Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jun 1980, p. 9

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e Told Tales Church Features Special Speaker FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of July 3, 1930) The State of Illinois is carrying on some very in­ teresting scientific research work in the vicinity of the lakes and Fox river this summer of which many of us have been unaware up to the present time. The work has to do with the tagging of fish in the waters of the river and the many lakes in this locality and is being ac­ complished by two men, with F.D. Hunt in charge of the work in the natural history survey, under the state Department of Con­ servation. The work is boM novel and interesting anu several hundreds and sometimes thousands of fish are handkd and tagged in a day. , Harvey Nye has moved his tottery and tire station from Pearl street to the garage on the south side of Elm street, near the corner of Riverside drive, where he will be equipped to do all kinds of battery and tire work, besides handling Valvoline gas and oils. "Alice" will make ex­ cursions through the Chain of Lakes and Fox River and Wilmot, Wis. The boat leaves the Justen hotel pier at 9 a.m. and 1:45 p.m. It can be chartered. William Koepke, captain, has been navigating this river and Chain of Lakes for the past twenty-four years. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of June' 27, 1940) The trial of Breyer vs. Colombo, which was to have been heard June 26, has been postponed until July 3 at the request of the defense. Art Colombo was arrested for trespassing on Mr. Breyer's section of McCullom Lake on June 16. He was released on bond furnished by Arnold Goldman of the Shoreland Realty company at Mc­ Cullom Lake. The company has agreed to confer with anyone who is wrongfully interfered with on the lake, as to the defense of their case, in the event of arrest for trespassing. St. Peter's church at Spring Grove will tigafo Sponsor its annual picnic. The finest roasted chicken dinner will be served. Red hots and refreshments of all kinds are there all day and late into the night. Beautiful booths will be arranged to entertain the visitors. There will be a fine band on hand to play favorite music for dancing. TWENTY-FIVE YEARSAGO (Taken from the files of June 30, 1955) From Boys State comes word that Paul -V. Jessup and Robert Trendler were elected aldermen in elec­ tions held on city, county and . state levels. They were among five McHenry high school junior boys to attend. Elections are conducted by Boys State to conform as nearly as possible to the election laws of the state of Illinois. Warren Jones, talented tenor, will be guest soloist on the first program of the season by the city band, held on the grounds of the high school. Eugene Eppel, who farms on Rt. 120 west of McHenry, suffered a dislocated and broken ankle when he was kicked by a cow. He has been confined to Memorial hospital since that time. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of July 1, 1970) Beverly Dimon, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dimon, McHenry, is the new McHenry County Dairy Princess. Diane Adams, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams, McHenry, was first run- nerup. At a news conference Sheriff John C. Carroll announced that the in­ creased number of mini-, bikes being operated by children on public roads and on private property without the consent of the owners has become a "tremendous problem." The sheriff states that the law says that mini- bikes may not be operated oh public roads because they are unlicensed vehicles. Steven Cuda, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cuda, was elected governor at . the 36th annual session of Premier Boys. State, held at the Illinois state fairgrounds in Springfield. A senior this fall at West campus, Steve ran as a Federalist candidate and defeated the Nationalist opponent, Michael Sule of Auburn, by 183 votes. It was considered a landslide vote. Bishop Arthur J. O'Neill appointed Father Leo J. Bartel as the new pastor for St. John the Baptist parish in Johnsburg. Father William Regnier, formerly of St. Patrick's, was appointed pastor at St. Mary's, Woodstock. Pesticide vs Insect (Town and Country Tips By Dave Plocher) m v REV. CLINTON JEFFERS The Alliance church, 3815 Bull Valley road, McHenry, will present the Rev. Clinton Jeffers, district represen­ tative of Bible Literature International, as special speaker in the 11 a.m. ser­ vice June 29. Bible Literature In­ ternational, the largest literature ministry of its kind in the world, was founded in 1923 and is a ministry of the "quiet miracle" of the printed page in 200 countries and in over 200 languages. Having no foreign field staff, BLI works with over 300 different evangelical mission boards and denominations and with missionaries and qualified nationals in giving financial aid to print tracts, gospel booklets, scripture portions, New testaments, Bibles, Bible correspondence courses, Sunday school and D.V.B.S. materials, literacy manuals and other helpful literature. BLI is geared to one end - to get the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have never heard. It is a ministry of total evangelism based entirely on the Word of God. The public is invited to' come and hear Rev. Jeffers as he presents this unique ministry. A free will offering for BLI will be received. The film, "The Hiding Place" will be shown in the evening service. Dental Aide Program Made Available Here PLAY TRYOUTS The Johnsburg Com­ munity Players will hold tryouts for female parts only for Neil Simon's "Prisoner Of Second Avenue". They are scheduled Thursday, June 26. Interested persons should call 385-6233' for details. The play will be presented Aug. 7, 8,9 and 10 at Johnsburg high schoo1 An agreement between .McHenry County college and the College of Lake County permits residents of McHenry county to enroll in CLC's Dental Assisting program for in-district resident fees. The CLC program is accepting ap­ plications now for the Fall, 1980, class. The Dental Assisting program is eleven months in length and covers all aspects of dentistry, including chairside assisting, office management, and basic d e n t a l l a b o r a t o r y techniques. Classroom experiences are sup­ plemented by clinical training in local federal agencies and various private offices and clinics in the area. The American Dental association Commission on Dental Education has ac­ credited the program, which allows all graduates to take , the national certification examination. This cer­ tificate provides a strong positive credential when graduates seek employment. For further information, contact the dental assisting c o o r d i n a t o r , S u z a n n e LEGION COUNCIL MEETS The final business meeting of the 1979-80 McHenry County council, American Legion, will be hosted by Eugene Drill Post 606, Hebron, with County Commander Joe Kaltwasser presiding. It is scheduled for 8 p.m. Thursday, June 26. HELP US CELEBRATE THE GRAND OPENING OF OUR DUNDEE STORE OPENING JUNE 30th 120 MAIN ST. 428-7900 BAU8CH&L0MB SOFLENS® ® ULTRA THIN SOFT CONTACT LENSES J3 OPP ALL lOLUTIOWS FO* YKM WITH VOUMXON- 1 LIN* PURCHASI AND THIS AO. MUST MISINT AO AT MOINHIHO OP INITIAL VISIT. G O O D T H R U LOUSES ONLYl •WHEN PRESENTED WITH THIS AD AT BEGINNING OF INITIAL VISIT WITHOUT AO-NMO COMNONSVlSION CENTERS West Dundee 120 W. Main St. . 429-7900 <minl I a|r A Roach UIMI Law D6AR juiij Lmkm Ctmmom •241. Rollins McHenry Coupon* may not b« usad on purchaM* bafor* Juno 18,1900 n».i«n M*|OMIIHH *"""*• Wunderlich, at (312) 6601, Extension 489. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ON SALE ITEMS 223- My master gardener, Jennie Maidak and I were swamped with questions last week. They were primarily on eastern tent caterpillars (often confused with gypsy moths), imported Willow Leaf beetles, Scales on Maples and other trees, Pine sawflies, aphids, and an insect feeding on elms that had been identified as this was written. With every insect comes talk of pesticides and we were alarmed to hear of how these pesticides are sometimes misused. I cannot stress enough how important the container label is. It is mandatory that it be read before the pesticide is used. Use only the amount specified and be sure it will solve the problem at hand. Here are the latest facts on some of the insects I men­ tioned above. Eastern Tent c a t e r p i l l e r s -- t h e y h a v e virtually finished their tree leaf eating now that they are full size. They are now crawling out of the tree to find a place of protection to pupate or become a cocoon. They will do this on your house or on your patio fur­ niture. They cannot easily be controlled now. Remember "these are not Gypsy moth larva or caterpillars. Gypsy moths do not form the tents in the tree limbs that is characteristic of the Eastern Tent caterpillar. Gypsy Moths-many people think they have these but I have not seen any. They are usually Tent caterpillars. The Gypsy moth larvae will be very small at first and by eating tree leaves grow to l'/fe inches or more and be about as thick as a pencil. They are characterized by tne double row of blue and then orange spots that run the length of their back. Pine sawflies-they did a lot of feeding on pine trees. They are characterized by the pine needle eating and their ability to synchronize a body movement with the other worms are a particular branch. They are really funny to watch until you realize they are eating your tree. Imported Willow Leaf- beetle-these are the small black insects feeding on willow leaves. The in­ festation may not be great enough to worry about controlling them. Scale-this insect looks more like a disease of .tree stems and branches. The scale insects attach to the stems a&d branches by a suction type mechanism. PAGE 9 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25,1980 call us if they cannot. We are at 338-3737 or 4747. Marketing tour-June 26-- We will visit the Chicago Board of Trade and the Mercantile Exchange and talk with traders at each on Thursday, June 26. Transportation for the tour will be the Chicago and North Western railroad. We will leave on the 7:23 train from Woodstock which stops in Crystal Lake at 7:36. Contact my office for special parking instructions and a tour timetable. We're at 789 McHenry avenue (Rt. 120), P.O. Box 431, Wood­ stock, 111., 60098 or phone (815 ) 338-3737 or 4747. A p p l e G r o w e r s Referendum and Election-- Apple growers with 250 or more trees can vote for or against the Apple and Peach M a r k e t i n g p r o g r a m referendum any time bet­ ween now and June 30. The marketing program if ap­ proved would . allow producers to financially support a research or m a r k e t i n g p r o g r a m managed by the same producers. Producers cah say yes or no to the referendum plus vote for a program board director at the University of Illinois Cooperative Ex­ tension service office at 789 McHenry avenue, (Rt. 120). We are open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Directors for our area, Northern 111 are John Bell, Jr. and Robert Edwards; Jr. Because of their color and large numbers they look like they are just an ugly growth rather than an insect. Many kinds of scale are around. The most prevalent is not cotton maple scale. The top of the scale will peel back soon if it hasn't yet and reveal a cottony mass. In it are eggs that will soon hatch into crawlers that will feed or. the underside of the leaves. You can control the crawlers at that time. The best time to control scale is when the tree is dormant. At that time a dormant oil can be sprayed on the tree and the scale will be smothered. Aphids-these are well known by many. They are small Vs inch long insects that are kind of egg shaped. They come in varying shades of green. They are characterized by the huge numbers that feed together on the underside of leaves. They may be on vegetables, roses, trees and many other plants. It is important to note that the chemical Carbaryl (Sevin) will not control Aphids. I have on purpose not mentioned which in­ secticides to use because they do vary somewhat. Talk to your garden store or hardware man for help or It isn't easy being a parent these days. Sometimes I wish my daughter would go out with Dracula. At least he gets his dates back by daybreak. CHARGilT MERCHANTS SALE BEER NOT ICED NO SALES TO MINORS 385-3200 SALE DATES: WED., JURE 25-TUES., JULY I CRUZ GARCIA REAL SANORIA OF FINE WINES AND LIQUORS 4610 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY, ILL. OUR McHENRY STORE ONLY • WHILE QUANTITIES LAST 1 99 TsntrriH WALKER'S TEN HIGH BELL AGIO ifauwMm WNK 1 I79 750 N. FIFTH TEN HIGH 1.75 U1K WALKER'S 175IITKI CANADIAN LID 8 49 175 urn BALLANTINE'S SCOTCH • 11 99 * 1.75 LITRE CO MIRASSOU 1978 MONTEREY PETITE ROSE 2 99 7S ML FIFTH FREE TasMag Saturday 0ELL|IOUORS YOUR HOLIDAY BARREL BEER HEADQUARTERS •AUGSBUREER . MIRASSOU OTiMian CHENIN BLANC 2 99 751 Ml FIFTH FREE I astlag Satorday RESERVE HOLIDAY BARREL BEER EARLY! 385-3200 VA BBL VI BBL 100 GLASSES 200 GLASSES •AVAILABLE HI HALF-BARRELS ONLY •BUDWEISER* •HAMMS* •LIENENKUGEL* •LOWENBRAU* •MICHELOB •MILLER* •MILLER LITE* •OLD STYLE* •OLYMPIA* •OLY GOLD •0LYG0L0* •OLD MILWAUKEE* •PABST •SPECIAL EXPORT (14BBL ONLY) •STROHS HEIIBLEIN •Pineapple Daiquiri •Banana Daiquiri Strawberry Daiquiri -Peach Daiquiri 3 69 750 Mi FIFTH AMARETTO Dl SARONNO 4 99 12 OZ. TENTH FREE Tasting Friday NEHI MIXERS AND FLAVORS 3/99® QUART PLUS HP. OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICE!!! CANADA DRY GINGER ALE PEPSI DIETPEPSi 7*UP DR. PEPPER CRUSH r ?:Vr 81602. BOTTLES S-12U.MRET.ITILS. ALL EIGHT PACK SODAS RC COLA DIET RITE A & W ROOT BEER COKE TAB FRESCA SQUIRT PLUS DEPOSIT OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICE! MOUNTAIN DEW PICNIC SPECIAL COUNTRY TIME LEMONADE 99* 49* 6-12 01 CANS. ONE LITRE BOTTLE. OLD MILWAUKEE 1212 OZ. CANS 2 89 MILLER LITE 2412 OZ. CANS 6 99 PABST BLUE RIBBOI 11 24-12 OZ. ITTIS. Ji S79 tfr\ PLUS " DEP. § \ 1

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