W1BROSIA PURE PRAIRIE LEAGUE HORNSBYS PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11,1X1 Agatha Court 777 - meeting 7:30 p.m., Johnsburg Community club. June 24 - N.C.S.F. St. Agatha, Court 777, Juniors, Cubs baseball game. - No meetings during the sum mer. -• • i: June 127 - St. John's Home & School "the Big Um brella" dance, 8:30 p.m. - Johnsburg Community club. Benefit school roof. July 16 -• Golf outing, Chapel Hill Country club - N.C.S.F. St. Agatha Court 777. Aug. - Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality, St. John's bus trip to Shrine of Our Lady, Necedah, Wis. Aug. 23 - Rescue Squad dance - Johnsburg Com munity club. soda. Also it cfen smother fires in a seat cushion or floor mat. A sprinkle of soda in ash trays prevents cigarettes from Smoldering. You" find many uses for a box in the kitchen, too; puts out grease fires, helps clean pots and pans, cools sun burned arms-hands..and . makes good cookles, too. McH&NRY LIBRARY x Summer time ~ reading time for children - and children to be read to - in formation will be needed for housecleaning, painting, lawn care, planting. All this information and material is at your library. They usually have sum mer {urograms for children. And, of course there are many travel books, if this is your year to stay near home. You can pick some in teresting areas to visist from your rocking chair. Maybe a certain time each day which *. could be a little rest period " for all of you. Visit your library...and enjoy your summer! DATE TO REMEMBER June 11 .-- St. John's Blessed Virgin Mary. Sodality, Salad luncheon and card party, 11:30 a.m. - Johnsburg Community club. June 15 - Father's day - remember - make a call, pay a visit - pray! June 16 - N.C.S.F. .St* Johnsburg Mary L. Gundferson STATE DEPOSIT PROGRAMS Gov. Thompson endorsed two state deposit programs announced by State Treasurer . Jerry Cosentino that are aimed at making farm crop production loans and mortgages for homes under construction before Dec. 31, 1979, more readily available. .By making funds available to banks and savings and loans, these deposits will boost the agricultural and home building industries in Illinois. Under the protection of the Pearl street park shelter, members of the McHenry Garden club, Girl Scouts, City of McHenry and Chamber of Commerce representatives prepared to plant flowers in various areas of McHenry. In spite of rain, the McHenry Beautifies tion committee made its start to "Make McHenry Beautiful".. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Preparing To Plant [OTO-WAYNE G^YLOl the supervision and guidance of Garden club members, have done the actual planting and will remain in contact with their mentors throughout the season on a "buddy system". In addition to adding to the Although the rain "fell on their parade", the McHenry Beautification comm^tee a as undaunted as they made heir initial move to "Make cHenry Beautiful". Gathering in the Pearl •> reet park one recent .orning were represen tatives of the Girl Scouts, Garden club, City of McHenry and Chamber of Commerce to begin planting flowers in various areas of the city. Spearheaded by Fran Olsen, executive director of the Chamber of Commerce, and Liz Nolan, first ward alderman, and with the cooperation and generosity of various businesses and individuals, the McHenry Beautification committee has been formed with the goal" of beautifying the > community. A start in this direction has been made by planting flowers throughout the city. An important facet of the program will be the main tenance of the plantings. Stepping forth to meet this need are the various Girl Scout troops whose mem bers will be earning scouting badges by their diligent weeding and watering throughout the summer. These young ladies, under beauty of the city, the program offers the young people involved the/op portunity. to develop a sense of commitment and civic pride which will help to establish good citizenship. To encourage a general sense of pride, the com mittee asks McHenry residents to be aware of the plantings and help in their care and protection against vandalism when possible. Although the committee's start is on a small scale, members hope that success will lead to an expanded program in the years ahead. LENNOX Nurses Of County Hear Pioneer Representatives Exclusive 2-speed Central Air Conditioning. SAVE GAS' with a H.C.S.F. JUNIORS St. Agatha Court 777 Juniors are planning an outing Tuesday, June 24. The group will see a Cubs baseball game, leaving 10 a.m. from St. John's school. Be sure to check regarding necessary requirements to join this trip. SYMPATHY ...to the family of Henry F. Matulka, who died May 28 at home. His funeral Mass was at St. John the Baptist church, with interment at St. Adalbert's cemetery, Niles. God's blessings to all! AGOOD IDEA Keep a box of baking soda in the glove compartment of your car to use as an emergency fire ex tinguisher, for an engine fire. Should a fire start, turn off the ignition and toss on ALUMINUM DRIVE - A truck will be on the grounds of St. John's the Baptist school, Sunday, June 15, after all the Masses, to pick up aluminum pop cans, pots, pans, etc. to benefit St. John's Restoration fund. If you are doing your annual cleaning, gather these items and bring them along when you come to Mass on Sunday. ST. JOHN'S SCHOOL "The Big Umbrella" is a fund raiser underway by the Home & School association to help defray the expense of a new roof for the school. Call 385-4737 for information. You help will be ap preciated. The May meeting of causes and prevention M c H e n r y C o u n t y m e a s u r e s . Professional Nurses' Miss Mary Norris, association was held at representative of the College McHenry County college, 0f St. Francis, Joliet was with Mrs. Donna Bradshaw, also present. Miss Norris representative of Pioneer gave information about the Center for the Exceptional, degree completion program giving a very interesting and fof1 nurses. informative program en- A short business meeting titled "Prevention of followed, with President D e v e l o p m e n t a l d i s a - B a r b a r a M c C o r m i c k , R . N . , bilities." presiding. Conditions such as mental The results of the annual retardation, cerebral palsy, election was presented by epilepsy, and autism that Carol Theide, R.N. Officers originate during the first 21 elected were Jeslyn Bruce years of life are likely to R.N., president Elect, 80-81; continue forever, she said. Betty McKillip R.N. and Therefore it is important to Marvine Wyrich R.N., board become aware of the known members elected for two years. Mrs. McCormick then introduced the president elect 79-80, Sandra Brenner R.N., as the new president. The new officers assumed their duties at the close of the meeting. M.C.P.N.A., meetings are held the second Wednesday of September, November, January, March and May at 7 at McHenry County college. All nurses working and residing in McHenry county are invited to attend the first Fall meeting. Self-interest has al ways been the foe of na- The climax will be on tional security, the de« Saturday; June 27, at the stroyer of patriotism, IVEDAD SAVE NOW! 3/8" 4 x 8 Ft. Gypsum Board Prices •ffsctivt: Wod.,Jun« 11 - TTPTTa Sun., Jun« 4*03 W. Ik. ' *•> ftto. 47 & CMMrj (bb 14. SiilitiA Deilyt-* 1S-4 You can cover with paneling, stain, paint or paper it to make your homo decor terrific. SHELVING TO ACCENT ANY ROOM WARNER BROS Anchrome Standard Anchrome Standard Anchrome Standard Anchrome Standard Anchrome Bracket 180ANQ Anchrome Bracket Anchrome Bracket Walnut Shelf Walnut Shalf UTTLE RIVER BAND tt*«* GEAR CHAIN DRIVE OPENER CAffTOt GARAGf DOOR