Legal Notice -7" NOTICE OF JUDICIAL 8ALE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) (X)UNTY OF McHENRY )SS ) INTHECTRCTJIT COURT P£THE19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION McHENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff WILLIAM A. WISNER; et. a!.; Defendants. IN CHANCERY General No. 79 CH 218 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a decree heretofore ottered by said Court in the above entitled cause, LEONARD BRODY, Associate Judge of the Circuit Court will on Tuesday, the 8th day of July A.D. 1980, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock A.M. (DAYLIGHT SAVING) TIME, in ROOM 307 of the Court House in the City of Woodstock, in said County, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash all and singular, the following described premises and real estate in said decree men tioned, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said decree, to-wit: Lot 5 in Block 2 in Pistakee Highlands Unit No. 2 a Subdivision of ¥art of Section 5, ownship 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded August 11, 1953 as Document No. 268489, in Book 11 of Plats, page 86, in McHenry County, Illinois. ADDRESS OR LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 5508 North Lake Street, McHenry, IL. together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and the tenements, hereditaments and ap- Eurtenances thereunto elonging. DATED, Woodstock, Illinois, this 5th day of June A.D. 1980. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Clerk or the organised pursuant to 111. Rev. Stat., Chap. 81, Sec. 100M, et seq., The Public Library District Act; and WHEREAS, the Board of Library Trustees ^ of the McHenry-Nunda Public Library District, McHenry County, Illinois, ii the cor • porate authority of said public library district, pursuant to statutory authority set forth in Sec. 1001-5 of the aforesaid statute; and ' WHEREAS, Section 1003-1 of the aforesaid act ̂ provides that the corporate authority may levy an additional lax of .02 - percent of the value of all the " taxable property in the district, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Local Govern ment Affairs, for the purchase of sites and biddings, for the construction Sn8 equipment of buildings, for the rental of buildings required for library purposes, and for maintenance, repairs, and alterations of library buildings and equip ment; and WHEREAS, the corporate authority does hereby deem it in the best interests of the McHenry-Nunda Public Library District and the electors thereof and the patrons of the public library that revenue be made available for the designated purposes as set forth by law.. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES OF THE McHENRY-NUNDA P U B L I C DISTRICT, COUNTY, ILLINOIS, as follows: Section 1. This Board hereby determines to levy an ad ditional tax of $5,000.00, or such lesser additional amount as would produce a tax rate of .02 percent of the value of all the taxable property in the District, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Local Government Affairs, for the purchase of sites and buildings, for ine construction and equipment of buildings, for the rental of buildings required for library purposes, and for maintenance the question of levying such a .02 percent tax be submitted to the electors of the District, the question shall be submitted at a special or general election. Said election shall be conducted in all particulars as set forth by statute. Section 4. If no petition is filed with the Board of Library Trustees of the McHenry- Nunda Public Library District, McHenry County, Illinois, within thirty (30) days after said publication, this District shall then W authorized to levy the tax, and the tax levy or dinance for fiscal year 1980-81 shall contain a direction to the County Clerk of McHenry County to levy such additional tax. Section 5. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval according to law, and any resolutions or ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed; and should any part of this resolution be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall affeet only that part of this act specifically covered thereby, which shall be severable therefrom, and shall not affect any other provisions or parts of this act. PASSED by the Board of Library Trustees of the McHenry-Nunda Public Library District, McHenry County, Illinois, on the 19th day of June, I960, by a vote of: AYES: Diane Fuhler, Louise L I B R A R Y\ Hipwell, Rose Smith, Edna McHENRY Mueller, Dolores Suess . NAYS. ABSENT OR NOT VOTING: Joan Adams A APPROVED: (SEAL) Louise Hipwell President, the Board of Library Trustees of the McHenry-Nunda Public Library District, McHenry County, Illinois ATTEST: Edna Mueller Secretary * ce, repairs, and alterations of library buildings CERTIFICATE I, EDNA MUELLER, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I am the duly elected, qualified, and serving Secretary, and as such am keeper of the books and records of THE BOARD in one ^or more newspapers OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES OF published in the DistrictTor if THE McHENRY NUNDA n o n e w s p a p e r i s p u b l i s h e d P U B L I C L I B R A R Y and Sectioi shall be nent. 2. This ' ̂ solution iblished at least once Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois • - 3 S - • v . Frederick C. Cappetta -• -- 7 South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 Attorney for Plaintiff 312-726-9600 $ Exhibit A' spaper herein, then in one or more newspapers with a general circulation within the District. Section 3. If within the thirty- day period after publication of this resolution, a petition is filed with the Board of Library Trustees of the McHenry- Nunda Public Library District, McHenry County, Illinois, signed by electors of the District equal in number to ten percent (10 percent) or more of the total number of votes cast at the last preceding regular District election, asking that DISTRICT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS: and I DO FURTHER CERTIFY that the above attached Resolution No. 1979-80-6-1, "Resolution determining to levy an additional tax of .02 percent of equalized assessed value of taxable property for particular building purposes" is a true and correct copy of said Resolution which was presented, passed, and. recorded by said Board at their regular meeting, on June 19, i960, by a vote of: The McHenry Plaindealer (USPS US-200) 1171 Mil Wfld Clm Slrnt PHono«lt-3W-0170 (Pub. June 20,27 & July 1,1980) :$ Legal Notice THE BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES OF * THE McHENRY-NUNDA § PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS < >:• RESOLUTION NO. 1979-80 6-1 & RESOLUTION DETERi :|i MINING TO LEVY AN AD-V| DITIONAL TAX OF .02 $ PERCENT OF EQUALIZED ASSESSED VALUE OF & TAXABLE PROPERTY FOR $ PARTICULAR BUILDING ft PURPOSES 1 WHEREAS, the McHenry- $ Nunda Public Library District, McHenry County, Illinois, is a :£ public library district & Published Bwery Wednesday A FfHtay vt MhcM#nry IIHvtois By McHMMY PUSUSMNO COMPANY POSTMASTER: Surf (Mrtu dtifM to McHonry Hdnd^alw. MIX W. Elm SI., Mct4#nfy IHlnoli 60060 Tho McHonry PtoMwtor, Mil W. Elm St.. McMonry. IN. IMmTa MwMm o» quo miiH> from tlx o«ptroWo« ml o inscription wWI ho mrii whoro « chufo of I® pfovldfld ^o®l . Lorry E. Lund-Publlsh*r Adolt Froolich-Edltor yiu imtw 7 C _ NATIONAL NEWSPAPER rx ATION JUNE 25-SATURDAY, JULY 12 1# MowOard Lam Houm Fatal • Easy brushing. drto* duM-fro* and bug- troo In last than on# hour. • Low luatra finish rssists blistering, alkali fumas and mtktaw • Usa on wood, brick, concrsts. maul--ovon whan surf scat ara • Ofsfincflva soft-gloss finish for basuty plua durability. • Fada-rasistant colon BUY 1 GALLON AT REQ. RETAIL PRICE, GET SECOND GALLON M53RA* PAINTS^ • FloxlMo. protacthra. long lasting oil basa housa paint. • Enamallzad to provida a foliar, richar gloss that adds aitrs yaars ot baauty and protection • Thick and creamy--so eaey to epply--brushes on like magic. Resists fumes and mildew 97 YEARS OF QUALITY FROM THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE NOTHING BUT PAINT .f r • p 4 ' nc* S ro r i 1 McHENRY PAINT, GLASS & WALLPAPER 3411W. ELM ST. 4 Mm -Fri. 7:45-53) Sat Ml - 5 pa. 385-7353 \WHYiNOT jJSE THE A Y E S : H i p w e l l , Rasruussen, Mueller. Smith and Fuhler. NAYS: None ABSENT: Adams. Suess ABSTAINING: None DATED this 24 day of June, 1980. Edna Mueller, ° Secretary (SEAL) (Pub. July 1,1960) Legal Notice . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an order dated 18 June, 1980 has been issued by the* undersigned authorizing the name of ihe gas screw SANS FIN Official Number 579586, owned by Roger N. Dumke of which Chicago, Illinois is the home irt, lo be changed to WIND port, tc SONG. Dupr Offici Documentation Officer, USCQ Chicago, Illinois (Pub. June 27, July 1 3, & 9,1980) CATFISH FARMING CATCHING ON * . Catfish farming could become a bigger industry in the Midwest, says George Libey, a fisheries biologist at Purdue university. Most production has been in the Southeast U.S. because of longer growing seasons, but increases in transportation costs may allow Midwestern producers to compete more favorably. About 40-60 percent of the catfish grown in the Southeast is tran sported to the Midwest for retail sale. Deaths EMMET JOHNSON Emmet J. Johnson, 51, comptroller of the B. F. Shaw Publishing Co., parent company of the McHenry Plaindealer, died unex- • pectedly at 7:30a.m. Friday, June 27, in Katherine Shaw Bethea hospital, Dixon. Mr. Johnson had been employed by the Shaw company since 1954 and was with the Dixon Evening Telegraph since 1955. He was first affiliated with W. F. and John Barnes in Rockford before joining the , staff of the Morris Herald in 1954. The deceased was a graduate of St. Ambrose college, Davenport, Iowa. After serving as an ac countant with the Morris Daily Herald, he went to Dixon in 1955 as an assistant to the finance and auditing division. Mr. Johnson was ap pointed comptroller of the B. F. Shaw Co. in 1974. Besides his wife, Ruth, with whom he resided at 226 Chamberlain street, Dixon, he is survived by two sons, Kevin at home and Dennis of Dixon; one daughter, Mary Frances, at home; two sisters and two grand children. A funeral Mass was of fered Monday at St. Anne's Catholic church, Dixon, followed by burial in Oak- wood cemetery. GRACE K. LESKE Grace «K. Leske, 503 N. Glenwood avenue, Lilymoor. McHenry, died Friday, June 27. at Memorial hospital for DuPage county, Elmhurst. She was 78 years old, born in. Austria-Hungary. Sept. 23, 1901, the daughter of Peter and Katherina GrUedle. Mrs. Leske lived in Lilymoor 30 years, having come from Chicago. She had worked five years for Science Research in Lilymoor and also five years for Tri-Weck Corp. in L i l y m o o r . S h e w a s preceded in death by her husband, Gary, in October, 1966, and a sister and a grandson. ... . Mrs. Leske is survived by one son. Donald Le*ke of Lilymoor and a daughter, Mrs. Roy (Lorraine) Tuipa of Melrose Park; three grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Also surviving are a brother, Joseph Gruedle of Phoenix, Ariz, and a sister, Mrs. Christina Adams of Los Angeles, Cal. A funeral Mass will be held Tuesday, 11 a.m., at St. Mary's church, McHenry, with burial in the church cemetery. Visitation was scheduled for Monday, from 6 lo 9 p.m., at "ihe Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home. Memorials are requested to the McHenry area Rescue squad. PAGES• PLAINDEALER • TUESDAY, JULY 1, IMt 1LDKED P. HORN Mildred P. Horn, a former McHenry resident, passed away recently in Mountain Home, Ark. and memorials would be appreciated to the Price Place church, Pontiac, Mo., 65729. - McHenry lattKew B. MATTHEW B. LAl'RES A former business man. Matt! Laures, 87 years old, died Sunday, June 29, in Evergreen Terrace Nursing center, Camano Island. Wash. He was born May 11, 1893, in McHenry. Mr. Laures jwas a former parishioner of St. Mary's Catholic church, McHenry; member of the Order of Foresters Court No. 594 and had been the proprietor of Matt's Tavern,• on Main street, McHenry, from 1933 to 1948. > In the early 1950's, he moved to Florida and later he became a resident of Camano Island, Wash. Survivors include his wife, Elizabeth; a daughter, Mrs. Richard (Mary Jane) Holmberg, Garden Grove, Cal.; two sons, Erwin, Northbrook, 111. and. John, Washington; ten grand children and one great grandchild. His first wife, Vera Knox, preceded him in death June 3, 1948. A funeral Mass will be held Thursday, 11 a.m., at St. Mary's church, with in terment jn the church cemetery. Visitation will be from 5 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, in the George R. Justen & Son funeral home and will include a Christian Wake service at 8. ' JOSEPH JOHN KARL8 Joseph John Karls, 7317 Salem road, Wonder Lake, died Sunday, June 29, at Veterans hospital, North Chicago. He was 60 years old, born July 25, 1919, in Dane, Wis., the son of Mattius and Marie (Gochen) Karls. Mr. Karls was truck driver for Sand & Gravel. a retired McHenry On March 4, 1980, at Wonder Lake, he married Alice M. Witherbee, who survives. Other survivors are 4hree sons, Randy of Woriastock; Richy of Wonder Lake and Tim of Arlington. Wis.; two daughters, Mrs. James (Ginny) Franklin of McHenry and Mrs. Alfred (Karon) Caudell of Greenville, S. C.; and nine "grandchildren. A brother, Jack Wagner, preceded him in death in <1971. Visitation was scheduled for Tuesday, 2 to 9 p.m. at the Freund funeral home. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday,^! p.m., at the funeral home, by Reverend Gordon Smith, of the Ringwood United Methodist church and burial will be in/ the Ringwood cemetery.* ^ \ M c H E N R Y M A R K E T P L A C E M c H E N R Y , I L 3 8 5 4 1 0 0 D A I L Y 9 - 9 S A T 9 T O 6 S U N 1 0 T 0 5 JULY Clearance Save Mowrf rnu'ir.Ti GRAB THESE BARGAINS BEFORE THEY'RE GONE! GET 'EM WHILE YOU CAN AT SUCH LOW PRICES Save Select Groups - Priced As Marked Garanimals Health Tex Boys • Girls • Infants Shorts - Tops • Drossas - Pants Savo Up To V: 3 OFF Swim Suits Mons • Boys - Woman's • Girls 27% to 73% 1,000 Ladies' Tops & Blouses mt * u I * Sava 1 / s Vi 3 OFF Beach Towels From 3.97 Slxas 5-52 Rag. 5.50 to 11.50 2,0i*8 Savo 27% to 67*/. 50 S i z e s S - X L R e g . 3 . 0 0 t o 1 4 . 2 0 lYooc tit.00 # OwtsMo McHonry Cwwty , Comity • -j?. Jjij Throw Rugs Men s Shirts Costume S i z e s S - X L S p o r t & D r e s s _ • 1 0 0 c P o l y e s t e r - 2 7 x 4 5 R e g . 3. O O t o 1 4 . 2 0 J e W e l r y N e c k l a c e s P i n s E c i r n n boo C47 O00 1 f|00 V a l u e s - j j p ( O 1 # S a v e 1 / 8.00 value's 547 2001. 1000 N e c k l a c e s P i n s E a r r i n g s Save 32^ Save 28% to 50 ' 2 OFF Towels K i t c h e n H a n d B a t h I07!® I97 R e g 2 . 0 0 3 5 0 S a v e 4 4 " o t o o Ladies' Handbags-Scarves Hats 22%m45%«H Ladies' Lingerie Pantias Rag. 1.50 Bras Save 41% 1 97 Plastic Storage Boxes Swaatar 27 > 3 1 Shoa 07 Girls Wrangler® Bran Tops - Shorts - Pants R*g. 5.50 to 12.00 3"* 6 Save 31 % to 44% 77 Sim 7-14 Ladies' V2 Slips R«g. 5.00 00 Sava 40% fB A. Men's Jeans Rag. 16.00-23.00 11",. 14 Sovo 2S% to 3S% 97 Ladies' Coordinates T o m B o y - D e v o n - C a t a l i n a - G l o r i a V a n d e r b i l t - P r e s e n t / B o b b i e B r o o k s Boucle Panels Shorts 3 OFF Jackets Man's • Boys - Girls - Woman's 1 0 0 ° & P o l y e s t e r A s s t C o l o r s 4 0 * 6 3 4 0 * 8 1 R e g 4 0 0 I Save 31 % M e n s B o y s W o m e n s G i r l s Table Cloths V i n y l F l a n n e l B a c k s 52 * 10 R * » g - 3 9 9 3 OFF Save 51 600.. 13 Sovo 25% to 54% 00 Ladies' Slacks & Jeans Rag. 4.701a 25.00 Sizas 5-40 350t. 19°® Save 25% to 33% \ adies' Dresses & Pantsuits ^Rag. 10.00-37.00 " Sitas 5-24% 700 H 20°° Savo 29% to 46%