Model 37199 37169 Power mowers start a* low as 2-cycle Tecumsehfc engine; 18" deck. Model 37321 BRIGGS & STRATTON $20-$40 Mowers with vari-spd engines. i3 Convenient 4-hp rear-bag mower. *219 259.99 ••• 20" vacuum-action deck sucks up leaves, debris. Pull-and-go starting, instant- action height adjusters and on-handle throttle control save work. ® 3V2-hp self-propelled rear-bagger. Trims close to trees, buildings. 20" vacuum- action deck sucks up leaves and debris. ID Model 33853 0 Model 33854 & STRATTON 0 Model 33860 *239 Reg. 279.99 HD Dependable SVfe-hp lawn mower. 0 Model 37128 20" twin-baffled steel deck; instant-action height adjusters, on- handle throttle. *149 Reg. 169.99 Save $150 Tough, dependable electric-start lawn tractors. BD 10-hp transaxle model has 3-speed transmission and differential in one housing. 38" full-floating mower deck (included) has 2-way height adjuster. Alternator- equipped key start--battery recharges while operating. Regularly 1049.95 ® 8-hp model includes 34" deck. 0 Our 8-hp model with 30" deck. Alternator-equipped. 5- $*7QQ Key start. Battery charg- speed transmission, in- § er (included) restpres Q«/«/ line shifting pattern. Regularly 949.99 starter power overnight. Regularly 849.99 *899 Your dollar buys more now at Wards! High-performance 6-gal vac kit. Wetfdry vacuum shuts A A off at 4Vfe-gal liquid *P^XVl capacity. 1 Vi-max hp. 5 bags, reg. low 1.99 82.81 separately Model 1114 Sturdy 3-cu.fL wheelbarrow. Lightweight for easy handling. 10" steel wheel; seamless tray with rolled edges. $17 Reg. 19.99 *1 Reg. 1.69 Our laminated steel padlock. Zinc-plated case resists rust. 2 coined keys. Pr- Reg. 1.99 2x4" sawhorse brackets. Build your own sawhorse with 2 steel brackets. $4 ea Reg. 4.99 Your choice of garden tools. Choose rake, hoe or shovel. Steel and hardwood. Model 2994 $17 Reg. 19.99 Compressed air sprayer. 1%-gal polyethy lene tank. Brass wand and nozzle. *1 \ Spec. buy. Hand tool assortment. Be ready for any job. Choose from these and others. 2t«»3 Reg. 1.99 ea Sturdy tools for garden. Wardscultivator, trowel, digger or transplanter. $3 Reg. 4.49 Tough pruner- chrome blade. 2 cutting posi tions; molded plastic handle. *2 Reg. 3.79 One-gallon watering can. Non-rustingplas- tic; attachable sprinkler head. 2 for *5 Reg. 3.49 4"x25' edging for lawn. Corrugated alum inum. Soil-grip anchors firmly. $6 Reg. 7.69 Vinyl-coated border fence. Keeps pests out of garden. Comes inl4"x25' roll. Model 10160 Unassembled. 22V2" black kettle BBQ cooker. Heavy-gauge porcelain- coated steel; inter nal ash catcher. Has wood-covered handles. Reg. 54.99 $2 Reg. 3.98 Hartz® 2-in-l flea collar. Assorted sizes to fit puppies, dogs and cats. *1 Reg. 1.29 Nutrient-rich potting soil. Natural, dark soil for plants, flowers. 8 qts. Your choice of hose, sprinkler. ^"x50' vinyl-rein- forced hose or oscil- ating sprinkler with 4-position dial. $5 Regularly 5.99-6.99 7B FOR FAST, CONVENIENT SHOPPING AT ANY WARDS STORE, JUST SAY "CHARGE IT!" WITH A CHARG-ALL ACCOUNT Out to save? We make it easy. [Ti® till