Birthright Rose Sale PAGE 5 - PLA1NDEALER - WEDNESDAY. MAV 7. ISM m Heart Problems: Retirement? | Birthright volunteers receive extra help as they organize for their annual Mother's day rose sale May 10 and II. From left to right are Mrs. Tina Gorski, director; Mrs. Darlene Heim, chairman of the fund raising committee; Sarah Heim, Dawn Heim, Peggy Gorski and Phillip Gorski. Photo by Nies munity who every day give to the children and people they love. McHenry Birthright will hold its third annual Mother's day rose sale May 10 and 11 at six area chur ches. After each service volunteers will sell long stem red roses at the following locations: St. Mary's and St. Patrick's in McHenry, St. John the Baptist in John- sburg, St. Joseph's in Rich mond, St. Peter's in Spring Grove, and Christ the King in Wonder Lake. This event has always been McHenry Birthright's largest yearly fundraiser, with over 3,400 roses to sell. The red rose was chosen because it is the traditional symbol of the life and wonder of the pre-born child and of all life that God has created." From Dec. 1 to April 1 Birthright, an emergency pregnancy service for distressed women, received a total of 65 calls on their hot line. Thirty-four of the calls were pregnancy-related and 25 of these were confirmed pregnancies. Of the con firmed pregnancies, 13 have delivered (11 keeping their babies), 10 Women are not yet due, and four are unknown as to their present situation. Birthright hopes that the beauty and fragrance of the roses will honor the mothers and grandmothers and mothers-to-be in1 the corn- Men who retire may have an increased risk of death from coronary heart disease; according to the recent report by Boston researchers to the American Heart Association's 52nd Scientific Sessions. The study was designed and conducted by Charles H. Hennekens, M.D., of Har vard Medical school and Pefeer Bent Bringham hospital. I The data were derived from personal interviews with the wives of 649 men wh6 had died from coronary heart disease within 24 hours following the onset of symptoms and an equal number of wives of men of approximately the same age who were still working and who lived within two bloccks of the heart attack victims' former residence. All the men had lived in com munities in Dade or Broward county, Florida. The average age of the men was 58 years, with a range from 30 to 70. Dr. Hennekens said in an interview that, it would be premature to draw firm conclusions from this study, which shows a positive association between retir- ment and subsequent death from coronary disease. "We certainly feel, however, that the current evidence is strong enough to make a follow-up worthwhile. Iji fact, we are planning such a study in East Boston," he said.. ^Ttie c.e searchers estimated that the men who retired had a risk of death from cornonary diseases which was 80 percent higher than those who did not retire. This result emerged from an analysis that took into ac count other risk factors, such as age and history of hospitalization for heart attack prior to the fatal event: "It is possible that we may have stumbled across a new risk factor," said Ward Casscells, M.D. an author of the report and medical in tern at Beth Israel hospital in Boston, "because many of those whp die of heart at tacks have none of the established risk factors, and that's why we are searching for possible psychosocial stress factors, such as retirment." The authors also pointed out that the study raises important public health questions about whether re- tirement increases the risk of heart disease and whether people should be forced to retire. "This study has raised questions rather than answered them," said Dr. Casscells, who was a medical student at Harvard when he collaborated with Dr. Hennekens on the research. Dr. Casscells said he first considered the retirement hypothesis because he had seen a number of patients who retired, became depressed or anxious, and suffered a heart attack: "If a patient derives his self-esteem from his work, retirement may create psychological stress that may affect the heart. We normally think of the business executive as the one who is under a lot of stress, but perhaps the guy under the most stress is the one who is no lone«*r working and feels isolated and useless. On the other hand, for many people retirement means getting away from a demanding boss and finding time to read, travel and be with grandchildren.. It depends on the individual." Others co-authors of the report are Denis Evans, M.D., and Bernard Rosner, Ph.D., of Harvard Medical school, as weU as Regis A. DeSilva, M.D., and Bernard Lown, M.D., well-known experts on psychological stress and sudden death, both Of the Harvard School of Public Health. MCM By Sarah Anne Sheridan Few foods have as dainty a flavor as rice. It offers many possibilities }n the planning of well-balanced meals. Staffed Green Peppers S medium green pep pers 2 c cooked rice 1 c cooked meat. chopped '/i t salt Pepper and garlic salt to taste 1 t rtirry powder Bread crumbs Paprika Bacon strips 8-oz. cans tomato sauce Wash peppers, remove center core and seeds. Cook in boiling water about 10 minutes. Mix the cooked rice with the meat, V* cup tomato sauce and seasonings in a bowl. When peppers are cooked, stuff them with the rice mixture, top with the bread crumbs. Sprinkle with paprika. Place the stuffed peppers in the sauce and hake 20 minutes in an oven 350 degrees. Serve at once. Are the summer days (and spring, too) longer in the northern part of the United States than they are in the South? Yes. summer and'spring days are longer in the north, and winter and fall days are longer in the southland. When the sun crossed the equator (it- did Vhis on March 20 this year) the days in the northern latitudes be gan to get longer than in the southerly states. Bv the end of March the difference already amounted to about ten minutes, and this differential will increase steadily until at the time of the summer solstice (June 21) the days in Boston, for example, will be an hour longer than the days in Charleston. The difference between Maine and Miami will be even greater. The sun re turns to a more southerly p o s i t i o n , r e c r o s s i n g t h e equator in September and then the days in the South begin to get longer. * • * * Laziness explains more failures than igno- rahce but the combination is catastrophic. So says the V*... MUTT. you'RE 65 YEARS OLD.' A<5 A VETERAN YOU ARE ENTITLED Tp A PENSION IF YOU «AME A LIMITED INCOME AND ASSETS/ Contact nearest VA office (check your phone book) or a local veterans group. Know the warning signals of cancer: change in bowel or bladder habits; a sore that doesn't heal; unusual bleed ing or discharge; thickening or lump in the breast or elsewhere; indigestion or difficulty in swallowing; obvious change in a wart or mole; nagging cough or horseness. Mother's Day A very special Time! Make it memorable Forever. Steffans can make it easier! There will be 20% off on all diamonds & 14KT. Jewelry. Remember This is a great time to enroll Mom in our Earring Club, foo. You cavralways find something beautiful A everlasting at Steffan's Sal* starts May 3 thru May 10 MAMOMOS V """""" ' I 1212 N. Green St.-McHenry 355-6070 A (JUST NORTH j R« 31 B * Johntburg Rood ^ Chapel Hill Rood Rt 170 1(3? OKII7 DAYS 7 AM T010 PM I O S FINER MEATS (815)385-7663 We reserve the right to limit quantities while they : last. Not responsible for typographical errors. WE ACCEPT COUPONS k USD A CHOICE ^ 5 BONELESS ^ | BUTT STEAKS g | 2.89. | \̂\\\\\\\ \ IWW/////S, CHICKEN ^ I GIZZARDS I 1 Wv %-iV//////111 uwxwsss? ^\\\\\\\\! i ^x\\\\\\\mw////^ LEAN ft MEATY SPARERIBS QUARTER PORK LOIN 1.19. ^WWVM111/////////X. CHICKEN LEG QUARTERS | 49°. I 7/////mw\w\\\^ N SLICED SLAB ^ wID'S MEAT'S V///m\ 111 w\w\\sss$ 4/////mii 11 uw\w\̂ %//////1m\uwwwT ' freezer specials USDA CHOICE HIND QUARTER I6® MINI-HOME SELECTION HOME SELECTION BOX BEEF FREEZER BOX 5 I LB PACKAGES GROUND REEF I-SiICE CHOICE ROUND STEAK I SLICE CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAK 1> Ml FRYING CHICKENS CUT UP I 3 TO 4 IB POT ROAST I 4 It ROllEO REEF ROAST 3 4 EA CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS J TIB STEAKS I EACH 49.50 APP. 25 LBS OF MEAT USDA CHOICE BEEF SIDES n 5 1 l i PKGS GROUND BEEF 15 IB BOX GROUND BEEF PATTIIS 2 SLICES CHOICE ROUND STIAK I EACH 7 SLICES CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAK I EACH J I LB PACKAGES BEEF STfW 2 2 . LB FRYING CHICKENS CUT UP 2 3 TO 4 LB POT ROASTS 1 4 LB ROLlf D BEEF ROAST 2 SLABS BABY SPARERIBS 1 4 IB PORl LOIN ROAST 2 4EA CENTER.CUT PORK CHOPS A PP 55 2 I LB PKGS BEEF LIVER SLICED .n. 4 RIB STEAKS 2 EACH 7 CORNISH HENS J I LB PORK SAUSAGi ROU 99.50 OF MtAT 4 SIRLOIN STEAKS I EACH 2 ROUND STEAKS I EACH 4 RIB STEAKS 2 EACH 3 T BONE STEAKS I EACH 4 CUBE STEAKS 2 EACH 1 5 IB BOX BEEF PATTIES 5 I LB GROUND BEEf 2 I IB BEEF STEW 2 3 TO 4 LB POT ROAST 2 4 IB ROILED BEEF ROAST 2 2 EACH SHORT RIBS BEEF 2 2 EACH BEEF SHANKS I 2 TO 3 IB PC CORN BEEF 119.50 APP 70 LBS OF MEAT IGA )OJ MILK EVERYDAY LOW PRICE °P FASHIONED GALLON ICE CREAM I - '/> GALLON BLUE LUSTER CARPET SHAMPOOER'S HERE!!! PRICE INCLUDES CUTTING, WRAPPING, FREEZING grocery savings GROCERY PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 8-10 KEMPS HALF & HALF EVERYDAY LOW PRICE 49C PINT % LB. FROM THE SAUSAGE SHOP LEAN SLICED BOILED HAM... SLICED BAKED HAM ... FRESH HOMEMADE ITALIAN SAUSAGE FRESH DRATWURST or FRESH POLISH SAUSAGE HOT OR MILD OR YOUR CHOICE HOMESTYLE DREAD New Everyday Low Price LOAF fresh produce WHITE 10 LBS. I CALIFORNIA PASCAL CELERY POTATOES 69* NAVEL 0 /CO I ORANGES D/D0 R.C. OR DIET RITE ^ COLA . . . 8-16 OZ. BOTTLES PLUS DEP. LOO ICE CREAM nf|r CAKE ROLLS 33 HI DRI IfAflr PAPER TOWELS . . . . . . J U M B O R O L L Z/0%) PARKAY -- MARGARIHE 1 LB. STICKS 53 CHEER 4 _n DETERGENT 4»oz. I.w3 KAL KAN » . fig. CAT FOOD 6 OZ 4/1.UU KRAFT j AMERICAN SINGLES . . . , » o z 1.00 DETERGENT 22oz.99 FLAVORKIST 9/QQC COOKIES • ASSORTED v/Uv «P BOTTLE SHOP AT SUNNYSIDE FOODS We reserve the r igh t to l im i t quant i t ies w h i l e t h e y l a s t Sale beer r io t i ced LIQUOR PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 811 (815) 385-8097 STROHS BEER 6-12 OZ. CANS WEIDEMANN BEER i4' 6/12 OZ. CANS GILBEY'S GIN S88 1.75 LITER WINDSOR CANADIAN WHISKEY Q69 3 1.7! 1.75 LITER JIM BEAM 5" QUARTS PASSPORT SCOTCH 9" 1.75 LITER WALKER'S VOOKA J29 1.75 LITER DRAGONE LAMBRUSCO J88 750 ML BABY CHAM FRUIT WINE ICE 10 LB. BAG 09 750 ML