Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Nov 1980, p. 17

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HELP WANTED WANTED. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL to help young mother with regular housekeeping chores V* day every other week. Must be within walking distance of East Campus high school. 385-0678 11-5 WANTED 300 High School graduates, no prior police records, good health, Electronics, Accounting, Diesel Mechanics. Willing to travel. Call for appointment. 815-459-2837. After 6 pm. 815- 344-5543. 11-5-11-7C SUBSTITUTE TEACHER Home Economics McHenry High School East Campus Call Mrs. Swedo 815-385-1145 SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN NATURAL FOOO SUPPLEMENTS HERBAL TRIM WEIGHT LOSS HERBAL COMBINATIONS NATURAL BEAUTY AIDS DEHYDRATED FOOOS ORGANIC CLEANERS We will be interviewing people, only interested in making money. There is no door to door sales. No money needed. Interview date: November 7 A 8 from 9:00 a.m. till 9:00 p.m. 5113 Westwood Dr., McHenry, II. 60050 (Pistakee Highlands) From Rt. 12 to Fox Lake Rd., till Ringwood. Ring wood till West to Westwood Dr. it/5-11/7 PRODUCTION FOREMAN We need a person with experience in directing and training personnel in everyday activities in a manufacturing environment. The right candidate must possess a minimum of 2 years experience in a supervisory capacity. Technical or mechanical schooling a plus but not required. Qualified females are urged to apply.- We offer an excellent company benefit and salary package. To arrange for an interview, send resume (in­ cluding salary history) or call personnel at 815-385-3964 Come and Grow With Us. AA ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE We need an aggressive sales oriented per­ son to work for McHenry County's largest newspaper group, sel'ing display adver­ tising. Join a growing newspaper calling on established and new accounts, while receiving salary, commission, auto expen­ se, paid vacation, hospitalization. Send Resume or Come In and fill out an application at McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 II 5 11/7 FACTORY OPPORTUNITIES 2nd Shift * DIE REPAIR Experienced with compound and progressive punch press stamping dies. Must be able to sharpen, fabricate and repair component parts for dies. PARTS INSPECTOR Excellent opportunity for individual with quality con­ trol background in parts and/or assemblies inspec­ tion. Must know blueprints and basic measuring in­ struments. MOID REPAIRMAN Excellent opportunity for qualified person with ex­ perience in injection and compression type mold maintenance. Desirable to have experience in run- nerless molds of various sizes. These positions offer good starting wages, automatic increases plus an excellent fringe package. Apply in Person or Call 815-675-2321 NTERMATIC t M C O R P O ^ A T E O Intermatic Plaza Spring Grove, II. 60081 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F MODINE IMANUFACTURING COMPANY 4 miles north of McHenry on Ringwood Rd. an equal opportunity employer M/F HELf WANTED . STOCK BOY WANTED, Apply in person to Spurgeon's Store manager, McHenry. ll-5-ll-7c DRUMMER age 12 to 15 wanted for young teen band Call Bob 815-385-9144 or Doug 815-385-0214. 11-5-1 l-7c LANDSCAPE LABORER needed, two years land­ scaping experience and drivers license required. For right person, year round work. 815-385-1896 11-5-11-7C MOTHER EARTH TYPES, interested in dehydrated foods, herbs, etc., great opportunity. No door to door, or phone soliciting. 455-6328 11-5-1 l-7c WANTED: SALESPER­ SON, no experience needed. 815-338-4522 ll-5-ll-7c LA MARQUE & COMPANY, is expanding operations to this area. Several good career opportunities available. $270-$490 per week. Prefer recent high school graduates. Part time considered for some positions. For interview appointment, call Mr. Janz, 312-695-3237 ll-5tfc Need someone to do yard work. Call 815-385-4686. 10- 31-11-5 TOOL & DIE fRMSE Must have experience Paid vacations, holidays & insurance. CITY METAL PRODUCTS 815-385-1910 foil RENT m ftCNT PAtiKja^PLAINDEALKR - WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER i, II ~ FOR SALE PART TIME Direct Service Staff 6a.m. -9a.m. Monday through Friday To work with developmental ly disabled young adults, experience helpful.Must be 21 years of age. Contact Connee Meschini Pioneer Center for the Exceptional Cwwlty Livleg FeclHty Wirirtidi 815-338-5584 n/?-"/7 PUNCH PRESS OPERATOR WITH SET UP EXPERIENCE Paid vacation, holidays and insurance. City Metal Products 815-385-1910 ATTENTION $100. to $500. A Week Commission Full & Pari Time Available We are looking for several men and women who would like to become sales representatives in the McHenry County area. All ap­ pointments furnished. No ex­ perience necessary. We will train. For personal interview Call 815-338-3960 between 9 & 3 FOR RENT OFFICE IN McHENEY, good location, air con­ ditioned. All utilities fur­ nished $95. Call 815-385-3490. ll-5tfc NICE LARGE SLEEPING ROOM, phone 815-385-1948 ll-5tfc MOTORCYCLE WINTER S T O R A G E , h e a t e d motorcycle shop in McHenry. Monthly or seasonal savings. 815-385- 8110 or 344-2957 11-5-11-7C 2 bedroom ranch, Country Club area, excellent con­ dition. $400. per month. Month to month rental only 815-385-7050 ask for Rich. 11- 5-11-7C 1«, 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS ̂ Available Now Close to shopping center, within walking distance. 704 Logan, Cooney Heights McHenry NEW APARTMENTS Ready for leasing on Rt. 31 CHAR-MAR APTS. Coll between 9:00 am 8 4:00 pm 815-385-5965 after 5:00 pm 815-385-9019 " * COUNTRY CLUB STABLE, large indoor arena, stall board $100.00 month, pasture board $75.00 month. 815-338- 1377. 11-5-11-28C Super condo, 2 bedrooms, V/i baths, all electric, insulated, no pets. $349. (Sell 10 percent down) 815-385-0169 11-5-11-7C 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, Holiday Hills, U. $350. per month, plus utilities, no pets, security deposit. Call after 5 p.m. 312-272-7619 11-5-11-14C ROOM FOR RENT, 344-5128 11-5-11-14C 1,000 sq. ft. of office or retail space, zoned B-l, on Route 120, separate utilities and ample parking. 815-338-0777 ll-5tfc 2 BEDROOM RANCH with fireplace on golf course. $275. per month. Call ERA- RDG Realty 815-385-9394. No fee to renter. ll-5tfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9 a.m. to 12 weekdays or after 6 p.m. ll-5tfc L I G H T I N D U S T R I A L SPACE, new opening in areas of 1200 to 15,000 sq. ft. Immediate occupancy. 815- 678-2861 ll-5tfc WAREHOUSE OR FAC­ TORY space from 5,000 to 15,000 ft. 815-385-1079 ll-5tfc A P A R T M E N T S F O R RENT, two bedrooms, Third & James Street, McHenry. 312-381-2059 U-5tfc G A R D E N Q U A R T E R A P A R T M E N T S o f McHenry, now renting, two bedroom apartments from $305. a month. Includes shag c a r p e t i n g , s t o v e , refrigerator and master TV antenna, two bedroom units also equipped with Hotpoint d i s h w a s h e r . W a l k i n g distance to downtown McHenry and Northwestern Commuter station. 815-385- 2181 ll-5tfc UPSTAIRS APARTMENT of large 2 flat house, 3 bedrooms, north of McHenry, heat included. $340 a month. 815-385-4349 after 6 p.m. or weekends. 11- 5tfc 2 BEDROOM APART­ MENT, carpeted, stove, refrigerator, no children, no pets. $295. references, lease, deposit required. 815-385- 7065 ll-5tfc F U R N I S H E D A P A R T ­ MENTS, and sleeping rooms, weekly or monthly rates. Mature adults only 815-385-8905 ll-5tfc Gentleman wanted to share accomodations of com­ fortable furnished home with fireplace. $220. month. 815- 385-2233 11-5-11-7C SUBLEASE McHENRY, 2 bedroom, l's bath, dish­ washer, disposal and carpet. Available immediately. Call 815-344-3171. 11-5-11-7C 4 ROOM UPSTAIRS APARTMENT, Hebron $195.00 plus utilities. 815-338- 3838. 11-5-1l-7c 3 BEDROOM FARMHOUSE on 5 acres East of Hebron. $395.00 per month. 815-338- 3838 11-5-11-7C McHENRY FURNISHED LARGE 1 bedroom apart­ ment in town. A C., carpet, utilities furnished. Security deposit, no pets or children $275. 815-385-9018 or 312-885- 9745. - 11-5-11-7C Sleeping room for rent $50.00 per week. Town Club apartments,3308 Pearl St. 815-385-0012. 11-5-11-7C WONDER LAKE, Small 1-2 bedroom home with range, $210.00 per month. 815-653- 9964. 11-5-1 l-7c L A K E F R O N T H O M E , Furnished, 3 bedroom, garage, 2 baths, basement. References and security deposit required. $350.00. 312-420-2985. 11-5-11-7C 3 BEDROOM HOME in McHenry, includes stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer and dryer. No pets. Security deposit, $375. a month. References required. 385-0674 11-5-1 l-7c TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, one car garage, in town, references and security deposit required, no pets. $325. a month 815-385-6900 or 385-5290 Byrnes Bros. Realtors. Ask for Ken. 11-5- ll-7c l bedroom apartment, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, garbage disposal, carpeted, security deposit and references. $260 a month. 815-385-5194 11-5-1 l-7c ONE BEDROOM APART­ MENT for rent, kitchen, living room, $250. per month includes utilities, security deposit required. No pets. 815-385-9872 ll-5tf ROOM FOR RENT, call anytime. 815-344-0962 ll-5tfc j. FOR RENT BUILDING, 2,000 sq. ft., center of McHenry. 815-385-3683 11- 5tfc O N E A P A R T M E N T AVAILABLE, Ideal for retired, semi-retired or middle aged, in city of McHenry. Two bedrooms,, dining room, kit­ chen and I1/-, baths, $375. 815- 344-1632 or 815-385-6566 11- 5tfc ( FOR RENT, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, with pool. 815- 385-9289 or 312-775-7000 11- 5tfc RENTIMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY RENT New, 3 bedroom homes in McHenry and Lake Counties FREE Micro Wave oven to new renters "AFFORDABLE HOMES" Call Sat. & Sun. 815-344-5473 Call Sat. & Sun. for appointment Hrs. 10-5 Model Open Weekends If no answer 312-356-3383 k| FOR RENT % V Business Zoned-6 room house and large screened-in rear porch-2400 square feet-2 baths and central air. Ideal for professional offices. In ad- dition-2 story 3100 square foot born- plus 2 car garage. Located on busy Illinois Route 31. Plenty of parking and immediate occupancy. For com­ plete details, please call Mr. Jim Marinangel 385-3000 3 bedroom ranch, Lake Villa, Bayview Gardens Sub­ division, full basement, carpeting, nicely decorated, large yard, very clean. Prefer no pets, security deposit required. Immediate occupancy. $370 per month plus utilities. 312-587-1340. 11-5-1 l-7c 2 bedroom house in town. Call 815-344-0478 after 6 pm. 11-5-1 l-7c 3 Room furnished apart­ ment, utilities included, homey atmosphere, prefer single working person, no pets, security deposit required 815-675-2127. 11-5- U-7c 0ARA0C SALi HUGE BARN SALE, Friday, Saturday & Sunday, Antiques household items, f i s h i n g e q u i p m e n t , f a r m supplies, guns and hunting equipment. 9 a.m. til dark, 13809 Davis Road, Wood­ stock. Follow signs at Dean Street & Route 14. ll-5-ll-7c Garage Sale, Friday & Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., 2806 South Tower Drive, Holiday Hills Subdivision. Mostly toys (all in excellent c o n d i t i o n ) Y a m a h a d i r t bike, gas stove, misc. 11 -5- ll-7c FOR SALE MEDALLION 12 string folk guitar. Inlaid mother of pearl, hardcase and ac­ cessories, used about 3 months, perfect condition. Cost $450. Asking $225. Call weekdays after 6 p.m. Friday & Saturday before 3 p.m. 815-385-0658 11-5-1 l-7c 1973 ARTIC CAT PUMA 440 cc snowmobile. Low miles, adult driven, excellent condition $500.; l pair Rossignol skis 180 cen­ timeters $45. Call after 5 p.m. 815-385-2881 11-5-11-7C NEED A PICK UP sometimes? Consider a full pick up bed trailer.Tow only when you need it. $325. 815-385-7071 11-5-11-7C 5 PIECE BRODY DINETTE set with leaf. Pink and white. Excellent condition $100. 815- 344-0842 11-5-11-7C Bally "Air Aces" pinball machine. Four players with an interesting target playing field. $400. firm. 815-385-8688 ll-5tfc NEW AND USED railroad ties, bulk grass seed, rustic cedar rail fencing. Wood­ stock Farm and Lawn Center, 2020 South Route 47, WOODSTOCK. 815-338-4200 ll-5tfc WATER SOFTENER SALT SALE, pellet type only, 1st Saturday of every month. Huemann Water Con­ ditioning, 3607 Chapel Hill Road, Johnsburg 815-385- 3093 ll-5tfc INTRODUCTORY OFFER: R E N T a Q u a l i t y W a t e r Softener for $3.00 a month for the first 3 months. Free installation. Call collect 815- 3 3 8 - 3 3 4 4 Q u a l i t y W a t e r Conditioning. ll-5tfc WASHERS AND DRYERS R E C O N D I T I O N E D a n d guaranteed $60. and up. 815- 385-6431 1 l-5tfc PROCESSED COAL for stoves and furnaces. We also sell woodburning stoves. Woodstock Farm & Lawn Center, 2020 South Route 47, 815-338-4200 ll-5tfc 6 HORSE BOLEN snowblower, self starter, in good condition. $325. 385-2733 11-5-11-7C GOING OUT OF RABBIT Business, about 60 breeders and young with cages. *200. Call anytime 815-678-4296 11- 5-11-7C FOR SALE Insurance, auto, renters, homeowners, health, mortgage. Kim Smith 312-426-5432, George Kingos, 312-658-8621, Dan Walters, 312-888-4387 11-5-11- 28c MOVING, FURNITURE SALE: 5 piece bedroom set and 3 piece bedroom set, and other misc. items, also 3 piece parlor set. Call evenings. 385-3337 11-5-11-14 U S E D A P P L I A N C E S , r e c o n d i t i o n e d a n d guaranteed. Come and see our supply. Reasonably priced. 815-385-1896 11-5-11- 7c All aluminum cap, for Chevy LUV pick up, $150. or best offer. 815-385-0819 11-5-11-7C Mixed firewood, for sale, oak, choke cherry, good burning firewood, delivery on weekends only. Call 815- 385-7144 11-5-11-7C Console stereo, am-fm radio, 8 track and turntable, ex­ cellent condition. $65.00 497- 4184 11-5-1 l-7c OLD PLAYBOYS also Penthouse and others. Excellent collectors start or addition. 385-5338 ll-5-U-7c K E N M O R E E L E C T R I C STOVE and dishwasher, good condition. 385-0868,11-5- 1114c VARIOUS WOOD DOORS $25. each; gas space heater $40,815-385-6009 11-&-11-7C FOR SALE: 36" avocado gas stove. Good condition, would be excellent second stove. $50. or make offer. Call after 6:00 p.m. 815-728-0519. 11-5- 1128c FOR .SALE: 2 truck snowtires, used one season 8.50x16.5.$35.00 each. Call 815-728-0312 after 6 p.m. 11-5- 11-28c O A K F I R E W O O D , seasoned, split, delivered. 815-385-1896 11-5-11-14C Fiberglass top and lift back door for International Harvester Traveler $250. Call 815-338-4650 Mark. 11-5- 11-7c C O M P L E T E S M I T H TORCH SET with tanks and cart new $300; 15 ft. slide in camper with stove, frig, etc. $450, Call after 5:30 days Weekends anytime. 815-728- 0803 11-5-11-7c 3 LOTS FOR SALE, 130 x 120 by owner. 815-385-3337. Call anytime 11 -5-ll-14c 23 FT MOTOR HOME, self contained, generator, roof, air, low mileage $6,500. 815- 459-4988. 11-5-11-7C H A V E R E M O D E L E D KITCHEN. Must sell Roper c o u n t e r t o p s t o v e w i t h eyelevel oven $125. Call 815- 385-1835. 11-5-11-7C 1 YEAR OLD KENMORE side by side refrigerator freezer. New $450.00 Asking $250.00.385-6974. 11-5-11-7C 132 lb. weight set, 16 pieces $35. Console Philco stereo $30. Flexsteel sofa sleeper, 815-385-8809 after 6 pm. 11-5- 11-7c COUPON "n FREE FRAME with purchase of (any mattress or box spring) minimum purchase $100. LENNY FINE FURNITURE 230 Virginia Rd. Crystal Lake 815-455-4550 Country Corner Shopping Center Good Thru m 10-31-1980 ( j I i I I I I I I I GIVE A PERFECT LASTING > "PERSONALIZED SIFT" All ENGRAVED OR SANDCRAFTED REDWOOD FAMILY NAME SIGN "YOUR NATURAL CHOICE" PARKWAY SIGNS 73IS W.Rl.120-MeH«nry,ll. r"-385-0825 10 ;i 1/ f F I R E P L A C E S , A L L BRANDS. Installation and or masonry available. Call Quality Fireplaces. 815-385- 7478. 10-29-1l-6c Oak firewood, seasoned, split, delivered. $55. a ton. 815-728-0234 10-24-11-5C MOVING OPEN HOUSE, 997 St. John's Road, Woodstock, French sofa, $100.; French and Mediterrean end tables $35. to $50.; card table 1)0.; many wall plaques, two crystal lamps, two coffee tables, misc. U-Ml-7c Like brand new Yamaha i t e m s , w o m a n s m e d i u m helmet $35, Womans small jacket $25, mens extra large helmet $35, mens extra large bibs $25, mens extra large coat $25,815-385-0602. 11-5- 11-7c "W I B. J. Crowley'« HOROSCOPE Week of November 2,1980 SCORPIO -• Those under this sign are sgeous. Highly Intaltlve, mod try to hide the (act that they are enotlonal aad •easltlve. Other traits la- dude an abaadanee of laltla- tive aad a constant aeed to curb aggressive teadeadeo. SCORPIO » Oct. 23 to Nov. 22-Stress recreational Activities for an enjoyable week. Practice better use of your time. Have a place for everything and put every­ thing in its place. SAGITTARIUS - Nov. 23 to Dec. 21-Even though you have a strong desire to be alone, go to a nursing home or hospital to give cheer to someone who is in ill health. Be thankful for your health. CAPRICORN -Dec.22to Jan. 19-Your best work can be done during early hours this week. If possible rest during the afternoons or go to bed earlier in the evenings. AQUARIUS -- Jan. 20 to Feb. 18-Perhaps you would do well to toot your own horn. You can establish your identity by seeing and being seen. PISCES -- Feb. 19 to March 20-Rather an average week can be expected. Busi­ ness is better than ever. Social life may be a little on the dull side for a short time. ARIES - March 21 to April 20-Taketime this week to do some badly needed shopping. Purchase iteiqs that enhance your appear­ ance and home. Improved appearance adds to your prestige. TAURUS •• April 21 to May 20-Changes can be ex­ pected on the financial scene. Be philosophical, tak­ ing either wins or losses in stride. GEMINI - May 21 to June 20--Give serious thought to some shar)> criticism you have received lately. You can learn some­ thing from it, which could favorably influence family re­ lationships. CANCER - June 21 to July 22--Undertake a humanitarian project from a practical approach, rather than idealistic. The good you can do by attacking the undertaking as you would any other job will show un­ believable results. LEO - July 23 to Aug. 22-Favorable influences continue for you. Your family is extremely proud of you for your efforts to continual improvement of yourself. Keep the faith. VIRGO - Aug. 23 to Sept. 22-Be tolerant of other be­ liefs concerning religion and politics, but don't be re­ luctant to express your opin­ ions when you have a valid idea on any vital issue. LIBRA » Sept. 23 to Oct. 22-Organize your home and/ or office. See that a thorough cleaning is carried out. SEARS 50,000 BTU Portable heater, New No 1 Fuel $200 or best offer. 2 HP 220 Sears Com pressor used, needs repair $150 or best offer. 815- 385-4024. 11-5-1 l-7c M A R Y K A Y C O S M E T I C S , arrange a Beauty Show in your home-for yourself and your guests, with a trained Consultant. An exciting new concept in Cosmetics. Call Carol I^akin. 815-385-8256 11- 5 BIBLE VERSE "Let your light ao shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. " 1. Who is the author of the above statement? 2. To whom was he speaking? 3. Of what famous dis­ course is this verse a part? 4. Where may it be found? Answsri to Biblt Vsrts 1. Jesus, as recorded by Matthew. 2. His disciples and the m u l t i t u d e g a t h e r e d around hiuj. 3. The Sermon on the Mount. 4. Matthew 5:16. I

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