312-587-0200 or eves. 815-344-2731. 8-29-8-31C New 3 bedroom house Wonder Lake, area $350. per month, references required, no pets, 1100 sq. ft. fully carpeted. 385- 5610 1 8-24-8-31C 5 BEDROOM NEW HOME, 2 baths, family room, dish washer, disposal, attached garage, x>* acre lot $500. 815-728- 0131 8-24tfc Spacious 4 bedroom, on wooded lots, one block from lake $475. 815-653-3056. 8-24-8-31C K of C Hall for rent, 1304 N. Park, McHenry, 344-2587 or 385- 2190. ' 8-8-8-3 lc For rent, 3 bedroom with family room, 2 car garage 815- 459-5820 or 455-3091 references required $480.00 month. 8-22tfc 3 bedroom house for rent $325.00 month, one month security deposit and referen ces. 815-385-1079. 8-ltfc Apartments for rent, one 2 bedroom apartment; one 2 room apartment; Also one efficiency apartment. 815-385- 1079. 8-ltfc 2Mj ROOMS, use as store office. Utilities included. 653-9824 or 385-8543 . 8-8-8-31C , * JOHNSBURG-Barn with concrete floor approximately 1300 sq. ft. on first floor, 1100 sq. ft. on second floor. 815-385-1268. 8-ltfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9 to 12 weekdays or after 6pm. 8-l tfc COCOA BEACH FiORlO^ Lper ik 1 bedroom con dominium apartment on the ocean. Poolside. By week or month. Call after 5 pm 815-385-0282 CONDOMINIUM-Located in town close to trains, shopping, ahd schools. 2 bedrooms, l'/2 baths, all appliances included. Sliding glass doors to balcony. Swimming pool. Asking $350.00 per hionth. 385-7050. 8-3tfc IN JOHNSBURG school district, 3 bedroom house on orfeacre. 3 car garage, security deposit and references r^quiM. 815-459-4700 or 312- 639-3155 8-24-8-29 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE 720 to 1440 Sq. Ft. 385-8180 McHENRYWORTHMOOR ESTATES New 3 bedroom, 3 bath raised ranch with central air, finished family room, dishwasher, disposal, eat in kitchen, deck off dining room. Rent with op tion. $600. per month, full rent goes toward down payment. Credit check, security deposit and references required. Homes by Patricia 459-7177 8 22-9/14 • WANTED TO OtWT WANTED TO RENT: Modern two bedroom house with at tached garage in quiet neigh borhood. Must have fenced yard for elderly pet. Good references. 815-385-4069. 8-22tfc MARRIED COUPLE with a pet looking to rent country home or farm house with room to roam around. Cary Area. For around $300.00. negotiable. Excellent references Oct. 1st. occupancy. 815-597-2061. 8-29tfc WANTED CROP LAND, cash rent or shares 815-344-0663 8- ltfc MOTHER OF 2 looking for female to share apt. with 344- 0466. 8-24-8-3lc HAPW BMTHOAV IQATt * MOTOftT" PETS FOR SALE HAPPY 40th JUDYNETT LOVE, YOUR KIDS HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY SUE! I LOVEYOU JIM HAPPY 16th Jim Slow Down HAPPY 18th "NENNEITPRINCE Love, Poppy-Chops, Momskovich, UGS, Loom, Pea-Roy & Dirties HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDDA ... Guess Who? 1979 7.5 Chrysler outboard motor must sell. Best offer, only used few times, works great. 312-497-3381. 8-17-8-29C 1977 PONTOON BOAT 55 hp Evinrude, all furniture, bar, ice box, equipment included. 344- 1717, -- 8-29-8-31C l8it. CENTURY RESORTER 215 HP good condition. $1J _ 318 cubic inch Chrysler Marine^ engine with taragon tran smission $500. 815-385-1656. 8- 29-9-7C 15 ft. SHELL LAKE Fiberglass boat with 85 hp Johnson Out: board motor. Stored inside in Winter. Excellent condition $1200.815-459-1497 . 8-29-8-31C A BLACK BEAUTY SS 160, 17 ft., slick craft, with 100 H. Johnson outboard comes with EZ loader trailer, ski equip ment, like new with extras and ready to launch $3,000.00. Call after 5pm. 312-766-3674. 8-29tfc WANTED: SHORE STATION for boat, 3600 lb. capacity. Phone 312-469-4664 evenings. 8- 29-9-7C PET COLUMN WANTED PUPPIES 6-8 weeks old, good homes guaranteed, also we buy Poodle or Schnauzer mixed pups. 815-385- 7897 8-ltfc FOUND: Black and white female cat, completely declawed, vicinity of Rustic Harbor. 815-455-4761. 8-29 LOST JOHNSBURG AREA, pointer mix, black and white, male. 815-385-8258. 8-29 F O U N D G E R M A N SHEPHERD, male, ap proximately 6 month, black and tan. Very good disposition. 815- 344-3808. 8-29 Handsome black and rust Doberman puppies. Dew claws, tails, wormed. $75.00 and up. 815-653-9093. 1 8-17-8-31C CANARIES FOR SALE. 385- 4058. 8-29-8-3lc Two female and1 1 male Yorkshire Terriers born July l2th, AKC papers, tails cropped -«nd- dew clawed, very cute. $175.00 815-678-4243. 8-29-8-31C HOftSfS HORSES-FIELD HUNTER 17.2 app, gelding, always in ribbons, gentle giant, must be seen $1800; 4 yr. old Anglo Arab gelding 15.3 green hunter $400; 2 yr. old filly 15.3 Anglo Arab, bred to jump, a real beauty $400. Both dark bay blacksock. 815-648-2570. 8-29-8-31C 10X10 BOX STALLS TURN OUT, IF DESIRED mm DAILY CRAM •LAME OUTDOOR MOHK MEM HER 60'X108' MOOR ARENA HAR6E F0AUR6 STALL AVAILABLE I ARENA AVAILABLE IY THE I VISITORS WELCfMK RAJA ACRES 8417 REGNER RD., HEBRON, IL. 8156484012 E/I-TFI ^American Viewpoints REWARD LOST 5HEPHERD Her name is "Christ!" and is friendly. 10 years old. Black & tan with gray flecks on her back and muzzle. Lost on Lincoln Road, east of McHenry drive in theatre. Call Chttkniato KMMIS 815-385-9378 or Ed Hansen 815-943-5462 8/2V-6/3) Next in importance to freedom and justice is popular education, without which neither freedom nor justice can be permanently maintained James A Garfield The National Society to Prevent Blindness, in con junction with the International Year of the Child, warns parents that^re^schoolers should have a vision test -- in time to catch a condition known as lazy eye, which could otherwise result in permanent vision loss. Write Lazy Eye Alert, National Society to Prevent Blindness, 79 Madison Avenue, New York, N Y. 10016 Fencing Sale CAM Of THANKS TO ALL MY FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS: Many thanks for gifts, flowers, cards and all kindnesses shown during my recent inactivity. Special thanks to the nurses at McHenry Hospital. Philip M. Thennes 8-29-8-31c WANTED TO SUV ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED. We pay top dollar for your old Oriental rugs. Call 312-884-6444 8-ltfc MOVING? Breaking up housekeeping? Will buy antique furniture, china, glassware' etc., 815-678-4141. 8-8-8-31C WANTED: 4 to 6 inch metal turning lathe and bench model drill press call 815-344-0972 after 5pm. 8-29-8-31c mCANT PBOPtRTV LOT 80x150, Wonderview Subdivision, in Wonder Lake, complete with perc and survey. Surrounding lots selling for $9,000. Make offer, will sacrifice. 653-9422 . 8-22-8-31C 2 LOTS FOR SALE OR LEASE Zone commercial, light factory by owner. 4105 E. Wonder Lake Road. 653-9824 or 385-8543. 8-8- 8-3 lc LOT FOR SALE 65 x 165 at McCullom Lake. By owner offer. 312-678-8814 after 5pm. 8- 29-8-30C > SELL THOSE NO LONGER NEEDED ITEMS WITH A CLASSIFIED AD 50% off chain link outfit. * Protect your children, pets and property the economical way. Sturdy chain link fencing assures your privacy while it beau tifies your yard and enhances the value of your property *'Sale includes wire fabric, toprail, line posts, loop caps, aluminum tie wires. End gate*corner posts and gates are extra. Expert professional installation availableiextra i.ordo ityourselfandsave. C all us today for your free estimate. Many fence heights are on sale. FREE ESTIMATE COUPON Mail or bring in coupon to your nearest Wards store for a free fencing estimate. Name Address City Best time to call Phone number Fixing up? See us. USE WARDS CHARGALL CREDIT /V\OM K .( )/VU l\Y IWND Crystal Lake STORE HOURS: MM. thru Fri. 10 un. tot pin. Saturday 1:30 un. to S p.*. Sunday 11 MR. to Spm SPECIAL HOLIDAY HOURS Smdn A Monday (labor Oay) 10*5 1 AC M,n>L| , .1 >>• - fr iu9 ™ui iRwiu nvRwy Route 14 Pkona 815459-3120 FREE PARKING from H/STORV'S SCRAPBOOK DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS August 30, 1830 -- Horse-powered locomotives abandoned in favor of steam. August 31, 1886 -- Charleston, South Carolina is jolted by the first major earthquake to hit the U.S. September 1, 1807 -- Former Vice President Aaron Burr is acquited of treason charges. September 2, 1789 -- The U.S. Department of the Treasury is established by Congress. September 3,1783 -- Revolutionary War ends. September 4,1957 -- State troopers bar nine black students from entering Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. September 5,1882 -- First labor Day parade. h*I PAGE 13 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 29,1»7r*' Medical Payment Legislation* -- Governor Thompson ap^ proved legislation Tuesday, to! allow the state to stop doing ; business with vendors who have violated state public aid ! or federal medical assistance ! regulations. > Thompson said, i "We .can now move quickly ; against those shoddy operators of nursing homes and in other areas of medicare services who i thumb their noses at the law ; and still collect their fees.'"! House Bill 637 was sponsored by Senator Roger Keats of Winnetka, and Rep. William j Kempiners of Joliet. . WHAT S NEW . Outlet Safe Small, inexpensive hide away place for valuables can be easily installed in any wall where, believe it or not, it looks exactly like an ordinary electric outlet. Black Representative The first black congressman in the House of Representatives was Joseph Hayne Rainey of George town, South Carolina. He served for 10 years after being selected to fill a vacancy in December 1870. Path Widening If you take a close look at the things that are considered good, clean fun these days, it's obvious that the straight and narrow path has become much wider. V, SUBSCRIBE To The McHenry Plaindealer And Save $7.30 Over Newstand Price FILL OUT AND MAI|. OR BRING TO: MCHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St.. McHenry. III. 60050. with ck«ck or money order for $13.50 for one yeai subscription within McHenry County. NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP MONEY BACK GUARANTEE FOR UNUSED PORTION" , LUNCH & SERVING ALL U.S.D.A. PRIME MEATS LUNCHEON SPECIALS Tuesday Thru Friday Join Us For FISH FRY BRUNCH Every Friday Every Sunday OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! KIDS $5.95 $*95 CHAPEL HILL'S SUNDAY EVENING Serving 3:30 8:30 pm ALL YOU CAN EAT! •Main Entre •Cold Table •Dessert Table BUFFET DINNER LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Friday.. PETE CARTER at the PIANO Saturday. PIZZI MUSH KITCHEN CLOSED MONDAY-GOLF COURSE & BAR OPEN CHAPEL HILL GOLF CLUB 2500 N Chapel Hill Rood Q McHenry I l l inois FOR INFORMATION SERVING ALL USDA Prime Meats Boaters Welcome (815) 385-0333 CHICAGO (312) 451-0277 GOLF CLUB HERE'S A DOLLAR. SPEND IT ALL IN ONE PLACE. [Krrmimniia 50* OFF ON A DOZEN DONUTS 'with this coupon) This offer good only at participating Dunkin' Donuts shops from Monday. Aug. 27th thru^J Sunday, Sept. 2nd. (Limit 2 dozen) 50 C OFF ON A BIG BUNCH BASKET OF 45 MUNCHKINS" ^ _ (with this coupon) This offer good only at participating Dunkin' Donuts shops^ from Monday, Aug. 27th thruf Sunday, Sept. 2nd. (Limtt, 2 Big Bunch Baskets)! From Monday. Aug. 27th thru Sunday, Sept. 2nd, you can take the first half of the coupon above to your participating Dunkin' Donuts shop and get 50' off on a dozen delicious donuts. From Monday, Aug. 27th thru Sunday, Sept. 2nd, you can take the second half and get 50' off on a Big Bunch Basket filled with 45 Munchkins® our equally delicious donut hole treats. So instead of taking a bite out of your dollar, we're giving you a chance to bite back. OUNKIN' DONUTS 4504 W. Illinois Rt. 120fM~iMlJT^ >•"< W. Illinois Rt. McHenry ™ , McHenry Only at Participating Dunkin' Donuts Shopt. 120 I