Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 May 1980, p. 5

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Beach Evaluation Begins The McHenry County Department of Health has started its evaluation program of swimming beaches within the county, the first samples .being collected May 19 and 20. The department will be collecting samples Monday and Tuesday of each week throughout the swimming season and will he collecting a sample from1 nearly every beach in the county each week. By collecting the samples, on Monday and Tuesday, the analysis can be completed by Wednesday afternoon so the citizen* of McHenry county can be made aware of the condition of the waters of the beaches prior to the weekend. Those beaches at which the water was found to be unsatisfactory for swim­ ming include Pistakee Bay, Pistakee Terrace, City of McHenry, McHenry Shores, Burtons Bridge, West Shore Beach and Lakeland Park No. 2, McCullom Lake, Sunrise- Ridge, Wonder Woods No. 1, 2, 3 and 4, and Hickory Falls and Deep "Spring Woods, Wonder Lake. Those beaches at which swimming waters were found to be satisfactory were Camp'Villa Maria, Lazy K. Campground, Spring Grove; Beach No. 1, Lakemoor; • Petersen Park beach, Mc-: Cullom Lake; Village of McCullom Lake, McCullom Lake; Lakeland Park No. 1, McCullom Lake; Nippersink at Rt. 31, Highland Shores, White Oaks Bay No. 1, Lookout Point, Indian Ridge, Indian Ridge No. 1, Wonder Center No. 1, Shore Hills Country, Wooded Shores and Wonder VieW; all at Wonder Lake. > PLAINDEALER Letter to the Editor Public Pulse (?k* fhMtdH Imtlmt ttia public to «»• rtil» rfiii c*lumn an an aipratitoft af ^ Ifcair vlaWt on at fMod «•••»•»• in our conmMHy. Ovr it (hat Mm writer*fiva • lifwlwt fall addran and pfiona nymfear. Wa atfc too that ana individual nat writ* an Mia »atna tubjact mora than onca aach month. Wa ratarva tha right ta dalafa any malarial which <wa contidar lihaioui or In atyacMaaaltfa tnta.) SERVICE NEWS PAGE S • PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, MAY M. 1888 In Marine Training Recommend Of Memorial The board of directors of the Kane, Lake and McHenry counties Health Systems agency has voted to recommend approval for the proposed remodeling and expansion of Memorial Hospital for McHenry County to the Illinois Health Facilities Planning board. The action was taken at the board meeting in Cary last week following a presentation of the $9Vfe million program by Memorial hospital officials. This is the fifth step taken by the hospital in its goal to obatin permission for the major undertaking; the next step is for the Illinois Health Facilities Planning board to review and act on the project later this year. Steps completed include initiating the application, holding a public hearing, appearing before the Comprehensive Health Planning Agency for McHenry County, and ap­ pearing before the Project Review committee of the HSA. Called a major remodeling and expansion project by the HSA in its agenda-for the meeting last week,, the proposed plan is to remodel parts of the present hospital for better use of existing space, construct an adjacent building with several ser­ vices and construct an all- new power plant. Some non-conforming beds will be replaced, so that with 30 beds on the third floor of the new addition, the* number of total beds wm increase by only 10. The presentation by Memorial hospital stressed; the urgent need to replace the power plant. The present plant is old, and a more energy efficient power plant should be built. Secondly, remodeling will take place on most floors under the proposal-sprucing up the.core of the hospital. Third step is the con­ struction of a building south of the present hospital. This will improve emergency services and outpatient department capabilities and will include new facilities for physical therapy, dining area, electrographics area, sterile supply, and surgical suite including a day surgery. An improved pediatrics department will be included in the remodeling plans. As a part of the remodeling, of­ fices and support services will be located in the 1937 construction, the oldest part of the hospital and the area where beds are listed aft non­ conforming. MOTH COOPERATION "Editor: "Tuesday evening I at­ tended a 'meeting at city hall called by the Illinois Department of Agriculture to discuss its ongoing program against gypsy moths. Part of this program is extensive trapping in the affected area. The state is providing and, with citizen help, assembling the Delta traps which will be used. They need, however, a place to assemble and temporarily store the traps until they are. set in June. "I asked Mayor Stanek if the city of McHenry could provide such a place. His response was that the city has no intention of becoming involved in the ongoing program. 4<I wholeheartedly disagree with this attitude; moreover, I consider it a callous disregard for and a dereliction of duty to the needs of the community he and the City Council are supposed to be serving. "If the moths are to be effectively dealt with the cooperation of alt1 parties is necssary. The IDOA, the USDA, and many citizens are working together harmoniously and diligently. Why is the City of McHenry holding out? "Pat Shanhoetzer" Show Dynamic Film At Evangelical Church KnowiJ J I s T M t What are the two weather conditions which most affect the way we feel. The first and perhaps the most important weather fac­ tor influencing your physical comfort is, of course, baro­ metric pressure. The weight of the air pressing down oh you is definitely a major in­ fluence on the way you feel, because it affects the tissues of your body. Low pressure causes ir­ ritation or ucllation in many people. The physical effects often produce phychological repercussions. The second factor is the humidity of the p air. This affects people in ' varying degrees and in various ways. High humidity often makes people uncomfort­ able. It sometimes affects aches and pains (as will low pressure) ?nd therefore a combination of very high humidity and low pressure produces the most irritable of weather's depressing effects. Deliver your words not by number, but by weight. -H.G. Bohn. . A Distant Thunder, a Mark IV Pictures In­ corporated production, will be presented by McHenry Evangelical Free church Sunday, June 1, at 6 p.m. at the church, which is located on the corner of Lincoln road and Charles street. A Distant Thunder, a seventy-eight minute color film, is a sequel to Mark IV Pictures' 1973 release, A Thief In The Night. It beins where that film ended. Patty, the leading character in A Thief In The Night, is among a large number of people held prisoner because they have not received the Mark of the Beast. Since the day Patty aweke and found Jim, her husband, had disappeared, she has suffered grief, loneliness, hunger, and fear because of the Evil One that works for the control of the world. Patty and her two friends, Wenda and Sandy, escape the attention of the Jeffery L. Cox, son of Phyllis P. Chandler of Rt. 120, McHenry, has com­ pleted recruit training at the Marine corps Recruit depot, San Diego. During the 11-week training cycle, he learned the basics of battlefield survival. He was introduced to the typical daily routine that he will experience during his enlistment and studied the personal and professional standards traditionally exhibited by Marines. - He active physical conditioning program and gained proficiency in a vareity of military skills, including first aid, rifle marksman­ ship and close order drill. authorities for a time. When Wenda and Sandy attempt to help an elderly man, they are arrested by an armed patrol. The girls succeed in warning Patty that their hiding place has been discovered. Patty makes a daring attempt to outwit the soldiers sent to sieze her. Audiences are thoroughly engrossed with her predicament. , The film answers many of the questions raised by other recent motion pictures. Events foretold in the Bible as part of the Great Tribulation are vividly portrayed in A Distant Thunder. Teamwork and self- discipline were emphasized throughout the training cycle. He joined the Marine corps in January, 1980. D. A. Evans Completes Navy Recruit Work So says the V A. THE FAMUY CftCUS by N Knit WITH CONNECTED ABE •raflt VA o f f k t m [ehaefc your phon* book) or local vatarnna group. Navy Seaman Recruit Douglas A. Evans, whose of L. Schiavone of 4701 W. McCullom Lake, has com­ pleted recruit training at the Naval Training center, San Diego. During the eight-week ' training cycle, he studied general military subjects designed to prepare him for further academic and on- the-job training in one of the Navy's 85 basic occupational fields. Included in his studies were seamanship, close- order drill, Naval history and first aid. He joined the Navy in February, 1980. Words are the most pow­ erful drug used by mankind. •Rudyard Kipling. Best Of Press A Mere Glance Usually by just k^king kind of a past she is going to have. •Dope Sheet, Bremerton. A Reason To Live The high cost of funer­ als is being cited as an­ other incentive to lon­ gevity in the human race. -Gazette, Mason City, la. Regular maintenance may increase mileage by up to 14 percent--that might mean 40 to 50 extra miles per tank! AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS ara Ciena OR QBOjMMmnnjj: I s 3 1 1 5 3 I If IMIMWHMMHwWiMWwtWa McHENRY TRANSMISSIONS 926 N Fron.S., ^ A* J Q || M c H e n r y , I l l i n o i s American Legion Post 491 - RINGW00D ROAD; McHENRY - OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (5:00 - 9:00 P.M.) •PERCH-ALL YOU CAN EAT'OTHER MENU AVAILABLE SAT. NIGHT EQUATIONS COCKTAIL HOUR MON.--TUES.--WED.--THURS.--FRIDAY 3:30 to 6:00 Cut Prices * ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. 'BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" FEATURING COMPLETE LINES OF: •OLYMPIC STAIN •BRAMMER CABINETS •ANDERSEN WINDOWS •PRE-HUNG DOORS •NORD SPINDLES •JIM MARTIN PAINTS •LINCOLN WINDOWS •GAF SHINGLES •BUILDERS HARDWARE •PREFINISHED PANELING •CHAMBERLAIN GARAGE DOOR OPERATORS Phone 385-1424 909 N. FRONT ST., McHENRY JOIN THE FIGHT AGAINST INFLATION SAVE WITH McHENRY SAVINGS And Get Fine Cookware at Special Prices! Now when you save at McHENRY SAVINGS, you can talco homo fino cookwaro at graaMy roducod prlcos. Opon a now occount or add to your prosont account; chock our chart and soo what you con got. Wo havo a wido selection of Rogal8 porcelain-dad hoavy duty aluminum cookwaro, featuring DuPont's romarkablo SiiverStone® nonstick cooking surface. Each additional deposit, you can buy moro cookwaro. A groat way to assemble your Rogal collec- tion .. and a groat way to fight inflation. . SEE OUR REGAL COOKWARE DISPLAY IN OUR LOBBY I YOUR REGAL GIFT SELECTION CHART Mr. tuggattad QUALIFYING DEPOSIT Purchata prica with Item Description ratoH valua MOO-MM •SOO-tf* • ** •5.000* Up UPapoilt 1 •% " Gourmet Pan 9.95 4.95 2.95 FREE 9WGR 5.50 2.95 08 4.95 2 10" Gourmet Pan 10.95 5.50 2.95 FREE 08 4.95 3 2% qt. Tea Kettle 10.50 5.50 2.95 FREE mo 4.95 4 11" Square Griddle 11.95 5.95 1.95 2.00 MM 7.50 5 1 qt. Covered Sauce Pan 12.95 4.95 4.95 2.00 FREE 7.95 * 10% " Open Fry Pan 15.50 7,95 5.95 2.95 FREE 9.50 7 3 qt. Cowered Sauce Pen 14.95 0.95 4.95 3.95 FREE 9.95 • S qt. Dutch Oven 21.50 10.50 0.50 5.00 FREE 12.50 ! * 7 pc. Cookware Set* 41.50 10.95 . 23.95 20.95 14.95 29.95 *7-pc. Ml includn Hwn* S. t. "P»po»ilor» in »»>» colamn o "*Dapo»ilori Ki thit column • pk» 71*. Covarad Sauca Pan and Saclpa/instruction book lot ra antitlad to purdw Iwo additional git* without furtfcar dapotitt •ra antitlad to pwrdtoMup to atght additional without furthar dapotitt. Me S A V I N G S , • IMI •imiiinij McHenry Savings WW MMIMIitlMCItlMWW 1309 North Graan Stroat. McHanry 01S/MS-3000 10520 Mam Street Richmond 815 678-2061 10402 North Vine Street (Huntley Center on Route 47). Huntley 312 608 3333 jay (Hp it, T.irfii odu Dnve la i| r - iMMif MS mm a M pm. CM (MaMM) la sad Naa- I Ml LECRL The Johnsburg Community Unit Board of Education will receive sealed bids for the sale of their Building Trades House Number 2; located, 5009 Lake Dawnwood Drive, in Lake Dawnwood Subdivision in the Village of Sunnyside. The minimum bid of $74,000 is being asked. Specifications and official bid forms can be secured from Dr. Ken Falkinham, Assistant Superinten­ dent, at the Administrative office at 2117 W. Church Street, McHenry, Illinois. Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 p.m. June 24, 1980. The board reserves the right to reject or accept any and/or all bids found to be in the best interest of the district. Signed: Jim Preston, Board Secretary Johishirg Community Unit School District 12 Prowlly Presents BUILDING TRADES HOUSE NUMBER 2 NOW OPEN FORBID! LOWER LEVEL D --1 E F . 1 L_ 1 : ~T ¥-4 1 I . J A. Family Room 28' x 24' B. % bath 5' x 9' C. Basement 24' x 24' D. Master Bedroom 16 x15' E. '/* bath 5' x 8' F. Full Bath5'xll' G. Dining Room 11' x 12' H. Kitchen 11' x 12' t. Bedroom 12' x 12' J . B e d r o o m 1 2 x 1 1 ' K. Living Room 18' x 12' L. Garage 22' x 24' UPPER LEVEL YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO SELECT YOUR OWN FINISHES! •Light Fixtures •Paneling •Linolera •Plumbing Fixtures For more information and appointments contact: Dr. Ken Falkinham, Assistant Superintendent, (815) 385-6916 or Mr. Stave Pollock, High School Vocational Director, (815) 385-4003

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