tuesday ' 1977 Stars: RobbyBen- h, Glynnis O'Connor. Two ississippi teenagers' ared romance bringa joy til a secret of theirrelation- ip ends in disaster on a mny afternoon on the Tal- hatchie Bridge. (2 hrs.) losed-Captioned) '(H)® Flambards 'Flying gh' Christina and Dorothy row a surprise at William d Sandy's flat, while Wil- m makes his intentions own to Aunt Grace and nda the designing Job he nted. (Closed Captioned) Omins.) >OCD Three's Company hen an ab8ent-minded liceman leaves his hand- ffs at the trio's apartment, hrissy and Jack get into ouble playing with the ffa. (Repeat) loaed-Captioned) M.A.S.H. Movie -(Comedy) * Secret Of My Success" 065 Shirley Jones, Stella evens. Anaiveboy istaken by several crafty females his road to maturity. (2 300 Mlllones First Row Features Star Trek 'Tomorrow Is esterday' 8:10 i Voyage Of Charlea Dar- In'MyMindWasaChaosof elight' The H.M.S. Beagle ontinues its expedition and arwin embarks on a mule p through the Andes. 8:30 ITaxiLatkaGravas eets the beautiful Simka ahplitz from his native ountry and romantic sparks All In The Family Candid Candid Cimera /hen you least expect it, lien Funt appears with his idden camera for spontan- ous, uncensored comedy ituationa. Movie -(Drama) Death Collector" Joseph ortese, Lou Criscuola. This a solid, forceful drama of a nob' and how it works. A an is given the job of col- cting overdue debts •• by ny means. (Rated R) (90 [ns.) Profesalonal Football rom Canada Calgary vs dmonton <3$ In The Word 9:00 1 Free To Choose 'Who 'rotects the Consumer?' ree markets are the best rotection for the consumer, ays Milton Friedman, who »lies on history to show that government regulation and agency watchdoga lead dir ectly to increaaed cost for the consumer. (Closed Cap tioned) (60 mins.) •90 Hart To Hart The Hart's lovable dog Freeway runs away with the murder weapon uaedtokill a wealthy neighbor, leading Jonathan and Jennifer on a dangerous adventure to capture a glamoroua ex-convict. Sipeat; 60 mina.) News ® Programming Unannounced (39) • 1078 Blx Balder-rkeJaxz Festival Women's Channel Beat Of 'On Location' Robert Klein, star of the first 'On Location,' hoata the rio- toua performancea of comedians like Robin Wil- liams, Steve Martin, David Brenner, Billy Crystal, Martin Mull, Richard Pryor and more- Iris Chacon Catholic Television Presents 'Chsnges' SBananaz TBS Evening Newa M.A.S.H. 0:15 0 Predators Robert Red- ford narrates this documen ts^ on the plight of preda tors. The progrsm examines the impact that man haa on nature's balance. 0:30 39)9 Over Easy Guest: Earl 'Fatha' Hinea. Host: Hugh Downs. (Closed Ceptioned) CD Don Kennedy's Spotlight W <8 UvlngStones O Movie -(Drama) •• "Ufa at the Top" 1065 Laurence Harvey, Jean Sim mons. Ten yesrs after marry ing a socialite and fighting his fsther-in-lsw's business methods, a young husband has sn affair not knowing his wife is doing the same. (2 hrs., 30 mins.) 0:40 9 Klner's Korner 0:55 CD® Newscene 10:00 News 0 ® B Dick Cavett f>w Dick Van Dyke Show 0 M.A.8.H. Heartbeat Weat © Movie -(Suepenee) "Dr. No" 1063 Sean Connery, Ursala Andreas. Agent Jamea Bond fights Dr. No, s master fiend picking world conquest. (Rateo PG) (2hrr) ® O Dave Allen At Large TWO-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY on all FVont Engins Riders Toro back* up a precision cut, aolid comfort, and a long dependable Hie, with a long dependable warranty. TORO RIDERS OFFER THIS AND MUCH MORE I Long, dependable Hie feature* include: • Heavy duly automotive lype traction clutch lot imooth atarU 5 apeed lifetime lubed tranaaila • Full floating mown deck (or clean, even cut • Duct-cooled engine tor long life • Strong Unibody iteel Irame See the Toro Riders today. • or II hp. 3T or 42" cut. Key Lectrtc' Marl. See ue lor nnni|iUte itotrrtU on the two yece limited raraaty. TORO SPONSORED CREDIT AVAILABLE. lawrt yw 4m wttto* »Tn» lag «angkt• "THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUILT" , 6E0. P. FREUND, INC. 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd., McHenry 3M*20 fB Informaclon 26 9 Transformed Laet Of The Wild Troop Command' S After Benny 10:15 0 Superatar Profile 0 ® Baeeball Report 10:30 SB<8> CBS Late Movie 'CANNON: Murder By Proxy' Anne Francis guest stars as s Hollywood publicist charged with the murder of her former boyfriend and client. (Repeat) 'BARNABY JONES: Copy Cat Killing' Stara: Buddy Ebsen, Trish Stewart. QOQlTheTonlghtShow 'Beat Of Carson' Guests: George Burns, Marvin Ham^ lisch, Bess Armstrong. (Repeat; 00 mins.) ABC Captioned News ABC News Nlghtllne Prisoner: Cell Block H 8Benny Hill Show Good Neighbors O M.A.S.H. O Bonanza 0 Video Concert Hall 9 Baeeball: Race For The Pennant This weekly ba seball aeries steps up to bat for Ha third aeason. Len Ber- man and Maury Wills recsp the week's bssebsll action and aummarize the critical playa and playera. (09 ® Independent Newa (Time Tentative) OD 0 Independent Newa 0 (8> Honraraa A Loa Tuyoa ® It Takes A Thief & PTL Club-Talk And Vjrlety Movie ^(Adventure) "Dletant Trumpet" 1064 Troy Donahue, Suzanne Pie- shette. Army men in the old West bsttle Indiana, while romancing women on the post. (2 hrs., 30 mins.) • Movie -(Horror) "to "Eye of the Devil" 1067 Disvid Niven, Deborah Kerr. The Marquia Da Bailee abruptly leaves his wife to conduct strenge happen ings st sncestral castle in Frsnce. (2 hrs.) 10:45 O Movie -(Muelcel-Comedy) ••• "Mother Wore Tights" 1047 Betty Greble, Den Dsiley. The story of s hus- bsnd and wife vsudeville team's rise to feme. (116 mins.) 0 Soap to Report 01 Mi 10:50 11:00 MacNell-Lehrer Movie -(Myetery)"*