r PAGE 4 LAIN DEALER - TUESDAY. JULY 1. ltf OPEN 4th OF JULY WALGREENS OPEN 4th OF JULY • v A L G R E E H S O P E N - i t h O F J U L Y WALGREENS O P E N 4 t h OF J U L Y WALGREENS O P E N 4 t h O F J U L Y Yv ALGREENS OPEN 4 t h OF JULY W A L G R E E N S O P E N 4 t h O r CUTTERS Insect Repellant •MCI Mftuia) ft . . Limit 2 Thro 7/8/80 Without Coupon oupon 1.99 ^ - • fl W LMMT (*{ COUPON * CUSTOM* f> WAL6RKKN COUPON m Limit 2 7/8/80 Without Coupon 1.19 EVEREADY Heavy Duty BatlWies "C"or"0' Twin P«k 2Thru 7/8/80 Limit Without Coupon 1.29 [gggggggBBBSSBrallftiniKg . ' H i t i/llliM.|i co . M i t i i i i i i m q limit 2 Thru 7/8/80 Without Coupon 2.19 II WALORKKN COUPON HEFTY Tumblers 8/80 Without Coupon 99' )*f C0U^0« 'I * f US'OMI WALCRIKN COUPON DOLE PINfAPPLE Jil" Limit 3 ThrV^?tf/80 Without Coupon 43" lH> oaf COUPON 1 a CUSTOM* SURE _AntiPerspiraflt MRoJlOn H 2.5oi. •Off L»M Limit 1 Thru 7/8/80 Without Coupon 1.79 IMPON K / ETTE Foamy 29 1101. Limit 1 Thru 7- 8/80 Without Coupon 1.87 ESS! COLOR FILM developing & Printing waigmniabs 12 Exp. 20 Exp. 2.99,24 Exp. 3.3f, 36 Exp. S.9f No Limit Th^u 7/8^80 PICNIC PAI M-COL CHARCOAL pf" i* Ofj4-12«|.CJ« fit Limit 1 Thru 7/8/80 Without Coupon 1.99 * 1 W Limit 2 Thru 7/8/00 Without Coupon Limit 1 Thru 7/8 80 Limit 1 Cose Thru 7/8/80 Without Coupon 8. Without Coupon 1.5M li.'l M I MIT OHi court* CUS'OMJN T ONf COUPON P( H CUSTOM* « IMT OME COUPON PfP CUSTOMf H 331 N IRVING WOODSTOCK ILL INOIS lVa£gxe&sc±. WALORKKN COUPON PHARMACY U8/88U STORE. 4^8 81 DO M a n t h r u S a t O a m 1 0 p m S u j x l a . * 1 0 a m 9 p m OPEN JULY 4th 9 A.M.-9 P.M. SUMMER SAVINGS! OVERSEE GARDEN xHOSE 99 GALAXY OSCILLATING FAN Reg.39.99 V2 GALLON THERMOS Jug With Pump 99 MARK CHARCO LIGHTER -- Reg. 1.19 12" Table Top BARBEQUE GRILL _ CITGO i I MOTOR OIL 1 10 W 30 COPPERTONE Coppertone I Oil or Lotion 39 Reg.2J4 CITGO THERMOS bun Packer or ..TRAMAMINE JpT > _ A! Tablets •Six Packerl Picnic Cooler HALF-GALLON IceCream Limit 1 Thru 7/8/80 Without Coupon 1.79 i aaiT o«f cou»o« 'l» c us low HEFTY 9" Foam Plates so count Limit 2 Thru 7/8/80 Without Coupon 1.99 0«F C0U*0* CUSTOM WAIGKKKN COUPON Pitted rttrotmrg* LINDSAY Pitted Olives tu. Limit 2 Thru 7/8/80 Without Coupon 93" IM ONI COUPO* N* cus'ow KOOL-AID (^Unsweetened 6 : W Limit 6 Thru 7/8/80 Without Coupon 2/29* IMT 0«( COUPON »T»CUS'0NM WALORKKN COUPON TEK TOOTHBRUSHES Limit 5 Thru 7/8/ WithouJjCoupon 69* IMT OKI COUPON »l« CUS'ONM Esaa OPEN PIT (^^rbeqoe Sauce Limit 1 Thru 7/8/80 Without Coupon 99' L ML ONI COUPON M« CUS'OMI" WALORKKN COUPON L'OREAL Ultra Rich Shampoo or Conditioner Limit 2 Thru 7/8/80 Without Coupon 1.59 IMT OUR COUPON N• CUSTOM** LIBBY'S Pear Halves no. 55 can Limit 1 Thru 7/8/80 £ Without Coupon 71' %jf 1 ONI C0U»0« »L» CUS'ONH AFLEISCHMANNTM^ JIM BEAM * Gin i(SCM«Aatl * 1.75 Liter' Reg. I0i9 WKIH'YR p k> 1.75 Liter Reg. 11.49 ,»WW* 1.5 Liter Reg. 3.99 ror 2.79 ea SEAGRAMS V.O. Reg. 7.29 12 Pack 12 oz. cans Reg. 5.09 OLD MILWAUKEE BEER 12 Pock-12 Oz. Cons PHILADELPHIA tiLEttO 779 m .75 Liter Reg. 9.49 SASHA " VODKA SASHA > liter USHER s h OF JULY WALG» $ Liter Reg. 11.49 WALGREENS OPEN 4th u, ,_7 COKE, TAB, SPRITE CASE OF 24 Reg. 8.76 * ' \