Ring wood News 385-803? tftmmmiim 653-9262 728-0343 MR. AND MRS. JOE VISCONTI Anniversary Celebration To celebrate the twenty- fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, Joe Visconti, a dinner and reception was held at the McHenry Country club for 100 relatives and friends. Joe Visconti and Rosa Ippolito were married in Trabia, Sicily, April 27, 1955.. The honored couple repeated their vows before Father Tranel at a Mass in Christ the King church. Attending their parents at the ceremony were Piero and Marianna (Visconti) Capizzi, Anza Visconti and her fiance, Luigi Chiaramonte, Antonette and Gina Visconti. Among guests present were Joe's brothers, Sam, Frank and Dominic Visconti with their families. Music for dancing was furnished by an Italian group from Chicago. Joe and Rosa are wished many more years of wedded happiness. former residents of the Ringwood area. Christine, who was a nurse in Tuscon, Ariz., was hit by a car while riding her bicycle. , We extend deepest and sincere sympathy to the Wickman family. CALIFORNIA VISITOR Luigi Chiaramonte.of San Jose, Calif.has been visiting his fiancee, Anza Visconti of our town, and attended the anniversary reception of her parents. CONFIRMED Former resident, Kenny Beck was confirmed -recently in the United Methodist church of Barrington. Bonnie Petska, Kenny's godmother, and her family attended the service and the reception which followed in the church hall. Kenny's sister, Penny, and parents', Kenneth Beck and Judy Koeller, with their families, were present for the service. SIXTIETH ANNIVERSARY Rainy weather in no way dampened the happiness of the day for Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sowers as they celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary with a reception in the Ringwood United Methodist church. Prior to the reception, the couple renewed their vows before Rev. James Segin with their children, Mary i.uj.i Spencer, Betty Garrison and " Charles Sowers as wit nesses. Their son, John, who resides in Warwick, Rhode Island, was unable to attend but. had talked with his folks on the phone. Byron Sowers and Lucille Tay were married May 13, 1920, in Paris, UL The annive^iry cake, decorated in white with blue, was served to 100 guests from a table carrying out the same color theme. ' Among guests present were Mrs. Sowers' brother, Leonard Tay, his wife and daughter from Tuscola, 111., her sister, Eva Parsons, and husband from Oklahoma City; Mr. Sowers' sister Christina Hansen and husband from Decatur; and sister, Virginia Loy and husband from Effingham, 111. Also present were Sher man Spencer's sister, Shirley Van Meter and husband from Champaign; Gene Garrison's mother, Mrs. May Garrison of tyebron; and a very close friend, Ester Habbley of Woodstock. Following the reception, fifty family members en joyed dinner at the church. LEARN OFTRAGEDY Word has been received of the death of Christine Wick man, daughter of Ted and Ann Wickman who are The Petskas have been enjoying a visit from Roger Ik brother and wife, Bruce ahd^ Edith Petska of Nokomis, Hi. HERE AND THERE Art, Katy' and Patty Christopher traveled' to Farmirigton to spend an enjoyable weekend with Dave Christopher. PARISH CAMPOUT SUCCESSFUL Families in seven camper units and three tents enjoyed this past weekend at the Chain O Lakes State park. Some went out on Thursday night, others Friday and still others for Saturday night. Sunday about 45 to 50 persons attended the church services and family picnic following the services. A good lime was had by all and the spirits weren't dampened by the damp weather. Everyone is looking forward to another successful campout next year. SYMPATHY The Ringwood community was saddened to hear of the death of Andy Hawley, a former Ringwoodite. He had moved to St. Petersburg, Fla. 10 years ago where he had made his home with his wife Erma. At the age of 78 Mr. Hawley came home to rest. The funeral was on Monday of this week at the Peter Justen funeral home, with Rev. Schnieder officiating at the service. VISITORS Dolores Ritt of Howards Ridge, Mo and Dorothy Betts of Ml. Home, Ark have been visitors in the area the past week or so. They came to see Mrs. Anna Betts, Dolores' mom and Dorothy's mother- in-law, who hasn't been feeling too well,but at this writing, is doing better. Dolores has been staying with her mom and Dorothy has been visiting her children, Esther and Ed, and other relatives. BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday goes to Roger John Petska, Ann Lee Hogan, Marianne Peterson, and Sherman Spencer on May 27 and to Gary Hosier on May 28. May 29 finds A1 Oonk, Tom Walkington and Ricky VanEvery(< blowing out their candles. • That special day for Fred Bowman, Jr. is May 30 and for Barbara Flynn on May 3f. June l, we find Elsie Ottoso'n, celebrating Iter special day. Happy birthday to all of you wonderful people^ ANNIVERSARIES June 1st, we find two w o n d e r f u l c o u p l e s celebrating another year of wedded bliss; Frank and Lil Visconti and Helen and Lou Winn. Happy anniversary and we wish you many, many more. .. *v ' - . • • THINGS TO REMEMBER May 25--church services~ Ringwood church--9:15 a.m. May 25~church school- Ringwood church-9:45 a.m. May 26~Memorial day- NO SCHOOL May 27-choir practice~7 p.m.-Ringwood church June l-church services-- Ringwood church-9:15 a.m. June 3~Johnsburg school ends. June 12-NO U.M.W. July 12~chicken bar-b-q- Ringwood church ' COMING EVENTS June 3--W.O.T.M. birthday party and potluck supper at Moose lodge at 7 p.m.- chapter meeting at 8 p.re presentation of Hospital Scholarship awards. June 14--W.O.T.M. in stallation of 1980-81 officers- meal at 7 p.m.-installation 8 p.m. followed by dancing. J u n e 1 7 - - W . O . T . M . business meeting and Green Cap night at Moose lodge at 8 p.m. GOD BLESS LWKS LIKE A &oot> oAVro. HUNT/ n m Slightty overwhelmed by the details ot planning a wedding7 And a household7 Our Welcome Wagon NEAPLYWED PARTY* simplifies your decision-making It's planned around young brides-to-be with gifts and advice from a full range of bridal professionals And it's a tun way to plan for the big day Call now for reservations Carolyn Farrington 385-7980 m usually at home EVELYN K. SANFORD TOPS IN SAUS-Byrnes Brothers Inc.. Realtor* Better Hornet B Garden* announce* that Evelyn K. Sonford. reoltor-a**ociate, with their firm ha* sold and closed over $1,000,000 in real estate tran saction* during 1979. fcvelyn and her husband Horold recently attended the National Convention of Better Home* B Gordon* Real E*tate Service. They reside at 813 Wiltshire Of. (Whispering Oaks) McHenry. TRUCK i LOAD KOOtNC IPIANTSI TRUCK so1 LOAD L_ All Bedding Plants Reg.56 This includes tomatoes, lettuce, peppers and many assorted flowers SHOP NOW WHILE THE SAVINGS ARE BIO!!! x 4 4 0 0 W . R T E . 1 2 0 M c H E N R Y R T E 4 7 & C O U N T R Y C L U B R D W O O D S T O C K HORNSBYS f a m t l y c e n t e r s D A I L Y 9 9 S U N D A Y 10 6 What Just One Person Can Do Christopher Idea As director of the Christophers, I'm often asked: "What is your pur-, pose? What is the theological basis for the Christophers?" Jesus Christ is central to the Christopher message. Father James Keller, a Maryknoll priest, founded the Christophers in 1945 and took the name from the Greek word Christo-phorus, meaning Christ-bearer. The Christophers, like Jesus, focus on the Kingdom of God. Jesus, by His words and example, taught us to be subordinate to the will of the Father, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Under the auspices of the church, we share in Christ's mission which is the p r o c l a m a t i o n a n d celebration of the same kingdom. The kingdom exists wherever the will of God reigns and rules. It is a kingdom of "truth and life, holiness and grace, of justice, love and peace," as the Vatican Council said. The Christophers stress the importance of the in dividual in making this a better world. The idea is that each individual has a mission in life, a job to do that no one else can do. We reach out to all men and women, believers and unbelievers alike, because God's will applies not only to all persons but to all in stitutions and all govern ments as well. God's kingdom happens wherever God's will is fulfilled; God speaks people anyway He calling each one to be a force for good. The Christophers believe in the universal brotherhood and sisterhood of all persons PAGE 9 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. MAY 23,1MB common task of unique. You can, with the help of God,make this a better world. "Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." (Rom. 12:21) in the overcoming evil. Jesus rebuked those who considered certain people or groups of people as out siders. He always stressed obedience to His Father's will as the criterion for goodness. "Not everyone who calls Me Lord, Lord shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only those who do the will of My Father in Heaven." (Mt. Christophers are in the image of . We proclaim the rule God and uphold the supreme law of love. You are important. You are T h e o s t r i c h , l a r g e s t o f l i v i n g b i r d s , w e i g h s 3 0 0 p o u n d s o r m o r e . Makes McHeriry McHenry County Comprehensive Mental Health Service System Mental Health Crisis Line For McHenry County 1-800/892-8900 Toll Free 24 Hour Emergency Number Professional Staff will answer your call. It takes courage to ask for help, and we are always there The short-eared owl hunts on cloudy days instead of at night only, like most owls. & € zsSs-- RIVO ̂ a e u 006«-S°F SO** W pnoeo" *s*,e o Da,Srta °Pe\ 1oV°,a BP"*8 SKVna*K SKVia' 0 C,tat>°n o^°l Co" P\lM° „ tfSi- *64°° 0S'» , nc *00k^° S° "„%«• 1*9* so**00^01 ££ 0t«» 1 25**** 1 WISUV USED Tims 111 Wf HONOR WEDNESDAY IS SENIOR CITIZEN S DAY |«% Mf m All I IMS GOODYEAR TIRE CENTER OWNED AND OPERATED BY: McHENRY CHECKPOINT, INC 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY. ILL.' PHONE 385 7300 HOURS: Mondoy thru Friday I to 6 . Saturday 8 to 4 EXPRESS