A Village of HcHenry Shores Inge Aide 344-1984 Rose Lillegard 385-4517 First Meeting LITTLE LOST KITTY A small black and white -- mm * ^ Kitten has been wandering ror rood Co-OD AROUND THE AREA OF,MI'S. • r Broadway for several days now. It is wearing a white flea collar but no identification. If it is yours or if you would be prepared to give it a good home in case no owner can be found, please call Inge at 344-1984. The first organizational meeting for the proposed Food Co-op for the village of McHenry Shores will be held on Thursday, Oct. 25, 7:30 p.m. at the village hall annex. For further information, please call Dr. Larson at 385-0439. MCPAA PRESENTATION The McHenry County Per- SfWElg ^esevve Simplicity SNOWBUSTER 220 HURRY!! FINAL WEEK OF SALE!! Order now and pick up your Snowbuster 220 in the fall...in plenty of time to beat next winter's snows! Its rugged, fast starting dependability was proved in extensive tests 600 miles north of the .Arctic Circle. Yet it's lightweight enough to clear your drives, walks, porches... and then hang on the garage wall. Handle folds for compact storage or transport. Last year was a sell-out, so hurry in and reserve your Snowbuster now! And save big! Pre-Season Price ,24995 Reg. Price $289.95 When you want dependability, look for... WEEK!! look for... SSSmulidtu AN AL.I.IB CHALMEPB COMPANY ACLHARDWARE Jra"S»(ir'1® 385-0722 OPFLNWLYHFLQMUN/MOON Announcing jeans by lxHealth-texjp Health-tex announces the toughest, roughest, best-looking jeans in history at a totally affordable price. They offer many important features that make them practically indestructible--double and triple stijching, rivets and double knee, to name a few. Caring for them is a snap: just machine-wash and machine-dry. All are permanent press. And because they're so tough, younger brothers can proba bly grow into them, too. Choose from a selection of rugged polyester/cotton denims and corduroys in a variety of colors, for boys sizes 4 to 7, regular and slim. spurgeons forming Arts association will give two more performances of "The Curious Savage" this coming weekend, Sept. 28 and 29 at 8 p.m. at the McHenry Junior high school, 3711 West Kane avenue. The comedy tells of the plight of an elderly lady who is committed to a mental institution by her greedy step children, but triumphs over them "with the help of her friends at the sanitarium. As usual, there are several McHenry Shores residents involved in this presentation. Ann Marie Cina plays Mrs. Savage, George Cina is also in the cast, and both Yvonne and Howard Alton are in the production end of the drama. This is the first endeavor at community theater in McHenry in 20 years. Please come and show the MCPAA people that you appreciate their efforts on our behalf, and have a delightful evening in the process. ANNIVERSARIES Former trustee Clarence Schweikert and his wife, Agnes, celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary at the beginning of the month, this time for tunately without any accident to mar the festivities. We wish you only the best for the next 47 years together, Clarence and Agnes, because you certainly deserve it! Sam and Julie Zeimet, former residents of McHenry Shores who moved to Fulton, Iowa, a few years ago returned to visit their old friends in this area and to show them how good 49 years of wedded bliss look on them. Our best wishes go with you to your present home, Sam and Julie! By the way, the real old-timers in the village should remember that Julie Zeimet was the first one to write this column, years ago! BIRTHDAYS Nicole LaFrancis celebrated her fifth birthday on Sept. 20, and Tiffany Amber Witt was 1 year old on the same day. On Sept. 22, Aldonna Zelvis was 13 years old and Rebecca Blue, 4. Tammy Gunder and Robert Dobbertin each had a birthday on the 23rd, Riva Peters on the 26th, and Bonnie Panerali on the 27th. Joe Einweck will celebrate his fifth birthday on Sept. 27 with his little friends from therlneighborhood. On the 28th, Matthew Grass will be 6 years old, and the 29th is Helen Crouch's big day. And both Lorraine Bixler and David 5rden Winters will celebrate their birthdays on Oct. 2. Happy birthday and many happy returns to all of you! GARAGE SALE RESULTS Many residents have ex pressed their satisfaction with this year's village garage sale. It certainly was a fun thing to do, and for many people a profitable one, too. Everyone is looking forward to the next venture of this kind! MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS At the trustees meeting, Sept. 20, residents voiced concern about a recent residential fire, and the availability of fire hydrants, one of which was damaged during winter snow removal. The water company, had ordered the parts and is awaiting their arrival to make the repairs. A report was submitted as to the municipal equity balance for all funds. Approval was given to renew a service contract for the copy machine, day labor and an advance of $300.00 to Mr. Grimes to attend the Illinois Municipal conference in Chicago. A request to purchase the old municipal snow plow truck was forwarded to "the finance comnrfittee. Work will continue this winter on the Creekside Park grant to submit for fiscal year 1980-81. The animal control contract with the county will be reviewed. Trustee Zelvis reported that since the use of volunteers for PAGE 21 -PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER IF. •IB McHenry Market Place 385-4100 LUNCH & LUNCHEON SPECIALS Tuesday thru Friday <p Join Us For ^ FISH FRY BRUNCH _.Every Friday Every Sunday TUESDAY thru FRIDAY HAPPY HOUR CASUAL DINING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. Free Hors d'oeuvres CHAPEL HILL'S SUNDAY EVENING *Maiii Entre BUFFET DINNER •Dessert Table KIDS $5.95 $£,95 Serving 3:30 8:30 pm ALL YOU CAN EAT! LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Friday.. PETE CARTER at the PIANO KITCHEN CLOSED MONDAY--GOLF COURSE « BAR OPEN CHAPEL HILL GOLF CuJB 2500 N Chapel Hill Road 0 J* McHenry Illinois FOR INFORMATION (SI 5) 395-0333 CHICAGO (312)451-0277 SERVING ALL USDA Prime Meats GOLF CLUB END OF SEASON SAVINGS ON MOWERS TOOl $40 8 reasons to buy a Toro Single- Stags Snowthrowsr: • Proven dependable for 15 years • Simple design--fewer things to go wrong • Over 1,000.000 built & sold since 1964 • Compact & lightweight--easy to maneuver • Patented Power-PeMer* • Backed by nation-wide service system • Built to last--Engineered for a long dependable life-- Toro pioneered the single stage snowthrower in 1964 • On sale now! Save up to $40 GABRIEL EQUIPMENT CO. 225 E. Calhoun St. Woodstock, Illinois Power Peller* system. GEORGE P. FREUND 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry, Illinois FLOWER WOOD, INC. Rf. T4 and 176 Crystal Lake, Illinois police dispatching, some 11 residents gave their time for approximately 425 hours for a projected savings to the village of some $1,500. The police department presented Trustee Zelvis a certificate citing her donation of time and dedication to help the department with dispatching. Zoning officer Lon Reed ask for clarification of the effective date for the storage of boats, trailer and campers. Last year the board extended the date from Sept. 30 to Oct. 30. The board informed Mr. Reed to use the enforcement date of Sept. 30. In the Planning commission report, request for five new entrance signs was referred to Finance committee. The report included the status of pending annexations and boundary line meeting with the village of Prairie Grove. It was the recommendation that the Planning commission favor the extention of water lines in unit no. 5 to help to eleviate the problems of water discoloration and pressure. The commission expressed concern about a brochure published by the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Bartel presented the recreation department schedule for October. A pool and ping pong round robin will be held Oct. 1 through 5. Registration will be at the annex after schoql. Winners of each age group will receive imprinted T-shirts. Touch football for all ages starts Oct. 7th. at the beach from 2 to 4 p.m. every Sunday until weather prevents it. Oct. 26, a supervised sleep over for girls will be held at the annex. Oct. 27 a Halloween party, costume parade, pumpkin contest, marshmellow roast and bon fire for all village children starts at 3 p.m..< A lengthy report pertaining to the Nunda Rural Police Department (NRPD) was presented, basically the same as the one worked on in the spring, with some wording to be changed to reflect the ter minology NRPD. Approval was given to forward the contract to the attorney for redraft. The meeting then recessed into executive session and upon reconvening, Sgt. Lein was hired as the first full time paid officer from village funds. The total police department, in full uniform, was then introduced to all those in attendance. Sgt. Lein was appointed Acting Operations Chief and Glen Hanson Acting Administration Chief. President Grimes in formed the Board that he had dismissed Chief Buck from his duties as police chief. When open to the floor, Mr. Weber impressed upon the board the importance of keeping the village residents informed on the policing agreement between the neigh boring municipalities. He stated that several people had asked if residents are covered while away from the village and whose call would take priority if two calls were received at the same time. It was commented that there were $20,615 In County plans for informing the put once an agreement has reached. Also a system has been set i in the office that if any trust or department would like make a news release, it she be submitted to the office and will then be circulated to newspapers in the area. The next regular board Trustees meeting will take* place at 7 p.m. at the annex on<* Oct. 4. -| '-•« CORRECTION > The report of the Sept. 12* board meeting caused some .* c o n f u s i o n r e g a r d i n g * recognition of residents. A time 1 is set aside early in the agenda £ and again later in the agenda.!^ Record Pledge For MD McHenry county residents pledged $20,615 to the Jerry Lewis telethon for the McHenry county chapter's Muscular Dystrophy association, which is double last year's total. The pledge money will be used to assist the approximately 16 people in McHenry county with Muscular Dystrophy. The 21-hour telethon ended Monday, Sept. 3, with a record- breaking national pledge of more than $30 million. The pledges came pouring in despite missing $2 million from the Miami area, where hurricane David disrupted the telephone lines. Karen Hintz of McHenry, McHenry county coordinator of the telethon, said last year's MDA telethon pledges for the; county were $10,964. / "Things started out slowly,- but as soon as the baseball! game was over, the phones: Went crazy," she said. "Pm; v$ry proud of everyone who called in a pledge and all the people who worked so hard to; /make this year's telethon such a huge success". There were over 100, volunteers working at the; center doing a variety of job6 • from answering the 25 phones, to tabulating, sales or just; running errands. Over $2,500; was raised by selling t-shirts and balloons, hot air balloqs: rides, cash donations to the fisn; bowl and from the children who worked so hard collecting! money door to door in coffee', cans. • Red Cross Disaster Nursing Workshop I A Red Cross Disaster Nursing' workshop will be given Tuesday, Oct. 16, at Glenbrook hospital, 2100 Pfingsten road, Glenview, and again Thursday, Oct. 18, at St. Andrew's Lutheran church, 10 South Lake (corner of Courtland Rt. 45) Mundelein. The time is 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This program is open to all R.N.'sandL.P.N.'s. It has been approved by the Illinois Nurses association for 4 continuing education units. Registration closes Oct. 8. Those who have any questions or would like to at tend should call Marianne Berman at 385-1386 or the Red Cross office at 338-1r Continuing Educat. . Adult education has recent ly been re-defined as what goes on in a household with teen-age children. One of the Best Energy Savers of Alt-Time!, HOLDS IN HEAT! r. £AB. r -s crVaL ° Make Your Own Storm Windows. Storm Doors. Porch Enclosures! SO EASY ANYONE CAN DO ITI KEEPS OUT COLD' Save s Fue l ! 1 CUT FLEX-O-QLASS TO SIZE AND TACK OVER SCREENS OR WINDOW OPENINQSI COSTS SO LITTLE ANYONE E/|£ CAN AFFORD ITI U*** 36 Wlde Also 28" - 48" Widths WARP BROS. Chicago 60651 Pioneers in Plastics Since 1924 Take this ad to your Hardware, Lumber or Bldg. Supply Store Accept no substitutes--Get top quality FLEX-O-GLASS. NAME Mp* YOUR GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Ace Hardware 3729 W. Elm St., McHenry Coast to Coast Store 4400 W. Rte. 120, McHenry Hornsby's Family Center 4400 W. Rte. 120, McHenry McHenry Lumber Co. 4030 W. Main St., McHenry Vycital Hardware 1228 N. Green St., McHenry Wonder Lake Tru Value 7602 Hancock Dr., Wonder Lat^e f OFF ISICONDSALIOII UQUDVEtftf Wen Pertfl FUUER-O'BRIEN'S IgEST! interiorI •flat paintI •Excellent Hiding ( Washability •fast Dnriigt Law Ntr •tawtifil Colors t Easy ApolicatiM SahMtfcriJ siptajwl HitkCMpNtalj SattMnra ISspt 28,1S79I Latex |yvai| Primer 3119 W. MAM Sl„McHEMY IMS. OF lit 120 385-1115