Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Nov 1980, p. 5

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Dinner Dance Slated For Marian The tenth annual Marian Central high school dinner dance will be held Nov. 15, at the high school in Woodstock. Proceeds will benefit the Marian general fund, which supports the school. From left, Mrs. Betty Beck, Crystal Lake; Mrs. Patti Edelman, Woodstock; Mrs. Mary Grewe, Crystal Lake; Mrs. Sharon Delahanty, Crystal Lake; Mrs. Pat Griffin, co- chairman, Crystal Lake; Mrs. Jan Chapman, Woodstock; and Mrs. Carolyn Hesch, co-chairman, McHenry, are shown at the Marian Central high school in Woodstock is having the tenth annual fund raising dinner dance on Saturday, Nov. 15, with the theme this year, "Where Dreams Come True". The school gymnasium,' through the efforts of artistic and hard working parents, will be transformed into the Land of Oz. Festivities begin with first planning meeting. cocktails at 7 p.m., a catered buffet from 7:30 to 9 and dancing to a fine orchestra from 9:30 until 1 a.m. Reservations may be made by calling 338-4220. The chairman of this af- arrrrrrrrrr«Tmmnfc( D • Community Calendar NOVEMBER 5 McHenry Grandmother's club-tour Pioneer Center, 4001 Dayton, McHenry, 10 a.m.-luncheon, 11:30 at Snug Harbor-meeting, 1 p.m.-Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church. Compassionate Friends- meeting, 7:30 p.m.-344 Freemont, Woodstock-for information call Mary, 455- 6910. NOVEMBER 6 Separated & Divorced Catholics-general meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Montini Middle School. Christmas bazaar-Mount Hope church-10 a.m. to 3 p.m.-luncheon, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. NOVEMBER 8 Christmas bazaar- Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, McHenry- 9 a.m., at the church. McHenry Lodge 158 AF&AM-Masonic hall, 8 p.m.-Installation of Of­ ficers. Friendship club, potluck dinner-meeting, 5:30 p.m.- First United Methodist church, Fellowship hall. Wonder Lake Water Ski club-Spaghetti dinner, 4 to 8 p.m.-Christ the King church. Cub Scout Pack 131-- Pancake breakfast-noon- First United Methodist church-tickets at door. Newcomers club, 7:30 p.m.-"Dinner For 8"-phone M. Bisiewicz for details. NOVEMBER 8-9 St. John the Baptist church Bazaar-Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Sunday after all Masses~St. John's school. Library Book sale-1807 W. Route 120-Kent Acres- Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.- Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m.-Call 385- 6303 for information. NOVEMBER 9 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-Mass at St. Patrick's, 11 a.m.-dinner follows. Lakeland Park Women's club-Pancake breakfast, 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.-St. Patrick's church hall. St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-Woodstock Opera House-6 p.m. NOVEMBER 10 Senior Citizen Meeting- West Campus, 7 p.m.-- McHenry Choral club. Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Board meeting, 9:30 a.m. American Legion Post 491- -Regular meeting, 8 p.m. Fox Ridge Women's club- Board meeting, 8 p.m.- home of Carol Franklin, 4911 W. Bromley. NOVEMBER 11 St. John's B.V.M. Sodality- - Regular meeting, 1 p.m- Michael Schaefer residence. American Legion Post 491- -Armistice day ceremonies, 9:30 a.m.~at the Legion hall. McHenry Chapter 547 O.E.S.-Masonic hall, 8 p.m.- - Annual meeting, reports, election. Whispering Oaks Garden club-Board meeting, 1 p.m. C.D.ofA.--Day of Recollection~St. Mary of the Assumption~Mass9:45 a.m.- -coffee served, no lunch. » - McHenry Jaycees-- monthly general meeting, 7:30 p.m.-V.F.W. Newcomers club-regular monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m.- Silent auction-St. Paul's Episcopal church, McHenry- -Visitors welcome. NOVEMBER 12 Bazaar and Chicken dinner--Zion Lutheran church-Bazaar, 1 to 7 p.m.- dinner, 5 to 7:30 p.m. LaLeche league-meeting, 7:30 p.m.-for information call Mrs. Richard McGowan, McHenry. NOVEMBER 13 Priscilla Circle, 9:30 a.m.~ First United Methodist church parlor. Lakeland Park Women's club meeting, 7:30 p.m.~ Community House. NOVEMBER 15 Valley View school- Autumnfest-11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.-at the school. LCWC Christmas Bazaar- Town Hall, Spring Grove~10 a.m to 4 p.m. Annual Bazaar & Roast Beef dinner-Ringwood United Methodist church- bazaar, 3 p.m.-dinner, 5, 6 and 7 p.m. Checkerboard Squares dance~7:45 to 10:30 p.m- Carestoel Care center. Senior Citizens of Meet and Eat-Christmas bazaar- bake sale-Moose Lodge, McHenry-10 a.m. to 6 p.m. NOVEMBER 16 American Legion Post 491- -annual Fall party, 3 p.m.~ Legion hall-everyone welcome. NOVEMBER 17 THEOS-Snug Harbor, 5:30 p.m.-then to church for fellowship. NOVEMBER 17-18-19 Shop and Share program- St. John the Baptist Home and School assn. Shop and Share program- United Methodist church women. NOVEMBER 18 McHenry Lodge 158 AF&AM-Stated meeting, 8 p.m. Whispering Oaks Garden club-meeting, 1 p.m. • • • • ' ' A fanatic is one who lets one idea dominate his life and befog his reason. The McHenry Plaindealer 3112 W««t Elm StrMt (USPS 335-200) Etlablithcd 1175 McHanry Illinois 60050 Phon*1I5-3(5-0170 Publithcd Ev«ry Wednesday t Friday at McHanry. Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry Illinois MCHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY POSTMASTER: Send address chonges to McHenry Plaindealer. 3112 W. Elm St.. McHenry, Illinois (0050. Subscribers are requested to provide immediate notice ol change of address to The McHenry Plaindealer. 3B12 W. Elm St.. McHenry III. 40050 A deduction ot one month from the expiration of a subscription will be made where a change o( address is provided through the Post Office department. Larry E. lund-Publi*h«r Adele Fro«lich-Editor 1980 \~7 f nempakrT NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Year . .$13.50 In McH«nry County 1 Yoor OuHido McHonry County Pwail paper 30% Salel ON ALL MAXWELL PAPER OVER 2000 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM THRU NOVEMBER 11th Our usual friendly decorating service is available! EXTRA BONUS SPECIAL onVINYL(PASTE THE WALL) WALLCOVERING PASTE gallon in plastic container -v. ,, ONLY with Wallpaper only... REG $755 SAVE *3°° A ^ $455 1 \f • THE WALLPAPER SHOP AT qMCMebty Punt GLASS & WALLPAPER 3411 W. ELM 385-7353 MCTVRE FRAMING-ARTIST SUPPLIES--MIRRORS - - Benjamin A * Moore/ivy PAINTS STMIMMI l-TMMS T4SX5M HI 7 43 H t:M SAT. B:M to S:M OMUSMMV ACCOUNTING AND TAX SERVICES WARD and WARD 338-4799 HRS. 1:00-9:00 P.M. spurgeon's We feature the LARGEST Selection of MATERNITY WEAR in McHenry County lops *Slacks •Jeans •Dresses •Pantsuits •Nursing Gowns •Maternity Panties •Nursing Bras •Maternity Panty Hose McHonry Mark at Place Shopping Cantar 385-4100 f<afaiu»j DeWANE STUDIO fair, Carolyn Hesch of McHenry and her co- chairman, Pat Griffin of Crystal" Lake, promise all who attend an unforgettable trip down 'The Yellow Brick Road'. Wayne and Dee La Rock of McHenry named their third child Scott Paul. The 4 lbs. baby boy was born Oct. 28, in McHenry hospital and he was welcomed home by Dawn and Todd. Maternal grandparents are Jack and Mildred Clarke of Tucson, Ariz. Irene LaRock of Des Plaines, 111. is the paternal grandmother. Edward and Barbara Miller, 5510 Harts road, Rihgwood, announce the birth of their second daughter, Janet Marie. The 8 lbs. 1 oz. infant was bom Oct. 27 in Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Woodstock. She has a 17-month-old sister, Erin Susan. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blum of Dixon are the maternal grandparents. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Miller of Ringwood. Joseph Francis is the name chosen by Michael and Nancy Daurio, Box 15, Ringwood for their third child. He was born Oct. 28 at McHenry hospital and weighed 7 lbs., 9 oz. He was eagerly awaited at home by Michelle and Mickey. Dolores White of McHenry is the maternal grand­ mother. Paternal grand­ parents are James and Mary Daurio of McHenry. Among recent births recorded at Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Woodstock, was the Oct. 31 birth of a girl to Mr. and Mrs. David Robel of McHenry and the Nov. I birth of a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mathews of Wonder Lake. Clipped Wings Slate Meeting The O'Hare chapter of Clipped Wings will hold its monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 13, at the home of Pat Tanner, 35 Red Haw lane, Lake Zurich. The chapter will hold a silent auction for the November Founders day meeting. Auction items are to be placed in a brown paper bag. Members or prospective members planning to attend the meeting are asked to please call Carol James at 312-658-6686. Clipped Wings is a social a n d p h i l a n t h r o p i c organization open to all present and past flight at­ tendants of Capital and United Airlines. For further information about the O'Hare chapter, prospective members may call Diana Damalas at 312-359-5565. PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. NOV EMBER ». I960 To Your Health A Service of McH&nry Hospital Dog-hikers While out for his Sunday drive the motorist noticed a young lad seemingly running from six large canines. "Looks like you could use a ride," said the driver. "Hey, thanks a lot," replied the youngster. "Most people won't stop and give me a ride because I've got all these dogs with me." By Marion Olsen Health Reporter The interest in diabetic testing is being borne out this month with the large response to announcements of diabetic testing at McHenry hospital and other health facilities in the county. People now realize that one can live with diabetes once it is discovered and treatment is initiated. The American Medical association says that diabetics can be athletes, too. According to the AMA, sports can be a part of a diabetic's life as long as he plans ahead. When diabetic athletes increase their physical activity, either more food or less insulin will be required. Diabetic athletes must guard against low blood sugar (insulin reaction). They are advised to eat foods which contain starch or protein that is slowly ab­ sorbed and provides glucose over a prolonged period. Low blood sugar can be immediately corrected with foods that provide rapidly absorbed simple sugar (honey, fruit juice, etc.), according to the AMA. Many athletes with diabetes have learned that regular exercise provides the extra bonus of aiding control of blood sugar. The AMA has a pamphlet for insulin-dependent young people, their parents and coaches. It explains the nature of diabetes, the physiology of exercise, how exercise affects diabetics, and how young diabetics should prepare for sports. Copies of the pamphlet may be ordered from Order D e p a r t m e n t * O P - 0 8 4 , A m e r i c a n M e d i c a l Association, P.O. Box 821, Monroe. Wis., 53566. HOSPITAL NOTES MCHENRY Admissions: Florence M o e r s c h b a e c h e r o f McHenry; Dolores Celusta and James Borre, both of Richmond. WOODSTOCK A d m i s s i o n s : D e n n i s Russell, Mrs. Mary Killar , Master Erik Thompson, Scott Valentin, Thomas Harford and Victor Justes, all of McHenry; Baby Jarret Graff of Wonder Lake; Clayton Bruce and Mrs. Anna Lundell, both of R i n g w o o d ; C h a r l e s Eldredge of Richmond; and Mrs. Arline Pearson of Greenwood. HARVARD Admission: Maria Alvarez of McHenry u> register- \jptu- t,xpaU£ M. Our feo&u ttgCsu-u 0 hokwQ jcuruMxi to Strvma c jUiht | i Join McHenry Savings 1981 Christmas Club! We'll Give You a Christmas Tree Ornament Free! Now s the time to get ready for next Christmas and all its expenses. Join our 1981 Christmas Club now to be sure of having sufficient funds. You'll be earning 5'/»#/0 interest AND you'll receive as a gift one of our handsome sculptured tree ornaments. Our sup plies are limited, so come in while our selection is complete With all this going for you at McHENRY SAVINGS, why go anywhere else' Hi mm M * M IkL Jm « , M c H E N R Y 4 S A V I N G S I I >••• IIMMKIl; McHenry Savings W tND lOtM tllOCItllON W 1209 North Green Street McHenry BIS 385 3000 'OW0 Str«-«-» H • fci'j f,?>; /V.' U j - l l ) ' / < M » r i | i e t C « - ' : t « - r •»' 4/, M i', SAVIIS HOUffS t 00 • m to 4 M p m Mondoy T ootdoy fhwr»4«jr 1 00 • » t© I 0C p m 9 f 00 • m »© I 00 p m i«ftfrdoy McMonry OHum Drtv* In opor V1m4*m%4my t 00 • « to 2 00 p m Ciotoid WodnOftdOf m Richmond mnd »© f»C0 000 by v V. • u *» '» • • i- faJ-kuy Mop/e Iff/to ry ftcfJt

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