r \ Highway Commissioner Hears National Leaders Clarence Regner, highway commissioner from McHenry township, was among the hundreds of persons who attended the first national conference of the National Association of Towns and Townships (NATaT). , Two prominent Carter administration Cabinet secretaries and four members of Congress ad dressed the conference, held in Washington, D.C. Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Moon Landrieu spoke about community development and HUD policies affecting small towns and townships. Secretary of the Department of Agriculture (U$DA) Bob Bergland explained the township implications of the Carter administration's Small Community and Rural Development Policy as well as other USDA programs. There were also speeches by Senator David Duren- berger (R-MN), Senator Donald Riegle (D-MN), Rep. Clarence Brown (R-OH), and Rep. West Watkins (D- OK). NATaT's conference, titled Bridging the Gap„.- Between Your township and the Nation's Capital - was organized to focus much needed attention at the federal level on the interests and concerns of the coun try's thousands of township officials and small com munity governments. Regner met with a number of Congressional represen tatives from Illinois and had an opportunity to discuss issues and "compare notes" with hundreds of local of ficials from communities with needs and problems similar to those in McHenry township. Regner is a director of the Township Officials of Illinois. The state association is a member of the National Association of Towns and Townships, which advocates at the national level the interests of local government officials from over 13,000 predominantly small, non- metropolitan communities across the country. - College Honors McHenry Girl Named Fraternity Officer Catheripe R. Pintozzi, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Anthony C. Pintozzi, 3717 W. High street, McHenry, has been elected vice-president of Marquette univerity's chapter of Beta Alpha Psi for the year ahead. Beta Alpha Psi is a professional accounting fraternity founded in 1919, with membership restricted to "those persons of good moral character who^have achieved scholastic (and-or) professional excellence in the field of accounting". Hie fraternity's primary objective is to encourage and give due recognition to people achieving these standards. This is ac complished through the sponsoring of a wide variety of activities, including professional accounting programs, community services, field trips, banquets, manuscript PAGE 1? - PLAINDEALER - writings and business meetings. Catherine is presently a senior at Marquette university and will graduate in May with a Bachelor of Science degree in Ac counting. She recently at tended the national Beta Alpha Psi annual meeting held at the Boston Park Plaza hotel in Boston,Mass. Chapter representatives from around the nation met to discuss the year's plans and to exchange information which may improve the activities of other chapters. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER IS. 1M9 ON PRE81DBNT8 LIST Angel Betancourt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Betancourt, 40* West Rand road, McHenry (Lakemoor), was named on the President's list at North Central college in Naper- ville, 111 This recognition was for scholastic achievement for the entire 1979-80 academic year. **•» If you sacrifice your principles for popularity, you lose much and gain nothing worth having. I For your hearing aid needs Implement Aircraft Speed Zone Program Deputy Supt. William D. Pierce, commander of the State Police Field Operations, has announced the implementation of the Aircraft Speed Zone Alert program. Now effective, the state police will make available to the news media a monthly schedule of the location, dates and times that state police aircraft will be working air speed zone checks. Deputy Supt. Pierce stated that such an effort has been initiated by other police agencies and has met with great success. It is our intent to enforce compliance to the mandated 55 mph speed limit with the assistance of the public. This program will afford the motoring public an op portunity to be aware of our HEAD NURSE Joyce Nelson, R.N., has been appointed head nurse of McHenry hospital's Bollman (orthopedic) pavilion, replacing Dian$ Kieler, R.N., who is taking a maternity leave. Mrs. Nelson is a graduate of the Madison Area Technical college and served on the nursing staffs of two Wisconsin hospitals before joining the nursing staff at McHenry hospital 14 months ago. • • * • Love increases with time to those who avoid the fate of selfishness. spurgeons We offer the LARGEST selection of UNIFORMS In McHenry County! FEATURING a complete line of Professional WHITESWAN Products! OPEN IMP AYS 10 TO 5^ •Tops •Pants •Skirts *Dresses •Sweaters •Nurses Hats •Duty Shoes •Pantsuits •Lab Coats Ask about Our UNIFORM CLUB for FREE UNIFORMS! GROUP & SPECIAL ORDERS WELCOME! McHenry Market Place Shopping Center 385-4100 enforcement efforts and therefore, adjust their driving habits. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" FEATURING COMPLETE LINES OF: •OLYMPIC STAIN •BRAMMER CABINETS •ANDERSEN WINDOWS •PRE HUNG DOORS •NORD SPINDLES •JIM MARTIN PAINTS •LINCOLN WINDOWS •GAF SHINGLES •BUILDERS HARDWARE •PREFINISHED PANELING •CHAMBERLAIN GARAGE DOOR OPERATORS Phone 385-1424 909 N. FRONT ST., McHENRY 15th ANNIVERSARY McHENRY HEARING AID CENTER 3937 Main St. 385-76*1 TV Spectacular. Every T Von Sale! WL i solid 0 0 Every portable, console and mini- screen TV in the store. Hurry. Special buy. 19" diag color TV with built-in color system. 339 88 Simulated walnut cabinet. 12961 Selective circuitry assures proper color levels automatically. Built-in room light sensor ad justs picture to changing room light. Easy-to- read lighted channel indicators. Built-in AFC. ALL TV ANTENNAS 20% off Reg. Price Batteries extra. 11189 11169(1] Save s20-830 AC/DC TV-and-radio combos for picnics or travel fun. 21988 ® 5"-diag b/w TV with AM/FM radio and cassette recorder. Car-cord incl. IS 5" b/w TV plus AM/FM radio. Hi-impact plas tic cabinet. Car-cord. Regularly 249.99 I4988 Regularly 169.99 Simulated walnut. SPECIAL BUY 16211 25" diag transitional-style color console. Negative matrix picture tube; 1-button color con trol; built-in antennas. 49988 Carrying handle. IT©® I 12311 Sim. wood. Save *40 13" diag color portable for bedroom* Slotted mask picture tube ^ FJi\ Sift for "true" color. AFC V / tJ 00 button for sharp reception. 8 J Regularly 319.99 Remote control. All-channel ran dom access tuning plus memory scan. On/offf/mute/vol. Simulated wood. *00 off. 19" diag remote-control TV with VIR-plus color. 4QQ88 JL ̂ J Regularly 599.99 Sophisticated circuitry monitors TV sig nal for best color reception. Electronic tuning with armchair convenience; auto room light sensor; digital channel read-out. SAVE NOW AT WARDS LOW PRICES--NO MONEY DOWN WITH WARDS CHARC-ALL CREDIT Big value days? Every day! [vrEYyil STORE HOURS: aH.ftnlri.llu.-lp J. SMjHUps Satoyll u.-Spi Crystal Lake \Wm\ N O IK Mrtkwtst M M IIHMia FKEPttKMC