Soilless soil solves planting problems PAGE 7 - PLAINDE ALER - WEDNESDAY. JUNE 25,1980 Choosing the right soil for house plants and outdoor gar dens is essential for healthy plant growth. Many common planting problems can be over come by using the proper soil mix. A topsoil suitable for plants is mostly a mixture of clay or sand particles, organic material, air and moisture. In an outdoor garden, plants can spread out their roots, reach ing moisture and nutrients. However, a potted plant must survive on the limited raw mate rials supplied in its container. Any water that is not ab sorbed by soil will drain out of the bottom of the pot. As more water isSdded, its weight packs down-the soil, decreasing the air spaces between the soil particles. Without proper drainage, water stays in the air spaces, re ducing the oxygen available for the roots to breathe. Poor aera tion also increases the concen tration of carbon dioxide re leased into the sqil during the growth process. STRONG ROOT SYSTEMS ARE essential for vigorously heal* thy plants. Soilless growing media, premixed combinations bf sphagnum peat moss, vermiculite and other ingredients, typi cally encourage this kind of root growth in commercial greenhouses and home gardens. In an effort to solve these common topsoil problems, re searchers at Cornell University developed a soilless soil mix several years ago. A combina tion of sphagnum peat moss and vermiculite, it contains no topsoil. A number of differed soilless soil blends have been de veloped, providing an ideal growing media for all types of indoor and outdoor plants. Terra-Lite® soilless soil is a popular mix which includes Canadian sphagnum peat moss because of its long fibers which are ideal for absorbing and stor ing water. The fibers are light, spongy and larger than most soil parti cles, so they do not pack down easily. Another key ingredient is vermiculite. It is a mica-type mineral, expanded by heat to form lightweight, highly absor- bant particles. These particles contain many air spaces that absorb and store water, releasing moisture as the plant needs it. Vermiculite is approximately 20 percent mag nesium and six percent potas sium, both essential for plants. Root development is a vital factor in healthy house plant growth. Terra-Lite soilless soil allows maximum root develop ment and provides a balanced diet of air, water and many es sential nutrients. Both house plants and gardens will thrive in soilless soil. For more information about soilless soil and how it can help solve common planting prob lems, write to: Plant Care, Hor ticultural Products Department, W.R. Grace & Co., 62 Whitte- more Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140. / MINGS C0UP0N~"$~$ GOOD for *>0FF CLmNYGm Leath i ers & coupon Furs) ifgsshU 1207 N. THIRD ST. ONE HOUR CLEANERS MCHENRY. ILLINOIS WEST OF A & P FOOD STORE 385-2011 m £ WED JLJNE25 M0N. JUNE30 0 PANTS-TOPS BL9USES* DRESSES Tfe-SKI RT5-SHORTS SWIM WEAK D Q UP TO