PA i> INDEALER - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29,197t Tax Help Year Around Are you one of those who enjoys doing things yourself, inplpding your own federal income tax return? If so, you m^y already know that whether you're a once-a-year F o r j n 1 0 4 0 A f i l e r , o r - a businessperson concerend about taxes all year 'round, you can get tax help from the In ternal Revenue service whenever you need it, and in ju$t. about any form or facet. For example, every tax package sent out at the end of the year comes with a set of instructions that can usually answer most of your tax questions. The wise taxpayer reads the instructions and keeps them handy all year long. Then there are 90 free IRS publications offering more comprehensive information on almost any tax subject you can think of: chiild and dependent care, benefits for Older Americans, business expenses, moving expenses, medical and d e n t a l d e d u c t i o n s , depreciation, sale of a home, jobs tax credit, etc. A coupon for ordering the publications is attached to every tax package. Of course, you can also order any of these by writing to your IRS office. Probably the most con venient form of taxpayer assistance is the IRS toll-free numbers. Most taxpayers in the U.S. can phone without long distance charges, even if the IRS office is hundreds of miles away, IRA tax assistors are available to answer most of your tax questions, and to send you tax forms and free IRS publications. A computer system called IDRS (that's short for Integrated Data Retrieval System) lets tax assistors answer within minutes questions about your current account with IRS or questions about why you got a certain bill or have not received your refund. Toll-free numbers are listed in the tax package or in your local phone directory. The IRS also has a TTY toll- free number for deal and rwrfl'n Automotive values. Sale ends Sat., Sept. 1 f rjrrjrrrrj riji j •' > 1 F f f f f f ' * \ \zrnmmmc Save $7-*10 Glass-belted. • 2 rugged glass belts help protect against impact, puncture damage • 2 polyester cord body plies de liver smooth, comfortable rides Twin Guard TUBEI.ESS RKGULAR SAI.K Pl.US KLACKWALL PRICE PRICE K.E.T. SIZE EACH EACH EACH A78-13 $35 $27 1.74 E78-14 $43 $36 2.21 F78-14 $46 $38 2.34 G78-14 $50 $40 2.53 H78-14 $52 $42 2.76 A78-15 $37 $28 1.89 G78-15 $51 $41 2.59 H78-15 $53 $44 2.82 , L78-15 $56 $47 3.11 NOTRADK IN NKKDKI) Whitewall*. $4 i Sale ends September 11. Affordable bias 4-ply. A78-13 tubele** " • ™ • black wall; plus • M W $1.62 f.e.t. ea. • Full 4-ply polyester cord body for durability and smooth riding • Modern "78 series" tread design • Quality for budget-conscious drivers $60-$100 off 4. Glass-belted radial whitewalls. • 2 impact-resistant glass belts • 2 radial polyester cord plies Runabout 4-ply TUBj^jpSS EVERDAY LOW PRICE EACH PLUS EA*£li A78-13 $19 1.62 B78-13 $23 1.73 D78-14 $28 1 93 E78-14 $30 2 10 F78-14 $31 2.22 G78-14 $34 2.38 5.60-15 $25 1 66 G78-15 $34 2.44 H78-15 $36 2.66 NO TRADE-IN NEEDED Road Tamer Radial TUBELESS WHITEWALL SIZE ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTE SIZE" REGULAR PRICE EACH SALE PRICK EACH PLUS F.E.T. EACH P195/70R13 BR70-13 $58 $43 2.25 P205/70R14 ER70-14 $70 $51 2.52 P215/70R14 FR70-14 $76 $57 2 69 P225/70R14 GR70-14 $80 $60 2.83 P235/70R14 HR70-14 $88 $66 2.97 P225/70R15 GR70-15 $85 $63 2.97 P235/70R15 HR70-15 $89 $68 3.22 , P245/70R15 LR70-15 $99 $74 3 56 NO TRADE-IN NEEDED 'Chtrk vehicle recommendations when replacing tires Sale ends September 11. 16-oz. Value. Nu finish™, the once- a-year car polish. Helps to protect Reg. price, the average car's Q 99 finish for 1 year, !Nu vinyl. Wards price, 2.98 Limit 16. Save 11% Popular nonresistor AC4 spark plug. I m p r o v e s g a s m i l e a g e a n d C starting power.- 4 1.19 resistor-type plug, 99' auto body repair kit Save 31% Our do-it-yourself auto body repair kit. 2" Regularly 4.39 Helps you make profes sional looking repairs. 4.95 dolly 3.88 ' 3.79 und block 2.88 S.89 dent puller 4.88 ** VV Wards electronic ^ \ wheel balancing-- 27% off. Radials? Team 'em up with Ra-30's. 1097 Xm Each in pairs. Regularly 17.99 Bigger, stronger than most original shocks. 30mm piston and extra large fluid reservoir f o r c o m f o r t , s t a b i l i t y . Low-co*t installation. Fit most US car*. Installed free. k i CI . 1 A WAV IS ( old Crank Amp* J.'K :t.V» . 7 1 .1*0 J7K 170 Sizes to fit most US cars. Save J07 Anti-corrosion treat ment available, extra. Free cable inspection. Heavy-duty "48" is maintenance free. Add no more water under A 3ft normal oper. conditions. •• . J. Vr exchange Reg. 53.95 •) helps tires last longer. •20 Set of 4. Transmission oil and Bier change. Most US cars. Labor only. 1988 /VU )M( ,( )/VU k'Y so FOB YOUR CONVENIENCE TIC MHO SERVICE IS OPEN 7 MVS A WEEK MOD. tN™ WL I* •. to 9 Satf 5 SPECMLM0LI1MY HOURS Siwdijf * Hwdg (labor toy) 10 5 Crystal Lake 105 Norttiwost Hiftiway Rout* 14 Phon# 815-459-6450 FREE PARKING hearing-impaired persons, using regular phone lines and a TTY (consisting of a keyboard and a television screen or hard copy printer) hearing-impaired persons can get answers to their questions. The toll-free number for all states except Indiana is 800-423-4732. Indiana residents should call 800-382- 4059. If your problem cannot be handled over the phone, the IRS tax assistor may ask you to visit the IRS office near year. The IRS assists the owners of small businesses, too. IRS Publication 334, "Tax Guide for Small Business", and the "Your Business Tax Kit" contain comprehensive in formation for the small businessperson. The Tax Kit is sent to every business person who applies for an employer identification number, and contains instructions, tax forms and a tax planner. Periodic IRS workshops in struct business persons in how the IRS works, the basics of filing a tax return and recor dkeeping. To find out the time and place of workshops in your area, call the IRS toll-free number. VALUE FORUM •••••• realizing the worth of your possessions^ Tell And Learn Telling your kids the facts of life is one way of finding out what they are these days. Do You Value Yaur By, Dexter D. MacBride, ASA Executive Vice President A mericanSociety of Appraisers Your trees, shrubs and other landscape plants are a valuable investment -- an investment that grows. They contribute to the value of your property. As a home owner you may not realise that, if these items are damaged oradestroyed through a casualty event, you may be eligible to collect a casualty loss from an insurance com pany or deduct the loss from your federal income taxes. Generally, the ^damage must haye been caused by an identifiable event of sudden, unexpected or unusual nature. For the purposes of tax claims this can include mis haps that might come with wind or ice storms, lightning or floods, accidents such as a ear running into a tree, or a wide range of other occur rences. Most insurance policies, however, are somewhat more restrictive, and contain a Traas And Shrubs? provision that the company will be liable for loss to trees, shrubs, plants and lawris when loss is caused by fire, light ning, explosion, riot, civic ' commotion, malicious mis' chief, theft, aircraft, or vehicle not operated by an occupant of the premises. In other words, if your trees or landscape plants suffer a casualty, avenues that may be open to you for the re covery of their financial worth are -.Insurance Coverage, Income Tax Deduction, or Civil Damage Claim. What are the steps you should take for recovery if you sustaiifsuch a loss? 1. An important step is to take pictures of your land-' scape plantings, now, while they are healthy. 2. Then, if a casualty occurs, take others imme diately following the damage. These "before and after" photographs will be important evidence of the loss. 3. Consult your insurance policy to determine the amount and kind of coverage it provides. If you are still not sure whether or not your specific damage is included, contact your insurance agency or representative. 4. If the casualty is cover ed by insurance, have your agent arrange for an appraisal to be made by a competent tree or landscape professional 5. If the casualty loss is not covered by your home owners' insurance, or the amount of the loss is greater • than the maximum provided in your policy, U.S. treasury regulations permit a tax de duction for non-business casualty losses to landscape trees and shrubs. 6. When the casualty results from action by an Outside party, compensation is often available from the responsible individual, cor poration or governmental agency. Legal counsel may be needed, and a competent appraisal by a professional tree or landscape consultant will be critical to establish the full extent of the loss. For a free pamphlet, "The ~ Tree Casualty Puzzle," write: The American Society of Appraisers, Dulles Int'l. Airport, P.O. Box 17265, Washington, D.C. 20041. . 2Q11 \̂l\lekt R̂oute. 120 tf/fontxA 60050 344-3979 HOME PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE SAVE with In-Store Discounts! UP TO 20% OFF ON DRY CLEANING Sept. Specials $4.99 for 3 coats and/or jackets $3.99 for any 3 pair of pants (olfer expires Sept. 30) Colleen's Question Gas Attendants Are Human Will you please say something nice about gas station attend ants? My boyfriend puts up with angry drivers every day without a word of thanks. They scream at him because the prices are high and they, don't stop to realize he's getting paid pennies for putting up with their gripes. Molly Dear Molly' Here's your letter -- I hope it helps. Hats off to those gas pumpers who are the brunt of the motorists' frustration. (If you would like Colleen's comments on your problem or situation, write COLLEEN, Box 639, Frankfort, Ky. 40602.) • JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE • JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE • JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET MERCHANDISE CLEARANCE CENTER A DIVISION OF JEWEL Mon.,Tu»s. 9 a.m. • 5 p.m. DIRECT MARKETING W«d., Thurs., Fri. 301 W. Virginia St. 9 a.m. • 8 p.m. CRYSTAL LAKE Sat. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 815-455-0333 Sun. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Sale Days Wed., Aug. 29 Thru Tues., Sept. 4 --While Quantities Last-- SALE We are having a GIANT Clearance Sale in our hardline departments. Check the list below for the departments that are included in this sale. This is NOT a storewide sale. Only departments shown below. SUMMER OUTDOOR ITEMS . Lawn Furniture, Tents, Grills, Pools, etc. HOUSEWARES DEPT. Appliances, Cookware, Dishes, Glasses, etc. FLOOR CARE DEPT. Vacuum Cleaners, Floor Polishers, and Sweepers ELECTRONIC DEPARTMENT Radios, Stereos, Phonos, Calculators, etc. INDOOR FURNITURE Tables, Lamps, Mirrors, Clocks, Planters, etc. TOY DEPARTMENT Games, Dolls, Skateboards, Trucks, etc. GIFTWARE Candles, Knick-Knacks, Gifts, etc. JEWELRY COUNTER Watches, Jewelry, Rings, etc. OUR DISCOUNT PRICE 40% DISCOUNT APPLIES TO ITEMS IN THE ABOVE LISTED DEPARTMENTS ONLY. DISCOUNTS TAKEN AT THE REGISTER. Make Jewel MCC Your Back to School - Headquarters For Kids Clothes We Will Be Open Monday, Labor Day With A Special 'One Day Only' Special 6 Hours Only 9 A.M. TO 3 P.M. Giant Storewide Sale (Socks, underwear, batteries 8e gum not included) This Sale Monday, Labor Day, Sept. 3 Only 50% OFF CATALOG 0UVLET STORE • JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE • JEWEl CATALOG OUTLET STORE r i