HORNSBYS EWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE • JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE PAGE 14 - PLA1NDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE II. ltM One Good Turn cousins are also graduating. During her'last year, Miss Guiltier had the exciting experience of student* teaching in, among other- locations, London. After-her memorable stay in the British capital, she took a tour of England, Scotland and Wales and also had the chance to see something of some other European countries, including Ger many, Austria, Switzerland and France. Miss Gunder plans to start her teaching career in Connecticut. Congratidations to Gail as well as to her parents! And nothing but happinesS and good luck for the future! JUNIOR HIGH GRADUATIONS The McHenry Shores eighth graders who graduated May 22 in a moving ceremony in the gymnasium of McHenry Junior high school are: Wilfred Aide, Kenneth Alton, Jack Bonde, James Colberg, Charlene Einweck,, Dana Fuller, Michael Grass, Kimberly Kurowski, Roberta Orin, Victor Romandine, Edward Vogl and Aldonna Zelvis. Congratulations to all you fine young people for a job well done. We are all very proud of you! I would have liked to also mention the high school graduates, but unfortunately nobody contacted me to help with the selection of names. Congratulations to all of you anyway, even if I have no names. We all know what an exciting step it is for you, and we wish you nothing but the best! Village of McHenry Shores Aide Rose lillegord .1984 385-4517 share with all of us. Are you proud of a child's achievements? Did you take a memorable vacation? Was there an exciting party at your house? I would love to hear from yoU and tell your story to all your friends and neighbors, or, if you prefer, to your enemies so that they can turn green with envy! DEGREE FOR SHORES GIRL Gail Gunder, daughter of George and Donna Gunder, of Orchid path, graduated Saturday, June 7, from the National College of Education in Evanston, 111., with a Bachelor of Science degree in Education. The graduation cerempnies took place at Ravinia, and c o m b i n e d f a m i l y celebrations will be hehi in Palatine where two of Gail's Column Dates Mighi Change From now on, we ask you to look fcf the McHenry Shores column in both the /"Wednesday and' Friday editior^>of the Plaindealer. In j^raer to' bring you political news faster, it has been decided to print that part of the column on Fridays, following Monday and Tuesday meetings, whereas most of the social news will'appear, as before, in the Wednesday edition. In this connection, please let me remind you once again to call Inge at 344-1984 if anything happens in your family that you want to Wildlife Refuge Open To Visitors the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rental Accidents will happen. At wildlife Prairie park west of Peoria in Hanna City, there are no glass cages, dim, musty-smelling buildings or asphalt walks littered with peanut shells. Instead, over 100 wild animals native' to Illinois forests and prairies. cen turies ago, stalk natural habitats oblivious to curious visitors. Meander down a serene, wood-chipped trail. Linger on a bridge awhile and look and listen patiently. You'll see racoons, badgers, coyotes, and skunks darting through the woods. Bobcats, on the threatened list in Illinois, and cougars and arctic timber wolves, both extinct in this state, are protected here. Puma, elk, white-tailed deer and bison graze in large, open pastures. Waterfowl make their home on the park's many lakes and ponds. "At Wildlife Prairie Park, visitors are able to step outside the hectic pace of I960 living and take a look at Illinois as it was 300 years ago," Janet Munro Jesse, coordinator of program services said. The wildlife preserve is the only one of its kind in Illinois and is probably one of the few such parks in the entire Midwest, she added. That's why you noed the protection that American Family's Special Homeowners Package Policy provides. It's the most complete home owners coverage we've ever offered. Call me today for all the details. between rural and urban families," Larry Harris, .McHenry County Farm Bureau manager, explained as he.asked McHenry County Farm Bureau . families to participate in this program. "We have found the most effective way to create understanding is to bring city and farm families together on a one-to-one basis." v Exchange families are paired by Farm Bureau according to age of children, family interests and travel convenience. McHenry County Farm Bureau families are invited to participate as a host family, and you can obtain details--and sign up--by contacting Larry Harris, manager, at the Farm Bureau, 338-1520. $1.00 per hour . . . for •very hour thereafter. (Example 2 hours . . . total charge $1 plus tax.) NO MINIMUM Special Rental Rate Good Monday thru Thursday BIRTHDAYS On June 5, Brad Grass was 4 years old. The next day was shared by Mary Lou Heald, Edwin Olbinski, Bob Juerssen and Julian Sebek ; the latter was 2 years old. on that memorable day. On Saturday, Steven Csajaghy was 7 years old, and on the ninth Dene Bain turned 15. A very happy birthday and many returns to all of you! RINSENVAC cleans the way professionals do at a traction ottri&cost f. is. $001 (J .MM Pll SS OQMIM ) HOI OVERNIGHT SPECIAL I • :00 P.M. f:00 A.M. ft 0.00 • • • * A hero is a sowed man who does what he has to do under dangerous circumstances. No two people ever thought alike, and it takes some individuals a life time to find that out. **** It is a good idea to remind everyone of the approach of Father's Day. AT JEWEL MCC Sale Days Wed., June 11 thru Tues., June 17 --While Quantities Last-- A DIVISION OF JEWEL DIRECT MARKETING 901 W. Virginia St. CRYSTAL LAKE ( 115-455-0333 WAYS TO SAVE ON YOUR CARPET MCC SALE Web chair '10.99 >7.69 Matching chaise *16.99 *11.89 Choose from three colors in the web chair. JwciAi tS£S,i ALL REMNANTS IN STOCK HUNDRED'S OF YARDS TO CHOOSE FROM ALL 1st QUALITY td -- I«nrf» Prttm oi CwpH OUR DISCOUNT PRICE PACKAGE PLAN rfrnw, IMn Room, Mng Room m Hall, Mm**.. 100% Nylon Large Selection of RESIDENTIAL CARPET $ 4 9 9 $ A 9 9 so. yd. to /H.n. Summer Special! Ladies WEAR WEAR 50%, VV OFF Our Discount Price •Shorts • Dresses •Slacks Tops • Jeans • Sandals Looagewear • Jackets • Shawls ALL PLASTIC T • * > a u l o g o u t l e t $ T 0 » f . i f w f i c i r * • - I ' , if>