am or THANKS FOR RENT WANTED CARD OF THANKS My family and I would lika to thonk everyone for all th« acts of ktndnoM shown to us while I was In the hospital following my Occident and also at horn* recuperating. We would like to name each individually, but there are too many-we do however have a special place inour hearts for all of you. God Bless You ROBERT VOGT ' . - 9/26 FM KENT For Rent, one bedroom house, gas heat, no pets. $225.00 month. 815-344-1183 agent. 9-26- 9-28c WANTED FEMALE to share house on 7 acres, bring your horse. 338-7343 9-26-10-5c WOMAN WITH 2 teenagers wanting to share home with female. References and security deposit. 653-9358, Call mornings. 9-26-9-28c 2 BEDROOM HOUSE in McHenry $300 month plus utilities, security deposit. 815- 385-1489 9-26-9-28c NEW 3 BEDROOM HOUSE- Lakeland Park $400 month plus utilities. Security deposit. 815- 385-1489 9-26-9-28C NEW 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Johnsburg $500 month plus utilities, security deposit. 815- 385-1489 9-26-9-28C FOR RENT 3 bedroom home with yard and basement. $375 month. Available October 1st. 815-344-1329 9-26-9-28C GENTLEMAN WANTED TO SHARE, accomodations of home in McHenry, fireplace, air conditioning, etc. $200 month, security deposit required. Nonsmoker preferred, garage available. Oct. 1st occupancy. 815-385- 2233 9-26-9-28c WONDER LAKE, semi fur nished house, ideal for couple $240. 815-653-6741 or 653-7676. 9- I6-9-28C * .. ! Now taking applications for now apartments. Located at 4005 Lillian St., City of McHenry. 2 bedrooms with 1 or 1% baths, carpeted, all ap pliances. Ideal for retired, semi-retired or older people. IMMIMATE OCCUPANCY. Call for ap pointment. •15-344-1432 or >15-355-4544 9/5TF Pregnant, iNEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT OFFKX OPEN FROM 9 To 11 A.M. AND FROM 7 To 9 P.M. MON thru FRI. 24 HOUR MSNERIM SERVICE 815-385-2999 IN CRYSTAL LAKE. Small 2 bedroom home near lake. $275 month plus utilities. Security deposit required, 1 year lease, no pets. Call 815-943-7707. 9-21- 9-28c RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY. Exceptionally nice 2 bedroom home, attached garage, full basement, wooded lot, all appliances, McHenry < area. $375.00 per month with 1 month security deposit. ^Available? immediately. 728- 1412". 9-21-9-28C TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX, full basement, yard, off street parking in Harvard. $215.00 call 815-385-3490 9-26-9-28c VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-386-9860 from 9 to 12 weekdays or after 6pm. 9- 5tfc Waters Edge Condo 2 bedroom, 2 baths, carpeted, air con ditioned, stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, water softener, covered patio, attached garge $350.00 per month. No pets,- references, security deposit, one year lease required. 815- 385-6165. 9-21-9-26 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Convenient in town location. $300.00 month 815-385-4646 or 385-2352. 9-19tfc Office in McHenry, good location, air conditioned, all utilities furnished $95.00 Call 815-385-3490. 9-12tfc McHenry, quiet, maintenance free, 4 bedroom ranch with garage, basement, family room, $450.00 815-385-2523 after 5, or 312-541-3220 anytime. 9-12- 9-28C PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE 720 to 1440 Sq. Ft. 385-8180 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, No children, no pets, $280.00 per month plus security deposit. 815-385-7065. 9-26-9-28c MCHENRY COUNTRY CLUB section. Private-coach house, 1 bedroom apartment, carpeted, air conditioned, large sun deck, single person preferred. $300 per month, utilities included. Security deposit. 815-385-8470. 9-26-9-28C ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED apartment for mature adults. All utilities included. Con venient in town location. 815- 385-6566. 9-26tfc Available October 1st 3 room furnished apartment mature adults, no pets, all utilities $175.00 month. 815-653-4627. 9- 26-9-28C Room mate wanted to share large apartment $150.00 month. Call Kathy for interview. 815- 728-1243. 9-26-9-28C COUNTRY LIVING IN CITY, 2 bedroom aluminum sided on 2 lots permanent screen house. Trees, garden pool IV2 car garage, automatic opener city sewers, walking distance to stores, Call 385-5172 for appt. 9- 26-9-28c 1 BEDROOM HOUSE for rent. $250.00 per month plus utlities. 815-385-7171. 9-26 5 BEDROOM NEW HOME, 2 baths, family room, dish washer, disposal, attached garage, Vfe acre lot. $500. 815- 728-0131 9-5tfc MODERN OFFICE SPACE For lease, available im- 1 mediately. Up to 1,500 sq. ft. Fully air conditioned and car peted. Office suites start at $100. per month, including utilities. _ 815-728-0404 FOR LEASE 3,OCX) sq. ft. of prime business space. For retail or wholesale use. Located in McHenry's busiest shopping area. Appointment Only 385-4949 COACH HOUSE Deluxe 2 story coach house. Pistakee Bay front estate. 4 rooms, large yard, patio, gas grill, boat docking privileges. Very private with beautiful views of Bay. Couple preferred, no pets, references and lease required. $395. Call 385-2518 QUALITY MOTORHOME, 30 foot Diplomat, sleeps 9, rent by day or week. Reserve now for summer vacation. Richmond area. 815-675-6356. - 9-5tfc JOHNSBURG-Barn with concrete floor approximately 1^00 sq. ft. on first floor, 1100 sq. ft. on second floor. 815-385-1268. 9-5tfc WAREHOUSE OR FACTORY SPACE from 5,000 to 15,000 ft. 815-385-1079. 9-5tfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS for mature adult men. 815-385- 0266 or 385-8905. 9-5tfc ~ ^ For Rent, 3 bedroom with family room two car garage. 815-459-5820 or 455-3091 references required. $480. month. • 9-5tfc ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED We also buy entire estates. Highest Prices Paid. Call Mark Anderson 312-683-3760. 9-12-10- 19c WANTED TO BUY: U.S. and Foreign Cain Collections and accumulations $50.00 to $50,000. Wonder Lake 815-728-1188 9-19- 9-28C M5VING? Breaking up housekeeping? Will buy antique: furnitue, china, glassware, etc. 815^678-4141. 9-12-10-5C "ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED, we pay top dollar for your old Oriental rugs. Call 312-884-6444. 9-5tfc U.S. SILVER COINS, 1964 and" before, paying at least $6.00 for each. $1.00 face value. 815-344- 1847- - - 9-26-9-28c DELUXE CONDO, Water Edge, McHenry, $375.00 month, no pets, 2 bedroom, plus sitting room, IV2 baths, 1 car garage all appliances included, im mediate occupancy Call after 4:00pm. 312-381-3307. 9-14-9-26C Two bedroom house Wonder Lake Area, October 1st oc cupancy, finished rec room, attached garage $350.00 per month plus utilities, security deposit required, no pets. 312- 381-4803. -, 9-21-9-28C 3 Bedroom Ranch in Crystal Lake $350. mo.-Security 3 Bedroom, 1700 Sq. Ft. Ranch ,-2 car garage, central air $440. mo. t Security CALL_ ABLE REALTY, INC Ron Freund 344-2500 9/26-9/28 UPANTFO TO BFLUT IS LOOKING FOR 3-4 bedroom home in McHenry or Crystal Lake area. Have references. Write McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 Elm Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050, Box SE 8. 9-26-10- 5c WANTED TO RENT Garage- Car Storage. October to April. Johnsburg vicinity. Call 815- 344-0853 9-26-10-5C l MARRIED COUPLE with a pet looking to rent country home or farm house with room to roam around. Cary Area, for around $300. negotiable. Excellent references. Oct. 1st occupancy. 815-597-2061 9-5tfc WANTED TO RENT: Modern two bedroom house with at tached garage in quiet neigh borhood. Must have fenced yard for elderly pet. Good references. 815-385-4069 9-5tfc OFFICE SPACE 250 Sq. Ft. Call Ron Freund 815-344-2500 SITUATION UMHTTO WILL DO BABYSITTING in my licensed home, for children two year or older. Foxridge area. 344-0654. 9-21-10-3c BOOKKEEPING done in my home, 20 years experience in all phases. 385-5172. 9-26-9-28C WILL WATCH your children while you work or shop. 815-344- 1677 . 9-26-9-28C WANTED TO BUV WANTED TO BUY: Large insulated dog house for large Collie. Call after 4pm. 815-385- 7560 9-26-9-28C WILL DO general housework, have own transportation. 815- 385-4448. 9-26-9-28C SITUATION WANTED- LICENSED DAY CARE-full time only. 815-344-3309. 9-12-9- 31c WOULD YOU BELIEVE? Dinners Under $3.00 Early Bird Specials 4 to 7 Every Evening *Our Regular Menu Also Available TOT BANQUET FACILITIES UP TO 300 Phone (815) 338 6550 R O U T E 1 4 B Y P A S S A T R O U T E 1 2 0 W O O D S T O C K C l o s e d M o n d a y s ncm-ovMPPLES MCINTOSH NOW BEING RICKED* JONATHANS NOW BEING PICKED* RED DELICIOUS... BEGINNING SEPT.29* GOLDEN DELICIOUS-BEGINNING OCT.6* Hasting Until All Are Picked OPEN EVERY DAY 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ORIOLE SPRINGS ORCHARDS 36116 • 128th Street 414/877-2436 Twin Lakes, Wisconsin 53181 Take Hwy. 173 east out of Richmond, turn left at first road going north (Lakeview Road), right at first road going east (128th street) HTlAimi WANTED will do occassional babysitting 815-344-0483 9-26-9-28C LICENSED DAY CARE-full time only. 815-344-3309 9-26-10- 5c LICENSED CHILD CARE, nutritious, natural foods, family atmosphere, full-time preferred. 815-344-2928. 9-26-9- 28c WILL DO BABYSITTING in my home, 2 years and up. Sunnyside area. Phone, 385- 5609. 9-26-9-28C WORK AT HOME. Women will do typing, piece work, etc. at home. Call 815-385-1480 9-26-9- 28c jam Palamino mare 5 years old 15.1 hands, professional trained Western, start at English, excellent health $700.00.» 815- 568-8490 9-26-9-28C PAGE IT-PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 2C, 1979 Representatives Of Colleges At Marian * wjinniiu nsm ww,fKae miwm •UHHTMI HEW VIM'I 4MK FMUK STAU IVMUkftE I MEM MAURI IT TK Ml VtSlUK WEtCWE " MM ACRES 8417 KBU RO, " HEBRON, IL. 81M4M012 KT COLUMN WANTED old, good homes guaranteed, also we buy Poodle or Schnauzer mixed pups. 815-385- 7897. 9-5tfc LOST-REWARD, male cocker Springer Spaniel, reddish gold- reddish brown and white, tan collar, goldish eyes, dark piiik nose. Needs medication, 7 yr. old heartbroken. Lost McHenry area. 815-385-4367 after 6:30 pm. Mon.-Fri. 9-26-9-28c PETS FOB SALE t 4-H NEWS ] 3 CUDDLY TOY COLLIES, $20.00 each. 344-3244 . 9-26-9-28C Miniature Poodle puppies, 6 weeks $75.00. 815-385:7897. 9-26- 9-28C HOMELESS PETS AVAILABLE for adoption. Pure breds, and mixed breeds. $30.00 or less. Includes shots, Veterinary examination, collar, leash, I.D. tag, carrying case for cats. Pet care literature. Open Monday through Saturday. The Animal Shelter Rte. 31, South Elgin 312-697-2880 SELL THOSE NO LONGER NEEDED ITEMS WITH A CLASSIFIED AD LINCOLN CLOVERLEAFS The meeting of the Lincoln Cloverleafs 4-H club was held, at J.C. Bush school in John sburg. For old business, our leader reported that the cookbooks would be ready in October. Our club has been in three parades with our Share-The-Fun act. In the McHenry Fiesta parade we received a second place trophy for the best small float; and in the Johnsburg parade we also received a first place trophy for most humerous. For new business, we set up two committees, one for the window display, and one for promotion day. We then elected the new officers, as follows: parliamentarian, Scott Brough; recreation leaders, Annette Freels, Arden Liotta and Mark Zovonar; federation delegates, Jodie Beutel and Kelly Brough; corresponding secretary, Tanja Cvitkovic; secretary, Sue Malenius; treasurer, Laurie Nank; reporter, Steve Smith; second vice president, Jeanette May; vice president, Debby Griggs and president, Bev Finkbeiner. The meeting was then ad journed and the program began with Jodie Beutel giving her public speaking talk on aging. Sue Malenius then talked about her trip to Hawaii and Scott r THRU OCTOBER SAVE 35% DGI MAR LOOMCRAFTGD WOVGN WOOD eeeei^ | One Del Mar window treatment is worth >a roomful of redecorating. Very, very elegant I Del Mar Loomcrafted® Woven Wood* create# unique and dramatic fashion statement* and add that designer ® touch to every room. Fine yarns I Imported woods I Exquisite pot-j terns I See our complete collection of Del Mar Originals.4 [Commission d Del Mar Original for Your Home. SAVE 35% l| THRU OCTOBER DISTINCTIVE WINDOW FASHIONS "Specialists in Custom Window Treatments" 3 t 12-14 N. Williams St. Downtown Crystal Lake S 459-3065 £ It is that time when college representatives begin their annual visits to high schools to confer with students who might be interested in attending their respective schools. These visits offer the students an op portunity to have questions answered pertaining to academics, facilities, staff, athletics, cost, financial aid and the like. Parents of any student in the area who would be interested in conferring with these representatives are most welcome to attend these sessions at Marian Central: Sept. 28,1 9 a.m., Edgewood college, Madison, Wis.; Oct. 1, 9:30 a.m., North Central college, Naperville; Oct. 3, 1 p.m., Iowa Wesleyan college; Oct. 10, 10:15 a.m., Iowa State universtiy and 1 p.m., Wart- burg college, Waverly, Iowfa; Oct. 11, 9 a.m., Bradley university, Peoria and 10 a.m. St. Ambrose college, Daven port, Iowa; Oct. 17, 9:45 a.m., Coe college, Cedar Rapids Iowa. ids^--» Others dates a^re Oct. 22, 9 a.m., Milwaukee School of Engineering; 10 a.m., Ripon college, Wis., and 1 p.m., Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago; Oct. 30,11 a.m., Regis college, Denver Colo., 1 p.m., Marycrest college, Davenport, Iowa, and 1:30 p.m., College of St. Francis, Joliet; Nov. 15, 1 p.m., Valparaiso university; Nov. 19,9 a.m., Cornell college, Mt. Vernon, Iowa; Nov. 27,9:30 a.m., Millikin university, Decatur; and Nov. 29, 10:45 a.m., Illinois Wesleyan, Bloomington. Brough gave one intitled "A Boys View of the State Fair." The program was then ended and we played a game for recreation, then refreshements were served. Debby Griggs, club reporter EPA Grant Information - The Illinois Environmental Protection agency (EPA) has scheduled a series of public meetings to explain public participation requirements for communities which obtain federal funds for planning w a s t e w a t e r t r e a t m e n t facilities. EPA technicians will offer suggestions to local -of ficials on how to implement a program to obtain local support for financing. Call 782-5562 for information. MORTGAGE BANKING ncoHHon cutis* omummes Telephone (312) 359-OOOI McHENRY HEARING AID SERVICE CENTER Every Wednesday 10 to 5 p.m. SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT CENTER BATTERIES - 50% DISCOUNT Hearing Tests - Repairs & Sales All Makes - All in the Ear Models 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Robert Stonsland & Associates 3937 W. MAIN - McHENRY PHONE (815) 385-7661 Home Demonstrations r\$ SUBSCRIBE To The McHenry Plaindealer And Save $7.30 Over Newstand Price FILL OUT AND MAIL OR BRING TO: McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St.'. McHenry. III. 60050, with check or money order for *13.SOfor one year subscription, within McHenry County. NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP MONEY BACK GUARANTEE FOR UNUSED PORTION" 0NLY*85° RENTAL • NO installation charge • NEW fully automatic softeners • TWO year option to buy with • FULL rental fee deducted • ONE phone cail can answer any questions 312-259-3393 ARLINGTON SOFT WATER CO. No. 1 in the Fox Volley Area Copyright 1978..!