Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Nov 1980, p. 12

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PAGE 13-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 19 !»#• MOP WANTED EXPERIENCED DRIVER SALESMAN \ Apply in Person 1407 North Drive McHenry, II. WANTED Illinois qualified speech pathologist for Saturday AM program. Salary negotiable. Call R.D. Bright Sr. Superintendent 815-648-2886 BAKER WANTED EXPERIENCED ONLY 815-385-0044 RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP GENERAL OFFICE PERSON To do light typing, receptionist and filing. 815-344-4420 An equal opportunity employer II 1911 21 YOUTH ADVOCATE Full time position for an individual to work with 8 to 10 youths in small group recreational ac­ tivities. Youth are 7 to 18 years of age and are experiencing difficulties. Minimum 2 years of college level work. Car required. Involves after­ noon arttl evening hours. Call Denis Morimoto Family Care Services off Lake A McHenry Ceaatios 312-949-1700 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. n/i9 r DRAFTSMAN SHEET METHL Rapidly growing manufacturer of industrial ovens needs draftsman with three to five years sheet metal experience. We offer top salary and ex­ cellent company paid benefits. Modern new plant. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT D.V. GRIEVE 312-546-8225 THE GRIEVE CORPORATION Round Lake, Illinois HELP WANTED Experienced Paste-Up Artist Part Time Responsible for page make-up, photo typesetting and Advertising paste-Up. Good typing a must. Apply in person at the McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry No Phone Calls, Please BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Gearmaster, a division of Emerson Electric, is currently seeking an individual for the following position. PRODUCTION CONTROL CLERK Great entry level opportunity for person with good figure ap­ titude, and an eye for detail. We will train you for the necessary skills. We offer good starting salaries and com­ plete company benefits. Please contact Industrial Relations Department. Oearmaster G F A R M A S T E R Division of Emerson Electric 1809 S. Rte. 31 McHenry, II. 815-385-7020 equal opportunity employer M/F ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE We need an'aggressive sales oriented per­ son to work for McHenry County's largest newspaper group, selling display adver­ tising. Join a growing newspaper calling on established and new accounts, while receiving salary, commission, auto expen­ se, paid vacation, hospitalization. Send Resume or Come In and fill out an application at McHenry Plaindealer , 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Mtl» HMNTtO Mature and reliable babysitter needed im­ mediately 815-385-7147. 11- 19-11-21C LA MARQUE & COMPANY, is expanding operations to this area. Several good career opportunities available. $270-1490 per week. Prefer recent high school graduates. Part time considered for some positions. For interview appointment, call Mr. Reyes, 312-695-3237. ll-5tfc Handyman will do odd job6 for you. Carpentry, painting, etc. Reasonable. Call 385- 8294. 11-19-11-21C COPPERCRAFT GUILD is now hiring. Earn extra money for Christmas. Will train. Call Bev. 312-546-0845 or Beth 312-587-1767 11-12-11- 21c COOK, 32 hours week. Call after 4 Wednesday thru Sunday 815-385-9855 11-19-11- 21c FOII RENT FOR RENT FOR SALE MOTOR ROUTE DRIVER To deliver Chicago Sun Times 7 days a week 2'/j hours a day 815-344-3885 NATIONAL COMPANY Immediate openings available. Students con­ sidered. Can earn part time $120. per week. Full time $1,440. per month. Mr Nowak ̂• 4-620-6653 MACHINE OPERATORS SILK SCREENERS for loose leaf bindery 815-344^420 An equal opportunity employer 11/19 11 21 CATV Individuals with trucks or vans for various cable TV work. Pole ex­ perience and equip, helpful. 312-587-7078 after 9 P.M. 11/1411/19 PERSON Needed to run scale at a gravel pit. Call 815-38541239 • ELECTRONIC ENGINEER * ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN Fast growing, aggressive, technology leader has openings available for qualified people in either position. Digital or linear background. Eagle Test Systems, Inc. 1353 Armour Blvd. (Rte. 60 & Butterf ield Mundelein, Illinois 312-367-8282 ">1-12/11-19 NIGHT FINISHER Monday thru Friday 12:00 am to 7:00 am Apply in Person Ounkin Donot 4504 W. Elm St McHwrj, II. „ 3 BEDROOM HOUSE on one plus acres with fireplace and family room. 24 car garage with workshop. Johnsburg School $475 month. Security deposit and references required. Phone 815-459-4700 weekdays - 312-639-3155. 11- 19-U-21C WAREHOUSE OR FAC­ TORY space from 5,000 to 15,000 ft. 815-385-1079 ll-5tfc WONDER LAKE-1 bedroom remodeled $225. month. 2 bedroom remodeled $275. month, 3 bedroom Cape Cod $300. month, also newer 2 bedroom $330 month, 3 bedroom $375. month. Century 21 Choice Realty, Ruby or Pat 815-653-2211 11- 19-11-28C 2 BEDROOM HOUSE $290 month plus security deposit. Own utilities. 815-385-7879 or 815-344-3076 after 6pm. 11-19- ll-21c Whispering Point office rentals, $64.00 per month. Immediate occupancy. Call 815-385-5577 ll-19tfc LOVELY 3 bedroom ranch with full basement, large fenced in wooded yard with attached 14 car garage. Available immediately $375. month. Letizia Financial Call 815-728-0404 or 815-653- 9653 11-19-11-21C 3 bedroom house with full basement, in Wonder Lake, nice wooded lot, 14 car garage $350. per month. Call John C. Letizia, realtor, at work. 815-728-0404 or home 815-344-4473 11-19-11-21C NEW COUNTRY HOME, 4 bedrooms, 24 baths, 2 car garage, living room, dining room, family room with fireplace $700. per month, security deposit and references required 815-344- 1115 or 312-587-9544 11-19-11- 21c COUNTRY APARTMENT McHENRY, Living room, 2 bedrooms, 1 large bath, eat in kitchen $350. per month, utilities included security deposit and references required, no children or pets. 344-1115. 11-19-11-21C AVAILABLE DEC. 1ST 1 MONTH SECURITY DEPOSIT LAKELAND PARK 3 bedroom, newly decorated ranch. $360. month plus utilities. VACATION VILLAGE FOX LAKE 1 bedroom furnished condo WONDER LAKE 3 bedrooms with basement $325. per month. 815-385-7049 after 6 p.m. W O N D E R L A K E - LAKEFRONT December 15 • May is, 2 bedrooms and Family room $300.00. Security and references. 312- 998-5882 between 4 & 9 pm. 11-14-11-26C 2 BEDROOM APART­ MENT, carpeted, stove, refrigerator, no children, no pets. $295. references, lease, deposit required. 815-385- 7065 n-5tfc ROOM FOR RENT7 call anytime. 815-344-0962 ll-5tfc FOR RENT BUILDING, 2,000 sq. ft., center of McHenry . 815-385-3683 11- 5tfe O N E A P A R T M E N T AVAILABLE, Ideal for retired, semi-retired or middle aged, in city of McHenry. Two bedrooms,, dining room, kit­ chen and 14 baths, $375. 815- 344-1632 or 815-385-6566 11- 5tfc FOR RENT, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, with pool. 815- 385-9289 or 312-775-7000 11- 5tfc IN TOWN, NICE 1st floor 2 bedroom apartment, heat furnished. Ideal for older couple or single $330. per month. Also 1 bedroom apts available $240. per month plus heat. No pets 385-2352 or 344-1034 ll-19tf New 3 bedroom house, city of McHenry, 24 car garage, 2 baths, family room, damage deposit, lease, references, no pets $395. per month. 815-385- 2299 11-19-11-21C IN McHENRY, house for rent, immediate occupancy 312-587-0758 11-19-11-21C Female to share 7 room home in McCullom Lake. Own transportation, reasonable. Must be of legal age, but age no barrier. Prefer retired or semi- retired older lady. 815-385- 2193 after 2 p.m. ll-19-ll-21c FOR RENT, WATER­ FRONT deluxe one bedroom apartment, carpeting, stove, refrigerator, adults, no pets. 815-385-3493 ll-19tfc WONDER LAKE, 3 bedroom house with garage, near beach, one month security deposit, no pets. Call after t:30 p.m. 815-653-5381 11-19- 11-21C 1 4 2 K M M M A P A R 1 M E K T S Available Now Close to shopping center, within walking distance. 704 Logan. Cooney Heights McHenry NEW APARTMENTS Ready for leasing on Rt 31 CHAR-MAR APTS. Call between 9:00 am 8 4:00 pm 815 385 5965 aBer 5:00 pm 815-385-9019 - * RENT-IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY-RENT New, 3 bedroom homes in McHenry and Lake Counties FREE Micro Wave oven to new renters "AFFORDABLE HOMES" Call Sat. & Sun. 815-344-3370 Call Sat. & Sun. for appointment Hrs. 10-5 Model Open Weekends If no answer 312-356 3383 FOR RENT * V Business Zoned-6 room house and large screened-in rear porch-2400 square feet-2 baths and central air. Ideal for professional offices. In ad- dition-2 story 3100 square foot barn- plus 2 car garage. Located on busy Illinois Route 31. Plenty of parking and immediate occupancy. For com­ plete details, please call Mr. lia Marinangel 385-3000 3 BEDROOM RANCH, a p p l i a n c e s , . a t t a c h e d garage. Near McHenry $375 month. Lease no dogs. 815- 344-1375. 11-19-11-21C 4 Room upstairs apartment, Hebron $195.00, plus utilities. 815-338-3838. 11-19-U-21C 5 ROOM, 2 BEDROOMS, garage, McCullom Lake, $300 plus security deposit, references Century 21 Lake Region Realty. 815-344-1122. ll-19tfc PETS WELCOME, 3-4 bedroom log cabin cathedral ceiling, stone fireplace $355 per month, prefer 2 or 3 single guys. 312-478-8442. 11- 19-11-21C ROOM FOR LIVING for mature responsible working people. Kitchen privileges, cable T V. terminal in all rooms. $40 week. 385-6633. 11-19-11-28C CRYSTAL LAKE, 3-4 bedrooms, basement, garage, Centrally located $450.00 per month 815-459- 7869 or 459-2097. 11-19-1 l-21c SUPER CONDO, two bedrooms, lVfe baths, all electric, insulated, no pets $310.00. (sell 10 per cent down) 815-385-0169. 11-19-11- 21c 3 room furnished apartment, utilities included, homey atmosphere, prefer single working person, no pets, security deposit required 815-675-2127. 11-19-11-28C One bedroom apartment, in city of McHenry, one block from Green St., $200 per month plus utilities. 1-675- 2092. 11-19-11-21C SOLON MILLS-2 bedroom duplex, newly decorated, New carpeting and paneling, nice large yard with garage plus parking facilities. $290 m o n t h . B a r r i n g t o n Properties. 312-382-1020. 11- 191121c F E M A L E R O O M A T E NEEDED to share 2~ bedroom ranch in Foxridge Subdivision. For more in­ formation Call after 4 pm. 815-344-1792. 11-19-11-21C W A N T E D : M A T U R E WOMAN to share house. Call 815-385-7861 after 6 pm. 11- 19-ll-21c ROOM FOR RENT with kitchen privileges. Private home. 815-344-1193. 11-19-11- 21c VFW CLUBHOUSE and hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9 a.m. to 12 weekdays or after 6 p.m. ll-5tfc L I G H T I N D U S T R I A L SPACE, new opening in areas of 1200 to 15,000 sq. ft. Immediate occupancy. 815- 678-2861 ll-5tfc F I R E P L A C E S , A L L BRANDS. Installation and or masonry available. Call Quality Fireplaces 815-385- 7478 ll-12tfc SOUTHWIND MOTORHOME, 25 ft. 1978, sleeps 6, generator, air conditioned, l 1,000 miles $11,900,815-385-7065. 11-12- U-28C WURLITZER FUNMAKER ORGAN 3 keyboards, rhyth­ ms, chimes, instruction books, built in cassette player, earphones, books and more $800. 815-653-7916 U-19-ll-21c White Provencial double dresser with mirror, twin bed, desk and chair, sold as set only; steel belted radial snow tires BR 78-13 on Pinto rims, used only 3 months. Call after 3 pm 815-385-8771 11-19-11-21C 38 Gallons and 23 Quarts of Spred Satin paint, various colors $110.; 6-35 foot rolls of fiberglass pipe wrap $7.50; twelve l'V'xir exterior doors, brass weather strip kits- $10. 385-3122 11-19-11- 21c SUBLEASE McHENRY, Two bedroom, 1M> bath, dishwasher, disposal and carpet. Available now. Call 815-344-3171. ll-12tfc Two bedroom apartment, McHenry, ready now, fully c a r p e t e d , s t o v e , refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal and air conditioner, children accepted. 815-385- 2181. ll-12tfc HOUSE ~ FOR RENT Wonder Lake, 1 bedroom, furnished $350.00 month, utilities included. Call 728- 0876 ll-12tfc 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, 1 car garage, located only one block from East Campus and public library, References and security deposit required. Phone 815-385-3007. 11-12-11-21C COUNTRY CLUB STABLE, large indoor arena, stall board $100.00 month, pasture board $75.00 month. 815-338- 1377. 11-5-1 l-28c F U R N I S H E D A P A R T MENTS, and sleeping rooms, weekly or monthly rates. Maturc^adults only 815-385-8905 ll-5tfc OFFICE IN McHENRY, good location, air con­ ditioned. All utilities fur­ nished $95. Call 815-385-3490 11-5tfc 1,000 sq. ft of office or retail space, zoned B-l, on Route 120, separate utilities and ample parking 815-338-0777 11-5tfc fOR SALE DINING wrought condition 815-385-6567 11-20 ROOM iron, very SET, good 11-12- ALUMINUM SHED 10x14, 1 yr. old. $200. Call anytime 653-9668 11-19 U-21C PROCESSED COAL for stoves and furnaces. We also sell woodburning stoves. Woodstock Farm & Lawn Center, 2020 South Route 47, 815-338-4200 ll-5tfc FOR SALE Insurance, auto, renters, homeowners, health, mortgage. Jim Smith 312-426-5432, George Kingos, 312-658-8621, Dan Walters, 312-888-4387 11-5--1 l-28c U S E D A P P L I A N C E S , r e c o n d i t i o n e d a n d guaranteed. Come and see our supply Reasonably priced. 815-385 1896 11-14-11- 21c ELOREDGE TREADLE SEWING MACHINE with attachments, solid oak cabinet. 4 drawer, $200. firm 815-305-1221 FALL AND HOLIDAY SAMPLE CLOTHING SALE FOR WOMEN Name brand jeans, blouses, and shirts. Great Savings. Saturday, November 22 1 0 - 4 5306 Amby Lane Pistakee Hills 312-497-3559 CAST IRON RESTAURANT GRILL 18x24 with two burners, Galvanized iron 18x36x12, $10. 815-385-1221 • 815-385-9876 side $25; hood G.E. COMPACT washer and dryer, 2 yrs. old $300 385 1830 11 -19-1 l-21c 55 gallon fiber drums, available at $2.50 each. 815- 344-2660 11-19- 11 21c 6'xl3' white aluminum awning; 20,000 BTU air c o n d i t i o n e r W a r d s ; Jacobsen riding mower; 6 ft. of basket weave fence with posts; 4 double windows; Maytag spin washer & dryer; freezer 15 cubic ft. chest ; 2,000 plus used bricks. 815-338-3293 11-19-11-21C KIMBALL ORGAN two keyboard with many extra features, excellent con­ dition. Ideal gift for Christmas. Call 385-2456 after 5. 11-19-11 21c Sears Craftsman 30" power sweeper for leaves 34 hp excellent condition $125.; car rack $10; weed eater $20^, Zenith 8 track tape player $30; Kodak Etilite movie screen $40; large movie screen $20; Bell & Howell super 8 movie camera with light and case $45; Bell & Howell super 8 movie projector with zoom $50. Call after 5. 815-385-9655 11-19-11- 21c Moving out of state, must sell all furniture this week. 3 pc. parlor set, 2 pc. parlor set with end tables and lamps, 5 pc bedroom set, 3 pc. bedroom set, metal cabinets, 7 mens large size shirts 20" collars, Brand new $1.50 each. Misc. items 815- 385-3337 11-19-11-21C KENMORE SIDE BY SIDE refrigerator freezer, white, 1 yr. old. Paid $450 asking $250,385-6974 11-19 11 21C SURVIVAL FOOD-delicious and nutritious. Dehydrated for storage Wholesale prices. Pro-Vita 815-455-6328 11-19-11^It- two Firestone steel belted Town & Country snow tires, size HR 78-15, one new at $60., one slightly used $35.; one upholstered sleeping couch with backrest pillow $50,815-385-1190 11-19 D E L U X E W H I R P O O L r e f r i g e r a t o r , f r o s t l e s s , icemaker, white, 5 months old $300. 815-344-5175 11-19- 11-21c MUSKOVY DUCKS alive or dressed Also have Mallard ducks. 815-459-5439 11-19 11- 21c Ixively Rattan furniture, 4 section couch, two easy chairs with foot stool, one large coffee table, ail for $200. Phone 815-344 2622 11 - 19 1121C GLASS BRICKS 304" size, 16-8" size $100 complete. Call 815-338-1516 11-19-11-21C WINNEBAGO CAMPER Winterized, has own generator, air cond Com­ plete utilities Ready to go. Sleeps 6. $7,000 Call 815-338- 1516 11-19-11 -21c GREEN RECLINER $50; Twin bed with dresser $150. Call after 5:30815-385-8053. 11-19 11 21c TRAILER 8x4 $400 or best; 70 RT CHALLENGER $1300 or best 815-385-3313. 11-19 11 21c 2 MASONIC PINS. 1 plain 1 with 9 diamonds $200.00 both. 815 385-7954. 11-19-1 l-21c Seasoned oak or Hickory firewood, split, delivered and stacked Oak $50.00, mixed $55.00; Hickory $60.00 face cord 815-385-2067 11-19- 11-21c 2 Snowtires on rims E78-14, came off of Buick 815-385 8072. * 11 19-11-21C FREE FRAME with purchase of (any mattress or box spring) minimum purchase $100. LENNY FINE FURNITURE 230 Virginia Rd. > Crystal Lake 115-455-4550 Country Corner Shopping Center Good Thru m 12-24-1980 ( ^ 48" Packer Bell console, AM FM 8 track, Gerard turntable, $250, 1 year old, excellent condition 815-653- 3411. 11-19-11-21C I I I I I I Firewood for sale $50 face cord. 815 344 4428 or 815 385- 6099 11-19-11 -28c O A K F T R E W 0 O D , seasoned, split, delivered. 815 385-1896 11 19 11 21c 1980 STEREO CASSETTE DECK Sanyo-D62. I>ocking fast forward, rewind counter, memory Dolby system, metal tapes, music select system, excellent condition $250 00. 338-5091 a f t e r 5 : 3 0 p m 1 1 1 9 1 1 2 1 c 2 CEMETERY LOTS with markers McHenry County M e m o r i a l 8 1 5 3 8 5 - 8 9 9 7 1 1 - 19-11-21C 65,000 BTU gas fired forced hot air furnace. Ideal for small bause, addition, garage $tf>. 815-728-0131 11- 7tfc ' 6IYE A PERFECT LASTING > PERSONALIZED GIFT AN ENGRAVED OR SANDCRAFTED RE0W000 FAMILY NAME SIGN "YOUR NATURAL CHOICE" PARKWAY SI6NS 7318 W.Rl. 120-McHtnry ,11. 815-385-0825 * to ji iz w

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