Survey Science Attitudes SECTION 2 • PAGE 7 • PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31,1171 If you'te a resident of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, Will and Porter counties; and Lake and Porter counties, Ind., you may soon have an opportunity to vent your feelings on modern science and technology to a professional interviewer from Temple university's Institute for Survey research. A nationwide survey of some 1,600 adults in selected areas is being conducted by the institute and sponsored by the National Science foundation, to deter mine how Americans feel about sudh matters as nuclear power and environmental pollution, to name twd of the more sensitive subjects usually associated with modern technology. "During the past three, decades the world has wit nessed massive scientific and technological breakthroughs affecting the lives of all of us," said Dr. Koray Tanfer, director of the survey. "Yet, as the magnitude of the long-term effects of modern technology becomes in creasingly ; visible, the public has begun reassessing its position. In fact, a number of scientific and technological programs have become political issues," he continued. "The purpose of this survey is to determine American at titudes toward -modern technology and its impact on our lives." He added that all the in terviewers in the Temple survey will carry official identification fron^-the in stitute, and emphasized that the cooperation of each person asked to participate is vitally important to the success of the survey.He stressed that all information gathered from the interviews will be kept strictly confidential, and added that no names will appear in the final data.^ The study is one of many conducted annually by the Temple University Institute for Survey Research, which has been conducting studies for various governmental and private agencies since 1967. COAST GUARD OPENINGS Coast Guard is accepting and processing applications from men and women for entrance to the United States Coast Guard academy at New London, Conn., in June, 1980. Ap plications and additional in formation may be obtained by writing to Director of Ad missions, United States Coast Guard Academy, New London, Conn., 06320. Oil Outlook -Adequate Supplies of heating oil should be adequate for the winter in Illinois, barring circumstances that interfere seriously with fuel distribution, announced Frank Beal, director of the Illinois Institute of Natural Resources. Citing a report on heating oil compiled by the Institute, Beal said: "We have concluded that the national effort to rebuild heating <$ stocks, which had been drawn to unusually low levels last winter, will succeed; further, we see that heating oil inventories in the Midwest are being built up at a rate fast enough to bring regional stocks to the same level as last year by the end of October." As a result, Beal said, Illinois consumers of heating oil are more likely to experience problems related to delivery delays rather than actual fuel NOW! SHOP rm NEW LOWER MEAT PRICES! TODAY & EVERYDAY! 3750 W.EIM ST. McHENRY MONDAY-SATURDAY 8 am-10 PM SUNDAYS 9 AM TO 5 PM OR LONGER AP ADVERTISED ITEM POLICY: Each of these advertised items is required to be readily available for sale at or below the advertised orlce in the A&P store listed below. Meat prices effective Thurs., Nov. 1 thru Wed., Nov. 7, 1979 Items not for sale to dealers or wholesalers • Cash checks with A&P's chek-x-pres card. • Charge groceries with your Visa card. FULLY COOKED FULLSHANK HALF HAM W I T H B A C K P O R T I O N A T T A C H E D FRESH COUNTRY STYLE FRYER LEGS G R E E N S T A M P S ' W E A C C E P T USDA F O O D S T A M P S ^§5MWMEAT \EVERY r ^ O F T H E DEPARTMENT CORNER OF nK SHOP & COMPARE P L U S S & H / £ c 7 / G R E E N S T A M P S ' ANN PAGE 1 LB. » • • PKG. SLICED BACON.... WHOLE FRYER LEGS .. R? . 99° WHOLE FRYER BREASTS S $1,° SLICED BACON S BT $197 SLICED BACON # . 99° YOU'LL FIND THE SAME GREAT QUALITY We've always had good reason to be proud of our fine meats. Beef, Pork, Poultry or Lunch Meats, when our Meat People buy for our stores quality is the first standard we use. And, since we've been feeding Americans for 120 years, we're experts in choosing just the right meat for your table. 15 ASSORTED PIECES BOX-O- CHICKEN FRESH P L U S S&HI Fpl / G R E E N S T A M P S ' WHOLE FRYERS mm P L E A S E P L U S S & H /t£7 / G R E E N S T A M P S ' ASSORTED IR". m°*tZri£y WEDGE BONE REMOVED SIRLOIN STEAK 4 OSCAR MAYER SLICED w $459 BACON I I WHOLE HAMS *J»> FRESH EXTRA LEAN APPROX. 82% LEAN 3 LB pKQ t 1 84 GROUND BEEF.... *SSS!1. CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS J&16? CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS J§L™ 39 WiM FULL CUT APPHOX 72 o LtAN 1 0 ' M O R E P E R L B F O R F U R T H E R P R O C E S S I N G 5 L B P K G O R L A R G E R m MEATY OSCAR MAYER WIENERS.... Kits: PORK BACK RIBS .S1"I PICNIC PORK ROAST.. .*..89"' PORK BUTT STEAK M49 SMOKED LIVER SA-JSAGESW AND THE YOUR TABLE PkUS S&H GREEN STAMPS! OSCAR MAYER SLICED _ QQC BOLOGNA...SaOSr HOT AND/OR MILD A&P ^ PORK SAUSAGE 79* SLICED BOLOGNA * UK $1* MEAT WIENERS ft UK $1°® A&P BATTER DIPPED FISH STICKS BF 89® shortages. Such problems could be caused by prolonged freeze- ups of rivers on which oil products are moved by barge; early, severe cold weather that would cause rapid depletion ot heating oil stored by distributors, or limitations in the delivery capabilities oif pipelines or trucks. The State of Illinois has made preparations to deal with such possibilities through two means, Beal said. The state's Energy. Emergency Con* tingency council, which is composed of representatives of several state agencies and is chaired by the Institute, has updated its plans for handling emergencies; and the Emergency Fuel Set-Aside program, administered by the Institute; is prepared to distribute emergency supplies of heating oil to fuel distributors who experience difficulty in meeting the needs of consumers. Under the Emergency Fuel Set-Aside program, 4 percent of all heating oil brought into Illinois for sale will be held in readiness for distribution at the direction of the Institute to meet hardship needs. The assessment that heating oil supplies should be adequate was based in part on the declining proportion of Illinois homes which heat with this fuel. "Since 1970, for example, the share of homes in the northern third of Illinois which heat with oil has fallen from about 12 percent to about 5 percent," Beal noted. In downstate Illinois, oil remains a somewhat more significant heating fuel, particularly «"in rural areas. SCOUT NEWS PACK 131 Cub Pack 131 of the Blackhawk Area council had its first meeting of the 1979-1980 season Oct. 18, at Hilltop school. The colors were posh..1 by Den 10 at 7:45. The theme was Halloween. Each scout and his brothers and sisters came costumed for the gathering to show off what each would be wearing on Halloween night. There were ghosts, goblins, mummies, clowns, Indians,* baseball, football, and hockey players, gypsies, a scarecrow, boxer, pirate, rag doll, some wolfmen, supermen, spider- man, tinman, Dracula, outerspace men, skeletons, sailor, skindiver, owl, a large ant and many others. Nine parents volunteered to judge the best costumes in 3 categories. The categories were: Cub Scout in store- bought costume, Cub Scout in homemade costume and brother and sister costumes. Several prizes were awarded in each category. The colors were retired by Den 10 at 8:20 p.m., at which time everyone partook of refreshments. A good time was had by all. Spreading Mexico City is expected to be the world's largest metro polis by the year 2000. Experts predict that there will be a population of almost 32 mil lion people in Mexico City at the turn of the century. Sao Paulo, Brazil should rank se cond then with a population of about 26 million, according to the International Labor Of fice in Geneva. lEMTIMSEtfWC the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rental $1.00 per hour . . . for •very hour thereafter. (Example 2 hours . . j total charge $1 plus to*,) NO MINIMUM Special Rental Rate Good C Monday thru Thursday RINSENVAC cleans the way professionals do, at a traction of the cost FRI., SAT., & SUN. (1% HKS. PER $9.00 MIN.) HOUR OVERNIGHT SPECIAL I • :00 P.M.-9:00 A.M. 10.00 1 HORNSBYS fom11y (cnfc « 4400 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY, ILL.