Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 May 1980, p. 4

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PAGE 4 • PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. MAY 39, ISM Alternative School Graduation 1 ^ 1 f lit, H mhk s E i 'Wli:! p i ̂ Kim jj/A1 • : LARRY DEJA SANDI JOHNSON 1 The McHenry Plaindealer An intoxicated and un­ cooperative Wonder Lake (USPS3SS-M0) E*taMI*h*d IMS M12 Wm« Elm StrMt Mten* (15-MSmi 70 MARSHA GUENTHER McHenry Alternative high school will be grar4---- four students at com­ mencement exercies to be held at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 2, at 409 N. Front street, McHenry. Larry PuMI«h*4 Every We*wsdey > Friday at McHanry. Illinois Sacand Clou Postage PaW at McHanry llllnolt •y McHENRV PUBLISHING COMPANY POSTMASTER: Sand addrati chif » to McHanry Ptalndaalar. M12 W. Elm St.. McHanry. Hllnolt MOM. SiibtcrUwr* ara ra^oiirtad to provido Imniadlata natka of diango of addrats to • h. McHanry PMndoalor. MI2 W. Elm St.. McHanry. HI. MOM. A deduction of on* month from tha aspiration of a lubtcriptlon will bo mado whora • chango of addrosi it providod through tha Pott Offka dapartmant. Lorry E. Lund-Publisher Adele Froellch-Edltor vy«MIER\X34JfiS7 1980 \~y NATIONAL NEWSPAPER -- ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Vaar SH.M In McHanry County 1 Yaar .St».M Out*Ida McHanry County Deja, Sandi Johnson, Marsha Guenther and Jim Conway will receive diplomas and then be honored at an all-school, family pot-luck dinner. _ Musical entertainment will follow. Family and friends of the graduates and other students are invited to attend. This will be the first time graduation ceremonies tl be held at the school's new facility. An outside ceremony is planned, using the school's spacious back yard for the occasion. . ROBERT 6UCR k Podiatrist -- Foot Specialist •FNtSiifiry 'StiMril Cart *Sp»rf AAMHCIM •Children's Foot Problems McHenry Office 4305 W. Elm Street (Rte. 120-Across the Street from Hornsby's) (815) 344-3900 RED FLOWERING QUINCE -'save Spreading plant with thorny stems, scarlet flowers and greenish-yellow fruits $-1-195 2 to 3 fi. J, JL (reg. $16.95) BEAUTIFUL BLOOMING RHODODENDRO 4 to 5 ft. FLOWERS AND VEGETABLES AGERATUM - F. Hybrid with blue flowers. Grojvs 8 to 12 inches tall. TOMATOES -- Choose from Early Girl, Better Boy, Big Boy S 0̂ 4-incn pots SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS NOW 1/2 PRICE SALE 99« 12/75* REG. $1.98 Dahlia Glads I2/S1.49 or Top Sized /2/S3.59 Calla Lilhes $1.79 Cannas 2/$ 1.49 Caladiums 2/12.25 THIS YEAR, DON'T PULL WEEDS- PREVENT THEM! (•jrdcnintt *ould Nr >o much more tun il 11 *cren'i tor *ccil\ Arul ju\i when v\m ihinK >ou'vc pulled them jII out. a new crop ma^nallv appear and ii'n time io Mart needing all met again Bui fin* .ihc ama/inf *ecd preventer Irom you can practicalU liminau* ihc chiwe o! * ceding \<»ur garden Preen doMi't kill Ueed kiuallN pre\ent«» ihem Irom vomtnp up' Preen has been prinen sale tor hrab* and vc^etaMe** It - aim bunie^radiiMe. and ju\t i*ne application of Preen eliminate^ mosi hand needing all >eav«>n U>np# IT ^orks kh ixint 3 convenient Sizes CANISTER *4.95 5 LB. BOX *1.25 15 LB. BAG $14.95 lowerwcci MAY 30 to JUNE 5 100% GUARANTEE FOR ONE FULL YEAR EVERGREEN - Pyramidal Arborvitae - SAVE $5 to S7 Fast-growing, hardy, narrow evergreen for sun or shade to 10 ft. 00 4 ft. (reg. J30.00) $35,° (reg. 542.00) SCULPTURED & TOPIARY TRAINED JUNIPERS Many of the Juniper types lend themselves very nicely to be trained into unusual Pom Pom,.Poo­ dle, and other shapes. This practice is generally called "Topiary" or "Sculptured" work. Prun­ ing is needed to keep the tufts of varying types neat and well shaped. With age the Topiary type stems become more attractively knarled and ar­ tistic. $55## TOPIARY and up ICQC P«r 6 plant pak (reg. 85') SAVE $2.00 - $750 for 72 plant flat (reg. 19.50) EGGPLANT -- Dusky variety - Full fruit in 60 days 3-inch pots 49 each (reg. 65') Special 2-Week Offer - FREE DELIVERY on any shade tree pre-dug in our sales lot or listed on pages 14 to 21 in our nursery catalog. (Free delivery lo the following cities: #Zone I-Crystal Lake'Zone 2-Algonquin, Cary, McHenry, Lake in the Hills, Huntley. Woodstock. Wonder Lake*Zone 3-Barrington, Carpentersville. Dundee, Elgin, Fox River Grove, Island Lake. Wauconda. Marengo. Offer Ends Father's Day. June 15) Large Selection of Flowerwood-Grown and guaranteed shade trees - .^^6 Norway Maple + Schwedler Maple # Acer Ruhrum * Red Sunset * Sugar Maple * Greenspire Linden h Locust * Ash SAVE ON TORO MOWERS After Saturday the rebate checks will be smaller on these Toro Riders... So Act Today! and SAVE.... Mulch LESS REBATE $150## $150## s100## »75## $75## ASK ABOUT OUR APPROVED CREDIT PLAN Flowerwood... Your Master Service Dealer REG. 1132-EM $1724.95 1132-E $1724.95 832-E $1499.95 525 $799.95 725-E $969.00 ORTHO TRIOX ̂ LIQUID £*• VEGE ETATI0N KILLER Quarto *3,98 ea Gallons..,.$7.98 (Reg • Stops weed growtri u6 lo 1 < f t • Great lor *ai«s patios driveway 'ence rows • (Reg 9.98> - oca In Arrests man was arrested by Sheriff's police Saturday night aiid charged with two counts of aggravated bat­ tery, battery and resisting a peace officer. The police were called lo the home of Andrew Gvozdjak, 43, of 6917 Seminole, Wonder Lake, because of a disturbance at the residence. Gvozdjak refused to Cooperate and persisted in striking at the officers. No bond or court date was available. A fight at Wally's tavern, 134 Rand road, McHenry, resulted in the arrest of a Wauconda man. When police arrived, it appeared that the fight had ended. Three men had just left the tavern when one man pushed Frank Ernst, 45, 307 Rosedale, McHenry, down three stairs and into the grill of a car. Ernst was taken to McHenry hospital for treatment for minor facial lacerations. The man who pushed Ernst, Leslie Stewart, 27, of Wauconda, was also tran­ sported to the hospital for treatment of a head injury received in the earlier fight. Stewart was kept over­ sight for observation and was arrested upon discharge. Stewart was charged with aggravated battery. Vandals cut down five maple trees and broke a window at Johnsburg Junior high and Middle school last Monday, it was reported by Sheriff's police. BIBLE SCHOOL CHARACTEES-Pictured here are some of the Characters who wilTbe coming to Vacation Bible school at the Wonder Lake Bible church, along with the boys and girls. All of these characters, along with Abby the Bible School Cougar, will be ready for fun, games, fellowship and most important of all, learning about Jesus. Vacation Bible school will begin June S at the church, located at 7600 Howe road in Wonder Lake. Youth Caught After Theft owerw Route 14 i 17$, Crystal Lali <115)4594200 MONDAYFRIDAY*8; SATURDAY * SUNDAY 9S A McHenry area youth was taken Into custody by the Sheriff's police Monday evening after he was caught stealing from a home in McHenry. According to the police report, a neighborhood youth came to a home belonging to Shirley Caley, of 5214 Cleveland, McHenry, asking to use the washroom. As the youth left the home, a neighbor told Ms. Caley that the youth had been known to steal, the report said. She checked the home and discovered that six rings and about $60 were missing. She called to the youth, who fled but was caught by a neighbor and detained.. The six rings were found underneath a railroad tie, but the money was never recovered. The youth was referred to authorities. Someone removed a window pane at B&J Pub, 7812 Route 12, Solon Mills, Saturday night and pried open a cash register. The loss was estimated at approximately $600 as the register was emptied and a bank bag stolen. A thief broke the glass in an overhead door and stole two tool boxes, a spray gun, a grinder and a sander from Bob's Auto Body, 1701 Route 120, McHenry, Monday night. _ A neighbor saw two men running from the home of Wayne Cygan, 3715 N. Weingart road, last Sunday night and upon investigation, it was found that a .38 caliber derringer, pistol had been stolen. Someone threw a piece of asphalt through a window to get into the Johnsburg Community center last Sunday but failed to get into the building. The thief then broke a basement door and stole several bottles of liquor. Empty milk cases were used to carry the bottles which were later recovered in a wooded lot near the building. Another thief kicked in a garage door at 5011 S. Wildwood, McHenry, last Sunday and stole fishing gear, a pair of water skis and an assortment of tools. Robert Williams, of 4507 W. lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake, reported the Friday night theft of an outboard motor from a boat which had been secured at the White Oaks Bay beach in Wonder Lake. Youths And Tractors How Old Is Right? Car Damaged By Fire The Sheriff's police responded to a report of a car fire at 107 Emerald, McHenry. The police found the car burning and called the McHenry Fire department to extinguish the blaze. No cause was determined and the damage was estimated at $1,000. A recreational vehicle parked near the car suffered an estimated $2,000 damage. The police also in­ vestigated a house fire last Monday at the unoccupied home of Lawrence Norton, 707 Oriole, McHenry. No cause or damage were determined. Even though a youth might know the mechanics and technique of handling a tractor, he or she may not have the judgment to follow rules of the road or to react correctly in an emergency, says Ordie Hogsett, Vniversity of llinois Ex­ tension safety specialist. "After all, anyone who's been to the circus knows people can train monkeys and bears to drive and ride SHAMROCK CLEANERS W. ROUTE 120 McHENRY MARKET PLACE ONK DOLLAR CKRTIFICATF This Certificate is worth ONE MLLAR OFF when presented with any INCOMING OROER of $5.00 or more ON ALL SERVICE. ?/ Professional Dry Cleaning Stoomox Rental Oraporio* Etc laulhar Sw*d» Cleaning Cloan Only (Coin Op) One Certificate per Order. Please W EXPIRES: June 30.19S0 SHAMROCK CLEANERS "Jht SMAML Jmtck. of £kqattOL 4400W.RTE.120 McHENRY 3*5-1*44 DAILY 7 to 6 SAT. S to 5:30-CLQSED SUN. all sorts of machines," he says. "But would you want to meet one on the road? This illustrates the point that there's more to handling a tractor than the ability to operate the machine." According to Illinois law, persons of any age can drive a tractor as long as it is being used for farm operations. So Hogsett is often asked, "When is a child old enough to drive a trac­ tor?" According to Hogsett, there is no magic age. "Each lad is different," he says. "It just depends on the child's physical and mental maturity. Ask yourself, 'Is the child big enough to handle a tractor? Will his feet even reach the clutch? Will the child understand and obey rules?" He also says to keep in mind that a tractor is more complicated than an automobile and youth are not allowed a driver's permit until age 15. Hogsett says he met a parent who firmly main­ tained that his 6-year-old was a safe tractor operator. The child had been driving since age 4. "But would you want to meet a 4-year'-old on the road?" Hogsett asks. WITH 4 Buy 4 golons of aiy one Olympic prodwt, get lmorefree. „a i_ a 1 --- femncTswoooMMimiuy^H 'OUPVIPK STAINS PUT IT OVER PAINT ousMPicra OVRCOKT GUUUNTEEO • WATER CLEAN UP DOES FAST HWMHTEO WOOD < HAMKOAAO < STUCCO MASONRY • GALVANIZED METAL Somt-ltanapsrcnt: pmMmg protection M anhanoM the natural pain md fixture of dm wood 36IWUKU wood-ton* colors SeNd Celor: highkgtts woods natural texture in 30 rich, long-lasting earth colors axTMKIHO MCfS COLOR AND GHfcN WATtR at AN UP ORfsUS The tough acrylic house pant thai reaSy beats the weather! Cleans up fast *ith just soap and water 25 beautrfU colors that look fresher longer Cowers paint and stair with rich mellow color Looks beautiful even alter years ot wear Cleans up eastfy with soap andwaier Spec--> marfcatf $3 00 oH and S4 00 OH gallons noi included n On otter (V)c Henry Lumber 4050 wesr MAIM SI M«MCNDY, ILLINOIS HANK MCPLANK. T h e t e m p e r a t u r e o f t h e i n t e r i o r o f t h e s u n i s e s t i m a t e d a t 2 0 million degrees Fahrenheit reiiyimseMum the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rental $1.00 per hour . . . for every hour thereafter (Example 2 hours . •otol charge $1 plus to*.) NO MINIMUM Special Rental - Rote Good Monday thru Thu^day R l N S E N V A C deans tne way professionals do at a traction ot trjacost < > ft M NUN OVMNIGMT SPlClAl I • O O P M t O O A M ttO.OQ hornsbys 4400 WRTC. 110, McMCNftV IU.

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