SA VI OVER 25 % ON OUR \ BRAND ^ SAVC OVER 25% ON OUR BRAND ^0 OWitlc. 100 pockets; gronulottd, VALUES from our BEAUTY CENTER Lelpyou stay in the tun 10 time* longer than with out. Resists washoff. 4-oz. Refreshing! Created by Proctor & Gamble for the frequent shampooer, SUNSOWEN lOTlON THE ORIGINAL PAOfESSJOIAL MASCARA For br Wont shine 1 Reg. or XJody. 16-oz. 10-ounce spray In 3 holding formulos. Simply simmering scent I 1 ox. spray. Use Regular formula for a rich, glowing bronze tan. 8-ounce. »iP»fwwfi® unwon»wu heir to blend. 4-ox. Puts a glow on, yet adds no color, Restores life/lustre to hoir. Two (5/8-oz.) vials.