MMI introduces: The best of both worlds Conventional appearance and healthful flotation support. Sanctuary II by Englaritier/Van Vorst® Queen Size Reg. $589. Now $489. King Size Reg. $649. Now $549. Sanctuary I &9QQ Queen Size Reg. $349. King Reg. $399. Now $349. Damask Ticking Highest quality fabric covering. V Comfort Collar Vorasprlng® by Dow Chemical A comfortable foam like edge. PEPPERS WATERBEDS proudly presents a therapeutic flotation sleep system with the appearance of a traditional mattress and boxspring--SANCTUARY I & II. Each unit is temperature controlled and available in full, queen, and king --so you can use your regular headboard and linens. Discover tho most natural and relaxing sleep you've ever had. Matching Foundation Motionless Flotation Mattress for 100% Therapeutic support Full Warranty MIDWEST'S LARGEST COUPON I PEPPERS WATERBEDS special introductory offer, SAVE $100. on the purchase of a SANCTUARY II I complete flotation sleep system. Rag. 1589. Now $489. KING SIZE Reg <649 Now $649 hm warn mm mm VALID THRU JULYS), 1910 mm mm mm LOCATED AT: WEDS "The Specialists Serving the Midwest Since 1971" FINANCING AVAILABLE 6215 N. Northwest Hwy. Crystal Lake PHONE: (815)455-4260