IEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE • JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE PAGE 8 - PLAimpR Al - WEDNESDAY. JUNE 25. IMP mn DIVISION nriM-UAflui noon Youth League Tourney, June 30 Parks And Recreation Sunner Activities I»t lUtloiul 4th Amrlcan Hon. June 20 - «:0<P M JMUmH Tu.31utrW:66- titk IttiMtl . - uAtrmto - 7ft fc&lMttl Ut M«tton«l Hon. June 30 • ( 3 th »«tl<>n«l 2pd Aa^rtcap • 3rd %ric«n . Tua. July 1 - 8:00 6t>> H«tlon«l ' frttt iOWtS"- i,i ith *»trlcttq 2nd N»tion«l Pitch, Hit and Run Young athletes from McHenry will compete on July 12 for a chance to be part of the 1980 World Series. Boys and girls, ages 8-13, will test their baseball skills by entering round one of the Pitch, Hit and Run baseball competition. Pitch, Hit and Run is the official youth program of Major league baseball. More than a half-million youngsters will be com peting in 1,000 local com petitions all across the United States. Six local winners will advance to district com petition. From there, win ning boys and girls are eligible to compete in a division competition which will be held at a Mtajor league stadium. Local competition will be held at Petersen park, 10 a.m. oh July 12. Registration blanks are now available at the McHenry City Hall. All entries must be returned by July 11. 2nd Hat Ion* 1 National lit Youth Track Meet The second youth track meet of the season will be held at McCracken field Thursday, June 26. The meet will begin at 6 p.m. with event registration beginning at 5:45 p.m. The program is open to kids ages 9-18 years old. Events are held for boys and girls in different age groups. Events scheduled for this weeks meet are the 50 yard dash, 100 yard dash, 220 yard dash, 880 yard run, 1 mile run, Softball throw, high jump and the 50 yard low hurdles. Announce AACHS Honor As we enter the last week of the season, it appears that the Tigers have captured first place in the American division. With three games remaining they have only to win one game. In this week's American league action, the Tigers swept the Twins and the Sox. The A's finished their season with a big victory over the Indians, to assure them second place. The battling Brewers won both their games to stay in the race for third place. The Sox split, beating the Twins and losing to the Tigers 3-0. The Twins lost ground but stayed in the race for third, by beating the Yanks but losting to the Sox and the Tigers. In National league action, Monday saw the Astra's beat Peschke, Elaine Poulos, Jay Rasmussen, Dwight Sch- mitt, Carol Seibold, Darreld Sek, Laura Soustek, Brett Sparks, Cynthia Spencer, Debbie Szilasi, John Turner, Cynthia Van Cleave, Karen Vanderwiel, Dan Whalen, Dale Williams, Alice Wronski and Peggy Yenny.. JUNIORS - Brandy An derson, Robert Baseley, Keith Belzer, Paula Ber- man, Shari Blankenhorn, Lori Brown, Linda Budreck, Lucinda Bushell, Patricia Chapman, John D. Costigan, John Doessel, Nancy Eppel, Robin Gillespie, Joy Hegg, Bob Householder, Laura Knaack, Gina Lindemann, Susan Lorr, Jeffrey Major, Patti McCarthy, William Nickels, Mark Peshke, Jeanne Pitel, Matthew Rogers, Kimberly Salman, Cynthia Stanek, Dennfs Straumann, John Van Fleet, Susan Voska, Gayle West- man, Patrick Wherritt and Jay Whittemore. SOPHOMORES - Denise Ahlgrim, Brian Baker, Jenifer Berryhill, Michael Connor, Kathleen Costigan, John Flathau, Lorie Hansen, Susan Henderson,. Timothy Hill, Joe Huff, John Huff, Cynthia Jensen, Kurt Johansson, Cheryl Kinzie, Wesley Kopsell, David K u e f f n e r , S u s a n Mazurkiewicz, Joseph Mroz, Matthew Mroz, Colleen Mullen, Robbie Neuman, Monica Petto, Tammy Schultz, David P. Smith, Micahel Stagg, Kim Stobbe, Tom Tranberg, Lori Lynn Vickery and Lynn Weiss. Linda Martin, Sundae Morrison, Anthony Pintozzi, Lori Robertson, Tim Sabatka, Lee M. Schneidewent, Debra Shepit, Bonnie Sonnemann, Kay i Tracy, Jane Vacula, Maria Warren, Laurette Wedell and Alane Zinke. JUNIORS -- Thomas Bohac, Jeanette May, Cheryl Patzke, Mary Lou Redmond, Jane Sorling, Ronald Thompson and Kim Toussaint. SOPHOMORES - John Bazan, Brian Bremer, Mary Ann Burrafato, Joanne Campbell, Wade Cepulis, Donna Chesier, Linda Eylander, Sharon Foley, David Giagnoni, James Gibson, Lisa Haselow, Mary Anne Lange, Douglas Maris, Melissa Mayberry, Michael Morey, Christine Morgan, Terry Nuss and Harry Raemont. 3.0 SENIORS -- Wendy Adams, Angela Akins, Julliette Barnes, Dawn Beshk, Tammy Biermann, Gary Boyd, Rolf Buchholz, Susan Butler, Colleen Byrne, Karen Carlson, James Condon, Christine Connell, Veronika Craig, Chuck Dicker, Dawn Ferguson, Mary Foley, James Frantz, Denise Freund, Kim Hay, Charles Heinmiller, Marcia Heneise, Susan Hutchinson, Leonard Jensen, James Johnson, Patricia Kerrigan, Henry Koehl, Linda Kranz, Terri Mai, Bryan Manke, Margaret McGe$, Pamela Miller, Pat Murray, Kenneth Noa, Tracy Noa, Peggy O Leary, Kent Oliver. Jane McHenry Community high school West campus recently released the fourth quarter honor roll for the 1979-80 school year. Inclusion on the honor roll requires a grade point average of 4.0, 3.5 or 3.0 based on a 4.0 grading system. The following McHenry high school students were included on this year's roll. 4.0 SENIORS - Eileen Ahern, Jo Anne Blume, Debbie Freund, Robin Fullmer, Derek Gilbert, Randall Hall, Jill Hutchinson, Cheryl Johnson, Carrie Ann Mor- tell, Steve Parisi, Thomas Sokolowski, Dee Sturm and David Thornton JUNIORS - Jean Hoch, Krista Kaefer and Kim Romano. SOPHOMORES - Sandra Gilbert, Daniel King, Aruna Lahoti and Mary Lynn Thornton. 3.5 SENIORS -• Margaret Adams, Barry Anderson, Mark Baran, Anne Bazan, Joseph Bellich, Susan Bland, Terri Bohlman, Penny Broman, Beth Cable, Michele Cooper, Teresa Deveikis, Barb Devivo, Alan Ekeroth, Mike Fresen, Caroline Freund, Joellyn Fry, Patricia Goebel, Donna Grandt, Barbara Grasses, Lisa Grimmonpre, Carol Hardie, Dawn L. Hermes, Carol Herrmann, Kenneth Hoff, Judy Honning, Dean Howard, Jeffrey Huff, Barbara Humann, Priscilla Kasprzyk, Carol Lasko, Kathleen Long, Margo Lund, Mini Division as of 6-22-80 Sox Field Trip Registration for a Teen Night field trip to Comiskey park is now being taken at McHenry City Hall. This July 2 game is for kids 12 -19 years of age. The White Sox will play the California Angels. For further information on these programs, call 344- 3300. 1. What was Mildred Didrik- son Zaharlas nickname? 2. In what sport was she best known? 3. Name the last golf tour nament of this PGA sea son. 4. Who won the tournament? 5. Who leads in the point standings of the NASCAR? Aiswtrs to Sports Qaii 1. "Babe" Zaharlas. 2. Women's golf. 3. Texas Open. 4.v Don January. 5. Richard Petty. Introducing Hartmann to our Luggage Gallery ̂ Hartmann luggage is uniquely designed with square corners for more compact and neat packing. Your clothes fit snugly into the corner. Fashioned by mastercraftsmen in the most luxurious coverings: industrial belting leather, nylon fisherman's packdoth, ultra suede, nylon tweed and vinyl. Hartmann isn't the cheapest you can buy. i simply the best. g Sale Days-Wed., June 25 thru Tues., July 2 -While Quantities Last- A DIVISION OF JEWEL Men.,Tues. 9 a.m. DIRECT MARKETING Wed. Th 301 W. Virginia St. 9 a.m. CRYSTAL LAKE Afc Set. 9 a.m. 015-455-03313 Sun. '10 a.m. Luggage. Elgin on I. Crystal Lake TAKE A DIP TONIGHTI POOL SALE Cool off in the comfort of your own bock yard with a quality pool from Jowol MCC. We havo most sizes from inflatablo pools to tho big 3'xl2' size. All reduced I MEN'S FASHIONS Savo like novor before on our entire selection of Men's Wear. Great selection of shirts, slacks, jeans, shorts and morel All reduced I )U%OFF OUR DISCOUNT PRICE OUR DISCOUNT PRICE 32 pc. Le' Gourmet Made of durable Ironstone. Service for 0. Chip and erase resistant. MCC Reg. *44" Great looking chairs for your lawn or patio. By Sun Terrace. Make a case for Hartmann Great Giveaways! CHAIRS I, Win a beautiful piece of Hartmann luggage, famous for its style, durability and beauty. (Retail value 80.00) 2. Win special chicken dinners and theatre tickets for two to the fantastic SHADY LANE THEATRE, in Marengo. II. To be awarded to four lucky winners. Best Buy of the Week I MILLER PAINT/SPRAYOUTFIT •' Complete with compressor, spray gun, hobby gun, and.lnHator kit. Paints, Inflates, and oven use with InsacNclde In the yard. A MlB MCC Rag. »4t" CLEARANCE! ALL WATCHES ami JEWELRY a Men's or women's Garment Bag. Fabric with Teflon". water resistant and stain repellant 128.00. Strap extra 13.00. b. Women's 26" Pullman. Vinyl, 132.00. 24" Weekender. Vinyl. 102.00. 29" Jumbo Pull man. 155.00. 24" Pullman. 120.00. Men's Under-Carry-On. 24". 118.00. c Mens or Women's Hanger, vinyl. 130.00. 3. Win a Gift Certificate good for 20.00 towards the purchase of any Hartmann luggage. Register now in the Luggage Gallery of the Joseph Spiess Company. Elgin or Crystal Lake for your Hartmann give away. Drawing on Monday. June 30. Winner need not be present, no purchase neccessary. While you're there, see the interesting mini-cam film of the famous Hartmann luggage production. Robert Mc Cornack. Hartmann representative, will be in the Elgin store from 5 til 9 p.m. on Thursday. June 26 and in Crystal Lake from 5 til 9 p.m. on Friday. June 27. Refreshments will be served. OUR DISCOUNT PRICE We welcome your Spiess Charge. Visa or MasterCard. f