• '/>" Gourmet Fan 10" Gourmot Ron 11" Squar* GriddU IO'/I" Opon Fry Fan S qt. Dutch Ovon IN civ, sm.ill SH«L|)C(L T< HLLC-LMI m o d u l a r h e < n n x ? < 1 i c 1 at DISCOUNT PRICES!! Remembering When (with long time subscribers) MRS. LOUIS STOFFEL Mrs. Louis Stoffel started catting out cuppings from the scrspbooksss this day. Hie very first collection, was a Plaindealers in IMS for her and has continued through to in the first volume of the of Father McEvoy. Lillian (Freund) Staff el was bora on a farm, lopated on the McHenry-Lake county line, east of the City, and attended Lincoln school Two of the teachers at Lincoln school were Gertrude Niess and Anna Stock, Mrs. Staff el recalled. Lillian met Louis Stoffel when he returned. to McHenry in 1919, after the first World War. She noted that both her brothers, John and Henry, were serving in the military, at that time. Louis was an auto mechanic and operated Us own business on Pearl street, across from the bakery. Lillian Stoffel also recalled doing housework in McHenry during the hard Depremion days to earn extra money. "Things are quite a bit different than they are now," Mrs. Stoffel observed. "If we had a nickel or a dime, we thought we were rich." The McHenry Plaindealer has been in Lillian's life for as long as she can remember and will continue to be as she continues to work on her scrapbooks. BIRTHS •Be Safe, Check Canning Equipment Sparkling Raspberry Parfaits Registration Reflect Summer Season Aug. 13-14 At East Campus AH students sttending East campus for the 1980-81 school year should par ticipate in registrstion Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. IS and 14. « Registration is held over a two-day period. Due to the large number of con struction vehicles this year, parking will be limited so students are asked to "carpool" if at all possible. The entrance for registration will be through the north gym doors on Waukegan road to avoid constouction areas. Students whose last names start with the following letters should report at the designated times. They should not come prior to the assigned lime. Wednesday • August 13 8:30, A; 9:00 B; 9:30, C; 10:00, D; 10:30, E-F; 11:00, G; Afternoon, 1:30, H-I; 2:00, J; and 2:30, K. At 11:15 doors will be closed for lunch and reopen for the scheduled afternoon registration at 1:30. This will happen on both Aug. 13 and 14. Thursday • August 14 8:30, L; 9:00, M; 9:30, N; 10:00,0-P; 10:30, Q-R; 11:00, S; Afternoon, 1:30, T; 2:00, U-V and 2:30, W-X-Y-Z. The school nurse will collect physicals from en tering freshmen students new to McHenry East high school. State law requires that all entering freshmen must submit a completed physical form prior to the start of school. Official appointment cards slating the date of the exam will be the only alternative accepted. Also, all im munizations must be complete and up to date. WHAT S NEW The next time you re entertaining, end dinner on a cool, refreshing note with Raspberry Trifle Parfaits. Especially suited for summer menus, these elegant desserts feature juicy frozen red raspberries. Quick and easy to prepare, the colorful parfaits are the answer for the busy summer cook. The luscious frozen rasp berries are thickened and are layered with cake or lady finger crumbs and creamy raspberry-flavored yogurt. With a mound of whipped cream and a raspberry garnish, these desserts make a perfect finale to an elegant dinner party. Raspberry Trifle Parfaits 2 packages (10 oz. each) frozen raspberries 2-1/2 tablespoons cornstarch 1/4 cup kirsch or orange juice 1-1/2 cups cake crumbs or 6 lady fingers, crumbled cartons (8 oz. each) raspberry -flavored yogurt Sweetened whipped cream ELECTRIC LOCK A combination lock that fit» any standard 120-voh two or three prong electric plug The plug keeps unwanted hands from playing with dangerous electrical appliances. From Meloworld Products Co., R.D. I, Box 90 D. Slate Hill. N Y . Roger and Sue Wanta, 4814 N. Howard, McHenry, an nounce the birth of their first child July 29. Amy Marie was born at Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Woodstock. She weighed 9 lbs., 1 oz., and measured 21" long. Maternal grandparents are Bud and Terry Wilde of McHenry. Betty Wanta of McHenry is the paternal grandmother. Great grandparents in clude Bernard and Catherine Bauer of McHenry, Ambrose and Martha Sankey of Amherst, Wis. and Rose Wilde of McHenry. Jennifer Lynn is the name chosen by Jim and Diane Odom of McCullom Lake, McHenry, for their first child. The baby girl was born July 29 at Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Woodstock. She weighed 6 lbs., 14Vfe oz. and was 19 inches long. Jack and Elaine Rogers of McHenry are the maternal grandparents. The paternal grandfather is Bill Odom of McCullom Lake. HOSPITAL NOTES WOODSTOCK Admissions: Michael Gende, Mrs. Lorraine Moore and Michael Hagberg, all of McHenry. * * * * Nearly everyone is for government spending if it benefits them and against it if it taxes them. It's time to get out your canning equipment and inspect it so you can find out what needs to be repaired or replaced for the canning season. Kathi Heberer, McHenry County Extension adviser, reminds home canners that the dial gauge on pressure canners should be checked for accuracy every year. Thermometers to test your pressure gauge and direc tions for their use are available at the Extension office. Phone the Extension office at 338-3737 or 4747 to reserve the gauge for your use for a small fee. "If a pressure canner has been dropped, if the glass is broken or if the gauge is rusty, it should go back to the "manufacturer for repair," according to Sylvia Kilgore, University of Ulinois Extension food and nutrition specialist. She adds that weighted gauges ~ those that rock or jiggle at 10 pounds of pressure - don't get out of adjustment so don't need " that kind of repairs. Also check the gasket that seals the canner. It should be removed and examined for flexibility before use. If it cracks or is stiff, replace it. And the gasket should be replaced if it gives less than a perfect seal because a steam leak will not allow pressure to build properly, she says. Check canning jars for hairline cracks or chips in the rim that will prevent an airtight seal from forming. For best results, Ms. Kilgore recommends the use of jars specifically manufactured for home canning. They are heat- tempered lo withstand the thermal shock of boiling water and air cooling. "Mayonnaise jars are not recommended because they are thinner, they break easily and they may have a rounded rim instead of a flat edge so lids may not seal," she explains. "It would be a shame to lose food you've put so much time and effort into preparing because the jar breaks in the canner," she adds. "Cleaning broken glass and tomato bits out of a canner isn't much- fun, either." Two-piece canning lids of flat metal with sealing compound and a screw band seal best. The sealing compound on the lids should only be used once. Screw bands can be reused but Ms. Kilgore recommends that you buy new lids each season. To prevent screw bands from rusting, remove them when jars are cool and lids have sealed. Moisture between the band and the jar will rust the bands and make them almost impossible to remove. Bent and rusted bands won't fit the jar properly, Ms. Kilgore adds, and can prevent the lids from sealing as they should. Buy new bands as needed,, she ad vises. Thaw raspberries; set aside 6 whole berries for garnish. Combine remaining raspberries and syrup with cornstarch. Cook until thickened; stir constantly. Stir in kirsch; cool. Place 2 tablespoons cake crumbs into 6 (6 oz. each) parfait glasses. Spoon 2 tablespoons each raspberry mixture then yogurt into each glass. Repeat layers. Chill. To serve, top with whipped cream and reserved whole raspberries. Makes 6 servings. THOUGHTFO* FOOD G0UU) CROOK There is an urgent need for an electric dryer. Age is no factor, but it must be in good working condition. Also needed are dressers, a kitchen table, twelve kitchen chairs (not necessarily all alike) end tables or a coffee table, pots and pans and a TV for a family with children. Anyone able lo help fill ihese requests is asked to please call FISH, at 385-0258. Also, it would be ap preciated if everyone would keep the FISH Pantry in mind as it is an on-going project that constantly needs donations. / Do not forget little kind nesses, and don't remember little faults. M.G. BAKID ZUCCHINI 1 pound zucchini 1 medium onion, minced 1 tablespoon salad oil 1 cup canned tomatoes. drained '/«teaspoon salt. % cup grated sharp ch« Wash and cut the zucchini in thin slices. Saute the onion in salad oil for three min utes. Add the zucchini and cook over low heat for five minutes, stirring as it cooks. Add tomatoes and salt, cover and simmer five mintues. Pour into a greased casserole and top with grated cheese. Bake in a 350° F. oven for fifteen minutes or until the cheese bubbles. Serves four. e e e e Your opinion of your self is always different from the opinion of your friends. You Are Invited... To The 4th Anniversary of the OAK PARK HOTEL A LOUNOE ON PISTAKEEBAY Under The Management Of Tom & Cathy Fuchs Sunday, August 3rd Starting at Noon LIVE ENTERTAINMENT BY "Powder Keg" 2 p.m til 6 p.m. outside 3937 MAIN ST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS 385-7661 OUR PRICES CAN'T SE SCAT!! mmmmuMMm EAR MOLD SPECIALIST WhistlesStoppecl 6IJTIUUT6Hfo* MAICO*AUDIOTONE*ZENITH*OTICON SIEMENS*STARKEY*TELEX*QUALITONE FIDELITY*DAHLBERG*DANAVOX*RADIOEAR Batteries Vi Price MMM ROBERT STENSLAND and ASSOCIATES -25 Years f xperletice We Mdn Havsa Calls TIME tO GET COOKING... YOUR SAVINGS AND OUR FINE COOKWARE MAKE IT POSSIBLE 1 Your New Look spurgeons * M i r STYLING mi-zm McHENRY MARKET PLACE Call 385-4520 For Your Appointment We use Holene Curtis* Professional Products STYLING - BLOW DRY - COLORING - PERM*- HOT OIL TREATMENTS Ml., SAT., A SUN. (Jv,hr$. W M OO NUN ) jB/j HOUR OVERNIGHT SPECIAL I 1:00 P.M. t:00A.M. >10.00 HORMSBYS v fomily --• 4400 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY, ILL. PAGE3-PLAINDEALER -FRIDAY. AUGUST 1. IMS Now you can toko a doublo-barralod (wing at inflation. Opon a now McHENRY SAVINGS account or add to your prosont account...got fino Rogaf* aluminum cookwaro foaturlng OuPont'i romarkablo SllvorStono' nonstick cooking turf oca. Fundi mutt bo now monoy and Initial offor is llmitod to ona par account. You can buy matching plocos at spocial pricos with additional doposits. Chock our chart, than chock our comploto lobby display. You'll havo to agroo It's tlmo to got cooking I SEE OUR REGAL COOKWARE DISPLAY IN OUR LOBBY I YOUR REGAL GIFT SELECTION CHART * • • • Life would be a great deal more simple if we did not try to make people think we are what we are not. Horn •7 pc at meludes Itoms S 6 B plwi 2qt Cov«r*dtoo<oP«n ondtpopo/instruction boot lot * 'Depositors in this column ore ontitlod lo pu'ehoso h*o odditionol wlu without further dopo*its * * 'Depositors in this cotomn ore ontitlod to pure hot# up to odditionoi gifts without further rlopositt McHenry Savings V iWltM tlMCltflMW 1209 North Groon StrMl. McHonry 815 365-3000 10520 Main Street Richmond 815 678 2061 10402 North Vine Street (Huntley Center on Route A / ) Huntley 312 664 3333 uvm HOun mm t. in fm »!•<•) Tmid., mm* t>»n«.|: 1H»". '*>» '"<»> * • •*" '• 1 00 **" *"•" 4m, 0»K. Dr»v. Iff WMm '* •« •• 7 t W CI..W "»r j, - , DEPOSITS INSURED TO $100,000 BY THE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN INSURANCE CORP. fcUwpdopk fUpim tftluyiiopkl lENTRMSEtfUAC the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rental FREE Doscriptlon Purchase prko with '21 Doposlt $.50 *.95 *95 7.SO 7.95 9.50 9.95 12.50 29.95 Si .00 per hour . . . for every hour thereofter. (Example 2 hours . total charge Si plus tax.) NO MINIMUM > Special Rental Rate Good Monday thru Thursday RINSENVAC cleans the way professionals do. at a traction of the cost