JUST SUOMTir AHKAOOT OURTIMI SA¥I 12.10 12" §||||g|| TibvUiri 91.76 With CasMlto •194.76 Our Reg. 103.94 hj mmA IMIIIAa wWOw Iwtw 19*" MlfAuM « - ' »»-' II/U • li pVETWv •Pt pWiwHllwl W/ w SSildS cwnSL lnJ<Uiw/wMlMT'l'>l">>tU" BOur Reg. 223.67 ̂AftA /BAA |M|ik l^notftOalao WwiwO fwCwIwWw ™ SAVE 20.61 Panasonic® Tolophono Answorlng Service . Just sightly ahead of our just aftflftly ahead of our 127.76 Our Rag. 149.37 25.76 59.76 Ena-fhoM outomuHc tilipliiM onsworlng »y»tom. PouMxwwt r^cofwiRfl Nnwi for unllmltod H »miid or no rocordlng. Soft-touch control button*. Coil cowntof. Powor folUiro IdAcator. Monitor spook or. S way rocordkig wHti hoop tono for convorsattons. Oullt-ln micro- Our Reg. 20.44 Our Reg. 40.74 built-in phono. Ring control. Quick arasuro works ot spood of Cuo and directions, FCC standard modular pht|. No. KX AM/FM digital dock, 24 hour digital tlmor up to 120 minutos, llghtod dock sllda-rulo dial and musk buzxor alarm. No. RC-405 *40 OFF $40 OFF lllwrn Tri h«w plOum Wt. Trtpto Ptw OmmIB, •U. I i in* IM «• u jm •ten* wMk 1% m Im Mil Mtedw.Na.MMIl. SUNDAYS OPEN • • 4 - .