PAGE 21" PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, 188® A blaze that destroyed a barn at 2817 Riverside drive, McHenry, reportedly used for storing construction materials for Diamond head Builders, owned by Marlin Gray, of McHenry, broke out at about 9:30 a.m. Sept. 6. Equipment and men from McHenry Fire department Co. I, II, III responded to the scene. Mutual aid was rendered by units of the Spring Grove, Richmond and Wonder Lake Fire departments when more water was needed. The damage was estimated at $400,000 in the Sheriffs police report, but McHenry Fire Chief Glenn Peterson said it was probably closer to $100,000. The cause of the blaze was not immediately determined and is under investigation. STAFF PHOTOS-WAYNE GAYLORD, counter or by a prescription. 4--After cleaning, hair should be combed with a fine toothed comb to remove nits and the comb should then be washed 5--The entire process should be repeated in ten <10) days. stuffed furniture:, removable cushions and cat peting, until all cases of head lice have been eliminate*J. County Health Workers In Rodent, Insect Control but a condition which is undesirable. This condition is not a hygiene problem. No matter how clean you keep your hair, it will not prevent head lice if you come in contact with someone who has them. Guidelines for detection and treatment of lice in festations are: 1--Lice are hard to see, but can be detected by the presence of nits, small white or silver looking egg cases attached to the hair shafts or the seams of clothing with a sticky material. Areas around the ears and nape of the neck should be checked especially carefully. 2--If lice are found or. &te family member, all family members should undergo treatment for the infestation whether or not nits are found on the individual. 3--Hair should be washed in water as hot as tolerable with one of several lice treating shampoos which can be purchased over the 6--All clothing and bedl- ding used within two (2) weeks of the treatment should be washed in hot water and detergent. 7--The house should be thoroughly vacuumed daily paying particular attention to mattresses, pillows, u onui a ug ui VUJlltJft, brushes, ha'is, wigs, etc. should be di scouraged to avoid spreading the lice. been on the upswing for the last several years and cases are usually found at the beginning of each school year. These insects are more of a nuisance than a health problem and do not, strictly speaking, cause a disease. with high organic content, each raft representing the presence of one female Culex mosquito. The information gathered will assist the State Health department in its effort to detect and interpret con ditions suitable for increased virus transmission in the state. Residents can assist in controlling these mosquitoes by checking their yards and discarding or covering any containers that hold small amounts of water which may serve as a breeding site for these mosquitoes. Con tainers, such as empty planters, tin cans, and discarded tires are favorite breeding places. Or namental containers should be flushed out, cleaned and refilled with fresh water at least once a week. Reports of head lice have (From the McHenry County Health Department) One of the programs of the Division of Environmental Health of the McHenry County Health department is vector control. This includes rodent and insect control, a part of which is a mosquito monitoring program. This year, the department is one of 15 Illinois com munities or agencies cooperating with the Illinois Department of Public Health in a survey of Culex mosquitoes. This is the type of mosquito which can transmit St. Louis En cephalitis (S.L.E.) The department is operating special egg traps in different localities in the county to monitor the population levels of these mosquitoes. These mosquitoes lay their eggs in rafts on the surface of water OUR AUGUST FUR SALE HAS BEE IN EXTENDED THRU SEPTEMBER 141 tOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ECONOMY LUG WRENCH 15th ANNIVERSARY SALE Inflation Fighters Buy 1 Package Of Hearing Aid Batteries. Get 1 PRE• WINTER SAVINGS ON OUR ENTIRE COLLECTION..FURS 1 f|% C f | % OF ALL KINDS NOW PRICED AT: • W to W W OF Special Custom Orders Also At Savings NOW! NOW MORE THAN EVER be concerned with the savings available at the MINK BARN before prices increase. Because BiH Talidis buys early and in many fur markets, he is able to offer you a fabulous selection at remarkable Pre-Season Savings...choose today...the warmth and beauty that only superb quality furs can give you...A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS YOUR SELECTION UNTIL YOU'RE READY TO WEiAR IT! tiCUk ytcu&es Our Oiori/ --^ the mink barn* , ̂ L FURS ByBILL talidis cag ' FunHln.lll, Rd.. Union. III. . I , ' V, »ml ...< ol M...n„o \ ' I (S1S>t23-41») (615)923-2161 <1 rwi •, H Chicago TUES. SAT. 9 5:30; SUN. 12-5; (oiJfceYft'&.l CLOSED MONDAY FOUR-WAY METRIC LUG WRENCH Extra strong alloy steel welded cen ter. Designed for foreign car needs Socket sizes are 17.5mm, 18mm 19mm, 21mm. Strong welded center. Compact 15" length with socket sizes s/«", I9MM, 13'16", 7/8". Keep one' in your trunk for emergency tire changes. WATERLESS HAND CLEANER Removes grease, grime, oil and dirt from hands quickly and easily, without water. Contains skin conditioners. 1 WITH COUPON GOOD THRU SEPT. 30 WEDNESDAY ONLY. McHenry Hearing Aid Center 3937 W. Main Street 385-7661 Prices effective thru 9-30-80 or while supplies last. v McHENRY AUTO PARTS, INC ^ 3318 W. Pearl St. McHer.. > . 815-385-8080 l'f.' When the name is NAPA, the standard is quality. iPfnr^'nlKBl