Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Apr 1980, p. 2

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PAGE 2 - PLAIN DEALER - FRIDAY, APRIL 11.1980 OCLCL i , coooooocoboooocoo^ ; Community Calendar MR. AND MRS. CONRAD RUPP, SR. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Rupp, Sr., 4510 E. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake, observed their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary Monday, April 7. The couple have been residents of Wonder Lake for about thirty years. They have a son, Conrad Rupp of Bradenton, Fla., four grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Group Slates Speaker Mary Marsh, Religious Education Director for St. Patricks Catholic church in McHenry, will be the featured speaker for the April 17 meeting of the McHenry Area Separated and Divorced Catholic group. Mrs. Marsh is also a consultant to the McHenry County Catholic Education Council. She will speak on "Parenting". The stresses of being a parent are many today, but for the single parent family they are magnified. The Divorced Catholic group meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. in the Oak room at the Montini Middle school, McHenry. All interested separated and divorced parents are invited to attend. Further information may be secured by calling 385-5592. Women Enjoy Potluck The Lakeland Park Women's club March meeting began with a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m., at the Lakeland Park Community House. After the delicious meal, the meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. The majority of the meeting was devoted to making plans for the annual Spring Luncheon and Card Party to be held Wednesday, April 23, 11:30 a.m. at St. Patrick's church hall, 3500 W. Washington street. Tickets have been distributed to all club members, but reservations and tickets can be secured by contacting the ticket chairman, Mrs. Wm. J. (Lyda) Radisch, McHenry. Tickets will also be available at the door the day of the Luncheon. The various committees have been formed, and plans are about completed. Last minute details will be discussed at the April meeting. Barbara Burke _ volun­ teered to take caffs for no­ minations for new officers; election to take place at the next meeting. So far, no estimates or bids have been received for the renovation of the community house kitchen. * • • * Tolerance is the key to peace of mind. • • • * Progress doesn't flow from excuses. The McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce invites girls between the ages of 17 and 21 to enter the 1980 Miss McHenry Pageant. Contestants must live in the McHenry-Johnsburg school district and must have a McHenry address. Miss McHenry Contest Name. Address. Phone Birth Date What school do you attend. School Activities Hobbies Parents Signature (Please include picture, preferably black and white. Candidate or parent must bring this ap­ plication to Plaindealer office. 3812 W. Elm Street, McHenry in person.) An mini Snlo APRIL n Sinnuai OlWC United Methodist Women # Spring Rummage sale-First HQS Bargains United Methodist church--8 6 am. to 6 p.m. The annual Spring Rum­ mage sale sponsored by the United Methodist Women of the First United Methodist church of McHenry, 3717 W. Main street, will open at 8 a.m. Friday and close at fr p.m. On Saturday, April 12 the hours will be from 8 a.m. to noon. There will be "bargains galore" of all kinds and everyone is invited to "shop at the new Fellowship hall" of the church. While browsing and shopping, coffee and donuts will be available at very nominal prices. Plan Coffee For Mothers A coffee and talk-session on Mothering, sponsored by McHenry County Lamaze Parents, is being held Monday, April 14, at Faith Presbyterian church, 2107 W. Lincoln road, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The coffee is open to any mother in the McHenry area who has had a baby in the last six months. The purpose of this discussion is to help mothers realize that the problems, adjustments and emotions they experience postpartum are normal and shared by many others. A LaLeche League leader will be available for any questions on breast feeding. Baby sitting is also available. There is no charge and any mother is welcome. Anyone having questions may call 385-2996. American Legion Auxiliary News The• McHenry County Salon No? 483 Eight et Forty met at the Marengo Legion Home Sunday, March 16 with 16 members present. A potluck proceeded the meeting. LaPetit Chapeau Pearl Cooper, McHenry called the meeting to order and it was announced that the Salon is 100 percent in donations to the Children and Youth Legion fund. Betty Lingenfelter requested partners to send prayers for her Book of Prayers. Florence Kennedy reported that Salon No. 483 has received credit of $113.25 from Pouvoir for the Parade of Toys. All chairmen were asked to bring their reports to the next meeting so that they can be sent in. At the present time, the Salon is one short of 100 percent in membership. Florence Kennedy made a motion that Vicky Gleason be accepted as a transfer. Initition will take place in May. The next meeting will be held April 28 at the Crystal Lake Legion home on Woodstock street in Crystal Lake. Church Holds Rummage Sale On April 17 and 18 the Zion Ladies Aid will hold their annual Spring Rummage sale. It will be held in the social hall in the basement of Zion Lutheran church, located at 4206 W. Waukegan road (Route 120) in McHenry. The doors will be open to the public Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and on Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. APRIL 12 Friendship club potluck dinner and meeting--5: SO p.m., Fellowship hall-First United Methodist church- program, Helen and Reno Eckardt. United Methodist Women Spring Rummage sale-First United Methodist church-8 a.m. to noon. APRIL 13 St. Clara Court No. 659- host court--26th annual Conference of the Rockford Diocesan assn. Consecration service- First United Methodist church-3717 W. Main street- 4 p.m. APRIL 14 McHenry Senior Citizens club-meeting, 7:30 p.m.- West campus cafeteria. Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Board meeting-9:30 a.m. APRIL 15 McHenry high school musical-"Oklahoma"-West campus auditorium, 8 p.m.- senior citizen performance. McHenry Lodge 158 AF&AM-Stated meeting, 8 p.m.-Acacia hall. Whispering Oaks Garden Club-luncheon, 12:30 p.m.~ Hunter Country club-meet at center to pool cars, 11:30 a.m. APRIL 16 McHenry Grandmothers club-annual Spring Card Party at St. Patjrick's church hall-dessert-lurtcheon, 12:30 p.m. Whispering Oaks Woman's club-annual meeting, 1 p.m.-Book Review by Mrs. George Wardle, State Parliamentarian. Family Service & Comm. Mental Health center for McHenry county-Board of Director's meeting, 7:30 p.m.-224 W. Judd, Wood- stock-open to public. APRIL 17 United Methodist Women- general meeting, noon- potluck, Fellowship hall- Ruth Circle hostesses. APRIL 17-18 Rummage sale-Zion Lutheran church-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.-Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. APRIL 17-18-19 McHenry high school musical-"Oklahom&"~West campus auditorium, 8 p.m. APRIL 18 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-potluck-Montini Middle school-bring table service-6 p.m. APRIL 20 McHenry high school musical~"Oklahoma"-West campus auditorium, 2 p.m. O.E.S. CHAPTER 547 and McHenry Lodge 158 AF6AM--and Nunda Chapter O.E.S. and lodge- Dinner theater party, 2 p.m.- -Shady Lane. McHenry Warriors Booster club--Pancake Breakfast--West campus cafeteria-9 to 1:30 p.m. APRIL 21 T.H.E.O.S. meet at 5:30 p.m.-dinner at Circle "R"- formerly A k W-route 120- then to First United Methodist church. APRIL 22 McHenry Chapter 547 O.E.S.-Secretaries night, 8 p.m.-Acacia hall. Women of the Moose-8 p.m.-business meeting. APRIL 23 U.M.W. Tea and Book Review-First United Methodist church, l p.m.- for building fund. V - » » \ v * : RECEIVES RITUAL OF WELCOME - Xi Kappa Iota chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority met in the home of Mrs. Joel (Dee) Boeka, who received the Ritual of Welcome, transferring from Minneapolis, Minn. Virge Stasiak, newly elected president, presented a rose to the honoree. Pictured above, left to right, are Linda Jachino, treasurer; Dorothy Haddick, extension officer; Dee; Virge; Etta McCarthy, vice president and Karen Colomer, corresponding secretory. A "Scotch Doubles" bowling party for members and guests is planned for May 17 at Raymnond's Johnsburg Bowl. Cultural programs were given by Karen Colomer on "Table Equipment" and Fawn Vail on "Apartments" from the program book, "The Home We Make". The next meeting will be at the home of Carol Ridlen in Round Lake Beach. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD SPRING ---- " * SUNDAY, APRIL 13,2 to 5 P.M. M&M Body Shoppe where staying or getting into shape is fun! Refreshments! Renovations! Raffle! Come in and get to know us! BODY SHOPPE 2908W. Rte. 120-McHenry (Vi mile east of bridge) 315-5690 Lakeland Park Women's club-Annual Spring Lun­ cheon and Card Party-St. Patrick's church hall- serving begins 11:30 a.m. APRIL 24 St. Clara Court No. 659- installation of officers-- potluck-6 p.m.-Mary hall. Valley View Girl Scouts- Neighborhood Meeting, 9:30 a.m.-Knights of Columbus hall. McHenry Senior Citizens club-Driver's Refresher course-first session, 9:30 a.m. to noon-council chambers-McHenry City hall. K APRIL 24-25 Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality-St. John's church, Johnsburg-Rummage sale, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Johnsburg Community club. APRIL 26 Valley View Fun Fair-11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. St. Margaret chapter of NAIM-cards, 7:30 p.m.-- Montini Middle school. Faith Presbyterian church-Fashion Show and Salad Luncheon-11 a.m. APRIL 28 McHenry Woman's club- Board meeting, 10 a.m.- McHenry Public Library. MAY 1 McHenry Senior Citizens club-Driver's Refresher course-secondsession, 10 a.m. to noon-council chambers-McHenry City hall. MAY 3-4 McHenry Choral Club Spring Program-8:l5 p.m.- West Campus Auditorium. MAY 5 U.M.W, Mission Team Executive committee- meeting, 9 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. MAY 6 Whispering Oaks Garden Club-Board meeting, 1 p.m.- -Community center. Koinonia study group-10 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor--weekly meeting. Marcia Mary Ball Circle meeting-noon-First United Methodist church parlor- Lyda Radisch, hostess. MAY 8 McHenry Senior Citizens club-Driver's Refresher course-third and final session of series-10 a.m. to noon--council chambers, McHenry City hall. Priscilla Circle meeting- First United Methodist church parlor~9:30 to 11:30 a.m. MAY 10 Whispering Oaks Garden Club-Plant sale, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.-Community center- 4513 Front Royal drive, McHenry. Friendship club potluck dinner amd meeting-5:30 p.m.-Fellowship hall-First United Methodist church- program, Evelyn and Ralph Smith. MAY 15 U.M.W. general meeting- potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m.- guest, Rev. Marcia Mary Ball from Rhodesia-First United Methodist church Fellowship hall. MAY 17 Beach Gals Flea Market and Bake Sale-9 a.m. to 5 p.m.-at the McCullom Lake Beach house. Mount Hope United Methodist church-Rent-A- Slave day~8 a.m. to 4 p.m.- call church for details. Speaker For Meeting Guest speaker for the evening at the next general meeting of Parents Without Partners Chapter No. 189 will be M.J. Macaulay, M.S. Pschotherapist from Elgin. He will speak on roles that we play in a relationship. The meeting will be held Friday, April 18 at the American Legion hall^Oak and Woodstock streets in Crystal Lake. It will begin at 8:30 p.m. and all first-time guests are urged to attend the orientation at 8 p.m. There will be refresh­ ments, conversation and dancing following the program. Other events scheduled for April include a family campout, family bike tour, family kite making and kite fly, adult nite out at Burger & Brew, adult birthday party, family roller skating, adult concert and many interesting discussion groups. To be eligible for mem­ bership in P.W.P. one must be single by reason of death, divorce, separation, or never married and be a parent. Custody of the children is not necessary. For more Information, please call Mrs. A.R. Baer, Crystal Lake. Craft Meeting Postponed At a recent meeting of the Marcia Mary Ball Circle, it was decided not to have the Craft club meet on Tuesday, April 8, as most of the ladies would be getting ready for the U.M.W. annual Spring Rummage sale. However, the craft club will meet Tuesday, April 15 at 11 a.m., and invite ladies to attend who have samples and ideas for items for the bazaar. Anyone able to teach others how to crochet and knit would be appreciated. Anne Demke was the hostess, serving very delicious refreshments, and Lonah Wendlandt had the meditations, which were beautiful, inspiring and enjoyed by all. Members of the circle were reminded of the annual spring rummage sale sponsored by the U.M.W. Friday, April 11, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday, April 12, from 8 a.m. to noon, in the Fellowship hall. The Spring Tea and Book Review by Martha HoDkins will be Wednesday, April 23 at l p.m. in the Sanctuary, and tickets have been mailed out to the membership; however, tickets can be purchased at the door the day of the program. This will be an enjoyable afternoon, as Martha Hopkins is a well known book reviewer and lecturer. Members were also reminded of the Con­ secration service Sunday, April 13, at 4 p.m., when the U.M.W. will be serving refreshments following the service. The potluck dinner honoring missionary MarCia Mary Ball from Rhodesia, Thursday, May 15 at 6:30 p.m., was discussed, but more definite plans on this event will be made at the May Circle meeting. The May Circle meeting will be held Tuesday, May 6 at noon; Lyda Radisch will be the hostess. Members are requested to bring a sand­ wich. Any ladies of the congregation not affiliated with a circle are invited to attend. The U.M.W. General meeting Thursday, April 17 will begin with a potluck luncheon, with the Ruth Circle as hostesses. Rev. Maynard Beal, Director of Urban Work, Rockford District, and Assistant Dean of the School of Missions will be the guest speaker. Rev. Beal's topic will be "The Future of Human Rights in the 1980's". He will be speaking from experience of extensive travel around the world. Set Consecration Service When a new United Methodist church is finished, there is a special service called "The Service of Consecration" that a congregation participates in to officially make the building "A House of Wor­ ship". April 13 at 4 p.m. a Consecration service will be celebrated at the First United Methodist church, 37.17 W. Main street. McHenry. In addition to Rev. Ralph J. Smith, the church's pastor, some of the par­ ticipating guests in this Consecration Service of the Sanctuary will include: Rev. Robert Schumm, District Superintendent, Elgin District United Methodist church; Rev. Edmund Petit, Pastor, St. Patrick's church; Rev. Gerald Robertson, Pastor, Alliance Bible church; Mr. Jerry Tobin, Deacon, St. John's church; Rev. James Gaynor, Pastor, St. Mary's church; Rev. Vincent P. Fish, Chaplain, McHenry hospital; Mr. Joseph Stanek, Mayor of McHenry; Mr. Clinton Claypool, McHenry County Board member and Mr. William H. Ewald, Ewald Associates (architects). The Bell Choir will play their bells, the Senior choir will sing, and the Heavenly Hosts and Joyful Noises youth choirs will add their voices in celebration of the occasion. An Open House will be held following the "Hour of Worship", and the United Methodist Women will serve refreshments. Vocalist At Luncheon School District No. 15 Eloction SATURDAY, APRIL 12 Noon to 7 p.m. VOTE FOR NANCY GLOSSON NANCY 1$: •26 Year Resident •Serving on the Citizen Advisory Council •Concerned Parent & Taxpayer •Aware of the financial blight of our schools •Willing to dedicate her­ self to the problems now facing our schools Adv. paid for by Citizens to Elact Nancy Gio«*on 3706 W. Elm St.-McHonry Paul Rupright, baritone vocalist of almost any kind of song, accompanied by his wife, Shirley, will be the attraction of the Lecture Luncheon's fifth and final luncheon program in its 1979- 80 series. Mr. RupHght appeared with the Lyric Opera company of Chicago and took part in several musicals, some of which are: "Man of LaMancha", "Fiddler on the Roof", "Show Boat", and "Hello Dolly". He also made numerous appearances for women's clubs and has found a great deal of pleasure singing these programs. The luncheon will be held at Branded House in Crystal Lake Thursday, April 17, with a social hour at 11:15 a.m. and lunch served at noon, followed by Paul Rupright's entertaining program. For more information concerning this event or becoming a member of the Lecture Luncheon Series for the 1980-81 season, call Mrs. Daniel (Joyce) Adams, McHenry. • • • • Silence is an under­ played virtue. 1 •Wilvwl i CALL YEGGE ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX SERVICE •EXPERIENCED 'PROFESSIONAL •personauzed .yearround PHONE 385-7957 ^ f O R A P P O I N T M B N T

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