PAGE 22 • PLA1NDE ALER -WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2«. 197S * j #.; f • V;; & 1 •' •;•:?-•• .0-" '. ' •>' r:i •ma McHenry Highlights ' i . -"i - W I fc. . ' FACTS FROM McHEJNRY COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL Q y K. Sonnichsen, an insurance agent, shqyvn at left, speaks with members of the Living" Environments class at West campus. With him, from left, are Karen Kolbinger, Jane Pour, Kim DeLaMatter and Mrs. Ames, class instructor. Last month, Mr. San* nichsen, an insurance agent for Country Companies, Was a guest speaker for the Living Environments class at ( West campus. Son- nichsen's program revolved around how one can help stem the frightening rate of home accidents and deaths. The home safety program emphasized the prevention of falls, poisonings, fires, firearm accidents, suf focations, and other hazards. The program also included complete details on how to develop a fire escape plan for the home. The Living Environments class taught by Mrs. Ames is a new approach to in t r o d u c t o r y i n t e r i o r designing. This program teaches students decision making skills they need in a variety of life situations by focusing on their total en vironment - where they work, live and play. The students gain insights as to how certain events affect their lives and how people interact with their en vironment. ^During the first two units, students examine and learn how to react positively to controlled and uncontrolled events in their life. They are helped to identify key people in j^he community who can assist them. Students are involved in role playing dealing with, conflict situations which generates sympathy for the problems of others. During these units guest speakers are invited into the classroom to speak on a variety of topics. Speakers have included Eugene Paulausky on goal setting and self-motivation, Officer Brody of the McHenry Police department on home and self protection, Mrs. Wilkersen of the Red Crres on Emergencies and first aid. Mayor and Mrs. Stanek on the role of government, and Mrs. Jackie Smith on alcoholism, drugs and depression. St Based on an un-. derstanding of self and others, the students then learn how different struc tures meet different in dividual needs and how different atmospheres need special planning. Students evaluate floor plans of structures according to how well they meet human needs. Next, the students must construct and furnish a model to serve a definite need. Ultimately the students learn how to identify .< an ideal en vironment and how to make it a reality. i They Should ' When they change the football rules, they should do something to prevent an upset from being inevitable. -Tribune, Oaklai^i. MONTGOMERY imuna After-Christmas Sale Sale ends Sat., Dec. 29,1979 * ft-- friiiiitt ii'hi Bedding begins l o w a s . . . Twin size. Aattress top?* 35% off. Plump, easy-care pillows offer down-like comfprt. id. size. reg. 8.49 Filled with resilient, odorless Dacron® Hollofil® II polyester; polyester/cotton covers. Entire pillow is machine washable. Larger sizes, matching covers sale priced. Sale ends Jan. 26. Save 35% v Fitted mattress pad is stitchless-quilted. i) Cotton/polyes- Reg. 9.99 ter over poly- y ester fill. White. fj twin Larger sizes sale priced. 50% Relax on our super-firm Air Glide bedding. Innerspring. mattress has attractive decorator cover quilted to urethane foam. Double-tempered coils give great support. Add matching torsion-support foundation. 159.99 full ea. pc 79.88 369.99 queen, 2-|>c. set, 184.88 479.99 king size, 3-piece set now frn sale 239.83 Sale ends Jan. 26,1980 Twin size, each piece. Regularly 129.99 UcMmJ ! 0 - I, Save 24-35% 1/2 price. Full size, reg. 4.99.... .3179* Sid cases, reg. 4.29 pr, 2.79 larger sizes also on sale Selection of boxed Christmas cards. Traditional and contem- Q Q q / f 5 0 porary themes. Box of 25, a/X Rfegularly 1.75-S9 Our muslin sheets in solid white. 79 all in the same design. Selection may vary Stylish white sheets are cottOn/polyester; need no ironing. Flat or fitted. 2 •• Twin size. Regularly 3.99 FAMILY SHOE SALE V3» y2 OFF WOMEN'S 797-997 Were 12.99-S23 MEN'S 1097-1497 Were S15-S30 \ CHILDREN'S 697 Were 12.99418 Styles illustrated are representative of large assortment Save 25-28% Full size, reg. 7.^. 5.99 Sid cases, reg. 6.99pr 4.99 Larger sizeB in stock induced Twin percale sheet for a bed of roses. 4" Needs no ironing! Cotton/ polyester. Solid color hem, white piping. Flat or fitted. Regularly 6.99 EVERY BRA IN STOCK Regular Price STORE HOURS Mon. thru Fri. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 105 Northwest Highway Route 14 Phone 815459-3120 FREE PARKING Circuit Breaker Tax r'.v. T ', ' *" \ » : > • -t-.% 1 Relief Forms In Mail- Senior Citizen and Disabled Persona) Property Tax Relief forms should-be delivered during December to home owners and renters who have gotten relief in the • past," reports State Rep. Cal Skinner, Jr., (R-33 rd. district). V " ' 4 1 . "Circuit breaker forms ' were mailed from the printer in Green Bay by third cliura mail in early December, " Skinner said. "I know some seniors have already received them, but I hope before those who haven't received them start calling for forms they will* give the post office the rest 0 rtf t V- of the month to deliver them." Skinner indicated that those who have, just turned 65 probably would ^ot receive the forms directly from the State Revenue department and will have to ask "either his office, some other legislator, 6r a local senior citizens' group for a copy. Skinner hopes to have copies available in >his Crystal Lake office (65-E. Woodstock street, 459-6050) week day mornings in ,the near future. People who want to call may leave a message with his answering service, if the office does not answer. •» . ; Wonder Lake Anne Sowers ' 653-9549 Enjoy House Decorations / Well, It's over! Here the day after Christmas. A1 the hustle and bustle in the stores, trying to find the right present, is finished. The tree is missing the tinsle from the bottom branches and the Christmas cookies are almsot all eaten. It's a wonderful time of year though, seeing the sparkle in the eyes of children when the word Christmas is even men tioned. Something that seems to be extraordinary this year is the house decorations. For several years, energy conscious people seemed to dominate the scene and few decorations could be seen. This year it appears that people figure the electric bill is high anyway, so what the heck! If you get a chance, take a ride around Wonder Lake ih_ the evening and enjoy the holiday lights before they are taken down for the season. BEAR FANS DELIGHTED What a day all the Bear fans had Sunday, Dec. 16!! Many holiday parties turned out to be very segregated •with the men huddled around Itfe'TiV. anchthosf women wondering - how many minutes were left in the fourth quarter. Two of our Wonder Lake men were among those seeing the game at Soldier Field. Bill Cristy and Joe Sullivan sat in the midst of the crowd with the tem perature at game time reaching 18 degrees and snow surrounding the field. During all the excitement of a game ending with the Bears victorius 42-6, I hear they weren't even cold, m SANTA CONSULTANT . Mr. Hubert MOrtimen, former owner of Mortimer's Drive In, recently had tMe honor of being one of Santa's helpers at a Christmas party for children given by a men's club he is affiliated with. This being the first time he was to portray the well known personality, he knew he should get some background information. Through the grapevine, it was discovered that Wonder Lake has a Santa consultant who is an expert on the subject. Mr. Pete Bendle has helped Santa by substituting for him over fifty times and he came to the rescue. He was able to let Mr. Mortimer know what- to expect and how to act. Because of all his advice, Mr. Mortimer feels he did a good job making some little ones very happy. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Jan. 3 -- Woman's club Board meeting - 8 p.m. . Jan. 3 - Trailblazer Snowmobile club meeting - 8 p>fln. »..| i l Uion Jan. fi -i-; N^tivjjy4 faflltfy pdtlucfk. dinner, feHow^g 10:30 a.m. service. Jan. 9 - American Legion Aux. meeting - 8 p.m. Jan. 16 - Young At Hearts meeting -11 a.m. r Jan. 17 - Woman's club meeting - 8 p.m, .4 Jan. 18 -Lakers Snowmobile club meeting - 7:30 p.m. Village ot McHenry Shores Inge Aide 344-1984 Rose Lillegord 385-4517 A Time For Reflection Christmas for most of us is a time for rejoicing wholeheartedly. The time "between the years" (as my mother used to call it) is a time given to reflections. What could I have done to make the past 'year better? What will the new year bring? These are just a few of the questions that come to us unbidden, culminating very often in the unjustly ridiculed new year's resolutions. The simpler the resolutions, the easier it is to keep, and very often the small things make the greatest difference in the long run. Our resolution is to write this column every week, if at all possible. Won't you make it your resolution to let us know what is happening to you? The more we 'know about you the more in teresting and informative * this column will become. Wouldn't your kids like to see their names in the paper on their birthdays? Wouldn't your visitors be pleased to be welcomed officially? We are interested in everybody who lives in McHenry Shores. We would like to rejoice with your good fortune, and also like to help if you have problems. We hope that all of you had a happy and peaceful Christmas, and offer our prayers for those who could not spend this holiday season with their loved ones. Please, join us also in praying for the safe return of those ihcapitivity and for the people who are ill.' BIRTHDAYS Many people were doubly blessed this past month, having not only Christmas but also a birthday' to celebrate. A happy birthday was celebrated by Brian Henshall Dec. 12 and Christine Sebek on the 14th, Raymond LaFrancis had his day Dec. 17, and Paul Knoll was 9 years old on that day. Kimberly Ann Olbinski turned 19 Dec. 22, and Sammy Perez was 9 on the 23d. Armando Perez, Sheri Blue and Kristen Panerali received both their birthday and Christmas present on the same day. On Dec. 28 Dorothy Koleno will be 18 years old. New Year's day will mark the birthdays of Kenny Alton who will be 14 and John Knoll. Happy birthday and many happy returns to aft of you! Our best wishes for the year 1980 to all our readers. There Usually Is In nearly every case when you exclaiip: "There ought to be a law- against that!"--if you'll look it up, you'll find that there is. -Atlanta Journal. CONSUMER VCHECKtlST Save Energy if you're building a home or making some chonges in the kitchen of your present one, install the refrigerator in the coldest part of the room -- It will need less energy to oper ate.