Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Sep 1979, p. 2

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and Mrs. Robert H£MNA*TS married April 12, ltMatSt Mary's la Woodstock. PAGE *-PLAINDEALER -WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER M, l>7t * - k . "* , m [ OCLCLl tOctober 27 Is Fund Raiser Community- Calendar ssssssssssss and JAMES KACMAR AND LAUREEN BRA1DMAN li ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. Leo - McHenry, are happy to laiaace the engagement of their * - daughter. Laareen, to Jim Kaemar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew • Kaemar, Crown Point, Ind. The bride elect is a graduate of Marian a Central high school. Her fiance attended schools in Crown Point. ' He received a degree in Chemknl Engineering from Purdue university. Both are 111. Thev nlan to he . SEPTEMBER 26 N.C.S.F. luncheon matinee at Shady Lane. McHenry Senior citizens club lunch and theater trip to Fort Atkinson-bus leaves Savings and Loan parking lot at 9:45 a.m. SEPTEMBER 27 "Drivers Refresher course". 10 a.m. to noon-city hall council chambers. Girl Scout Neighborhood meeting~St. Patrick s hall, 9:30 a.m. SEPTEMBER 28 McHenry County Performing Arts association (MCCPA) presents "The Curious Savage", McHenry Junior high~8 p.m.-tickets at door. SEPTEMBER 29 St. Margaret chapter of NAIM-cards-Oak room- Montini Middle school-7::30 p.m. McHenry County Performing Arts association (MCCPA) presents "The Curious Savage", McHenry Junior high, 8 p.m.-tickets available at door. Family Service and Com­ munity Mental Health center for McHenry county-annual association meeting, 7:30 p.m.- T.C. Spirits-for reservations, call 385-6400. SEPTEMBER 30 NAIM Rockford diocesan Mass-4 p.m. at St. Joseph church, Richmond,- hosted By St. Margaret's chapter -tickets available from chapter presidents. OCTOBER 1 McHenry Senior Citizens club executive meeting, 10 a.m.- public library. St. Patrick Ladies Guild meeting and Membership Tea- entertainment by Montini Primary students, 1 p.m. UMw Mission team, executive committee-First United Methodist church parlor, 9 a.m. The McHenry County Catholic Education foundation will hold its second annual $100- a-plate fund raiser Saturday evening, Oct. 27, at Crescent Bay Landing, McHenry. Guest speaker for this evening of gourmet dining and enrichment will be Father John Powell, S.J., author of such religious best sellers as Why Am I Afraid To Love?, The Secret Of Staying In Love, and Fully Human, ^ully. Alive. All funds from the benefit will go directly to the McHenry County Catholic Education foundatiQrK to be used as an alternative source of funding FATHER JOHN POWELL, S J. for Catholic Education programs of the county and a base for future scholarships. (Expenses for the dinner have been underwritten by a group of friends). Tickets may be obtained by calling either the McHenry County Board of Catholic Education office, 618 Forest ave., Woodstock, or Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dolan. Tickets may be obtained by calling either the McHenry County Board of Catholic Education office, or Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dolan, 618 Forest ave., Woodstock. way, Crystal Lake-meeting, l p.m.-city hall council room. OCTOBER 4 Veterans of World War I, McHenry Barracks meeting~2 p.m.-American Legion Post 491-2505 N. Ringwood road. "Drivers Refresher course", 10 a.m. to noon-city hall council chambers. Zion Lutheran church rummage sale, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., sponsored by Ladies Aid. OCTOBER 5 Zion Lutheran church rummage sale, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., sponsored by Ladies Aid. Church Women United Forum, 9:15 a.m.-First United Methodist church, Crystal Lake avenue, Crystal Lake. OCTOBER 8 McHenry Senior Citizens club meeting, 7:30 p.m.-West Campus. Whispering Oaks Woman's club board meeting, 9:30 a m THEOS Enjoy Meeting The THEOS met for its September dinner at a local restaurant and then went to the First United. Mewthodist church where games were played and prizes awarded. A very interesting period of , discussion followed the article read by Mae Stinespring, and each one in attendance gave an idea or point of view. The membership ' found such sharing helpful and enlightening. THEOS (To Help Each Other Smile) is a non-denominational group for widows and widowers, with no age restrictions. This chapter meets the third Monday of each month at 5:30 y p.m. at some local restarant for dinner, and then goes to the First United Methodist church , for the remainder of the meeting. ' The next get-together will be Monday, Oct. 15 at the A & W restaurant, and Gertrude Anderson and Ann Demke will be the hostesses. For any further information regarding this group and its activities, contact either Mae Stinespring or Lyda. Radisch. PATRICIA ANN REYNOLDS OCTOBER WEDDING -- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds, Wonder Luke, announce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Ann, to James Leon Barrett, First Class Machinists Mate stationed on the USS Grldley in San Diego, Calif., and son of Mrs. Evelyn Barrett, Troy, Va. The prospective bride is a 1»75 graduate of McHenry Community high school. The couple will be married Oct. 4 in Nativity Lutheran church. Wonder Lake. OCTOBER 9 McHenry chapter 547 stated meeting, 8 p.m. Benefit Auction And Sale On September 29 OES OCTOBER 2 hapt lode MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL APPNER GARDEN RECEPTION - A garden reception in the home of the bride's parents followed the Aug. 11 wedding of the former Deborah Leonard and Michael L. Appner. The 2:30 p.m. ceremony, conducted by Pastor Herman Graef, took place at Zion Lutheran church, McHenry. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall E. Leonard, Bayview lane, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Appner, Lake Geneva, Wis., are the parents of the groom. A summer wedding trip had been planned to Ironwood, Mich., with a trip to a warmer climate to be taken during the winter months. The couple are making their home in Crystal Lake for the present, and will eventually move to Michigan. The groom to a general Contractor, and the bride to a probation officer for McHenry county. meeting, 8 p.m.-Moose lodge. Whispering Oaks -bus t^j^ Chicago loop leaves community H ' L center at 8:45 a.m.-rides available for senior citizens and residents-call 385-8518 by Sept. 28. Ruth circle of the First United Methodist church meets at home of Mrs. Alice Trendler at noon-bring a sandwich. M o n t i n i P a r e n t s ' association's annual Parade of Fall Fashions show, 7:30 p.m - St. Patrick's hall -desserts to be served-tickets available at door. Koinonia study group, 10 a.m.-First United Metnodist church parlor, every Tuesday. Marcia Mary Ball circle meeting, noon-First United Methodist church parlor-Helen OCTOBER 11 Lakeland Park Women 's club--"Fun Evening Out"-- arrangements being planned. Priscilla circle meeting, 9:30 a.m.-First United Methodist church. OCTOBER 12 Ringwood church semi­ annual rummage sale, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Ringwood church- coffee and... OCTOBER 13 Ringwood church semi­ annual rummage sale, 9 a.m. to noon-Ringwooa church. Friendship club*, potluck VTWOC.'m.- ted An Auction and Rummage and Bake sale will be held on Saturday, Sept. 29 in Massey hall at the McHenry county fairgrounds. Proceeds from the auction and sale will go to the Woodstock Masonic Temple association for maintenance of the Old Todd school building now being used by many McHenry county Masonic, as well as other fraternal organizations, as a meeting place. Starting at 9 a.m. there will be a fixed price sale of home- baked pies and breads. At the same time scores of clothihg and household items will be offered, also at fixed prices. At 1 p.m., the auction sale wiU begin. Items to be offered include antiques, garden and shop tools, camping equipment, furniture and sports and recreation items. - Refreshments and luncheon will be available at the Massey hall location. There will be no charge for parking. Attend Christening „ dinner and meet ing,-#30 i ).'n illowship room-First Uni ethodist church-program by ae Stinespring. Bake sale sponsored Paul's Episcopal chwomen~at McHenry bank, 9 a.m. to noon. by St. chur- Statq OCTOBER 15 T.H.E.O.S. dinner-A & W restaurant-First United Methodist church for fun and fellowship. Methodist Church BJP. Check Ends t The free blood pressure Screening on the first Tuesday of each month is being discontinued at the First United Methodist church. This free service is being furnished by local banks, and will very soon begin at the Senior Citizens Walk-In center at the Moose hall on Route 120. Lundy, hostess. McHenry Masonic lodge no. 158, AF &AM~stated meeting, 8 p.m. OCTOBER 3 McHenry Masonic lodge no. 158, AF & AM--125tn an­ niversary celebration- Crescent Bay Landing, 6:30 p.m.-see members for tickets. McHenry Grandmothers' club lunch, 11:15 a.m.-T.C. Spirits, 6305 Northwest high- GRAND OPENING! MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 thru SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 'TRADE IN SALE" Have we got a Super Special for you! To celebrate the opening of our STReTCH&SeW Fabric Centers Arlington Heights Store we are offering this Special in both Libertyville and Arlington Heights Stores. Come in to see all of our lovely new fall & winter fabrics -- • Luscious Velours • Rich Corduroys • Thirsty Terries • Beautiful Tweeds • Poly-wool Solids At the same time -- here's your chance to get new fabrics and get rid of that pile of old, not very exciting fabrics, you've collected and couldn't bear to throw away -- including wovens. Every yard of fabric you trade in entitles you to a 10% discount on a brand new yard of any of our fashion fabrics. So bring in your old & Save on the new-- We'll donate all your trade-ins to charity. THIS SALE AT BOTH STORES- OCTOBER 16 Women of the Moose business meeting, 8 p.m.-Moose lodge. McHenry Senior citizens three day trip to Turkey Run state park and French Lick- leaving Savings and Loan parking lot 8 a.m. McHenry Masonic lodge no. 158 AF &AM, 8 p.m.-stated meeting. OCTOBER 17 Whispering Oaks Woman's club, 1 p.m. OCTOBER 18 Annual fall Bazaar-United Methodist Women-First United Methodist church, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. OCTOBER 20 Annual fall Bazaar-United Methodist Women--First United Methodist church, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. OCTOBER 22 McHenry Senior Citizens club meeting, 7:30 p.m.-West Campus. The christening of John Michael Shelley, son of Dennis and Connie (Jablonski, for­ merly of McHenry) Shelley, took place at St. Edward's church, Rockford, and was attended by many McHenry relatives. Among those from the area were maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jablonski; Mr. and Mrs. David Sagers; Michael, Beth, Tom, Jack and Jim Jablonski. Michael Jablonski and Mrs. OCTOBER 23 McHenry chapter 547 stated meeting, 8 p.m. OES OCTOBER 24 Dessert Card Party spon­ sored by St. Patrick's Ladies Guild, 1 p.m. OCTOBER 28 Lakejand Park Women's club P a n c a k e B r e a k f a s t - - community house, 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. OCTOBER 30 Moose joint meeting at McHenry Moose lodge. NOVEMBER 1 Veterans of World War I, McHenry Barracks 1315, meeting at McHenry America! Legion Post home, 2 p.m. NOVEMBER 3 Women of the Moose second annual Bazaar, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Moose lodge. Pattie Sagers were godparents to little John, who was born July 21. _ Hie baby wore a. white knit outfit given him by his god­ mother, and the christening was held in the home of the parents. The baby has a 2 year old sister, Jill Marie. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jablonski and Marlene and Debra Romozzi of Norridge; Mr. Paul Kirchhoff, Mrs. Sophie Jablonski and Bernardine Jablonski of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Walkter Skladowski and Miss Terry Huck of Crystal Lake; Miss Cathy Jablonski of Barrington; Mr. and Mrs. Mel Shelley, paternal grandparents of Arlington ' Heights; Rob Roudebush, Genoa City; and Mrs. Agnes Konopa, maternal g r e a t - g r a n d m o t h e r o f Freeport/ \Unable to attend were paternal great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.: Ross Shelley of Bellevue, Ohio, and Maternal great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fremont, Ohio. Jenck of The Ann Person* Method taught only at oH&sew Fabric" Centers ^>5kft(htSr».int »V/V 918 S. Milwaukee Ave.. Libertyville 362-2660 Hmn: Mon -Thurt M Fri -Sal 10-5 222 E Grove St.. Arlington Heights259-6688 Hours: Mon - Thyr* 9-9 Fr. -Sat 9 30-5 ROMAN'S a,"1.' LOW EVERYDAY PRICES CARPET TO FIT EVERY NEED FROM $3M TO s22" HUNDREDS OF REMNANTS UP TO 50% OFF QUALITY INSTALLATION FINANCING -- LAYAWAY ROMAN'S 3004 W. Rt. 120 (NEXT TOV.F.W.) McHenry, II. . .815-344-3030 \ NEW 4-H ROYALTY Due to irregularities in the balloting for this year's 4-H King and Queen contest, Shelly VonBruenchenhein fend Steve Thompson have resigned. Miss V o n B r u e n c h e n h e i n a n d Thompson were completely innocent of what happened. They agreed to resign following a recount so that the king and queen, by vote of McHenry county 4-H'ers, would be crowned. The 1979 4-H king and queen are Jeff Riley, Harvard, and Karen Kuhlman, Hebron. Tempus Non Budget To make time fly, just buy something on the in­ stallment plan. -Globe, Mason City, la. LINDA MARVIN AND ROBERT GEHLAAR DECEMBER WEDDING - Nancy Marvin of McHenry and S.M. Sgt. Edward Marvin, L.A.F.B., Hampton, Va., announce the engagement of their daughter, Linda, to Robert Gehlaar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gehlaar, McHenry. The bride elect is a graduate of McHenry Community high school, and the prospective groom graduated from Johnsburg high school. A late December wedding is planned. KANGASPHOTO Lamaze Classes Offend At MCC Lamaze prepared childbirth classes will be offered on a regular basis through McHenry county college, beginning Oct. 1. Teachers for this course will be Rns who are childbirth educators for SCOPE (Suc­ c e s s f u l C h i l d b i r t h a n d Organized Parent Education) and have completed the teacher training requirements for this organization. The class will meet once a week for six weeks, and should be started in the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy. • Lamaze prepared childbirth provides the woman and her coach with information on pregnancy, labor and delivery and teaches them relaxation and breathing techniques for control and maximum comfort in labor. There is a class fee for each person for the series. SCOPE teachers will also provide an early pregnancy class. This class will inform the newly pregnant woman about nutrition, exercises, drugs, x-rays and alcohol and how they relate to pregnancy. The class will be a 3 hour w o r k s h o p o f f e r e d t h e f i r s t Tuesday of each month in Crystal Lake, and there is a fee for each person. Both classes will help ex­ pectant parents assume an active, responsible role in their pregnancy, labor and birth. Interested parents-to-be should call McHenry county college for available dates. MPA Holds Fashion Show The Montini Parents' association will be sponsoring its annual "Parade of Fall Fashions" show Tuesday, Oct. 2 at 7:30 p.m. in St. Patrick's hall. Hair with professional care will show a professional flair at. . FRAN'S . FRAN'S HIDDEN CURL The Friendly Little Beauty Shop that's Hard to Find 1212 N. Green St.-McHenry 344-1019 The fashions' will be presented by Genevieve's, and delicious desserts will be servpd. Tickets will be available at the door. Mrs. Maureen Lagowski and her committee have contributed their tremendous efforts in planning this event. The membership hopes that all will feel welcome to come. START LOSING WEIGHT TODAY The hardest part ot losing weight is getting started New extra strength SUPER ODRINEX will give your will power that extra push it needs to start losing weight today Begin with this amazing tiny tablet You li eat less-turn food and excess lat into burned up energy instead ot extra weight as you toilow the Plan Clinically proven effective the SUPER ODRINEX Reducing Plan will enable you to lose pounds and inches without getting nervous To lose water bloat and puffiness during the pre menstrual cycle try OORINIL A Natural Watftr Pill Both sold witjti money back guarantee M««rt Drug. I2MN. Crawilt., • MellOrdwi FIIM

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