Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Nov 1979, p. 2

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McHENRY MARKET PLACE 440QW£*TE. 120, McHENRY. ILLINOIS 385-4520 A PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBEK OCLCL Sale And Auction Flo Newbrmgh, left, and Pat Lybarger, right, view some of the articles to be sold at the Valley View PTO animal sale and auction. From left, Tom Fritz and Tracy Pool display samples of hand-craft items and new merchandise to be offered. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD ii The Valley View PTO third •: annual auction has been expanded to include a sale this year. The parents, staff and students of Valley View . elementary school invite the <• public to attend Nov.17, from 10 a.m. to 4. p.m., at the school, located on route 120, north of the sand and gravel pit. Pool, garden and pet supplies, which were donated by a former businessman, will be sold in the school gymnasium from 10a.m. to 1 p.m. at a quarter of their original value. Coffee and doughnuts will be available at a nominal cost. The auction will take place from 1 to 4 p.m., in the school cafeteria, featuring hand­ craft items and merchandise donated by area merchants. Lunch will be provided at a reasonable price. A silent auction of baked goods will be in progess at the rear of the cafeteria from 12 to 2 p.m. Also, adult size Valley View sweatshirts and t-shirts can be pur­ chased at half price. All proceeds from the day's activities will go to the school. Holiday Bazaar For SCOPE Members of SCOPE (Successful Childbirth and O r g a n i z e d P a r e n t Education) are now preparing for the Holiday Craft bazaar and bake sale scheduled Saturday, Nov. 17, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Crystal Point mall. Hand­ made gift items including Swedish Love Knots, crocheted baby afghans, felt wall hangings, Christmas banners, Santa counters and a variety of handmade or­ naments and "stocking stuffers" will be available. A bake sale has been added to the agenda this year to assure something for everyone. Once again members have contributed'talents to make a beautiful hand appliqued, twin size, atohabet quilt. This orginally designed quilt along with two handmade calico Christmas1 wreaths and a handmade designer pillow will be on display. Proceeds from the bazaar will go the Crystal Lake Ambutal to help finance the purchase of an x-ray device used to maintain the position of young children who require x-ray examination. SCOPE is a parents' organization providing people with help and in­ formation at all stages of the parenting experience. Ac- tivites include formal meetings, open to the public, with speakers representing a variety of professions; in­ formal discussion groups for mothers of newbornskand toddlers; a mqttjfers' helpline, play groups^ for preschoolers with crafts and outings; a baby sitting co-op, and a Cesarean support group. Lamaze childbirth 3307 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 3S5-1172 OPEN 7 DAYS! (]/VLndliL[[ ± c/tfifiaxzC i We Are Now Carry ing SIZE 3 In Our Ladies' Apparel Shop! Stop In and See Our Wide Selection. classes and early pregnancy classes are also sponsored by SCOPE and offered through McHenry County college. Questions regarding both classes can be directed to McHenry County college. Information about SCOPE can be obtained from Mrs. Gary Willard or Mrs. LeRoy Hiller. Rummage Sale At Health Center j - Vr*v'1L * Family Service & Com­ munity Mental Health center for McHenry county will be holding a rummage sale Friday, Nov. 16, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.. Anyone wishing to donate clothing. books, toys, household items, etc., should drop them off at the center, 3409 W. Waukegan road, McHenry, (across from McHenry hospital) by Wednesday, Nov. 14. spurgeons HAIR STYLING . This Holiday, Wrap Up A Braad New Image! We'll give you a new look to brighten your holiday. Our experts know the latest shapes and styles for men and women. . .cuts, coloring, styling, perms. We do it all. PHmm now for your appointment 385-4520 s Community Calendar eoeeeoeoeeeeec club reciprocity day-book review: "The Vicar of Christ" by Herbert H. Duenow, 1 p.m. % U.M.W. general meeting, noon-potluck fttncheon- First United Methodist church-Priscitya Circle hostesses. ;:jjv v- McHenry area ̂ Separated and Divorced Catholic group meeting~7:30 p.m. Ht the Oak room, Montiai Middle school. L e c t u r e l t ^ c h e o n -- Turnberry Country club- social hour 11:15 a.m., lunch it noon-entertainment, asemary Sutz. NOVEMBER 15-16 Book Fair and Christmas candle sale--Edgebrook school auditorium^ a.m. to 3:30 p.m. • ^ NOVEMBER 16 St. Margaret chapter of NAIM meeting-Oak room- Montini Middle school- election night, 7:30 p.m. Johnsburg PTO sponsors- N.I.U. Jazz band, 7:30 p.m.- Johnsburg high school-1750 Ring wood road. NOVEMBER 17 Valley View PTO Sale and Auction-10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Citrus fruit pickup day-St. Patrick's church hall-9 a.m. to 3 p.m. v Annual Thanksgiving party-McHenry Lodge 691- Loyal Order of Moose- Dinner 6:30~Dancing 9 p.m.- -tickets at door. NOVEMBER 17-18 Rededication mass and celebration-St. John the Baptist Catholic church, Johnsburg. NOVEMBER 18 Fox Ridge Women's club, l:00~family bowl at Ray's Bowling Alley, Johnsburg. , NOVEMBER 19 T.H.E.O.S. dinner at 5:30 p . m . -- R u s t i c H a r b o r restaurant-First United Methodist church for fellowship. Business & Professional Women's club dinner. el H 14.1 p.m.-- Richard ' : - • " jflH ' . . • - 4 , . ' • . . • ' 7 " * v • - Family Announces Wedding -' Engagement NOVEMBER 14 V ' • W y - . - • The marriage of Barb West of Reedsburg, Wis., and Robert Sand of McHenry, took plac$ recently at St. John's Lutheran church Reedsburg. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James West of Reedsburg. She graduated from Webb high school in 1978 and is presently a student at MATC, Madison, Wis. The bridgegroom is the son of Mrs. Harvey Sand of McHenry and the late Harvey Sand. He graduated from McHenry high school and is self employed. Hie couple are residing in Baraboo, Wis. Mrs. Harvey Sand, McHenry, announces the engagement of her daughter, Kathy Sand, to Glenn Dixon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn P. Dixon, McHenry. The future bride is - a graduate of McHenry high school and employed at Oaks employees credit union. The prospective bridegroom also graduated from McHenry hfgh school and is employed by the township of McHenry. The couple plan to be fnarried October U, 1980. ARTS -CRAFTS SHOW The Hononegah- Booster club is sponsoring its second arts and craft show Nov. 25, at the Hononegah high school gymnasium in Rockton, 111. The theme "Holiday in the Country" will feature over 50 artists a n d c r a f t s p e o p l e f r o m several states, the time of the show is from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The public is cordially invited to attend. NOVEMti^R 20 , N.C.S.F.' St. Agatha court 777-meeting with Juvenile Girls group-31st birthday. Whispering Oaks Garden club meeting-l p.m. McHenry Masonic Lodge 158 AF & AM stated meeting, 8 p.m.-Acacia hall. Women of the Moose - business meeting-Moose lodge, 8 p.m.-enrollment, formals please. . Women of the Moose- Business meeting 8 p.m - Enrollment-formals please NOVEMBER 22-23 Thanksgiving holidays for Johnsburg schools. NOVEMBER 26 McHenry Womans club board meeting, 10 a.m.-city hall. McHenry Senior Citizens meeting, 7:30 p.m.-West Campus cafeteria. NOVEMBER 27 McHenry chapter of Order of the Eastern Star 547 stated meeting, 8 p.m.- Acacia hall. NOVEMBER 28 McHenry Senior Citizens club"Ice Follies" trip-bus leaves McHenry state bank at 5 p.m. Fox Ridge Women's club regular monthly meeting, 8 p.m.-Shepherd of the Hills church-cookie exchange- secret elf drawing. Newcomers club, "Tea, Talk and Sew" 9:30 a.m - Faith Presbyterian church- Chapel Hill and Lincoln roads-babysitting available. NOVEMBER 29 Johnsburg high school, Junior class-fashion show- auditorium, 7:30 p.m. Girl Scout neighborhood meeting~St. Patrick's hall, 9:30 a.m. NOVEMBER 30 McHenry chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star 547 installation, 8 p.m.-Acacia hall. DECEMBER 1 Holiday Bazaar-10 a.m. to 4 p.m.-Faith Presbyterian church-corner of Lincoln and Chapel Hill roads. S t . P a u l ' s c h u r c h - Christmas bazaar-parish hall, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. DECEMBER 1-2 Henry Choral Club Christmas Program-8:l5 p . m . - - W e s t C a m p u s auditorium. DECEMBER 3 McHenry Senior Citizens e x e c u t i v e c o m m i t t e e WINTER FANTASY it McHenry Area Rescue Friday, December 7, 7 PM Andres' Steak House FEATURING: TRILOGY ^35^per couple Sponsored by Fox Ridge Women's Club For reservations, call Patti Castle 344-1631 27« Route 120 meeting, 10 a.m.-McHenry public library. DECEMBER 4 Whispering Oaks bus to Chicago loop-leave com­ munity center^8:45 a.m.-for rides, call 385-8518 by Nov. 30. McHenry Lodge 158 AF&AM-8 p.m. stated meeting-Acacia hall. Women of the Moose- chapter meeting, 8 p.m. DECEMBER 5 McHenry Senior Citizens luncheon-theater trip to Shady Lane, Marengo-bus leaves McHenry savings & loan parking lot at 11:15 a.m. DECEMBER 6 McHenry area Separated and Divorced Catholic group meeting-7:30 p.m. at the Oak room, Montini Middle school. Veterans of World War I, McHenry Barracks 1315-- meeting at McHenry Post 491, American Legion home- 2 p.m. DECEMBER 7 Fox Ridge Women's Club dinner dance "Winter Fantasy"-Andres Steak House, 7 p.m.-benefit McHenry area rescue squad- -for tickets, call 385-1631. DECEMBER 10 McHenry Senior Citizens - annual Christmas party- West Campus cafeteria. DECEMBER 11 McHenry Chapter 547 OES-8 p.m. stated meeting- Acacia hall. DECEMBER 18 McHenry Lodge 158 AF&AM-8 p.m. staled meeting-Acacia hall. Women of the Moose- Christmas party, pot luck,7 p.m.-business meeting. There are no rules that apply to every human be­ ing, and no human being that obeys all the rules. • • • * Few people respect in­ t e l l i g e n c e , a n d f e w e r possess it. * * * • • Be as anxious to help others as you are to accept favors. Moose Lodge Sponsors Annual Dinner Dance The annual Thanksgiving party, sponsored by McHenry Lodge 691 of the Loyal Order of Moose will be held Saturday, Nov. 17 at the Moose lodge. A complete turkey dinner with all the trimmings will be served from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. with Chef Schlichtenmeyer, Governor • of the lodge, presiding. Dancing will follow at 9 p.m. This evening of festivity provides funding throughout the year for many of the projects supported by the Moose lodge, including a scholarship given to a g r a d u a t i n g s e n i o r f r o m McHenry high school. All members and their guests are urged to attend for an evening of fun. Tickets will be available at the door f o r a n o m i n a l a m o u n t . A d v a n c e t i c k e t s a r e available at the lodge. Grandma S e z . . . Well here we be: Th' gardens 're dismantled, th' preservin' o' good things f'r w i n t e r f a r e d o n e , a n ' preparation f'r th' next change o' season, as holidays near. Seems like summer just disappeared too quickly, this year. Maybe th' reason is th' long, tired winter we went through, an' th' late start in gardenin' an' farmin'. This granny looks back t' times when we ne'er thought o' air-conditionin', an' we got through th' hottest days o' summer pretty well. We didn't have autymobiles t' tote us t' th' beaches, as that was th' only place we may find t' cool off, 'less we had an' ole swimming' hole, near b y . W e , i n t h ' c i t y , r o d e t h ' available transportation, carryin' picnic, baskets, an' n e c e s s a r y e q u i p m e n t , a n ' a youngun' 'r two. Those were th' Good ol' days." But this granny 'd trade these times, f'r 'em, me thinks, f'r th' reason that society offered a life o' quiet peaceful livin'. I'll grant ye, we had it much harder, an' it took th' home-maker all her time, t' keep th' family fed, an' th' domain in acceptable condition. Me own mother made all our clothes, an' young girls were taught t' know how t' do likewise. In this day an' age, folks don't realize how much they have, they have so much more 'n anyone e'er thought o' havin'. Th' home-makin' has b'come so easy t' handle that, there's ,so much time l e f t , - i t b ' c o m e s a p r o b l e m f ' r th' women t' find enough t' fill it. Hence we find so many o' th' female sex, a lookin' t' find more glamourous work, outside th' home. They get bored wi' a lookin' after th' younguns, an' send 'em t' nursery school, almost as soon as they c'n walk: Seems t' this ol' lady it ain't a healthy situation. Th' man o' th' house takes a back-seat, an' his ego drops t' a low he ne'er knew b'fore. Women don't need th' ego build-up, as men do, an' society suffers when it is denied 'em. In days gone by, like th' reminiscin' was about, a man was king o' his castle, an' few women o' this day, make a man feel kike a king, after th' honeymoon is o're. I see young folks a gettin' married, an' b'fore ye c'n say "Jack Robinson," they're divorced. That ain't th' way t' build a good society, seems t' me, an' may be one o' th' reasons th' offspring seek t' lose 'em- selves in all kind o' acts, foreign t' those young o' yester-years. There's a big change needed. This ol' granny has watched this condition for growin' f' nigh on t' thirty, forty, years, an' in me heart is an ache f'r th' ones a comin' along. Grandma Radke We'd Love To Have You For Dinner EVERY SATURMY-SUNIMY A N0NDAY PRIME RIB of BEEF Special $7,s Ik I I II IC ^ur'ainoul ̂ >1°^B8'* | AU JUb Choice of Potato Soup or Tomato Juice,' AAini loaf of Bread and Buttef. DON'T MISS OUR FEATHER PARTY SAT. NOV. 17th BEN FRANKLIN 12S0 N. Green St.-McHENRY SALE ENDS SATURDAY Baby Furniture Floor Display Sale Qoesto* STEAK HOUSE Miles East of McHenry * I LQNGHDRN 9869 All Strollers-High Chairs Playpens and Baby Beds Toy Chest-Dressing Tables

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