1232 N. Gn Remembering When (with long time subscribersJ MR. AND MRS. OTTO ADAMS Otto "Ody" Adams was born on a farm north of Johnsburg and was one of eight boys in the family. Six of the sons are still living, Adams said. In 1925, he married Coletta Freund, who was also born on a farm north of Johnsburg, and they had three sons. "We did a lot of fishing and hunting when we were kids," Otto recalled. "There were very few homes by the lakes and the river." He remembered the winter days when he worked cutting ice to earn a little spending money. "That was before electric refrigeration," Adams noted. After a few years of working on farms, Otto went to work for Hettermann's Central garage and stayed there for nine years. He was a partner in Adams and Freund implement and then built Adams Repair shop on Chapel Hill road. He retired in 1963, leaving the shop to one of his sons. Otto was the captain of the original Company II Fire department (Johnsburg) which started in 1954. Adams has always been involved with cars, starting in 1918 when he built an automobile from scratch. The car had three wheels, two in front and one in the rear, and was powered by an Indian motorcycle engine. In the 1950's the Adams family built and raced midget racing cars. The Plaindealer has been in Otto's family for as long as he can remember. Grandma Scz • • • Community Calendar VJUUUUUUUUl AJUULl Some time ago, this person said, many times, that if th* "Three-score an' ten," rolled around, life'd be full, an' satisfyin'. As each year is added, somethin' new crops up, t' pervide new int'rest, an' zest t' th' desire t' prolong th' borried time, since that day arrived, some years ago. "Each new day, is th' first day of th' rest o' your life," someone said, not long ago. When one takes that idee seriously, life takes on a stimulatin' quality, like addin' th' dressin' t' th' salad, sort o'. T' be able t' get about, e'en vi' th' help o' a cane, 'r such, seems that th' urge t' keep a goin' takes o'er, an' one feels th' need t' "Git things done." T' have good friends, is a real blessin'. This ol' lady used t' say, that each friend, added t' one's life, is lik$ addin' another flower to„a beautiful bouquet, enhancin' its beauty. Life, wi'out friends, 'd be sad, indeed, but it takes a little givin' o' oneself, and out-goin' attitude, o' lovin' affection, f r ones neighbor, t' make a friend o' him, 'r her. American Viewpoints / look on that man as happy, who, when there is a question oj success, looks into his work for a reply- Ralph Waldo Emerson SS&c""" • Automatic, motor-driven film advance "catches the action • Economical, electronic flash . built in • All glass lens for sharp pictures • Uses all 110 films And a built in telephoto lens to bring you twice as close! ' Naturally, it's Vivltar. KS.74J5 NOW Vivitar SEE IT AT McHenry Camera 3412 W. ELM 385-7723 Some folks tend t' be loners, wi'out th' feelin' o' wantin't' give o' 'emselves a bit. One day, they find they're devoid o' friends, alone an' lonely. One o' th' greatest gifts among mankind, is th' gift o' friendship, an' this granny has been th' recipient o' a great deal o' that product o' th' human heart. A great feelin' o' gratitude, wells up in me heart f r th' kindnesses b'stowed by friends, 'n neighbors, o'er all these years. Th' social societies, which ha' come about in'th' last few years, has been a boon t' those elders, who may find 'emselves alone, f'r th' reason that th' friends they had, 're gone t' their reward. It's ne'er too late t' make new friends, an' though it takes courage t' step out, an' socialize, as one meets th' later years, th' reward is great. We, all, need one another, one way 'r t'other, an' it b'hooves us t' make th' effort, an' not be backward about meeting' new folks. One ne'er knows, it might make f'r a new int'rest in life, t' make a new friend. Grandma Radtke It's obvious that solar energy is on the way. This year alone we've been hit by everything under the sun. AUGUST 16 Village of McCullom Lake- -Twenty-fifth anniversary- noon to midnight-at the beach. AUGUST 17 St. Margaret chapter of NAIM-Mass, 10:30 a.m.-St. Thomas church-brunch follows. Whispering Oaks Garden club-tree dedication and tea honoring Jo Knopik-2 to 5 p.m.-Community center- 4513 Front Royal drive. AUGUST 18 T.H.E.O.S. picnic-- Petersen park-catered dinner, 5:30 p.m.- reservations with Lyda Radisch. Valley View Girl Scouts- service team meeting, 9:30 a.m.-home of Barb Martin. AUGUST 19 McHenry lodge 158 AF&AM-stated meeting, 8 p.m.-welcome back. AUGUST 20 McCullom Lake Con servation club, 8 p.m." Lakeland Park Community house-1717 Sunset-" Let's Talk Weeds"-open to public. McHenry County Family Service & Mental Health- Board of Directors meeting, 7:30 p.m.-224 W. Judd, Woodstock-open to the public. AUGUST 23 Johnsburg Rescue squad dance--sit-down dinner-6 to 8 p.m.-dancing 9 to 1 a.m.- Johnsburg Community club- Ybur New Look spurgeon^ '-4/R STYLING Helene Curtis® Ulniperm Special l] I Reg. 25.00 SAVE 16% "°"00 l(PERM SPECIAL EFFECTIVE AUGUST 18 23) ^ | There's An Answer (by Norman Vincent Peale and Ruth Stafford Peale) ivuiu w uiuiupie scierosis. i m sv ana nave naa k. I know I should be cheerful and accept it. But at this. I'm very impatient. I feel as if life is y quickly. So much of the time I am crabby. Life Passing Her By Q. I am a victim of multiple sclerosis. I'm 39 and have had it for 10 years. I'm not good passing me by quickly. So much of the time I am crabby. When I talk I feel as if nobody listens. I feel as if my thoughts are jumbled so words don't come out right. I'd love to be a good conversationalist and to feel accepted by people. Please help me. A. You are bearing a heavy burden and perhaps you feel resentful that you can't enjoy life as others -do. Resentment drains vitality; it causes depression and creates a low self- esteem. It's a powerful state of mind. But, counter it with equal power. Say to yourself, I am a child of God, worthy and with much to give. Accept yourself, and others will too. With resentment out of the way you'll think more clearly and be more patient. Try it; you'll find it works. We are sending you our booklet, Overcoming Anxiety and Fear, which may help you deal with negative emotions. Anyone wishing a free copy may write to us at Box 500, ~ " 12564. e Or Else PAUfc 3 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. AUGUST IS, 1«M Q. My friend and I really like these two guy*. We think they like us and they tell us that they do. But they flirt with other girls. My friend's guy is a junior in high school and so is my boyfriend. We are in the ninth grade. Please help us! We like them so much it's like we're in love. What can we do? A. The reason they flirt with other girls is simple. They Uke you, but they are smart enough to know at their age that they are just not ready to settle down with two teenage girls. Just be friends and don't push the love bit You will have a better relationship on that basis. If there is something you would like to ask Dr. and Mrs. Peale, write to them at Box 500, Pawling, N. Y. 12564. BUDDY'S WORKSHOP MURIATIC ACID ETCHES CONCRETE add sbooid bo end «o otcb tba floor. IS* bsord that a k is pointed , b -benefit Building fund. St. Margaret chapter of NAIM-cards, 7:30 p.m.-- home of Marian Schmitt. AUGUST 24 Mountain man program- Dale "Woody" Woodruff of Marengo-many displays and demonstrations. First United Methodist church-potluck, 5 p.m.-- meet new members of church-reservations, call 344-3908. Street "Bash", 5 p.m.- West Beach, Lakeland park- open to public. AUGUST 25 McHenry Senior Citizens club-meeting, 7 p.m.-West campus-flower and garden show. St. Patrick's Ladies Guild- -Board meeting, 1 p.m.- McHenry Public library-all members welcome. AUGUST 26 McHenry O.E.S. Chapter 547-stated meeting-potluck, 6:30 p.m.-welcome back. Rummage sale-McHenry County Senior Citizen Walk- In center-Moose hall, route 120-10 a.m. to 4 p.m. AUGUST 28 St. Clara Court No. 659-- "Come As You Are Party "-8 p.m. Valley View Girl Scouts- neighborhood meeting, 9:30 a.m.-St. Patrick's church hall. McHenry Senior Citizens- special bowling nine pin no tap--2 p.m., McHenry Recreation. SEPTEMBER 3 McCullom Lake Beach G a l s - - s p o n s o r f r e e d e m o n s t r a t i o n a n d m i n i lesson in Aerobic Dance s' to 10 p.m.-open to nearby women's clubs-call 344-3864. Pawling, N Y Change Attituc Q. What in partiality with daughter-she wrong. Now with her oldes world makes a parent so sick as to play older ir offspring? My husband did it to our < uld do nothing right and the other could do no r older daughter is doing the very same thing It is heartbreaking for us to watch. Would it help to sort of put a stipulation on the financial help we are giving her for some home improvements she wants so badly and to insist that "she change her attitude toward this child"? I'm not one for functioning on these principles but being so desperate I thought just maybe... A. It does very little good to take a "heart-breaking" attitude. Such emotional reactions are ineffective. A normal, intelligent treatment of another person, a loving concern, certainly without bargaining as you suggest, is likely to cause improvement better than any other reaction. It's Like Being In Love Nettl, Mgr. Bernie Connie Jo & Wally CALL 385-4520 FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT I !$g| | We're Batting 1000 TOP DECK Yes, muriatic acid is used to etch concrete Boon before painting. Mix a solution of one-half gallon of muriatic acid and one gallon of water. (Always pour the acid into the water, otherwise it can be extremely dangerous.) Mix the solution in a plastic bucket or sprinkling can. Carefully pour the mixture on the floor and scrub with a long handled stiff brush. Allow the acid mix ture to remain on the floor about five minute* or until it stops foaming. Always fellow the (tactions on the label. Rinse the floor with dear water. Use rubber gloves to protect your hands when working with any type of add. SIR GEORGE'S PUB 15904 NELSON RD..HARTLAND.IL. --Presents-- "Gene Dyer & The Country Gents" Sat., Aug. 17th in All Meals On Menu Your Choice Complete Dinner •Crab Legs •Duck o I 'o range •Crab Legs & F i le t •Lobster 'WJI.L.P. Chicago' Sot., August 23rd (We're a little bit country a little bit Rock & Roll) •But t Steak 1 ^ ̂ ' •Ch icken & Rib ck a I o range , c ,b Legs S F i le t " f S n a P f " " •Shr imp •Shr imp & Ribs Dinner Includet Soup Salad Baked Pototo and Entree WED ft THURS. 5 10 FRI ft SAT 5 11 OPEN FOR LUNCH MONDAY THRU FRIDAY CAll FQK RESERVATIONS MS-Wt "Bene Dyer I The Coeetry (eats" Fri., August 29th "LADIES NIGHT" Every Wednesday Night Bar Drinks '/» Price Open Sat. ft Sun. 12 Noon TIME tO GET COOKING... YOUR SAVINGS AND OUR FINE COOKWARE MAKE IT POSSIBLE! Now you can take a double-barreled awing at inflation. Open a now McHINRY SAVINGS account or odd to yowr present account...gat fina Regal' aluminum cook ware featuring DuPont's remarkable SllvorStono* nonstick cooking surface. Funds must bo now monay and initial offer Is limit ad to ona par account. Vau can buy matching pieces at spacial pricas with additional doposlts. Chock our chart, than chock our completo lobby display. You'll hava to agraa it's tlma to gat cooking I SEE OUR REGAL COOKWARE DISPLAY IN OUR LOBBY I YOUR REGAL GIFT SELECTION CHART Mfr. •uffetted QUA10VIMO DtPOWT PurcfceM price wMk Item J 1 Description rotoll velue 'ISO'W •les-m •I.MS u.m •I tSO S Up A44Mte«et 'ISOepettt Item J 1 • '/>" Gourmet Pan 9.91 4.91 2.9S PRKI giQtfg 4.40 2 10" Gourmet Pan 10.91 S.S0 2.9S PRtl Of 4.94 > 2'/» qt. Taa Kettle 10.90 s.so 2.94 PRKI TWO 4.94 4 11" Squara Griddle 11.91 S.9S 9.9S 2.00 MM 7.40 S 1 qt. Covered Sauce Pan 12.95 4.9S 4.9S 2.00 PRII 7.94 4 10'/." Open Pry Pan IS.SO 7.9S 4.94 2.94 PRIK 9.M 7 3 qt. Covered Sauce Pan H.9S S.fS 4.94 3.94 PRfl 9.94 1 S qt. Dutch Oven 21.SO 10.SO S.40 4.00 PRII 12.10 9 7 pc. Cook wore Set* 41.SO 2S.9S 23.94 20.94 14.94 I 29.94 McHENRY S A V I N G S 4 u t i •7 pc include. II«m 5, t Splut 2qt Covered touce fen end Sectpe/WMfruction booklet * •O.poinon in ltii» column or. entitled to pu'ctieM two odditwnei et*t« without turttiec depo«itt '"Oepontoct m Ifcit column ore entitled to purctiote up >o eight oMlionet frfti wirttout »u/tt>e» rt.po.iU McHenry Savings W .WO I O.N (SSOCIATIOM W 1209 North Green Street. McHenry SIS/MS-3000 10W0 Mum 'jU,;-' Richmond &l', 2061 1040/' No'"' Vine St"-"-' iMuntley Center on Route 47| Huntley 312 669-3333 lAVItiMOUn t tt .« m » c • •• mm •. t.W pm frl4oy t • Ml I. I *» ,, OH.<. Or... K. Wme.1 «|M>| » M I. > M CI.M4 »•«•»!«., I. --* M„« do 1 Honi tiey DEPOSITS INSURED TO SI00,000 BY THE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN INSURANCE CORP. fcttetrtpiofk Helping ffihiytHopk! rear