TfflToT PAGE 17 - PLAINDEALEE - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, IMP «2S 1976 Pontiac Ventura, good condition, clean, Radial tires, $1950.815-344-5946 after 6 pm. 6-13-6-26c 1970 DATSUN, runs good. Good condition. Excellent mileage. $350.815-344-3513. 6-ll-6-18c 79 DODGE OMN1^2 door hatchback, 4 speed, $4500. 815-653-6647 after 6. 6-lltfc 1975 MONTE CARLO, 350 automatic, air conditioned. Ps, pb, radials, new paint. $1750.815-728-0907 after 5. 6- 11-6-20C 1977 JEEP CHEROKEE; Chief S. Automatic, with quadra track, AM-FM Cassette, air conditioning, cruise, wheels, tires, many extras, regular gas, ex cellent condition. $5,500 call 815-597-2061. 6-4tfc 72 Chevy Impala, good running condition, just tuned . up, new water pump, new battery. $300. 815-344-5404. 6- 13-6-20 75 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE. Very good shape. Loaded, $2,000. 815-653-6647 after 6. 6-lltfc REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED NOTICE Child Care UNLICENSED FACILITIES CAN'T BE ADVERTISED. According to the Child Care Act of 1^69 it is a misdemeanor to care fc. another person's child in your home unless that home is licensed by the State of Illinois. , It is also illegal to advertise for such services in - an unlicensed home. These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the safety, health and well-being of the child. For information and Licensing contact: HUMES MPARTMMT OF CHNENt FAMILY SERVICES ' Lake Villa Field Office P.O. Box 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave. Lake Villa, 11.60046 312-356-1011 F R E E M I C R O - W A V E cooking demonstration Saturday, June 21,1980 from 9:30am to 1:30pm at Carey Appliances, 1241 North Green St. McHenry, 815-385- 5500. 6-18-6-20C 5 CORNER FARM HORSE show, Saturday June 21st, Western, English & Hunter. Call Jim Powers 815-923- 2385 . 6-18-6-20C CARD Of THANKS MANY THANKS for receiving so many cards, flowers and gifts. To Father Gaynor, Father Novak, Sisters of Mercy, Dr. Karris, Dr. Phillips, nurses and my family who were so good. Catherine Weber -- --*--6-18 FOR SALE BY OWNER $25,000 down, 8V-. percent interest, assume mortgage of $41,500, payments $489 tax and insurance included. 4 bedroom raised ranch in Sunnyside on channel, l'i. baths, rec room, screened patio leading to deck with gas grill, garage and shed. Beautiful landscape. Call after 6pm 815-385-7357, no brokers or agents. 6-l8-6-27c NEW STICK BUILT 2 bedroom, aluminum sided, full basement, gas heated, extra well insulated and quality carpeted. New well and septic system, high ground, wooded lot near river and town for under $50,000. Rates bank loan with 10 percent down. Show you are qualified. Key at 119 N. River Road. Phone first 815- 385-0169. 6-18-6-20C FOR SALE, McHenry, Fox Ridge, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage, air conditioning, carpeting, 11% percent loan. $74,500.312-945-9418. 6-lltfc LOVELY 4 BEDROOM ranch, exclusive neigh borhood. onlv chip shot to McHenry Country Club, schqol, shopping, tran sportation, hospital nearby, custom built. Must see tO[ appreciate. Mid $90's. Ap pointment only, call 815-385- 0970. 6-4-6-27C FOR SALE BY OWNER,-3 bedroom, 2 full baths, ranch home in McHenry^ large corner lot next to coh1- servation area, river rights, master bedroom, has full bath and walk in closet. Central air, attached garage, country kitchen Anderson sliding glass door, leads out to patio with gas grill . $57,500.00. 815-344- 2579. 6-4tfc FOR SALE BY OWNER, waterfront A-frame, 2-3 bedrooms, 2 baths, rec room with bar, liv. room, dih. room, combination with cathedral ceiling, full dry basement, IV2 car garage, other extras. Seen by ap pointment only on weekends. 815-455-0324. 6-18-7-4C ATTENTION NORSE FANCIERS FOR SALE BY OWNER 4 bedroom, 3 bath 3200 sq. ft. hillside ranch on 1 acre in Val Mar Country Estates. Included is Com munity property interest in a 12 acre horse lot, barn, and recreation house with pool. Will sell on con tract at 10'/2 % with 20% down. $120,000. 815-385-4472 6-4tf AUTOS AUTOS & FRIDAY, JUNE 20 8 a.m.-9 p.m. SATURDAY, JUNE 21 8 a.m.-4 p.m. $300 - $1000 1 FACTORY REBATES! $300-$1000 Rebate on all new 1979 s $300-$500 Rebate on Selected 1980 models. MINIMUM $300 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE on^an^vehldethatnms. 10.97% INFLATION FIGHTER ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE FINANCING available for 48 months on all new 1979s and 1980 Aspens and 4 Wheel Drives. 2-Asp*n> From $6400 . Last....$300 Rebate 3-Diplomats From $5950 Los* •••• $300 Rebate 3-Mognumt From $6200 Lost.... $500 Rebate 1-St.Hofls From $7400.......................... Loss ....$500 Rebate 3-LoSoront From $7250..........Lost • ••• $300 Rebate 4-Cordobat From $7250 Rebate J*N#w Yorkori From $9600 ••••••••••#•••••••••• Lost •••• $700 Rebate 9-v«m From $6950 •••••...•...•••••.•.•••••••••Loss...,$500 Rebate V-lomchorfor* From $7600 ••••••••••••••••••••• iostee«$1000 Rebote a 7 •% Wfcool Drfvo Pkkupt From $S700»f woMniti ••••$300 R#bof• 10-4 Wfciol Ortvo Ftekwps From$6100.......m*.Lost..$1000 Rebate BENOYoKHSIR -- 614 LAKE AVI WOODSTOCK III Setter Ooelt On 334-5100 CITY OF McHEHRY NEW 3 BEDROOM cedar sided ranch, 1040 sq. ft. COUNtRY CLUB SUB. 3011 Virginia St. >•-- Lot 70x122. Back to Country Club Property & River rights. $54,400.00 firm 815-459-0702 715-543-2343 6 13-0 20 FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 bedroom, brick home, 2 full baths, rec room, den, full basement on river. Johnsburg school district. Needs work. $85,000. or best offer. 385-5685 WONDER LAKE: 4 bedroom home. Living room, kitchen/dinner area, 1 Vt baths, family room, den with built in bar. Carpeting throughout. In terior just repainted. Wooded corner lot. 100% bank fjnancing available to qualified buyer. 13.5% mortgage rate plus 2 pts. at closing. $72,000.00 Call Bob Polenzani at First National Bank off Marengo 815-568-7252 HELP WANTED HIGHLY QUALIFIED HOUSEKEEPER, live in, prepare meals for elderly man, references required. McHenry area. 312-253-4330. 6-6tf WANTED-PART TIME help. Short hours, day only. Housecleaning, office cleaning. We will train. 815- 728-0805. 6-18 WOMAN TO TAKE care of elderly woman from 9 to 3, 5 days a week. Call after 4, 815-385-1009'. 6-18 18 SEMESTER HOURS OF MATH REQUIRED 7th and 8th grade team teaching mathematic position. JOHNSBURG IR. HIGH Call Mr. VanBosch 815-385-6210 Mail transcripts and creden tials to Mr. VanBosch, John sburg Jr. High, 2117 W. Chur ch, McHenry, Illinois 6)0050 6 18 6 20 SALES OPPORTUNITY. Large discount grocery co. will employ 200 men or women to take new and repeat orders for groceries. Our sales people average $400 to $500 per week, following up inquiries from interested people only. We are particularity interested if you have managagement capabilities. Call 312-888- 8482 for appointment. Must have own transportation and neat appearance. 6-6-6-20c CLEANING LADY 5-6 hours week steady. State w.-.'ges expected and experience, reference if possible. Write Plaindealer Box JU 1. 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, II. 60050. 6-13-6-18 'S SOMEONE TO CARE For elderly invalid woman. Live in. References. Send response to box AP3, McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St.. McHenry, II. 60050. 6-4tfc BAR MAID, apply in person,, 3914 W. Main St. or phone foi appointment. 815-385-9858. 6- 18-6-20C EXPERIENCED SCREW MRCHINE OPERRTOR 1st Shift Set up and operate Brown & Sharpe No. 00. Ex cellent starting rate, complete benefit package. Please apply at Autofcrol corporation 365 E. Prairie St. Crystal Lake, II. 60014 815-459-3080 McHENRY COUNTY C.E.T.A. SECRETARY FOR C.E.T.A. ADMINISTRATION OFFICE I ROOM 107 in the COURTHOUSE Good typing skills and shorthand required 45-50 wpm minimum typing. 100 wpm in shorthand desired. Must be able to deal with the public and like people. 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday thru Friday Please call for appointment 815-338-2040 ext. 134 an equal opportunity employer CREDIT & COLLECTION lln»er'*>0, c a rapidly e*pond>ng company otters on lottroctive opportunity iot irKjividuoi VKHfh 3 to 5 years IbOckgf Our\<J ,n 3"d Cotl^'-of* irK'udmg OC rcow"** >n o rompvit»r>r*<i environment irviy<ie Co'iet'KXi of delinquent oc I ©' e**oh!ced't limit* grid oil orov-nd ol meow'* *ab!e ond c'ed<' I b« afc'# »c xo *\ I'oM o"d I Wj»rrw* *o> e>9» '#d »• c#d" -e'o'ed j LEGAL SECRETARY WANTED TYPING & SHORTHAND required 312-639-5535 SUES CUM Full time sales position available . for responsible adult, with knowledge of youthful fashions. Call or come in 10:30 to 6:00 PM daily THE PANTS PUCE 2913 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, II. 815-385-6788 PROGRAMMER ANALYST Intermatic, a growth orientated company, offers a manufac turing systems analyst state-of-the-art opportunity. We have a 4341 on order and are currently installing on-line COPICS from I.B.M. Qualified individual will have a minimum of 3 years background on 370 equipment with CICS/DL 1 and Cobol. Some college is preferred byt a degree is not mandatory. Ex cellent compensation and benefits including tuition refund program. Please submit complete resume in confidence to« 'Director Employee Relations 2£NTERMATIC, INC. Intermatic Plaza Rte. 12&WinnRd. Spring Grove, Illinois 60081 An equal opportunity employer M F FOR SALE OLD ELECTRIC DRYER for sale, like brand new $75. Call 815-344-4010 or 344-4047. 6-18-6-20C RIDER MOWER $50 or best offer, 815-385-3791. 6-18-6-20c YZ 80 YAMAHA $400, metal hutch $15, encyclopedias $15, Hammond organ $100. Call after 5,815-385-1932. 6-18-6- 20» S M A L L M A L L A R D TRAVEL trailer, sleeps 5, stove, refrigerator. Real nice, asking $600; large double oven electric stove $50. Evenings 815-344-4157. 6- 18tfc KENMORE GAS DRYER, 5 years old, excellent con dition, white.$100. 815-728- 1583 . 6-18-6-20C 15 FT. SCOTTY TRAVEL trailer with electric brakes, stove, icebox and awning. $400. Call after 6pm, 815-653- 3781. 6-18-6-20C Girls 20" bicycle $35., kit chen table and 6 chairs $35., 815-385-8066. 6-13-6-20c 22 FT. SILVERLINE BOAT full galley sleeps 4, trailer 1975 $8500; 1978 Mark V blue leather, loaded 29,000 miles $7500 or offer; 1974 Gremlin, air. automatic, excellent condition. $950. 815-728-0208. 6-13-6-20C 1978 STARCRAFT POP UP. Starmaster "8", sleeps 8, double dinette, 3 burner stove, icebox, furnace, spare lire (new), trailer used 8 times. $1900. 312-497-3358 or 312-497-3706 . 6-18-6-20C 17 CUBIC CHEST F R E E Z E R , u s e d refrigerators for sale. 815- 385-0431. 6-18-6-20C WASHERS AND DRYERS RECONDITIONED and Guaranteed $50.00 and up. 815-385-6431. 6-4tfc OATS FOR SALE. 815-385- 2847. 6-4tfc WATER SOFTENER SALT SALE, Pellet type only, 1st Saturday of Every month. Huemann Water Con ditioning, 3607 Chapel Hill Road, Johnsburg. 815-385- 3093 . 6-4tfc NEW AND USED Railroad ties. Bulk grass seed. Rustic cedar rail fencing. Wood stock Farm and Lawn Center. 2020 S. Rte. 47 Woodstock. Illinois 815-338- 4200 . 6-4tfc BEDDING PLANTS HO W P I S Veqetobles Geraniums Mums and Pot'ed Roses Cadus and House Plants SCHLESSER'S GREENHOUSE 211 E Route 120 McHenry I l l ino is East o f laWemoor OFFICE DESK AND CHAIR, 10 piece modular type couch, dishwasher, and snowmobile. Can be seen at 1519 South Rte 31, corner of High Point and 31. 20c DESK, WOODEN play pen, sewing machine, fireplace, TV stand, reasonable. 4406 Sussex, Whispering Oaks. 6- 18-6-20C 55 GAL. FIBRE DRUMS at $2.50each. 815-344-2660. 6-18- 6-20c 17 FT. 1-0 SWITZER fiberglass with trailer, full instamentation stereo, skis, life jackets, etc. Perfect condition. $3,000. Call after 4pm . 815-459-1876. 6-18-6-20c GARAGE DOORS, 16X7, 12x8, 10x8, 8x7. Good con dition. complete with iferd- ware. After 6pm, 815-385- 4010. 6-18-6-20C 1975 CALVACADE 25 ft trailer, sleeps 8. self con tained. Reese hitch available. Asking $3500. Phone 815-923-2349. 6-18-6-20C CRAFTSMAN RIDING MOWER, good condition, runs well. $50. Bill, 815-344- 1576. 6-18-6-20C G I R L S 2 0 " H I - R I S E BICYCLE $20. 815-728-0158. 6-18-6-20C 1978 COLEMAN CAMPER, Valley Forge model, fur nace, 3 burner stove, sink, water tank, sleeps 6, like new. $1,950 or best offer. Call afterS, 815-728-1160. 6-18-6- 20c PIANO. Baldwin Acrosonic console. $500. Call Sunday 12- 2pm 815-385-2885 6-18-6-20C LIKE NEW CASE 446 tractor. 16 hp twin with 48" mower deck. 5 hours total time on machine, full one year warranty remaining. List price $3600 plus tax. will sell for $2900. 815-385-4472 . 6- 18-6-20C GRAVELY SNOWPLOW and roller $150: bathlift for invalids $50: 2 red cedar lawn recliners with pads $75 each Cash 815-344-4589 6- 18-6-20c MIKE VOLUME FANTASTIC SAVINGS Twin MoHratt $2* 00 Full Mottrei* , W1 00 Site Sets $15* 00 Ounk 1*4* tut oo Fvfl Site Steeper WW ts LENNY PICK TOM OWN STRAWBERRIES AT THE STRAWSKMY FARM Doily 7 om - 1 pm No C h i l d r e n U n d e r 10 70' Quart Apyro»imo*»<y 1 % Ite* M H»f k*tt« » o r M i W«4jhw.?»y P ort • O Nipp»r».r«*i • 15-455-4550 ! 4I4-279-M9I