VALID 4/14 TM*U 4 M M 14, iifytv * *+m )1Q Morfc m* tOUNO IAKI S5 nwmd * vtfUM « 'ait •Oto U*~* n ( S I 5 ) 3 4 4 - 3 9 0 0 annual "Luncheon Out"-- Branded Steak house, 1 p.m.- -make reservation with Lyda Radisch. JUNE 26 t St. Clara court 659-annual picnic-city park, 11:30 a.m.- -bring dish to pass and fifty- cent prize. M JUNE 27 1 , St. John's Home & School- "The Big Umbrella" dance- 8:30 p.m., Johnsburg Community club. JUNE 28 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-cards, 7:30 p.m.- Montini Middle school-Oak room. House Walk Features (Community Calendar JUNE 18 N e w c o m e r s c l u b women's luncheon-Village Tavern Restaurant-Long Grove-noon. JUNE 2ft M c H e n r y C o u n t y H i s t o r i c a l M u s e u m - Northland Art league show- on the museum grounds. St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-annual Mass, 4 p.m.~ St. Joseph church, Rich mond-dinner to follow in church hall-reservations by June 25-call 385-4528- widows and widowers welcome. JUNE 19 Annual potluck dinner, 6:30 p.m.-Knights of Columbus hall-Business meeting, 7:30 p.m. McHenry Chapter 547, O.E.S.-Exchange night- McHenry serving at Nunda, Crystal Lake. Aurora Blotd Bank drawing-3 to 7 p.m.-Zion Lutheran church-on route 120. > ; v , : A sweeping view of Bull Valley and beautiful grounds make a Oakwood drive In Whispering Oaks, McHenry. lovely setting for the Adams-Nuziard home, located at 5006 way a collection of hair curlers and curling irons. The warm wood tones and coordination of colors provide an at tractive area. The living room is classic wood tones and bright in Weidenhoefts are parents of included in the third annual in arrangement. An antique color, a corner is recessed three lively children and House Walk sponsored by organ, secretary desk and where the electric stove and their bedrooms will appeal the Auxiliary to the tables capture the viewer s double wall ovens are to young and old. One McHenry hospital, Sunday, attention. A striking mirror, centered. A round antique bedroom features an antique June 29, from 12 to 5 p.m. rich in wood detailing graces table under a dated hanging crib and rocker and Js Tickets may be obtained at one wall and a wood burning lamp adds charm. Wood brightly decorated in light each of the homes on display fireplace adds warmth to the cabinets with intricate blue; the girls' room is that day and at the Hospital room. A wood beamed detailing are the focal point decorated in bright yellows Gift Shoppe. Information ceiling creates an added of the room. and green; the master can be obtained by writing to dimension. , An oak stairwell leads to bedroom is rich in colored the Auxiliary to McHenry The kitchen is a woman's the upper level of this three appointments. • Hospital, P. O. Box 69, dream come true! Rich in bedroom home. The The above homes will be McHenry, 111. 60050. JULY 6 M c H e n r y C o u n t y Historical Museum-rain date for Northland Art League show scheduled for June 29. JULY 13 M c H e n r y C o u n t y Historical Museum-Talk and demonstration of Indian artifacts-by Myron (Mike) Pihl of Harvard. JULY 19 Class of 1970 Reunion- McHenry high school- Andre's Steak House- cocktails, 6 p.m.-dinner 7:30 p.m. JULY 20 M c H e n r y C o u n t y Historical Museum-Huntley Day-4-H demonstrations of preparing animals for fair. JULY 24 Bus trip-St. Clara Court No. 659-Call Loretta Freund for reservations, 385-6133 The home of Bruce and Shiela Weidenhoeft, 1619 N. fUveside drive in McHenry, is a classic structure with delightful detailing and unique quality. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD JUNE 24 McHenry Chapter 547, O.E.S.-stated meeting, 8 p.m.-Acacia hall. Fete Ar^niversaries JULY 27 Antique bottle show-milk, drug store, brewery bottles- by John Puzo--McHenry County Historical Museum JUNE 25 Marcia Mary Ball Circle- Benefit Scheduled Parents Club Presents Program At Meeting A program by the Youth carrying members are Service Bureau will be cordially invited to attend, presented at the Parents Coffee, conversation and Without Partners, Chapter dancing will follow. ~ No. 189, next general Other events for the month meeting, Friday/ June 20 at include an adult party, the American Legion hall, canoe-campout,family mini- Oak and Woodstock streets, golf, adult birthday party, Crystal Lake There will be family swimming and a film shown entitled. "What picnic. You Are Is Where You Were To be eligible for mem- When" by Dr Morris bership in P.W.P. one must Massey. be a parent and be single by The meeting will begin at reason of death, divorce, 8:30 p.m. and all first-time separation or never guests are urged to come at 8 married. Custody of the for an orientation time. children is not necessary. Members from other For more information please chapters and all card call 459-1863. REVERSED & MRS. D.V. CHARLSON Certain milestones in one's Avenue, Crystal Lake, to life call for a celebration. It honor the Charlsons on these might be a special birthday, triple observances. The a wedding anniversary, or celebrants and members of sometimes official entry into their family will participate one s profession. In the case in both the 8:30 and 10 a.m. of the Reverend D. V. services. Charlson of Lincoln park- Following a fellowship way. Crystal Lake, it is all hour between 11 and 12, a three! dinner will be served at the Reverend Charlson church. Reservations are celebrated his seventy-fifth needed. For details, phone birthday March 3, was or- 459-0286 or 459-2690. dained into the ministry of the Lutheran Church of America fifty years ago, June 8. and will celebrate fifty years of marriage June Educators Show Film Circle Slates Set Ice Cream Social MCACE (McHenry County Area Childbirth Educators) are pleased to invite the public to the premiere showing of "Fathers", a film portrait of the changing roles of American fathers; their thoughts, anxieties, aspirations and evolving familial relationships. ASPO (The American Society for Psycho- prophylaxis in Ob stetrics, Inc.) wanted to know today's fathers' needs what they hope for and worry about. Also, how they feel about pregnancy and c h i l d b i r t h , n u r t u r i n g , a f f e c t i o n , ' m a s c u l i n e ' behavior, job. home life and much more. Therefore, they com- misioned the makers of the film. "Nan's Class", to c r e a i e t h i s n e w e s t f i l m Interspersed throughout the film are comments of Dr. Henry Biller, a pioneer in family psychology and professor of psychology at the University of Rhode Island. The free premiere showing will take place Friday. June 20, at 8 p.m. in the Com munity room of the Crystal Lake Ambutal, on Route 31. Immediately following, the latest Lamaze film. Nan's Class" will be presented1'5**^ MCACE is a newly for med, non-profit organization of ASPO certified I^amaze teachers dedicated to education for the child- bearing experience The Rainbow Ramblers corner of Slocum and Osage- square dance club will close streets in Wauconda. For the 1979-80 season with an ice more information, please cream social to be held June call 438-7083. 22. ai the Wauconda Junior high school, beginning at 7 p.m. Many people enjoy ice cream, but most every body- loves homemade ice cream, and the homemade variety will be the only kind served that night. All the Ramblers are presently ( ranking away at their freezers to make sure there will be enough for everyone who attends There «vill be dancing, too, beginning at 7pm Don Smi'h will t>e calling the squares. While George and Joyce Kammerer will cue the rounds The Wauconda Junior high school is located on the • • • * People who hurry throughout this life meet death that much earlier. ~ * * * * Never be sure you are right, except when you're right. * * * • If you think weel of those who think well of you the score is even. Church Holds Summer Social He served as interim pastor twice in the 1970's at Wonder Lake, and also served the Richmond congregation and several others in the area. Sunday. June 22. has been chosen by Bethany Lutheran church. 76 W. Crystal Lake The annual Summer Social and Chicken Dinner will be held at St. Peter's church hall, in Spring Grove, Sunday, June 22. Serving will begin at noon and continue until 3 p.m. There will also be en tertainment./- games and prizes. i \ The pt&ticNtJpvited to come and enjoy a home cooked meal and visit with friends. For further information about the film or Lamaze please call Mrs John J Smith. Ponca. or Mrs E Passarelli. Shore drive, both of McHenrv Almost anyone is enthusiastic over a new job. with more pay. si5-344-3944 TOP DECK presents LRST CHHNCE" Fridoy (j Saturday i 9 i 3 0 p . m . " kit F*t* fcr Frt* Ft* Spa* J • frttf Getting foo orvgry wi#» kids9 Arm fov or ht«»ng tOo McHenry Office Ittf 130 ACMM* *H» %•***« tat** Marfidfcf *1 PfffVACY GUAAAMTiSOf