ft-'-- : r • \ . . . . ;*r " - ".:t. -,y:- . . ' : MHfH| . ~ rocks 0p°" 1 ' tnos Sole effective S "ArtyfwJ" raaas ^tSS»eiiS So when th\NK Price* £•«««••• * i . •• MMIkt SMMTWki Hornsby s Shirts Collection 30% OFF Mm'I David Winter Sport Shirts .35% OFF Men's Chambray Shirts Salt c 30% OFF Men's Flannel Shirts Comfortable polyester/ cotton blond sport shirts in assorted solids, checks and tone on tones. Famous label, sizes S to XL. Reg. 10.96. Blue chambray shirts are the fashion -- utility shirts I Easy care cotton bland. NOW at Horns* by's SUPER LOW 5.121 Man's sixes S to XL. Rag. B.96. Flannel shirts are a I MUST for ovary man wardrobe I 100% cottc flannel, asst. plaids. I Sixes S to XL. Reg. 6.96. 21%OFF i'f irchiefs Sal* ockag* of 3 lull zed white handker chiefs in perma-press cotton. Reg. 1.17 Entire Una of Men's Ties 40% OPP All styles, widths, col and textures to cho< from. Rag. 1.37 to S.H. 4400W.RTE. RTE.47 A COUNTRY CLVB RD. W009ST0CK M ---- All new sharp fall styles to choose from in bright color combinations. Sizes 7-14. Reg. 17.93, 19.96 and 20.96. . 20% OFF Olds' Novelty Print Swentshirts Long sleeve sweatshirts feature crew neck and novelty screen prints. Sixes 4-16. Reg. 4.93. C. 20% OFF ALL OIRL'S Robes SAVE 20°/. Girls' robes, sixes 4-14, available in polyester quiltsf and fleeces. Prints or sajlds. Women's MESS SHOES 11 00 SAVE 3.11 Rag. 14.99. A captivating Fall fashion I Beautifully styled with smartly gathorod front. Atop self-covered heels. Women's sixes. Wtm'i LOW-CUT DRESS BOOTS 16" MVE4.il Reg. 20.99. An elegant, sophisticated look to livon up your wardrobe. With han dsome, self-laced drawstring. Atop stacked heals. Women's sixes. Men's HEAVY MTY BOOTS 29" SAVE fcVER $10. Rag. 39.99. Heavy duty con struction In quality' boots for tho active man. Fully insulated leather uppers are water- resistant. Gusset front. On oH- reslstontlug tales. Men's sixes. : Men's INSULATED SUEDE LEATHER NHUN0 BOOTS 28" SAVE 6.11 Rag. 34.99. Rugged, quality hiking boots aro goarod for tho great outdoors. Suede leather uppers aro insulatod for war mth. On thick lug soles. Men's sixes. 25% OFFGirls'Underoos®' 2Pc UnderwenrSet 54 S«l« W SET Girls' Underoos® -the underwear that's fun to wear I Choose from Wonder Woman® , Veronica® , Si;per Girl® , and morel 2 pc. set reg. 4.73. Sixes X-Small to Large (2-14). Boys' or girls' bib overalls available in assorted colors. Sixes 12-13-24 months. Reg. 3.96. Boys' flannel shirts available in assortod plaids . Roa. 4.93. and colors. Sixes 2-4. Farm Bureau Offers Treats " . * • A new program idea by the McHenry County Farm Bureau promises great taste and good food buys. McHenry County Farm reau has contacted various sources and has chosen the best in terms of quality and price to offer all residents fresh frozen fruits. - ; . Complete rundown on the products available and prices can be obtained from the Farm Bureau office. OD What Just One Person Can Do BESBSS "The Lord is my Shepherd" The problem of suffering is one of the toughest to un derstand and discuss in telligently. As a priest for nearly 20 years, I know that a person in pain or in trouble is not in the mood for theological lectures. However, a wrong idea about suffering can cause no end of confusion in one's efforts to cope with life. I'd like to share an insight with you. There is in many people an unconscious belief that God rewards piety with worldly success. Not so, at least not as a rule. If this were true, how is it that Jesus died on a cross as a common criminal? The Sermon on the Mount speaks of per secution, hungering and thirsting for justice, etc., as fundamental to the Christian life. How then could this be? The opinion that worldly success is a sign of God's blessing leads to the thought that poverty or sickness is a sign of His disfavor and this is totally erroneous. " It all developed as part of Christian tradition in the writings of a young disciple of St. Augustine named Orosius. As a history scholar Orosius was given the task of writing a universal history of the world. His aim was to show how paganism led to corruption and failure. The persecuting em perors met early and terrible deaths and the Christian em perors won military victories with ease. His approach resembled Old Testament thinking, where God fights the battles of the just and David slays Goliath. There is truth in it, but it needs cireful ex planation: The faith of Islam is steeped in the same idea, and so are many of the primitive religions of the world. Success equals favor. The more one delves into it, the more apparent it becomes that this over-simplification has crept into human thinking from the beginning, even when animals were "appeased" by rituals designed to maintain good relations with the spirit world. We are dealing with deep feelings and ancient thought patterns when we approach the problem of suffering. I have only one message for those who live with an unnamed fear that God has turned against them, either because of pain or failure. It is this. God is un changing love. He loves you with the same infinite love when you are on top as He does wheq you are down and out; the same; divine mercy is given when you are robust and full of vigor.as when you are weak and in fragile health. He is im mutable, unchanging, constant in His love. When things start going bad, get hold of your thoughts and believe in the God of love. Where God is, love is. For a free copy of the Christopher News Notes, "Prayer," send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to The Christophers, 12 E. 48th St., New York, NY 10017. You Know It Confidence has been described as that quiet, absolutely assured feeling you have just before you fall flat on your face. Fifty-five miles-per-hour, the maximum legal speed, is x>d for gas mileage. Forty- ve is even better. Don't expect to save much at speeds below thirty, how ever, because your car will likely be in a lower gear, where gas consumption is highest. Stay in the 45 to 55 mph range as highway conditions permit and you will get good fuel usage. I.: .. . .., i. . H; - * < 44.