kWuf n Summer Sale Spectacular Coral/Sands" carpet. 79 Kumpean-inspired Berber styling. Made of multi-level 100% ny lon. 5 multi-tones. Treated with Scofcch- gard® to resist soil. sq.yd. Reg. 12.99 Every in-stock pattern of our no-wax vinyl flooring. roVPB IK m S . Reg. 3.99 Sponge mop, floor shines. Soft foam core. Immediately available ® Standard, reg. 5.99,4.99 sq.yd. 0 Deluxe, reg. 6.99... 5.99 sq.yd. Supreme, reg. 8.99,7.99 sq.yd. We sell Armstrong vinyl products. Reg. 4.99 •Hi S Rem. 10.99-11.90 Save 20-33% Your choice of area rugs Reg. 12.99 mMM each Reg. 49.99-59.99 ft ? i m £ & "» Reg. 15.99 fcgfei Fringed oval, rectangular--6x9' in asstd colors, styles--or oval tubular braid, 5'6"x8'6" (3 colors) Save ll%-50% on our entire se lection of room-size remnants. Let Wards install it. Call for free home estimate on carpet, installation f * i <vm * 'jff omalon. ̂ Soften every step. Use our Omalon" carpet cushion. * V ».# & ?£. - '•Do1. "v '«'«* > w.°, • T 4Ji T £1* PH (£) Unassembled. Grill on bate. Immersible \ Roast on rack Easy dinner and dessert without a hot kitchen. Your choice 29.99-37.99 Some of many items on sale. $1 off our "Highwood". Rugged level-loop, 100% ny lon with foam back. Choice of four multi-colorations. *2-3 off two saxonies. "Tropic Winds", "Citation". Foam or jute-back 100% ny lon. Choice of rich colors. •3 off two multi-colors. "Starlight" or "Applause". Saxonies of DuPont nylon. Xtra-Set* to retain texture. •3 off saxony "Adorn". Highly durable Antron* III nylon. Scotchgard treated. Anti-static. Multi-colors. Handy kitchen electrics for real smart cookies. Auto drip coffeemaker brews 1 to 10 Cups, then keeps it at serving temper ature. Permanent filter incl. Reg. 24.99 Poppery* super popper continuously pops fluffy kernels with hot air, not oil. Built-in butter melter. Reg.29 99 A 6-quart Slo-Cooker Plus™ lets you pre pare a whole meal without being there. Bake, roast, grill and serve in it, too. 4-qt electric ice cream freezer makes other frozen desserts too. Thermostat- controlled motor; rough-hewn pine ext. Save 25-50%. Arrangements and silk stems. ® Natural arrange ment of cordone puffs. pods, straw flowers. Lush silk-style poly ester arrangement in choice of colors. 0 Individual polyes ter "silk" blossoms in many fresh hues. OS Ass'td dried bunches, reg. 1.25, 88* ea. 25% off all Flower Garden items in stock. 1244 Reg. $25 1988 Reg. $35 64t-l64 ~W Reg. 89.99 3 Men's 26-inch 10-speed bicycle. Front and rear sidepull brakes, white frame, black seat and tape. off. 99?,L. ® Men's/women's 10-speed racers. 26" model has safety levers and caliper brakes. 24" men's model, too. off01199J.»» ® Men's/women's 10-speed 26" models with Positron® derailleur, safety levers and in-frame cables. 149.99, 27" men's 12-spd racer . .129.97 Bicycle accessories. B.icycle carrier has steel Q97 tubing, vinyl-covered hooks and cross bar. Handy tie-down straps. Reg. 14.99 1/2 off cable and lock set 097 Vinyl-covered steel cable pro tects your bicycle's finish. 2 Reg. 7.49 Save 50% 14x50" full-length framed door mirror. Regularly 9.99 Attractive walnut-look vinyl frame blends with natural-finished or painted wood doors. 14.99,15x56" 9.88 35' off. Colorful 45" polyethylene wading pool. 388 Regularly 5.99 Seamless to resist leaks. 11.49, 60" pool 8.88 Liquid pool aid 2.28 WARDS CHARG-ALL CREDIT CAN HELP INCREASE YOUR FAMILY'S BUYING POWER. WHY NOT COME APPLY FOR AN ACCOUNT? I Homemaking? Let us help.