Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jun 1980, p. 14

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T01I RENT SMALL 5 ROOMH0USE, 2 bedrooms, Central heat, storage shed, Lake and beach in private rural subdivision. Ideal for 1 or 2 adults only over 40 or senior citizens. Non smokers preferred, no pets. Available Aug. 10, 1960, $275 plus utilities, security deposit and references. 1 or 2 year lease or more. Call: Sat and Sun, 815-385-6606. Mon. thru Fri. 312-327-5351 after 6 pm. 6-44- 13c 2 BEDROOM HOME, 2 car garage, fireplace, $280 month. 653-3021. 6444c 500 Sq. Ft. OFFICE space, reasonable, short or long term lease. 653-3021. 6-4-6-6c GARDEN QUARTER of McHenry available now. 2-1 bedroom apartments, 1-2 bedroom apartment. Shag carpet. Hot Point appliances and garbage disposal. 2 bedroom unit also equipped with dishwasher, no pets. Closed Wednesday. Call 815- 385-2181. 6 4 6 6c APARTMENT FOR RENT, no pets, one month security deposit required. . Call/615- 385-4903 after 6 pm TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX, full basement, yard, off street parking in Harvard, $225. Call 815-385-3490. 6-4tfc FOR RENT: 3 bedroom ranch, 1 car attached garage, Lakeland Park, $340 per month plus security deposit. Available July 1st. 815-728-0404 Letizia Financial Realtors. 6-4-6-13c 2 BEDROOM APART­ MENT, air conditioned, includes heat, stove, and refrigerator. In Richmond $235. Call 815-385-3490. 6-4tfc McHenry. Highlands, 3) appliances, Johni schools, immediate cupancy $365 plus security. 312-635-8343. 6446c IN MCHENRY, shar bedroom ranch, large lot $350 month plus deposit . 312-394-9456 For Rent, two bedroom house, available June 1st, 1980. Includes dishwasher, .stove, refrigerator. Carpet ied. $2J5 per month. 11 JofihsC. Letizia Realtor at 815-728«&40#evenings 815- 344-1469. 5-30-6-6C W- Available1, July 1st, 3 bedroom | raised ranch in Johnsburg school district, two car garage, $395. per month, security deposit. 497- 3533. "53W4-11C SUB LEASE Garden Quarter. 815-385-2181. 6-44- 6c I M M E D I A T E O C - CUPANCY£3Hlee>bedroom home in JohnsburgNtehool district, fireplace, lotk of extras. $395 per month r1us> security deposit. Call 47ji9. 6-4-6-6C SLEEPING ROOMS For Mature responsible people. Kitchen privileges available. $35.00 and up. 815-385-6633. 5- 28-6-6C 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT With garage. Right in McHenry. Stove and refrigerator $265. Call 815- 385-3490. ' 6-4tfc l1* car garage section $50.00 per month. Auto storage only . 815-385-3192 . 6-4tfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9 to 12 weekdays or after 6 pm. 6-4tfc 1 & 2 BEDROOM APART­ MENTS. situated in a country setting. This large apartment has self defrosting freezer-ref., oven, stove, garbage disposal, and is within walking distance of shopping and medical centers $229 to S279 Mayline apts . 9716 N Route 12. Rich­ mond. H 813-678-2861 6-4tfc OFFICE FOR RENT, heat, electric $150 00 wired for computer 815-385-8570 6-4t/c OFFICE IN McHENRY, good location, air con­ ditioned. All utilities fur­ nished $95 00 Call 815-385- 3490 6-4tfc APARTMENT FOR RENT, 2Vz rooms, utilities included, $195 per month. 385-0012. 64- 6-6c 2 BEDROOM APART- iMENT,. stove refrigerator, air conditioner, no children, no pets, $295 pa- month, references, lease, and deposit required. 815- 385-7065. 6-4tfc 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, McHenry, Available July 1, $335 plus security deposit, no pets. 338-2951. 6-4-6-6c ONE BEDROOM APART­ MENT for rait in Pistakee Bay area. Available July 1st. 815-385-8419. 6-4-6-6C TWO BEDROOM APART­ MENT, appliances and heat furnished $1250 per month, security deposit and lease required. 815-385-8489. 6-4-6- 6c DOWNSTAIRS APART­ MENT at 1502 N. Richmond Rd. heated, water and sewers, two bedroom, $325 per month, deposit required, call 815-385-4349 after 6 pm or weekends. Immediate occupancy. 6444c I N D U S T R I A L C O M ­ MERCIAL BUILDING for lease, 2400 sq. ft. insulated, office, bathroom, overhead garage doorr available immediately. $600 month 815-385-8110 or 344-2957. 6-4- 6-6c DELUXE CONDO, Waters Edge, two bedroom, two bath, TV room, garage. All a p p l i a n c e s i n c l u d e d . Washer-dryer $395 per onth. No pets. Call after 6 312-381-3307. 6-4-6-6C OARAOE SALE 8 FAMILY YARD SALE. 312 a p l e w o o d D r i v e , moor, 2 blocks off 120. Thursday June 5th to turday June 7th, 9-5. Rain date 19th to 21st. 6-4-6-6c GARAGE SALE, 1961 Buick, two wheel trailer with ramps, tools, and tool boxes, other misc. Wednesday thru Saturday June 4, 5, 6 & 7th, 10 am to 7 pm. 909 W. North Ave. Lilymoor, no early birds. 6-4-6-6c GARAGE SALE 3617 W. Maple Ave. McHenry. June 6 & 7,94. Ladder jacks, air conditioner 10,000 BTU, porch swing, clothes, ap­ pliances, Coleman gas grill. Many misc. items. 6-6 HUGE GARAGE SALE, June 7, 8th, antiques, ap­ pliances, furniture, clothing, toys, trailer, windows, doors, 708 Nancy south of Lilymoor. 6-6 3 FAMILY GARAGE SALE, 202 N. Hill Rd. (Kent acres) Saturday 9-4, Sunday 9-1. Toys, furniture, clothes, laches golf clubs, much misc. 6-6 PORCH SALE, 2528 South Colby Drive, 815-459-6172 June 7th and 8th. . 6-6 GARAGE SALE, clothes, vacuum cleaner, pots and pans, dishes, piano, many household items. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 5119 Willow, White Oaks Bay, Wonder Lake, 815-728-0704. &-6 GARAGE SALE ^riday thru Sunday, June 6,7", & 8, 9-5, Furniture-dinette set, new and used items, painting, toys, misc. 406 Kent, Kent Acres. 6-6 G A R A G E S A L E F r i d a y - Sunday 9-5: Antiques, Ethan Allen furniture, area car­ pets, 12 Ft. sailboat-trailer ($700), Vita-Master exer- cycle, baby-children ac­ cessories. 5 Datsun truck tires (6.00-14), snow tires (165 SR5) 300 Sci Fi. Books, household items, glassware, jewelry. Much more misc. Greenleaf Drive, Wooded Shores, Wonder Lake. 6-6 WAREHOUSE OR FAC­ TORY SPACE from 5,000 to 15.000 ft 815-385-1079 6-4tfc C L E A N . F R E S H FUR- NISHED apartments for l or 2 adults references and security deposit Call after 4 pm 81S-385-4005 6-4tfc ROOM FOR RENT for «n*J* man 815-38&-MM * 3B5OT62 CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS FOR matur* adylt ro#e ttft- ESTATE & GARAGE SALE SATURDAY A SUNDAY Jmme 7t* 4 Mk 1817 N.flwaci Ave. Part Ail types tools sad hardware woodwork!** tools, router etc Btre >t saw, f Wards IJ Microwave om. pr*ftt*. •wrweJ rocker dtactrto tee cream frceser •crack knacks JUNE 7TH AND 8TH, 9 to 6 p m 3 6 1 2 F i l l m o r e R d . . McHenry Clothing, toys, andmisc ' 6-4 MMO E SM? GARAGE SALE, dressers, buffet, wrought iron patio set, tables, chairs, other misc. furniture, childrens clothing, toys and more. June 5,6 & 7th, 9 am to 2:90 pm, 4508 West Home Ave., Lakeland Park. 6-4-6-6c 5 FAMILY GARAGE SALE, June 6th, , 9-5 pm. 3806 Maple Avenue. 6-4-6-6c GARAGE SALE7 Friday, Sat., June 6 & 7th, TV, air conditioner, furniture, toys, clothing, much more. 3818 Spring Grove Rd., John­ sburg 9-6. 6-4-6-6C GARAGE SALE, Friday & Saturday, June 6th & 7th. 8 am to 4 pm, 3822 W. Waukegan Rd., mcHenry. Black & White TV, dish­ washer, mangle, used refrigerator, miser 6-4-6-6c GARAGE SALE: 4914 Bonner, McHenry, Friday & Saturday, 9am to 5 pm, baby items, stroll-o-chair com­ bination stroller-buggy- highchair, curtains, drapes and traverse rod, bikes, potbelly stove, boys and adult clothes, toys, etc. 6-4-6- 6c 2 FAMILY GARAGE SALE June 5,6,7,8th 9 am-5 pm Housewares, clothes, con­ struction material, TVs and much misc. 3515 Berkshire McHenry. Windy Prairie Acres Sub. off Ringwood Rd. 2 miles east of rte. 31. 6-4- 64c GARAGE SALE, Fri, Sat, Sun. Tools, automative, household, ceramic molds, many misc. 1 block east of Fox River on Rt. 176 Riverdale Subdivision. 3111 S. Woods Ave. 6-4-6-6C BIG YARD SALE: many new Avon and Tupperware p r o d u c t s 7 0 0 RECORDS! Single 78's (some 1-siders), 12" sets, , LP's and 45's. Fur­ niture, , 2 console stereos, glassware and much more, june 7-8 and 14-15. 3819 East Wonder Lake • Rd.,Wonder Lake 6444c FOUR/^FAl SALE/Friday anc and 7th , 9-5. 1702 knol (Lakeland Park). Infants children clothing and i EXCLUSIVE SALE Est*ee Lauder cosmetics, designer and name^ brand *xlothing, youth bed, infant items and more! Excellent gargains! One day only. Saturday, June 7, 9 am - 5 pm. 5509 Shore Drive, Brittany Park, McHenry 6-4-6-6c GARAGE SALE-Crafts,,< double oven stove, 3 pc. sofa set, other household items. Saturday-Sunday June 7-8, 7608 Beach Dr. Wonder lake. 6-4-6-6C MOVING SALE: 1005 Hanpton Court, Wednesday through Saturday, 9-5, 385^ 3586. Living room furniti Kitchen aid portable washer, queen size,. Sofa, gas dryer/ tables, lamps, misc. 6-4-6-6C 5 FAMILY GARAGE sale, clothes, tires, air con­ ditioner, furniture, misc. items, 1901 Eastern Ave. lakeland Park Thursday & Friday 9 am to 5 pm Saturday 9 am to 4 pm. 6-4-6- 6c MULTI FAMILY SUB­ DIVISION Road sale June 7th, 9 am to 5 pm » . 1312- 1000 West River Terrace Drive. McHenry. Chapel Hill Road to Bay Road to Weingart Road to River Terrace Drive. 6-4-l-6-6c HOTOfiCVdls 180 MPG! Angel moped, new. never used condition, side baskets, head lamp, turn signals. 815-385-4410 or 497-4021 64413c SOTMCVtUS VAMAHA MOTOR- CYCLE, 650 cc's, custom, plus original parts. $075 Or best offer. 385-9466 after 6 6-4-6-6C m SALE M SAU CARD Of THANKS Mfi *iT+WU+lM ™ WMUA at MS I 4. Before you tour the open road-- Cycle over and see us, the Pekin Insurance professionals in Motorcycle Insurance. Then have a Happy Day! FITZGERALD'S INSURANCE 385-8700 ALPINE GOAT KIDS from 12 pound Milkers. Does $45, Wethers $15, call after 5 pm. Spring Grove area. 815475- 2456. 6-4-6-6C 72 Chrysler wagon, $300.; n Ski-doo snowmobile $100. Call after 7 p.m. 385-2639 5- 30-6-6C A N T I Q U E C O U C H , r e f i n i s h i n g a n d reupholstering started. $100. 815-385-4406. 644-13C 1966 MERCEDES BENTZ 230S, body and frame damaged, engine in very good condition. Automatic, 4 speed. Selling for parts. Call 815-385-2335 after 5:30. 6-6tf CROWN STOVE AND G.E; .refrigerator deluxe, poppy ' color. $400 both or best offer. Love seat and 3 chairs, 2 old chairs. 385-3940. 6-6 ZENITH STEREO console, beautiful oak cabinet, like new. $350:455-6898. 6-6 foil SALE SANSUI G-2000 receiver 32 watts, Chicago accoustic 2 way speakers, incredible sound $225.385-2278. 6-6-6-11 FOR SALE, youth bed complete, rails, sheets* spread and pillow sham $50. Call 385-5936 weekends or after 5 pm weekdays. 6-6-6- 13c CEMENT BLOCKS, 50 cents each. Call 815-459-0098 after 5 pm. 6-11-6-13C G.E. 12" oscillating fan, Westinghouse mobile air fan, folding picnic table, portable Zenith am-fm radio. 385-6189. 6-6 Heat pump, 5,000 BTU G.E. Weathertron, complete system, including com­ pressor and air handler, used two years, excellent condition $1,100.00 days 815- 385-3000 nights 385-1301. 5-30- 6-6c Pre Season prices on^pdte window air condi tioaerfe. Choose from 4,000 BTU u> 12, 600 BTU units in stock at Lee & Ray Electric, 1005 N. Front St., McHenry. 385- 0882. 5-30-6-6C CASE TRACTOR, with 5 ft. rotary mower. In good condition $900.815-338-6664. 6-4-6-6C CARRIER WINDOW air conditioner, 6000 BTU-7% amps, fits openings 20 to 40", value $250, exc. cond. 5 years old, $75.815-385-3190. 6-444C LIKE NEW 5.4 cu. ft. Wards woodgrain chest freezer, $150. Tel. 815-385-3510. 644- 6c RUN 3 phase motors from single phase power. ROTO phase converter will handle up to 20 HP excellent con- dition.$500.815-344-3650 64 6-6C 75 KAWASAKI Zl-900. In- dora professional go-kart, Evans go-kart, 78 Camero Z- 28, many extras. 344-1038 or 385-3072. 6-4-6-6C 26" GIRLS 3 speed bike, and 20" girls bike. 815-344-2543. 6-4-6-6C CHROME KITCHEN SET with 6 chairs, call after 5 pm . 815-385-8773. 6-4-6-6C BIKES, two 20" 20" girls, one 26' 653-4206. boys, one girls. 815- 6-4-6-6C BLACK DIRT-GRAVEL fill, trenching, septic work. 815- 728-0131. 6-6-6-11 SEARS REFRIGERATOR, frostfree, top freezer. White, good condition $75. 815-385- 1622. 6-6- 68 PONTIAC 400 engine, code YE 340 HP, plus transmissions and other parts. Call Jim 385-7150. 6-6 ANTIQUE CHINA oak cabinet, refinished $350. 815- 344-2932. 6-6-6-13c 8 FT. PATIO DOORS, thermopane. $175 or best offer. 815-344-1867. 6-6 S C H W I N N D E L U X E exercising bike, 6 months old $75, % size folding bed, excellent condition. $40. 815- 385-6141 cash only. 6-6 FARM FRESH 815-455-0097. FRYERS 6-6-6-13C 6 STORM WINDOWS 36" x 58", good condition $8 each. Furnace 85,000 BTU with a p p r o x . 1 2 0 p l u s f t . o f assorted pipe. $75. Good condition 728-0779. 6-6 BROWN LEATHER like love seat, lounge 1 and ottoman, 6 months old. Asking $425.385-4010. 6- 4-6-6C HILTI RAM SET complete Milwaukee side grinder B & D Cordless drill with charger. Complete torch set. 2 speed porta band saw. 2 heavy duty roto hammer. Complete plumbers pot. Table jigsaw (deep throat) Wooden gang boxes,1 large wooden office desk. All in excellent condition. Call weekdays after 5:30. Weekends anytime 815-728- 0603. 6-4-6-6C E A R L Y A M E R I C A N flowered couch and 2 avacado chairs. 9x9 gold rug. 385-7907. 64444c r. 1979 FORD, 250 Van, ps, pb, h.d. susp. h.o. heater, h.d. battery. Ideal tradesman truck $6,500. Sea King 12' aluminum V hull, 5.5 Johnson outboard motor $300. Call after 5 pm. 81S 8611. FREE STANDING butcher block, 33V tall, <24"x24"cl5V solid top $250., Wrought iron ceiling hung 30" diameter pot rack "125, brown* velvet quilted king size bedspread $30. 344- 4336. 6-4-6-6C ciotJaof FOR SALE 74 Suzuki 500. needs head light, runs good $500 or best Call Jim 385- 7150 64 FOR YOUR MOTOR CYCLE Insure with the e x p e r t s D i s e o e a t s available Nets Agency 4SS4M* 1865 6*4-1J? 1974 YAMAHA TX f«S A excel lets' ceadtuee fjW miles tm M4441J (44 6C MflTl 4M B&A 4 JIM 61 *rn tUkWAtjuu r* tm firm ma st 3d m m mm ^ mm. 1 mftm « pm m* Mtmrn. > | ig, MCI VOLUME FANTASTIC SAVINGS Twin Mottress $29.00 Full Mettress $39.00 Quean Size Sett $199.00 Iwnfc teds $199.00 FwM Sis# Sleeper $209.9$ 815-455-4550 HIDE-A-WAY 385-9640. bed, couch. 6446C BEDDING PLANTS V*9»tobi«4 Gafontumt Mom* ond ?<>«»•d Rom* Cottw* and Houm Hontt SCHLESSERS GREENHOUSE 211 E tout* 130 McHenry. Mtmo»s (lost ol Lofcemoof t EVERGREENS AfimmOJBQ WASHERS AND DRYERS RECONDITIONED and Guaranteed. $50.00 and up. 815-3854431. 64tfc OATS FOR SALE. 815-385- 2847. 6-4tfc >I(TEI WATER SOFTENER SALT SALE, Pellet type only, 1st Saturday of Every month. Huemann Water Con­ ditioning, 3607 Chapel Hill Road, Johnsburg. 815-385- 6-4tfc NEW AND USED Railroad ties. Bulk grass seed, Rustic cedar rail fencing. Wood­ stock Farm and Lawn Center. 2020 S. Rte. 47 Woodstock, Illinois 815-338- 4200. 6-4tfc WHITE SIDE BY SIDE refrigerator; coppertone side by side refrigerator; perfect condition. 815-385- 6431. 6446C 2 LIKE NEW 20" girls bikes $30 each; gold sofa bed good condition $80; Baldwin Orgasonic organ $500. 815- 675-2481. 6444c POOL FILTER Lomart brand and accessories $50. 815-385-2410. 6-4-64C K O O L A T R O N A U T O REFRIGERATOR, used 3 times, cost $184, like new $100. Excellent for car or camper, golf clubs-bag and cart playable set $35. Bicycle 26" Balloon tires, $25. If no answer call after 5 pm 385- 1168. 6446c SOFA AND LOVESEAT, contemporary, best offer. 815-3854705. 6-44-6C DINING ROOM SET with 6 cane chairs, china cabinet. 815-344-3445. 6444c WANTED TO 6 ORIENTAL RUGS WAN­ TED, Immediate cadi paid for rugs, Sarouk, Kashan, Chinese. Call collet 312-884- 6444 anytime. 64tfc M O V I N G ? C L E A N I N G HOUSE? Buying antique furniture, old toys, china, lamps, old advertising) items, etc. 8154784141. 5-7- 6-27C THANK YOU To all my good friends and relatives for their nursing care and trips to the doctor- pius their visits and the many goodies they brought me. Also for the cards and b e a u t i f u l f l o r a l arrangements. My larder and my heart "runneth over'! God Bless you all. * Rita Martin - ** ORIENTAL RUES WANTED Highest cash price paid for your olu rugs. SAROUK, KASHAN, KERMAN. CHINESE, etc. Will travel. Call Collect 312-884-6444 6/4tf G.E. upright freezer, like new, $180 or best offer. 815- 385-1658. 6446c GOLF CLUBS, new Nor- Western . 9 irons, 3 woods, value to $400. Now $99 to $120. AAA Closeout Brokers. 815 -728-0177. 6-44-13C CABLE PIANO CONSOLE excellent condition. $775.312- 639-8977. 6446c 6 FT. SLIDING PATIO DOOR, thermopane with screen, wood frame $300 or best offer. 312-639-8977. 644- 6c SACRIFICE, one grave, one Memorial Bronze 24x14, one granite base 28x18, one bronze urn, one cement vault, one interment (cremation) 815-385-2697. 6- 444c 30 FT. x 15 FT. oval pool with expandable liner, , ac­ cessories include % HP sand filter, 2 ladders, diving board, complete vacuum $600. Also selling Vfe HP sand filter $75.815-385-7397. 644 6c U S E D C O N I C A L FIREPLACE (black) 8" stack, 28x18 front, screen and grate included $75. 312- 497-3659. 6-444C HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR,, ap­ proximately 16 cubic ft. 5 years old, $100.815-3854926. 6444C MT COLUMN WANTED PUPPIES, 6-8 weeks old, good homes guaranteed , also we buy poodle, cocker or Schnauzer mixed pups. 815-385-7897. 6- 4tfc GIVE AWAY adorable 6 week old kittens to good home. 2 male, 2 female. 815- 3854808. 64 GIVEAWAY, one year old female Dalmation Collie mix, great disposition. 815- 728-1027. 64 PETS FOB SAIi 1 LHASA APSO puppy 6 months, male, completely trained AKC papers, $175. 1- 455-6898. 64 BOATS T MORM Larson M-16 sailboat and trailer, fiberglass huU^ rigged for racing $i,200. 815- 678-3261 or 312427-1518. 5-30- 64c 77 JOHNSON 85 HP with controls, low hours, ex­ cellent condition, SST prop $1650 Rick 312469-2114 eves, 312486-7230. 6444c I 14 FT. RUNABOUT, 40 HP motor, EZ load trailer, good ski boat $700.8154504795. 6- 444c AMF SUNFISH sailboat, excellent condition $900 or best offer. 815-385-5439. 644- 6c 1967 16 FT MIRRO--CRAFT boat with 1967 40 HP Johnson motor and trailer. $850. 653- 3000. 6444c 16' SIGNA TRI HULL, 120 I-O. E-Z load trailer, including skis and vests. $3,450.815453-5903 or 815-344- 0416. 64413c WIS FOB SAIi SHELTIE PUPS, AKC male, champion lines $150. 815-344- 2492: 644-11 KITTENS, 8 weeks, Calico and Red. $50.815-344-2492. 6- 64-11 IRISH SETTER male, needs room to run, had shots. $35. 385-7318. 64 HOftSCS MAIN STAY FARM Richmond, III. Offering the very best in BOARDING LESSONS .nd TRAINING Miles of conservation trails next door. Bob & Sara Gibson (815) 653-9374 Limited stalls available - Call now for mamtioo. 'The Family Barn Run witli a Professional Touch" 9/3344N3 IUMC s s : : s : s : AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS MdJENRY TRANSMISSIONS a IwSS 9 2 6 N F r o n t S t . M r H e n r y I l l i n o i s Wl 730 ji s s s s s s s s mm jgjSii SNOWMOBILE 1975 Raider 350 $500, good condition. 312- 428-1285. 6444c Jl/ltfbi d ^Wood ZP%oduc£± Serving - McHenry - Lake - Winnebago Counties -SINCE 1956- Specializing in Customized Hand-Crafted Wood Cabinetry "Counter Tops * Kitchens •"Vanities * Bookcases *Bars tfttf <*• y- e fvelel £iU-"aU Call for appointment 815-943-6400 2035# Windy Hill Don Miller, Prev We will hold your bid price for 60 days if you respond to this ad by June 10th, as we still have cabinetry lumber at Dec 1979 pricing * Harvard. IL 60033 Annie Miller. V P. (**< Hono Iwdmm

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