Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Nov 1980, p. 3

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i l T I I I M I I I I I I I | | b /"» . • p.m.--n Community * follows ^ « Mrlli Calendar American Legion hall, 5:30 m.-meeting ai Oak Room NOVEMBER 14 Edgebrook school Book Fair--in the cafeteria- Friday morning. -- NOVEMBER 15 Valley View school- Autumnfest-11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.-at the school. LCWC Christmas Bazaar- Town Hall, Spring Grove-10 a.m to 4 p.m. Annual Bazaar & Roast Beef dinner--Ringwood United Methodist church- bazaar, 3 p.m.-dinner, 5, 6 and 7 p.m. Checkerboard Squares dance-7:45 to 10:30 p.m.- Carestoel Care center. Senior Citizens of Meet and Eat-Christmas bazaar- bake sale-Moose Lodge, McHenry-10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Spaghetti Dinner & Bake Sale-Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake- serving, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. NOVEMBER 16 American Legion Post 491- -annual Fall party, 3 p.m.- Legion hall--everyone welcome. NOVEMBER 17 THEOS-Snug Harbor, 5:30 p.m.-then to church for fellowship. Valley View Girl Scouts- Service Team meeting, 9:30 a.m.-Barb Martin's house. NOVEMBER 17-18-19 Shop and Share program- St. John the Baptist Home and School assn. Shop and Share program- United Methodist church women. NOVEMBER 18 McHenry Lodge 158 AF&AM-Stated meeting, 8 p.m. Whispering Oaks Garden club-meeting, 1 p.m. NOVEMBER 19 , Junior class Fashion show- -Johnsburg high school, 7:30 p.m. Whispering Oaks Women's club-meeting, 1 p.m. Fox Ridge Women's club- regular monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Shepherd of the Hills church-cookie ex­ change. Newcomers club-monthly morning coffee-Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, McHenry~9:30 a.m.-visitors welcome-babysitting available. NOVEMBER 20 United Methodist Women- General meeting, 7:30 p.m. Separated & Divorced Catholics-general meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Montini Middle school. C.D.ofA.-regular monthly meeting-K. of C. hall, 7:30 p.m. Valley View Girl Scouts- Neighborhood meeting, 9:30 a.m.-St. Patrick's church hall. McHenry Senior Citizens- B o w l i n g , M c H e n r y Recreation~9 Pin, no tap and red pin, 2 p.m. NOVEMBER 21 St. Margaret Chapter of N A I M - - F i s h d i n n e r , McHenry Senior Citizens- b o w l i n g , M c H e n r y Recreation-Turkey Pot, 12:30 p.m. - NOVEMBER 22 McHenry Senior Citizens- Bus trip to Holiday Folk Fair in Milwaukee-Bus leaves Savings & Loan, 1 p.m. NOVEMBER 23 C . D . o f A . - - M a s s f o r deceased members-Chrit the King church at noon. Meeting and installation of Ladies Auxiliary-Polish Legion of American veterans-American Legion Post 491 home, 3 p.m. NOVEMBER 24 McHenry Senior Citizens- West Campus, 7 p.m.-Art Director, Alf Heggeland. McHenry Woman's club- B o a r d m e e t i n g , 1 0 a . m - McHenry Public Library. St. Patrick's Ladies Guild- -Board meeting, 1 p.m - McHenry Public library. NOVEMBER 25 McHenry Chapter 547, O.E.S.-Masonic hall, 8 p.m - -Stated meeting. McHenry Senior Citizens- B o w l i n g , M c H e n r y Recreation-Turkey Pot, 9:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. NOVEMBER 30 Separated and Divorced Catholics-Thanksgiving dinner-3 to 5 p.m.-St. Patrick's parish hall. DECEMBER 1 St. Patrick's Ladies Guild- -members' potluck lun­ cheon, 12:30 p.m.-in church hall. McHenry Senior Citizens- B o a r d m e e t i n g , 1 0 a . m - McHenry Public library. DECEMBER 4 Separated and Divorced Catholics-general meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Montini Middle school. DECEMBER 6 Holiday Bazaar-St. Paul's Episcopal church--9 a.m. to 4 p.m. DECEMBER 6-7 McHenry Choral Club Chirstmas Program-8:15 p . m . - - W e s t C a m p u s Auditorium. DECEMBER 8 McHenry Senior Citizens- annual Christmas Dinner- West Campus, 6:30 p.m. DECEMBER 11 St. Clara Court 659- Mother-Daughter Christmas potluck-6 p.m. DECEMBER 14 Separated and Divorced Catholics-Children's C h r i s t m a s p a r t y - - S t . Patrick's hall-2 to 4 p.m.~ volunteers contact Tom Breen, 385-9077. DECEMBER 18 Separated and Divorced Catholics-General meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Montini Middle school. Definition An optimist is a bride­ groom who thinks he has no bad habits. -Scood, Winter Harbor. SURVIVAL FOOD RESERVES Howard Ruff recommended in his No. 1 Best Seller "How To Prosper In The Coming Bad Years . shortages Cm Happen ACT NOW Gail's Health Services is a distributor for the Ruff recommended Food Reserve & affiliated with Martin's Health & Survival, Inc. Free Information--AC! TODAYI Gail's Health Strtlcts 115 S. Main St., Wauconda, III Hrs. M-F-9-5 (312)526-8332 WlMMm MODELS SOKE WITH tpwrnUYURl OPTION TO WJY| •RENT OPTIONS •SALT DELIVERY •SALT SALE Service All Makes 385-3093 3H7 CHAPEL Ml ROAD MdKMY, ILL. Remembering When JOSIE SMITH (with long time subscribers) A road construction worker for many years, Josie Smith was born on a farm near Griswold Lake, south of McHenry. He recalled coming to McHenry in the early days on unpaved roads and paths that were just wide enough for one vehicle. These dirt roads wove through the area known as Mineral Springs. He noted that when vehicles traveling in opposite directions met on one of these roads, both would be forced to run half-way into the ditch in order to pass. He also remembered a sign that hung near a building as one rode into or out of McHenry. The sign, as one entered the City, read, "First Chance." On the flip side of the tavern sign, it read "Last Chance" (for a beer). Josie attended grade school in a small schoolhouse that was located on River road in the Emerald park area. The land where the building stood was donated by his father. The farm where Josie was born has since been reclaimed by the trees and is known as Moraine Hills State park. Josie noted, with a grin, that on a field trip to the park, some teachers thought Josie's grandson was kidding when he told them his grandfather was born on that land. (With this tribute to a long time subscriber, the Plaindealer series, Remembering When, which started in August of 1979 and continued on a weekly basis, will come to a conclusion as a regular feature. However, if names are submitted for inclusion, the column may return on an occasional basis). PAGE 3-PLAINDEALER- FRIDAY. NOVEMBF.K 14.1JW0 Park Ridge. She has two sisters; Amy, age 7 and 5 year-old Julie. Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dritlein of Park Ridge and Mr and M r s . G e o r g e L e t z t e r o f McHenry. Ryan Scott Swikle was welcomed to the world on Wednesday, Oct. 29 The son of Mr. and Mrs. Randy Swikle, 816 Florence, McHenry. was born at 9:55 a.m., in Good Shepherd hospital, Barrington. He stretched the ruler to 211 a inches and weighed 8 pounds The infant's three y e a r o l d s i s t e r , J e n n i f e r Marie, visited her brother at the hospital and gave him a hearty welcome home /'iWaternal grandparents are Mrs Angela Kiehl of Belleville, 111 and the late Benjamin Kiehl Paternal grandparents are Mr. and M r s . C h a r l e s S w i k l e o f Kankakee. Ill Among births recently r e c o r d e d a t M e m o r i a l h o s p i t a l f o r M c H e n r y county, Woodstock is the Nov. 11 birth of a girl to Mr and Mrs Scott (iriffing of Wonder Uike PTO Members Present Holiday-Christmas Bazaar On Saturday, Nov. 22, at James C. Bush Elementary school gymnasium, from 9 a.m. to 5p.m., the Johnsburg Parent-Teacher's organization of School District No. 12 will sponsor a Holiday-Christmas Bazaar. Usually a part of Break­ fast with Santa, held in December, this bazaar, due to the enthusiastic response to last year's items, has been enlarged as a new fund- raising project of the P.T.O., as well as being included again this year with the Breakfast. The theme for the bazaar w i l l e x t e n d f r o m Thanksgiving through the New Year. The timing - the S a t u r d a y b e f o r e Thanksgiving ~ will enable v i s i t o r s t o p i t t - c h a s e a t ­ tractive Fall, harvest centerpieces and bcikery goods for their own Thanksgiving table or to bring along as a gift for the dinner table of others; as well as being able to pur­ chase items for Christmas and Christmas decorating. This project has been a community affair. Many parents contributed their time and others were busy cleaning closets and drawers, searching for odds and ends and bric-a-brac to make bazaar items. Notices were sent home to parents in September asking for such things as sequins, yarn, material, straw flowers, etc. Every Wed­ nesday since then, mothers have met to work on hand­ made ornaments. Others spent many hours during the week and on weekends making various centerpieces and holiday decorations. Some of the different areas featured as part of the bazaar will be: Trash and Treasures, where trinkets and 'white elephants' may b e p u r c h a s e d ; A r t s a n d Crafts, including knitted and crocheted items, handmade flowers and plaques, wreaths and centerpieces; Thanksgiving Bounty, where Fall and harvest-type centerpieces, decorations and wallhangings will be available. Also, A Bake Sale, which will include not only the availability of whole baked items, but also the purchase of pieces of cake and-or bars and cookies with a cup of coffee, milk, or juice, for those who wish to relax for a few minutes in the cafeteria; Three Christmas Trees, filled with handmade or­ naments - some made by the students of Bush School; Live Plants, with or without Fall and holiday decorations; and Jellies, made by the Junior High Home Economics classes. In addition, there will be a s e c t i o n e s p e c i a l l y f o r children, including a penny candy store, a table where children may purchase reasonably priced gifts for mom, dad, brothers, sisters and others; and a chance to guess How Much is in The •Fish Bowl. It is hoped that people will stop and visit the bazaar as they are out to vote. Voting will take place for all citizens of District 12, Saturday, Nov. 22, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., at James C Bush school, on a referen­ d u m f o r e n e r g y a n d education. HOSPITAL NOTES WOODSTOCK A d m i s s i o n s : M r s . Deborah Acred, Mrs. M i c h e l l e D i e r k e r , M r s . Lesley Curran and Master S h a w n D i e d r i c h , a l l o f M c H e n r y ; M r s . M a r i e Henne of Ringwood. BIBLE VERSE "All things therefore whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, even so do ye also unto them 1. Who was the author of this saying? 2. By what name is it known? 3. Of what discourse is it a part? 4. Where may it be found? Antwtrt to Bible Vtrtt 1. Jesus. 2. The Golden Rule. 3. The Sermon on the Mount. 4. Matthew 7:12. James Edward Erickson, Jr. is the name chosen by James and Theresa Erickson, 112 S. Lake Shore drive, McHenry, for their first son. The 6 lbs., 151? oz. baby boy, born Nov. 7 in McHenry hospital, was welcomed home by his sister, Mandy. Karen Maras is the maternal grandmother and the paternal grandmother is Rita Christensen. Both at of McHenry ,f Steven and Carw Drake 4 9 0 4 W . O r c h a r d d r i v < McHenry, announce thex birth of their first son, Steven Erbin. The infant was born Nov. 9, in McHenry hospital, weighed 8 lbs., 14 oz. and measured 19M* inches long. His 34-year-old sister, Melissa, eagerly awaited him at home. The maternal grand­ mother is Mrs. Dorothy Erbin of McHenry. Mrs. Anne Drake of Woodstock is the paternal grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Dritlein, 1316 Wayne drive, Des Plaines became parents of an 8 lbs., 34 oz. girl on Oct. 29 Beth Erin was born in Lutheran General hospital, Golden Gleams The man of true greatness never loses his child's heart. -Mencius. The McHenry Plaindealer Ml} W«1 llm SlrM* (UtPI Ml MM) ItiablUh** ltTI McHanry llllnslt Wion.lll Ml PuMI»h»4 (vary W»4n«4ay • Friday at McHanry Illinois Ikor%4 Cla» Poilif* Paid tl McHanry llllnon •y McHINtY PUBLISHING COMPANY POtTMASTIR: aMtm ch«n|n M McHanry Plalndaalar Mil W llm II McHanry llllnall MOM SubxrlfeaM ara raquattad la gravida Immadlata nallca ol <hanf* ol mddimtt la Tha McHanry Ptalntoalac Mil W llm tl McHanry III MOM A dadurilon ol ana manth tram tha aiplrallan al a •wburlpllan will ba mada mrhara a changa al addran la pravldad Itirovfk lha Pa»l OHlca dapartmanl Larry K. Lund-Publiihvr \ »M»r»m 1 AdoU Fro«lich Editor NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION There would be no great ones if there were no little ones. -George Herbert. SUBSCRIPTION RATES 111 M In McHenry Cewely Outside McHenry County A CHRISTMAS GIFT OF LOVE •A Gift Only You Con Give •For those Special Parents •A Gift that will be Treasured CHRISTMAS DEADLINES QUICKLY APPROACHING \ 'ho t o g p. n i t i r McHenry Country Club's LATE MENU EVERY FRIDAY AMD SATURDAY EVENING FROM 10 to 12 DANCE TO LIVE MUSIC Open to the Publ ic Branch Every Sunday 10-2 Fish Fry every Friday Night MCHENRY COUNTRY CLUB 820 N. JOHN STREET - McHENRY Anuttirraury (Eljriatmaa (!Djmi Hmtfir 3814 W. MAIN ST. 385-0093 McHENRY SEE... HUEMANN WATER CONDITIONING (DIV. OF HIX1UNII WATER MFC.. INC.) For an ENVIRONMENTAL BREAKTHROUGH!! 11 Minute Regeneration 9 Gallons of Water 1 Pound of Salt ' Here is the first ol a new generation ot water conditioners tx»lt arouna a teen notogical discovery in trie ion exchange process It compines super reaction speeds a pressure pockea Pea (pater it pending) and clean water regeneration to achieve remarkaoie process efficiency Moreover it uses uu electricity Ifie unit provides ciean soft water orout «j tfie clock and regerierates only on dei i *j: .a , Tms con ipleteiy automate total den and system is our answer to the ' serious er iergy ond ecological problems we face today It car i Pe yours too1 ULTM-KINETICO I® i VACUUM CLEANER FALL TUNE-UP Eureka-Hoover SPECIAL OFFER-LIMITED TIME NOVEMBER 14-21 • Inspect & Clean Vacuum • Lubricate Bearings & Wheels • Check Cord & Switch £ • Replace Drive Belt ^ • Replace Disposable Bag LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. FRONT (S. RTE. 31) McHENRY, ILL. 385-0882 UUlAy Come Spend An Old Fashioned Christmas With Us SUN. NOV. 16 lO AM - 5 PM Stop in and have your picture taken with Santa!!! C fi & stems II OV\ I K MIOI* X (iKIl NIK II si RESTAURANT ft APPAREL 3301 W cLM SFREfcT MCHENKY 385-4747

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