Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jul 1980, p. 2

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. • \<;K 2 - PI.AINDEALER - FRIDAY, JULY 11,1980 til r y Slate - Newcomers Meeting ) 'T • \ \ • *• . . n CYNTHIA BERG AND BRUCE S1EGERT • , OCTOBER WEDDING - Mr. and Mrs. Ronalrf R. Berg of fVonder Lake announce the engagement of their daughter, Cynthia J. to Bruce Siegert of McHenry, the son of Caroline Jackson, Round Lake, and the late Mr. Siegert. The bride dlect graduated from Woodstock high school and Don Roberts beautician school in McHenry. An October 18 wedding is jplanned. STEVEN LEBDA AND NANCY HARTMANN ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. George Hartmann, Jr. of Wonder Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lebda of Wonder Lake and Franklin Park announce the engagement of their children, Nancy Elizabeth and Steven Charles. The future bride is a 1979 graduate of Marian Central Catholic high school. Her fiance graduated from East Leyden high school in 1976. A September wedding is planned at Christ the King church. Wonder Lake. Club Renames Senior Group The Sunny Side Up Seniors club will be renamed I he Sunny Side Up No. 2 club. It is for singles 45 and up and solely social, with dancing and meetings. The club meets on Monday (lights at Cattleman's Burger N' Brew, located on mutes 62 and 25, three miles oast of Algonquin. Doors <jpen at 7:30 p.m., music will begin at 8 and continue until 11 p.m. ! The Sunny Side Up No. 1 t^ub is having a volleyball get-together Sunday. July 13, and a wild and wacky Summer Olympics Sunday, Aug 17 The club meets every Tuesday night at Cat­ tleman's Burger N' Brew. Doors open at 8:30 p.m and the music begins at 9 until midnight All singles between the ages of 21 and 45 are welcome and references to prove single status are required upon applying for membership. Sunny Side Up is getting an ABC bowling league logether to start in the Fall and anyone interested can come and sign up It will be for Sunny Side Up singles only and will be comprised of two women and two men per team Let the people think they govern and they will be governed. -William Penn. tWe Would Like To Thank ~ The Following People for oil their hel(^ & concern . .. FIRE COMPANIES WONDER LAKE HEBRON MCHENRY RICHMOND IOHNSBURG SPRING GROVE RURAL WOODSTOCK HUNTLEY MclKHRY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LAKELAND CONSTRUCTION CO. McHEHRY RUSSELL RHOTON DON ZARNSTOFF HUNTERS • GENE HUGHES FRIENDS I NEIGHBORS WHO HELPED US WATER MORTOH CHEMICAL I MODUS MCFR. CO. -And A Special Thanks To Urban Dauer for sharing his born so we con continue milking our cows- Sincerely The John, Harry 6 Mike Hogan Families unity ('alrmlar JULY 12 Chicken Bar-b que - Ringwood church-4 to 5:30 p.m and 7 p.m -tickets from church members -Chairmen A Walkington and D Low , JULY 13 M c H e n r y C o u n t y Historical Museum -Talk v and demonstration of Indian artifacts--by Myron 'Mike) Pihl of Harvard * . A* JULY 14 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Board meeting--9:30 a.m. McHenry Senior Citizen club-meeting, 1:30 p.m - West campus. McHenry County Chapter Illinois Heart Assn.-- - business meeting, 7 p.m.-- conference room-Memorial hospital for McHenry county JULY 15 W O T . M Business meeing-Moose lodge, 8 p.m. McHenry lodge 158 AF&AM-no meeting-enjoy vacation. JULY 16 Marcia Mary Ball Circle- annual picnic--Petersen park -noon, catered lunch- make reservations with Lyda Radisch Newcomers club-morning coffee, 9:30 a.m.-Pearl Street Park JULY 17 McHenry area Separated and Divorced Catholic group-meeting, 7:30 p.m - Montini Middle school Oak room. C.D.ofA meeting, 7:30 p.m K of C. hall-slide show JULY 18 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM--fish dinner, 5:30 p.m.--Legion clubhouse- meeting, 7:30 p m -Oak room, Montini Middle school. Yard sale, 10 a m to 4 p.m.-e&fc^ Paul's Episcopal church -3706 W. St Paul's^- baked goods available JULY 19 Class of 1970 Reunion - McHenry high school - Andre's Steak House- cocktails, 6 p.m.-dinner, 7:30 p.m JULY 20 M c H e n r y C o u n t y Historical Museum-Huntley Day-4-H demonstrations of preparing animals for fair. St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-Mass, 10:30 a.m.-St. John the Baptist church, Johnsburg-brunch follows at Chapel Hill Country club. Class of 1975-McHenry high school -reunion picnic, 1 p.m Johnsburg Community club. JULY 21 T H E.O S -dinner, 5:30 p . m . - - C h i n a L i g h t s restaurant-Elm and Green sireeis-ihen to First United Methodist church-evening of fun and fellowship. McHenry Senior Citizen club-meeting, 1:30 p.m- West campus JULY 22 McHenry O E.S Chapter 547--no meet ing--en joy vacation. JULY 24 Bus trip--St. Clara Court No. 659-Call Loretta Freund for reservations, * 385-6133. McHenry Senior Citizens club-Drivers Refresher course- first session. 9:30 a.m. to noon-Council Chambers, McHenry City hall. JULY 26 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM -cards, 7:30 p.m -- Montini Middle school. JULY 27 Antique bottle show-milk. The next meeting of the Town and Country Newcomers club Will take place Wednesday, July 16, 9:30 a m at the Pearl street park in McHenry. President Nancy John of McHenry announced that the morning coffee is planned without a program, so it will be a time to catch up on news with friends, renew acquain­ tances and meet new members yf the McHenry area. Refreshments will be provided by the club, and babysitting ftfc small children will be available for a nominal fee. Both Ways and Means committee events scheduled for this summer are progressing well. The beautiful handmade quilt created by club members, Chris Sonnichsen and Claudia Dallon and their able committee, will be on display with members in attendance two Fridays July 11 and 18, at a local discount department store from 10 a m until 2 p.m and on Friday, July 25, at a cooperating local financial institution. This project will conclude on the weekend of July 26-27 with the quilt on display during Sidewalk Sale days on Green street on the twenty-sixth and at the Pearl street park during the parade. Proceeds from this charitable project will\ benefit * the McHenry Township Firemen, Com­ pany I. Ticket chairperson, Mrs. Aleckson, asks that all members who have not done so, return unsold materials and money to her by the sixteenth of July. The Ways and Means chairperson of the club for the coming year, Claudia Dalton, will announce that this coming week, photos of the 24 baby contestants will appear in newspaper publicity. Co-chairperson Jan Sullivan will report on the voting locations which are to be revealed in classified advertising and she will remind members of the voting procedures. Each cent donation counts as one vote. The child with the greatest number of votes will be named the winner and receive a plaque and a donated $50 savings bond. * The next four babies irith votes in descending ordfer will be named runners-up and receive gift certificates or prizes donated by par­ ticipating merchants. Voting will begin at a designated display board at the Riverside drive city beach Sunday, July 20, during the water show. During 'Fiesta' week days, donations will be accepted at the board in the stores of cooperating businesses. Finally, on Saturday, July 26 and Sunday, July 27, club members will be asked to donate an hour of their time at the Green street Sidewalk Sale days and'at City park the afternoon of the twenty- seventh. The public is urged to participate in this fund- rising event which will boftefit the McHenry area and Johnsburg rescue squads. Club members and prospective guests and N visitors are requested to circle Wednesday, Aug. 13 on their calendars for the third annual summer salad lun­ cheon. This event takes the place of the regular August evening meeting on the second Tuesday. Babysitting will be provided for a small charge and members are asked to bring a dish to pass. The luncheon will be held at the home of past- president, Mrs. .Robert Aleckson, Country Club drive, McHenry. Members and guests are invited to begin arriving at 10:30 a.m. with the meeting to begin at 11 and luncheon will follow immediately. Visitors are always welcome at Newcomer club meetings and gatherings. Those planning to attend are asked to contact Mem­ bership co-chairpersons, Mrs. Thomas Brady or Mrs. Jerry Levitt, McHenry. dffijg store, brewery bottles- by John Puzo-McHenry County Historical Museum. NAIM Diocesan family picnic-Rutland Forest Preserve-noon-bring dish to pass & table service. JULY 28 McHenry Senior Citizens club-meeting, 1.30­ cest campus. JULY 30 "Kitchen Band "--annual r e u n i o n p i c n i c - - n o o n , Petersen park-catered luncheon-reservations with Lyda Radisch. JULY 31 McHenry Senior Citizens club-Drivers Refresher course-second session, 10 a.m. to noon-Council Chambers. McHenrv City hall AUGUST 5 McHenry lodge 158 AF&AM-no meeting-enjoy vacation. McHenry Senior Citizen t r i p - C u b ' s p a r k - l e a v e Savings & Loan, 11 a.m. AUGUST 7 McHenry Senior Citizens club-Drivers Refresher course-third session, 10 a m to noon-Council Chambers. McHenry City hall. AUGUST 10 M c H e n r y C o u n t y H i s t o r i c a l M u s e u m - P i o n e e r s d a y - - c o o k i n g d e m o n s t r a t i o n s o f pioneering methods-Alden day. St. John's annual family picnic-Johnsburg Com­ munity club and grounds. * AUGUST 11 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Board meeting-9:30 a.m. AUGUST 12 McHenry O.E.S. Chapter 5 4 7 - - n o m e e t i n g - e n j o y vacation. Riverview Camp 6818, R . N A . - a n n u a l p i c n i c p o l l u c k . 1 2 : 3 0 p . m . - McHenry park-children invited. AUGUST 13 Newcomers club-Summer salad luncheon-home of Mrs. Robert Aleckson. McHenry-10:30 a.m. ** AUGUST 18 T H E O S p i c n i c - Petersen park-catered dinner, 5:30 p.m.-- reservations with Lyda Radisch. AUGUST 19 McHenry lodge 158 AF&AM-stated meeting, 8 p.m.-welcome baci AUGUST 23 Johnsburg Rescue squad dance-sit-down dinner -6 to 8 p.m -dancing 9 to 1 a.m - Johnsburg Community club- nefit Building fund. AUGUST 24 Mountain man program- Dale "Woody" Woodruff of Marengo-many displays and demonstrations. AUGUST 26 McHenry O.E.S. Chapter 547-stated meeting-potluck, meeting, jck J Senior Walk-In Confer Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by 1 30 p.m the day before at 385-8260. The menu for the week of July 14 through July 18 is as follows: July 14: Mock chicken legs, creamed carrots, green beans, Spanish rice, bread, fruit salad, milk July 15: Mostaccioli-meat sauce, spinach salad, fruit fluff salad, French bread, banana cake. July 16: Salisbury steak, rice Valencinne, mixed vegetable, rye bread, watermelon wedge, milk. July 17: Pork tenderloin, baked potato, sliced beets, assorted rolls, apple sauce, milk. July IN: Tuna salad on lettuce leaf, sliced tomatoes, diced spicy apples, rolls, cookies, milk. Society Plans Family Picnic The National Catholic Society of Foresters an­ nounces the second family picnic of the Illinois Fraternal Congress will be on July 20, 11:00 a.m., at the Polish National Union camp on Ringwood and Flanders roads. Admission and parking are free. Dinner or short orders can be purchased on the grounds. Families may bring basket dinners, but no campfires are allowed. Games and programs are planned for the entire day, with prizes for everyone and music will be provided tor dancing The people are the part of the state which does not know what it wants. -G.W.F. Hegel. FRIDAY.FISH FRY ENTERTAINMENT Beer Batter Percfi $3.95 Includes: Salad Bar, Dessert & is served with Potato Pahcakes (RTE.31) MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED 7 NIGHTS A WEEK "M.G. Ryan' on keyboards weeknights^& "EQUATIONS" every Fri. & Sat^, for the month of JuJy 6:30 p.m -welcome back. AUGUST 28 St. Clara Court No. 659- "Come As You Are Party"-8 p.m. MR. AND MRS. JAMES T. HARRISON SOLEMN VOWS - May 24 is the date when marriage promises were solemnised between the former Kathleen. Marie Beck and James Thomas Harrison at St. Thomas the Apostle church, Crystal Lake, during a 3:30 p.m. ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Beck o£ Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Harrison of McHenry are parents of the groom. A reception was held at the Cattleman's restaurant, Algonquin, where 160 guests toasted the bridal couple. The newlyweds are residing in Woodstock after taking a honeymoon trip to the Bahamas. They both are 1976 graduates of Marian Central high school. *rte new Mrs. Harrison graduated from St. Anthony's Nursing school in 1979, and b an R.N. in I.C.U. at Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Woodstock. Her husband attends Rockford college, and is employed by H. F. Harrison, Consulting Real Estate Appraisers, Woodstock. Area Queens Seek County Title Miss McHenry County candidates from throughout McHenry county begin the quest for the Miss McHenry County, 1980 title at an orientation meeting this week. Candidates will appear before the judges twice-next week at a preliminary judging and the final lime Wednesday, July 30, as the main attraction on the opening night of the McHenry County Fair. Judging will be based on beauty, personality and poise, and the winner will represent the McHenry County Fair association in the Miss Illinois County Fair contest in January, 1981. Denise Lindley, Algonquin, is the reigning Miss McHenry County. Candidates in the 1980 pageantry are sponsored by local organizations, and the first meeting wHl consist of the candidates jand > their parents with officials of the fair, including Dorothy Kleckner, chairman. At the preliminary judging July 17, sponsor representatives and members of the press will be guests of the Fair- association. Following are the 1980 entries, along with some data about each candidate: Miss Algonquin-Liz Roberts, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roberts, Algonquin, is sponsored by Miss Algonquin committee. Miss Cary-Jane Titus, 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Titus, Cary, is sponsored by Cary Chamber of Commerce. Jane is 5' 6" tall, and has brown hair and blue eyes. She will be a senior at Cary Grove high school and works at an apparel shop in Cary. she wants to attend college and major in the field of business administration. Miss Crystal Lake-Beth Ann Bobek, 20 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Bobek, Crystal Lake, is sponsored by the Crystal Lake Park district. Beth is 5'7M ta)l, has blonde hair and blue eyes. She is a graduate of Ray Vogue Fashion Mer­ chandising, and is seeking employment in the field of fashion coordinator or associate buyer. Miss Fox River Grove- Kathleen Cook, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cook, Fox River Grove, is sponsored by Fox. River Grove Chamber of Com­ merce. Kathleen is 5'8" tall and has brown hair and brown eyes. She plans to ;o to college to study jour lalism and some day take up writing professionally Miss Harvard-Csrolyn Kuhl, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kuhl, Har­ vard. Sponsored by Hf rvard Rotary, Carolyn is 5'4" tall and has brown hair and brown eyes. She is working this summer at a potato repacking plant and part time at a restaurant. Carolyn will be attending a four-year nursing program at Northern Illinois university this fall and would like to gel into a special field of nurtygf Miss Hebi>on--Linda KrapF, IV, "daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Krapf, Harvard, is sponsored by \Iden-Hebron business Nation, she is 5'8" tall artd has brown hair and green eyes. /nda is a iunior at Marian Central high school, foodslock. She is/wqrking this summer as ̂ hostess at a Harvard restaurant, land would like to become an airline stewardess after she graduates. Miss Hunlley--Lonna Jones, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Jones, Huntley, is sponsored by the Huntley Lion and Lioness clubs. She is 5'7" tall and has brown hair and green eyes. Lonna is working at Midwest Well Supply full-lime and will attend a junior college to get into the field of flight attendent. Miss Lake-In-The-Hills- Faye Key, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Key, Lake-in-the-Hills, is spon­ sored bv the Lake-in-the Hills Jayceetes. Faye is 5'9" tall and has brown hair and brown eyes. She will be entering her senior year at Jacobs and continue to work part-time to help finance her college education. She plans to at­ tend Elgin Community college to study Home Economics and Restaurant Management to begin her career in restaurant business and hopefully someday own her own restaurant. Miss Marengo-Ellen Becklinger, 18, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Becklinger, Marengo. Sponsored by the Marengo V.F.W. Auxiliary, Ellen is 5'8" tall and has brown hair and green eyes. She is a graduate of Marengo Community high school and is planning on attending"" Northern Illinois university this fall to major in accounting. She plans a career in banking. Miss McHenry--Lisa Grimmonpre, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Grimmonpre, McHenry, is sponsored by the American Lti^ion Post No. 491 of McHenry. Lisa is 5'3" tall and has brown hair and blue eyes. She is a graduate of McHenry West high school and is working at McHenry Stale bank until August. She win be attending the University of Southern ^^alifornia to gel her Master's degree in Public Relations and would like to gel into the PR department of an airline. Miss Richmond-Laurie Thompson, 16, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mai Thompson, Spring Grove. Sponsored by Richmond Lioness club, Laurie is 5-4" tall and has brown hair and brown eyes. She will be a junior at Richmond-Burton high school this fall and is working at a restaurant. Laurie would like to further her education in business law and do some modeling on the side. Miss Wonder Lake-Karen Beres is sponsored by Wonder Lake Jaycees. Miss Woodstock-Judy Dambrowski, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Waller Dambrowski, Woodstock, is sponsored by the Woodstock Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Judy is 5'7" tall and has blond hair and blue eyes. She is planning to attend Illinois Slate university and major in music. She would like to become associated with the airlines and leach private music lessons. Roaating Tip A large chicken should be roasted breast-side down for the first 40 minutes. This will keep the breast fro!h drying out. Then turn the bird breast- side up to complete the roast­ ing. 217 N. FRONT ST * ronder Lake Inn & Loungl Featuring Chinese & American Cuisine NOW OPEN FOR LUNCHTUES. THRU HI. 11:30 ToT SPECIALS! •TUES & WED AU DAY SENIOR CITIZENS 10#« •THURS ALL DAY FRIED CHICKEN $2.85 •FRI NITE FISHERMAN S WHARF $2.95 CARRY OUT ORDER5! OFF 5506 E WONDER LAKE RD WONDER IAKF III PHONE 115-729-0411 OPEN FOR DINNERS: TUIS. THtlRS. 4 to 9. FRI. 4 to 10 SAT. 1 to 10 SUN. 1 to 1 BANQUET t HAll FACILITIES 20 - 120 GUESTS S3.SO $7 00 PER PERSON FAMILY STYIE SHAMROCK CLEANERS; Complete Dry Cleaning Service i Conveniently Located in the McHonry Morkot Placo Shopping Contor 4400 W. Rto. 120 McHonry (815) 385-1944 i iimnre

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