38.82 62.97 ovorytblng Hi* lifetime Waring pracNMr doo« 44.76 Aluminum fry pan wlfh stolnlots ifwl surfaco. No K40N R«g. 147.14 Stalnfou stool 4.6 quart bawl far all your mixing noodt. No. SM 4161. 24.84 tag. 12.97 Papular almond finish, dark brawn docoratlon Qyjil At^^ntflnajn alamaaA Aa •nnw nv«Tin| wIWVWTTT vv Automoticolly mtomrM ona half cup of popcorn. YloW: 6 to 4 quarts In mlnutos. No. 72006 No. 1Hf-17. SHOP HORNSBY FIRST . . . FOR EASY LIVING AND EASY LISTENING 3S.S1 No. SE15I0 Or SE25I9 Fumli' AM/FM ShrM Radio WHh MwBopwpli AmI Ciistlti Your Cholca 172.87 Rag.197.87 Foaturos front loading • taroo cassot to playor / rocordor , two Panasonic thrus tor spoakors and tlnglo •trongth tuning motor. Not. SK1510 6 SC2619. 127.76 Rag. 142.37 Uiy phana automatic DwM# cnwH* tyitan lor In coming/outgoing call*. Ma. KX-TlffS. Iflvo 3.70 24.76 Rag. 26.44 SvSvvwSvivvv rfVI/Mvi IHfllTW dock ra4a kai a 14 haariwi- 24.76 Rag. 20.46 PartaMa caaaatta racar4ar "VZt OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 SUNDAYS 10 to 6 m'? Kt. )4«47 - Mi l» U.S. i t I t . M Marira tCtr . Rwt*47 459lim<>Dr. »40Km4frwm SomyMStMfph^Ctr. YwMU.lt ItavM.ll PriacotM, It McHmtv, IL WM<rt»cfc, It »ra*iy, II gdirt»n, li SMyM.lt i