Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Apr 1980, p. 2

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H. Olson of Nativity in the United Methodi Lutheran church in Wonder church of Mt. Hope, Pistak Lake will speak. Highlands, McHenry. Feature Job Finding Program Plan High School Reunion and Bake Sale-23 families-9 a.m. to 5 p.m.-McCullom Lake Beach house. Mount Hope United Methodist church-Rent-A- Slave day~8 am. to 4 p.m - call church for details. Faith Presbyterian Church-Fashion show and Salad luncheon-U a.m. Bake Sale-Rummage Sale- Mount Hope church-- Pistakee Highlands-9 a.m. to 2 p.m. ^ v Faith Presbyterian church Rummage sale-9 a.m. to 4 p.m.-corner of Lincoln and Chapel Hill roads. PAGE 2 - PI AINDEAI.KR - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3t, IBM Hi t o± y OCLCL Community Calendar REBECCA FRASIER AND PETER STILLING ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Reverend and Mrs. Richard Frasier, Lake Mills, Wis., announce the engagement of their daughter, Rebecca, to Peter Stilling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stilling, Cambridge, Wis., formerly of McHenry. The future bride is a graduate of Lake Mills high school and is presently enrolled as a student at the University of Wisconsin, majoring in dance. The prospective groom graduated from Marian Central high school and is currently a part-time accounting student at the University of Wisconsin, Whitewater. A June, 1961 wedding is planned. MR. AND MRS. DANA K. WHEELOCK MARRIED IN MINNESOTA - April 12 is(the date when marriage vows were exchanged between Dana, son of Philip and Anna Wheelock, Glacier Ridge, McHenry and Kathleen Sue, daughter of Richard and Ann Behrens of Roseville, Minn. Following their honeymoon in Guatamala, the couple will reside in Chicago where the groom is a self-employed professional photographer. He graduated from McHenry Community high school and obtained a B.S. degree from Southern Illinois. The bride will continue her studies in Family Sociology at De Paul. Sorority Has Visitor Mrs. Lee (Alice) Snell, a prospective transferee from a Waukegan chapter, was a visitor for the regular business meeting of Xi Kappa Iota chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority at the home of Mrs. Mason (Carol) Ridlen in Round Lake. The program, "Fun with Flowers" was presented by Virge Stasiak. An added attraction was a working demonstration by Mrs. S t a s i a k , f e a t u r i n g "Macrame and Mirrors". Founder's day, the forty - ninth anniversary of Beta Sigma Phi, will be celebrated at a dinner for all chapter members of the E . C . C . ( E x e c u t i v e Coorindating council of Crystal Lake and McHenry) at Andre's Steak House, April 30. Cocktails at 6:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 7, followed by the program. The recent Valentine dance of the Beta Sigma Phi E.C.C. raised over $800 for A.L.S., Inc. Research foundation. Chapter members and guests will enjoy a bowling party at Raymond's John- sburg Bowl May 17, |p.m. Rservations must be made with any member. The next meeting will be May 1, at the home of Mrs. Robert (Fawn) Vail in Round Lake Beach, at which time the newly elected of­ ficers will be installed. Not everyone who plans a life can live it. MAY 1 McHenry Senior Citizens club-Driver's Refresher course-secondsession, 10 a.m. to noon-council chambers-McHenry City hall. Xi Kappa Iota chapter Beta Sigma Phi-meeting at home of Fawn Vail. M o n t i n i P a r e n t s ' association-general meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Middle school cafeteria. MAY 2 Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake-family film series, 7 p.m. St. Margaret chapter of NAIM-fish dinner, 5:30 p.m.-American Legion hall. M C P A A p r e s e n t s "Gramercy Ghost"-senior citizens night-McHenry Junior high-8 p.m.-tickets at door. MAY 3 McHenry Choral Club Spring Program-8:15 p.m.- West Campus Auditorium. M C P A A p r e s e n t s " G r a m e r c y G h o s t " - - McHenry Junior high-8 p.m.-tickets at door. MAY 4 McHenry Choral Club Spring Program-8:15 p.m.- West Campus Auditorium. Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake-family film series, noon. MAY 5 U.M.W. Mission Team Executive committee- meeting, 9 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. McHenry Senior Citizens- Executive meeting, 10 a.m.- McHenry Public library. Newcomers club-Dual Board meeting, 7:30 p.m.- home of Mrs. James Young, McHenry. MAY 6 Whispering Oaks Garden Club-Board meeting, 1 p.m.- -Community center. Koinonia study group-10 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor-weekly meeting. Marcia Mary Ball Circle meeting- >on F;vst United Methodist c u. v: p<.r' .. Ruth Circle. First United Methodist church-mceting, noon-home of Esther Bailey-bring sandwich. W.O.T.M. chapter night- meeting, 8 p.m.-Moose lodge-nominations. St. Patrick's Ladies Guild- -day of prayer-9 a.m. Mass followed by light breakfast- business meeting-bring bag lunch. MAY 7 McHenry Grandmothers club-lunch at Raymond's restaurant, 11:30 a.m.- meetingat K.C. hall, 1 p.m.- call C. Jansen for reser­ vations. MAY 8 McHenry Senior Citizens club-Driver's Refresher course-third and final session-10 a.m. to noon- council chambers, McHenry City hall. Priscilla Circle meeting- First United Methodist church parlor~9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Lakeland Park Women's club potluck dinner, 6:30 p.m.-meeting, 7:30 p.m.~ Lakeland Park Community house. MAY 9 Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake-family film series, 7 p.m. M C P A A p r e s e n t s " G r a m e r c y G h o s t " - - McHenry Junior High-8 p.m.-tickets at door. SHAMROCK CLEANERS 4400 W. ROUTE 120 McHENRY MARKET PLACE 3S5-1944 ONK DOLLAR CERTIFICATE ! BOiLAR Off when presented 4 of $5.00 or more ON ALL SERVICE. St«am«K Rental Drop«r»«i. Etc. f' Clean Only ((oin Op) I A On® Certificate per Order. Please ^ This Certificate is worth « with any ProtMsianel Dry Cleaning leather Swede Cleaning EXPUttS: May !•, 19M SHAMROCK CLEANERS 44MW.RTi.120 DAILY 7 to 4 McHENRY MS-1944 SAT. • to MAY 10 1 Whispering Oaks Garden Club-Plant sale, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.-Community center- 4513 Front Royal drive, McHenry. Friendship club potluck dinner and meeting-5:30 p.m.-Fellowship hall-First United Methodist church. M C P A A p r e s e n t s " G r a m e r c y G h o s t " - - McHenry Junior High--8 p.m.-tickets at door. M o n t i n i P a r e n t s ' association-dance, Dixieland DelightVFW hall, 8 p.m.- MAY 11 . Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake-family film series, noon. MAY 12 McHenry Senior Citizens- meeting, 7:30 p.m.-West, campus cafeteria. MAY 13 Newcomers club-monthly meeting, 7:30 sp.m.- members' potluckjiiinner and installation of officers- St. Paul's Episcopal church, McHenry. MAY 14 Salad bar luncheon and fashion show-Zion Lutheran church-noon. Johnsburg high school Booster club-meeting, 7:30 p.m.-at the high school. MAY 15 U.M.W. general meeting- potluck dinner, 6:30 p.m.- First United Methodist church Fellowship hall. Xi Kappa Iota chapter Beta Sigma Phi sorority- meeting at home of Linda Thietje. MAY 16 St. Margaret chapter of NAIM-meeting, 7:30 p.m.- Oak room, Montini Middle school. MAY 17 Beach Gals Flea Market MAY 18 NAIM Diosecan council meeting-potluck, 2 p.m.- Montini Middle school-St. Mary's, ' McHenry-bring table service-widows and widowers welcome. MAY 19 B.P.W. meeting-Chapel Hill Country club- Installation of officers. National Catholic Society of Foresters--St. Agatha Court 777-adults, juniors and mothers meeting, 6:30 p.m.-Johnsburg Community club-Mass ~"and crowning. T.H.E.O.S. meet for dinner, 5:30 p.m.-Circle "R" restaurant-2214 W. Route 120-program at First United Methodist church follows. MAY 20 W .O.T.M. business meeting, 8 p.m.-election of officers-7 to 8 p.m.-Moose lodge. MAY 21 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-luncheon meeting- Hunter Country club, 11:30 a.m. MAY 31 St. Margaret chapter of NAIM-cards, 7:30 p.m.- Montmi Middle school. Hold Fellowship Day Church Women United in Lake Region will hold their annual May Fellowship day celebration Friday, May 2, at noon. "The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me" is the topic for the day. The celebration will begin with a salad buffet luncheon at Zion Lutheran church, 4206 W. Waukegan (Rt. 120), McHenry. A worship service will follow and Rev. Roger A nursery will be provided and a sack lunch is requested for youngsters. Beverages will be furnished. Calendars should' be marked now for the June Forum. Joanne Reid, from the McHenry County Family Service and Mental Health, will speak on how a mother confronts drug abuse. The Forum will be held Friday, June 6, at 9:15 a.m. in the United Methodist church of Mt. Hope, Pistakee Highlands, McHenry. Parents Without Partners Crystal lake Chapter No. 189 will hold it's next general meeting Friday, May 2 at the American Legion hall, Oak and Woodstock streets in Crystal Lake. The program will be presented by Mr. Ronald Wagner of Job Brokers, Incorporated, who will talk about finding a job beneficial to one's needs and desires. The meeting begins at 8:30 p.m. and all first-time guests are urged to come at 8 p.m. for an orientation. Coffee, refreshments and con­ versation will follow. Members from other chapiters and all P.W.P. card carrying members are cordially invited to attend. To be eligible for mem­ bership in P.W.P. one must be single by reason of divorce, death, seperation or never married and have one or more children. Custody of the children is not necessary. Other events scheduled for the month include a family sleepout-hayride-campfire, adult jazz concert, monthly dinner dance, adult cookout, adult road rally, family bowling, birthday party, family camp weekend, family picnic, adult game night and several interesting discussions. For more in­ formation please call 459- 1863. Garage Sale Benefits Youth Service Bureau The Youth Service Bureau for McHenry County is sponsoring its second annual garage sale for the benefit of the YSB. It will be held May 3 and 4, at McHenry high school East campus cafeteria from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. All proceeds will go to support the YSB services for the Youth of McHenry county. In 1979 the YSB was included in a four-year federal grant from the National Institute of Mental Health. However, this year's funding has been reduced for spurgeon? Watch For Our 8 Page "Summer Circular ' In This Week's T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 1 S T Citizen's Bag i 8 PACES OF ST0REWIDE SAVINGS McHENRY MARKET PLACE 385-4100 Pictured above, center, 1s Mrs. Harry P. (Mae) Stinespring, Jr., of McHenry, committee chairman of the fiftieth anniversary reunion of the 1930 graduating class of Carl Schurz high school, Chicago. Also serving on the committee are Clarence B. Olson of Antioch, right, and his wife, Gerry. The event will be held Oct. 11 in the North Shore Hilton, Skokie. Mrs. Stinespring was vice president of the class and her late husband was class president. A drive is currently being conducted to contact the widely scattered graduates. Human Rights Program Presented "The Future of Human Rights in the 1980's was the topic--of the program presented by Rev. Maynard Beal, director of Urban Work, Rockford district, at the April general meeting of the United Methodist Women of the First United Methodist church. Reverend Beal is also the assistant dean of the School of Missions. His interesting and informative presen­ tation was based on actual experiences of extensive travel around the world. An announcement was made of the religious prayer service 'E.R.A.' ratification at the Chicago Temple on May 10 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., and School of Christian Missions July 25 through 30 at Rockford college, with drive-in day July 30. Reservations are to be made with Marilyn Haines. "God Has Given You Treasure" is the theme for the Elgin District day of spiritual renewal Wed­ nesday, ' April 30. The day session will be held at First United Methodist church, Arlington Heights, and the evening session at Our R e d e e m e r ' s U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t c h u r h , Schaumburg. Reservations must be made with Marilyn Haines immediately. Church Women United's May Fellowship day celebration will be Friday, May 2 at Zion Lutheran church, McHenry, at noon. A nursery will be provided and a sack lunch is requested for little ones. "The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me" is the theme, and all are welcome. A kitchen shower is on the agenda in the near future to get needed equipment, dish towels and implements for a complete and efficient working kithen. Friday, May 9, is the day assigned to the McHenry group to work at the Clothing Closet in Woodstock. Bea Nuziard and Mae Eltoft have volunteered to work in the morning; Gertrude An­ derson and Anne Demke in the afternoon. Bertha Stange is in charge of the Spring Tea and Book Review; proceeds to go to the Building fund. May 26, 27 and 28 are the "Shop and Share" days, and as soon as certificates are received they will be distributed. The proceeds from this project Will also go to the Building fund. The next general meeting of the U.M.W. will be on Thursday evening, May 15, at 6:30, and will be an all church potluck dinner to honor Rev. Marcia Mary Ball, Rhodesian missionary, who will give the program. Several other churches have been invited to participate. Club Supports Hospital The Hospitality Bridge club of McHenry ended its tournanient season with dinner, bridge, prizes and a $650 donation to McHenry hospital. Hospitality Bridge club includes thirty-two McHenry area couples who range in age from parents of toddlers to great grandparents. Despite the age difference, they have one thing in common; they were all bitten by the bridge bug. The fact that there are over 635 billion possible bridge hands and only fifteen words allowed in the bidding to describe them could ex­ plain the fascination with the game. After 24 rounds of tour­ nament play, Earl and "Tommy" (Thomasina) Morrison emerged as this year's winners, with one of the highest totals ever, and a one-night high score of 8,150 [mints. In addition, they scored two Grand Slams in the play following dinner, to win the prize donated by a local bank. Second place in this year's tournament went to Ron and Pat Marks; followed by Winn and Grace Phillips, third. The match points title went to Len and Eleanor Pawlikowski in a close battle with Bev and Gary Doud, George and Lucille Kleinhans, and Ron and Pat Marks, who all tied for second place. •' "*• Division winners were Veratta and Don Gerstad, Jim and Joan Murray, and Andy and Rita MacMeekin. Hospitality Bridge club started in 1965 to raise funds for McHenry hospital. Each year the club has made a sizable donation from contributions of its mem­ bers. This year's tournament play and awards dinner was coordinated by Marlene and Lee Graham, Pat and Ed Prez, Pat and Ron Marks, and Grace and Winn Phillips. B.P.W. Has Guest Speaker the upcoming fiscal year, and YSB must rely more on local sources of income to help support its counseling, case-management, and outreach programs. Youth and their families seek these services or are referred through the police department, courts and schools in McHenry county. Those who wish to donate merchandise, household or baked goods may call 344- 3240. Pickup can be arranged. Donations can also be dropped off at the school May 2 from 4 to 8 p.m. Guest speaker for the recent McHenry Business and Professional Women's club was William Biscome, branch manager of the Social Security office in Woodstock. An interesting question and answer session followed, concerning various facets of social security problems and benefits. Finance chairman, LaNita McNamara and her com­ mittee planned a tremen­ dous evening for the club at* restaurant in McHenry. Chopsticks were 'tied and tried' amidst a beautiful dinner setting, and oriental flowers carried out the theme in decorations. June Stuart of the Library committee announced the "Take a Book Break" suggestion during the "Right to Read Week". Everyone was urged to stop in at the McHenry Public library and discuss the subject with June Stuart and Avis Gans, B.P.W. members. Betty Smith gave a report on the State Legislative' conference in Springfield, which she and Lynn Donarski attended recently. Cathy Nolan, of the Legislative committee. r LOSE WEIGHTS Even while enjoying three satisfying meals a day. Begin losing weight immediately with extra-strength Super Odrlaei reduc­ ing tablets and Diet Plan It takes over where your wiH power leaves off. A government panel of medical and sci­ entific experts has reviewed the dim­ es! tests of the extra-strength ingre­ dient in Super Mrteei, and nas termed it "safe and effective" for appe­ tite control and weight loss "fry taper Otriaei today Te lest water Meat and puffiness. try OMail. OWnil is the relief you want during the prfynenstrual cycle it is "a natural water piU. and it. too. is sold with a money-bach guarantee Read and fol­ low aH package precautions carefuly May's Itexall 4400 W. *>• 120 •olger's Drug Store 13S9 N- Gr--n St. ^ pointed out that this is the l a s t m o n t h t o t u r n i n L e g i s l a t i v e C u t b a c k petitions. The Coalition for Political Honesty is nearing its goal of 252,000 signatures and needs help to get the amendment on the November ballot. Petitions may be returned to Cathy Nolan or Lynn Donarski. Members are reminded of the B.P.W. Illinois State covention May 1-4 at Chase- Park Plaza, St. Louis, Mo. T h o s e i n t e r e s t e d i n a t ­ tending may contact president Adeline Pedersen. The slate of officers were president, Adeline Peder­ sen; president elect, Lynn Donarski; vice president, D o r o t h y H a d d i c k ; corresponding secretary, Ilaverne Gregory; recording secretary, Bobbie Haug and treasurer, Virginia Mroz. Installation of officers will be one of the featured events at the May 19 meeting at Chapel Hill Country club. Set Lunch--Fashions The annual Salad Bar Luncheon and Fashion Show sponsored by the Zion Ladies Aid will be held Wednesday, May 14, at noon, in the social hall of Zion Lutheran church, located at 4206 W. Waukegan road, in McHenry. A variety of delicious salads to tempt taste buds will be offered, with fancy cakes for dessert. After lunch, everyone can enjoy models displaying the latest fashions from a women's apparel shop in McHenry. A limited number of tickets are being sold, and therefore they should be purchased early, as there is no guarantee any will be left for sale at the door. Tickets may be obtained from Ladies Aid members or by contacting Mrs. Glenn Dale (Loretta) Dixon, McHenry. Plan Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Shepherd of McHenry are pleased to announced the engagement of their daughter, Laurie, to Richard Pohl son of Mrs. T. Nathan Pohl, Crystal Lake, and the late Mr. Pohl. The future bride graduated from Rockford college, Rockford, 111. The prospective groom is a graduate of Hope college, Holland, Mich. He »iiw has a Master's degi^e in Com­ puter Science and AppUed Statistics from Purdue university. A June wedding is plan­ ned. i Professional Residential Carpet Cleaning Two Step Process | # Rotary Machine O Steamex Scrubbing Rinsing CALL PAUL 385-3252

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