- knit shirts. i on washable on. In $-18. 108th Anniversary Sale 4 DAYS ONLY--WED., AUG. 27 THROUGH SAT., AUG 30 Look inside for more savings, Special Buys, values at our low regular prices. Be sure to shop Wards catalog or store for other great values at our everyday low, low prices. An Adverti»in| Supplement to the CRYSTAL LAKE HERALD, CARDUNAL FREE PRESS, RIVER VALLEY CLARION, MC HENRY PLA1NDEALER, WOODSTOCK DAILY SENTINEL, BARRINGTON BANNER 25% oft 'Challengers', our own jeans. £36 Regularly f Regularly 8.49 Our rugged Westerns take lots of tough wear 'cause they're reinforced at stress points and hartacked, too (8-12 have double knees). No- iron polyester/cotton; hoys' slim, reg. 8-IK. Husky sizes 8-18. Regularly 9.99 7.19 25% offe School/dress jeans. Sturdy, no-iron polyester/ eotton twill for a neat look Boys' slim, regular 806. Huskys' 8-20. Reg. 10.49...7.8H Reg. 8.99 1/2 off. Bright plaid shirts. Long sleeved; for jeans, casual slacks. Washable polyester/cotton. 8-18. Reg. 6.^9 25% off. Striped knit shirts. Hemmed short sleeves and bottom. In machine wash able polyester/wit ton. 8-18 524 Reg. 6.99 JrfS 2 for*4 Tough Master® locks. 2 lock*--1 combination. Stainless steel casing. iTOtlil I Montgomery Word intends to hove every item we odver- tise available during the full period of our sole. If on odvertiled item (other than o stated limited m-stock quantity, "Clearance", or "Special Buy" item) n not available, we will at our option offer you o substitute item of equal or greater value ot the advertised price or ploce a "rom check" order for the >tem at the advertised sole price IU|. •§* N. M for 1 Sbtcr nylon pantyhose. Reinforced tot, nude heel. Petite/average, average/tall Stores Open Sunday For Your Cohvenienee Crvslal Lake f815» 459-3120 Brirkvard 745-1300 Deerbrnnl* 498-5000 Evergreen Plaza 445 8300 Ferd City 284 4800 fhirasn Sbl» Street Oprn Monday Joltei <8IS) 744-SOCHI l.inroln Mall 747 5800 »lunMfr (219) 83ft- 5950 Merrillvill* (219 ) 738-4700 N Rivrrsid* 442-8100 through Saturday Old Orrhard 678-1212 Randhuro 392 2500 Si Charles 584-8-VKl W?uliet>an 244 8800 Yorktoi»n 629 7600 7