PAGE 17 • PLAINDEALER • WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER M. im H£lf WANTED KM. ESTATE FOR SALE MATURE WOMAN to live in, child care, light housekeeping. Some cooking, private living area. Other cleaning help kept Winter in Florida, summer in Illinois. Must be able to * ive, references required 25. per week. Write P.o >x 160, Barrington, Illinois MO 12-10-12-I9c LA MARQUE & COMPANY, is expanding operations to this area. Several good career opportunities available. $270-1490 per week. Prefer recent high school graduates. Part time considered for some positions. For interview appointment, call Mr Reyes, 312-095-3237. 1Mtfc ACCI FULL CHARGE Must be degreed, accounting major. Minimum of 2 years experience in service type business. Salary Open Phone or send resume to: Mr. Sern 1I10W. Creea St., McHenry, II. tMM •IS-MS-10S0 12/10-12/12 t)' EXPERIENCED STOCK ROOM PARTS PERSON With blue print reading and measuring tool handling capability. Clerical reporting abilities necessary. Call for Interview. 815-459-4200 An equal opportunity employer 12/10-12/12 RN'a OPERATING ROOM EXPERIENCE PREFERRED Full benefits, new pay scale. Contact Personnel Department MCHENRY McHenry Hospital UC1 3516 W. Waukegan Road McHenry, II. HOSPITAL 815-385-2200 Rapidly growing manufacturer of industrial ovens needs draftsman with three to five years sheet metal experience. We offer top salary and ex cellent company paid benefits. Modern new plant. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT D.V. GRIEVE 312-546-8225 THE GRIEVE CORPORRTION Round Lake, Illinois 12/10-12/12 HELP WANTED NIGHT CUSTODIAN McHenry Junior High 3:30 P.M.-11:30 P.M. Monday thru Friday Salary: $9,000. annual. Benefits include: paid holidays, 2 weeks vacation after 1 yearr-paid hospitalization & major medical, paid dental\in- surance, paid life insurance. Applications ma be filed at: \ ) McHenry Jvnior Nigh Scbeol Office 3711 W«st Kant Av< ALL ELECTRIC, 2 bedroom eoado, <39,900. with 5 percent down, interest 9% percent. 344-1183 available now! 12- 10-12-12c 2 bedroom family home at an affordable price, nice quiet streets, lvt car garage and hone warranty protection. $48,500. Century 21 Care 815- 344-1033 12-10-12-12C Super 3 bedroom ranch in immaculate condition. Features family room with fireplace, garage, ther- mopane windows and fenced yard. All for only $56,900. Century 21 Care 815-344-1033 12-10-12-12C WOODED Vi acre buildable improved lot, Johnsburg area, no realtors, $12,000. 344-5469. 12-5-12-19C For Sale, by owner, 8 rooms, with inground pool, on over (me acre of land. William^ Bay, Wisconsin. $80,000. 815-\ 385-8521 12-3-12-12C / FOR RENT FOR RENT SHEET METRL FOR $AL£ COUPON J FREE FRAME j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 12/3H with purchase of (any mattress or box spring) minimum purchase $100. LENNY FINE FURNITURE 230 Virginia Rd. Crystal Lake 815-455-4550 Country Corner Shopping Center Good Thru 12-24-1980 PROCESSED COAL For stoves and furnaces. We also sell wood burning stoves. Woodstock Farm & Lawn Center, 2020 South Route 47. 815-338-4200. 12-3tfc 9" table saw, with staid. Portable Sieger sewieg machine, with attachme- ts, SchwiM one speed hike. After 4 pm 815-385-2254 ' GIVE A PERFECT LASTING > "PERSONALIZED SIFT" AN ENGRAVED OR SANOCRAFTEO REDWOOD FAMILY NAME SIGN "YOUR NATVRAL OUNCE" PARKWAY SIGNS 73IS W.Rt. 120-McHMry,ll. 815-385-0825 12'3-12 12 4 FOR SALE RY OWNER Ranch style house, 3 bdrm, 2'/» car garage, fireplace, new furnace & roof, cable T.V. available, walking distance from river, pier space, located in beautiful subdivision, McHenry Dam area. Asking $45,000. •15-385-7455 815-344-0510 11/26-12/19 FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 bedroom, 7 room ranch, one full bath, family room with fireplace, patio, storage shed, on wooded lot. Johnsburg school district. Mortgage available. Contract purchase at 9Vj % interest, or rent with option to buy. Immediate oc cupancy. $59,800. Call 815-344-1632 or 815-385-6566 12/3(1 fOK SAL£ F I R E P L A C E S , A L L BRANDS. Installation and or masonry available. Call Quality Fireplaces 815-385- 7478. / ^ 12-3tfc WATER SOFTENER SALT Sale, pellet type only, 1st Saturday of every month. Huemann Water Con ditioning. 3607 Chapel Hill Road, Johnsburg 815-385- 3093. 12-3tfc ANTIQUE & OLD FUR- NITURE-3 Dressers $50 each, 3 wood chairs $75, 2 metal beds, armchair $25, metal closet $30, swivel rocker $75, rocker $10, hide- a-bed couch $80,17" color TV $100,2 lamps $25, picture $25, other misc. By appt. only. Call 312-546-7495,7-9 pm. 12- 5-12-12C INTRODUCTORY OFFER: Rent a Quality water sof tener for $3.00 a month for the first 3 months. Free installation. Call collect 815- 338-3344. Quality Water Conditioning. 12-3tfc IRS AND DRYERS RECONDITIONED and guaranteed $60 & up. 815-385- 6431. 12-3tfc FOR SALE, pinball machine. 1975 Bally "Air Aces". Four play with four flippers. $350. or best offer. Will hold for Christmas 815- 385-8688 12-3tfc FIREWOOD, BIRCH SEASONED and delivered $55.00. face cord. 385-6120. 12-5-12-12C WATERBED FOR SALE, Good condition, best offer. 815-344-3875. 12-5-12-17C COUCH-CHAIR, Drexel, Medittereanean, Gold color seperate or together, Sim mons Love Seat, hide-a-bed. Needs upholstering, best offer. 385-8784. 12-5-12-10 XM AS TREES-XMAS TREES-Sheared-Scotch, white & red pines to 20 ft. Cut your own. Any tree $10. Across from Plum Tree Golf Course on Route 14. For information call 815-943-7972 12-3-^2-19c MAKE IT A NAUTICAL CHRISTMAS "Everything for the Boating Enthusiast" Jewelry • Accessories Gift Certificates HANSEN MARINE SERVICE 3112 Wiiecele U. IILIIWH.IL 815-385-3360 CHRISTMAS STABLES: Handcrafted equipped with light and switch $l8.-$30. and kitchen bar stools $7.50 each. 344-1550 12-10-12-12C COMMERCIAL FLOOR SCRUBBER with buffing brush and scrub pad. American brand, good condition, including other misc. cleaning materials. $300.385-49W 12-10-12-12C O A K F I R E W O O D , seasoned, split and delivered $55. face cord. 815- 385-1896 12-3-12-12C USED APPLIANCES, r e c o n d i t i o n e d a n d guaranteed, washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves, dishwashers and freezers, reasonably priced. 815-385-1896 12-3-12-12C Rainbow vacuum cleaner with attachments, take over payments or pay off balance 815-722-6412. 11-14-12-lOc ELECTRIC FIREPLACE, 2 yrs. old, good condition. $150. 815-653-3276 12-10-12-12C KING SIZE BOX SPRING, with extras, very clean, and baby dressing table, like new. 815-344-3895 12-10-12-12c DELUXE Kenmore sewing machine. Stretch and Fancy stitches. In cabinet. $115. cash only. 385-8825 12-10-12- 12c HAMMOND SOUNDER ORGAN, $250 . 385-5785 evenings. 12-10-12-12C All wood, fireplace, stereo, good condition. $100. 815-728- 0579 12-10-12-12C Organ, Thomas playmate with color glow, features complete rhythm section, fancy foot memo chord, ear phone jack and extra speaker plug in. $1000. 815- 385-8678, 12-10-12-19C Commercial type pin ball machines. $225 and up, juke boxes, $375 and up. Must be seen, perfect condition, late models. 815-728-1510 or 815- 653-3431 12-10-12-12c Capehart stereo console, am-fm stereo turntable and 8 track player, excellent condition $150. Dinette set with 6 chairs, excellent condition $125. Call after 6 pm;,815-344-3559 12rl0-12-12c MUSCOVY DUCKS & GEESE, for sale, dressed. 815-459-5439 12-10-12-12C LIONEL TRAINS, and accessories. H.O. Sets, sale price. 815-385-8672 12-10-12- 12c LIKE NEW 78" long black wrought iron railing. Modern chrome chandelier with 5 smoked glass globes. Portable humidifier in ex cellent condition. After 6 pm. 344-1077 12-10-12-12C LANDSCAPE PLUS FARM tractor 5 ft. grader blade. Good for snow removal. 815- 385-2933 12-10-12-12c Canon A-l with 50mm lens, $250., 4 Honeywell slave strobonar 202 with 2 um brellas, 4 stands. $100. everything. 815-568-5689 12- 10-12-12C /\ 6Vfe ft. Artifical Xmas tree, $15., Heathkit stereo receiver $150., turntable $20. 815-678-4141 12-10-12-12C SPINET PIANO, excellent condition, natural black finish, made by Baldwin. $400 or best offer. 815-653- 9622 12-10-12-12C SET OF DISHES, complete service for 8, plus serving pieces, $100.344-5755 12-10- 12-12C GOLF CLUBS, New $99 & $120. Values to $450. Balls, $5. dozen; Umbrellas $5. 815- 728-0177 12-3-12-19C Quasar II 21 inch color good condition $200. 815-385-7292 after 5:30 pm. 12-10-12-lfcc 0-12-lfcc 5C0VY SEARS LADY KENMORE large capacity electric dryer. Fully automatic. Harvest gold, 5 yrs.old. $85. 728-1430 12-10-12-12C HUMIDIFIER, drop leaf table, desk, $45. each. 344- 1183 Old dressers, $10. each. 12-10-12-12C BLACK WROUGHT IRON kitchen set, 4 chairs, and table $40.; early 1900 upright piano $75.; 19" Montgomery Wards black & white TV, bassinet 815-385-6638 12-10- 12-12c 2 swivel rocker chairs, dining room table and 6 chairs, statuary fountain and misc. items. No item over $60.385-4399 12-10-12- 12c NEWELECTRIC SMITH CORONA Coromatic 2200 cartridge system with case, paid $330. asking $200; beautiful platinum color rabbit coat, finger length, paid $220 at Winklemans, worn once asking $85 , coffee color Western fringe jacket from Arizona Sun, size 10, like new $85; new-two large 4 ft. stuffed toys "Big Foot" paid $170, asking $80; and Daisy Giraffe asking $45 815-385-5549 12-10-12-12C For Sale, like new youth large White Stag Bib ski pants size 84, $10; ladies leather boots new, $80, now $30; Royal golf clubs, matched 4 woods, 9 irons $70; 2 pair Rose Beige draperies 150x81, 96x81 $30. Call 815-385-1737 12 10 12 12c ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER, 1 yr. old, used only 1 month. Swiss made Hermes 705, $500. new, $395. or best offer. 385-0055 12-10-12-12C 7V sofa, super condition $75.312-497-4204 12-10-12-12C SITUATION WANTED I will address and stuff envelopes in my home. 815- 385-8442 12-10-12-12C CHILD DAY CARE, in my licensed home, Lakeland Park, McHenry License 540880.815-344-3895 12-10-12- 12c MATURE WOMAN in good health, would like part time work, Will consider babysitting. 385-8089 12-10- 1212c WANTED TO SUV FARM, Some rolling hills and wooded acreage preferred. Will grant life tenancy to present owners. 312-526-7755 12-10-12-12C ORIENTAL RUGS WAN TED, immediate cash paid for rugs, Sarouk, Kashan, Chinese. Call collect 312-884- 6444 anytime. 12-3tfc [V ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED Highest cash price paid for your old rugs. SAROUK, KASHAN, KERMAN, CHINESE, etc. Will travel. Call Collect 312-884-6444 I l/28tf GARACE SALE MOVING SALE, 5003 Monroe Street, Ringwood. Older furniture, sofas, beds, lamps, several pes. oak furn. Many household items. Wed. 10th, thru Fri. 12th. After 4:30 Sat. and Sun. all day. 815-653-9000 12-10-12-12C I M M E D I A T E O C CUPANCY, 3 bedrooms, 2 car garage, kitchen ap pliances, lots of cabinets $350. per month, security deposit. 815-455-5797 12-10-12- 12c Wonder Lake, 1 bedroom house, $185. per month. 815- 344-1183 12-10-12-12C 968 SQ. FT. OFFICE or retail space, Rte. 120 fron tage, paved parking and central air. $350.per month. 385-1344 12-10-12-19C FOR RENT OR RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY,g new 3 bedroom home, ll2 baths, full basement, 2 car attached garage, sliding glass door to deck, large lot on dead end street, no pets. Ask for Rita, ERA-RDG Realty 815-385-9394 12-5tfc ROOM FOR RENT- McHenry, call anytime. 815- 385-0962 12-10tfc One bedroom apartment in Ringwood at 5021 Barnard Mill Road 815-338-8466 or 815- 338-7062 12-10-12-12C t SUBLEASE, MCHENRY, two bedroom, 14 bath, dish washer, disposal and carpet. Available now. Call 815-385- 2181 l2-3tfc FURNISHED APART MENTS, and sleeping rooms, weekly or monthly rates. Mature adults only. 815-385-8905 12-3tfc 4,500 sq. ft. cold storage, Ringwood area. Call Bill 815- 385-2639 12-3-12-31C LOVELY 3 bedroom ranch with full basement, large fenced in wooded yard with attached 14 car garage. Available immediately $375. month. Letizia Financial. Call 815-728-0404. 12-3-12-12C For Rent, 1 & 2 bedroom apartment with pool 815-385- 9289 or 312-775-7000 12-3tfc HOUSE FOR RENT: 3 bedrooms, full basement. Sunrise Ridge area of Wonder Lake. Beach privileges. $325. per month, immediate occupancy. Call 312-991-3105 12-3-12-31C McHENRY OFFICE, new carpet, air conditioned, includes all utilities. $105. Call 815-385-3490 12-3tfc 1 bedroom apartment, air conditioned, includes heat, stove and refrigerator. $215. Call 815-385-3490 12-10-12-12C New, super insulated, 3 bedrooms, McHenry. Family room, 24 car garage, patio, references, deposit, no pets. $350. 815- 385-2299 12-10-12-12C 6 ROOM APARTMENT for rent in West Shore Beach, no pets. Call after 6 pm. 815-385- 7852 12-10-12-12C House for rent in McHemty, available now. 312-587-0758 12-10-12-19C WONDER LAKE, 3 bedroom house, side drive, garage, woodburning fireplace, near beach, one month security deposit, no pets. Call after 6:30 pm. 815-653-5381 12-10- 1212c Large 5 room 2 bedroom apartment in city of McHenry, all appliances and carpeting included $375.00. Available January 1st. 815- 344 1632,815-385-6566. 12-5tfc NEWLY REMODELED, 2 bedroom home with ap pliances, in Lakemoor, adults preferred $325.00 month. Contact Bill at 344- 1092. 12-5-12-10 TWO BEDROOM APART MENT, McHenry, ready now, fully carpeted, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal and air conditioner, children accepted. 815-385- 2181 12-3tfc L I G H T I N D U S T R I A L SPACE, new opening in areas of 1200 to 15,000 sq. ft. immediate occupancy. 815- 678-2861 12-3tfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400 Call 815-385-9860 from 9 am to 12 weekdays or after 6 pm. 12-3tfc WAREHOUSE OR FAC TORY SPACE from 5,000 to 15,000 ft. 815-385-1079 12-3tfc Whispering Point office rentals, $64. per month. Immediate occupancy. Call 815-385-5577 12-3tfc IN TOWN, NICE 1st floor 2 bedroom apartment, heat furnished. Ideal for older couple or single. $330. per month. Also 1 bedroom apartments available. $240. per month plus heat, no pets. 385-2352 or 344-1034 12-3tfc FOR RENT, WATER FRONT, deluxe one bedroom apartment, car peting, stove, refrigerator, adults, no pets. 815-385-3493 12-3tfc 3 bedroom house, McHenry area, $300. month plus utilities. 312-272-7619 12-3-12- 12c , TrueStory DRESSED MUSCOVY DUCKS, 4 to 7 lbs. $1.00 pound. 815-385-2661 12-10-12- 12c 7 ft. Aluminum Xmas tree, with flood lights $30. New captains bed $150. 815-385- 6791 12-10-12-12C 5 Firestone radial white wall tires 165 R 13 $20 each. 2 Uniroyal radial snowtires on Datsun rims 165R13 $20 each, excellent like new condition. 815-385-6234 12-10- 12-12c Wooden office desk $35. fish aquarium 15 gallons $15. 815- 385-6346 12-10-12-12C H O U S E S A L E - P l a t e collection, pictures, tools, etc. 621 East 120 Lakemoor. Friday-Saturday-Sunday, 10:00 am. 12-10-12-12C -January, 1979 Mr. X of McHenry bought eyeglasses from jomeone else costing him $106.00 and waited 6 weeks for delivery. --June, 19BO Mr. X came to McHenry Opticians, bought glasses costing him $44.00 and waited only 26 minutes I "See the diHerencel Mr. X «oved $62 and you'll be $$$ ahead too." O N E A P A R T M E N T AVAILABLE, ideal for retired, semi-retired or middle aged, in city of McHenry. Two bedrooms, living room,dining room, kitchen and 14 baths. $375. 815-344-1632 or 815-385-6566 12-3 tfc 1,000 SQ. FT. of office or retail space, zoned B-l on Route 120, separate utilities and ample parking. 815-338- 0777 12-3tfc 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, sto^ refrigerator, no pets. Available January 1st. $275. plus security deposit. 815- 385-6256 12-3 12 12c 1800 sq. ft. commercial store front space in town. Ex cellent building. Only $600. month, 3 year lease. Call Essex-Costello Real Estate 385-7050, ask for Joan. 12-5- 12-12c 3000 sq. ft. contemporary home in Dutch Creek W o o d l a n d s . J o h n s b u r g schools. Month to month. Asking $600. month Call Essex-Costello Real Estate. 815-385-7050, ask for Dave. 12-5-12-12C 1 bedroom apartment in J o h n s b u r g , p a r t i a l l y f u r nished $200. month plus utilities, security deposit, no children, no pets. 815-385- 5951 12-10 HOOM8 FOR LIVING for mature, responsible working people. Kitchen privileges, cable TV tenninal in all rooms. $40. week. 385-6633 12-3-12-12C Huge modern 2 bedroom apartment, private yard and patio. All utilities paid. $385 month. 815-385-9292. 12-5-12- 12c Large room in private home with cooking privileges. Call after 5 pm. 815-3854028 12-3- 1212c 2 BEDROOM APART MENT, situated in a country setting. This large apart ment has self defrosting refrigerator-freezer, oven, stove and garbage disposal and iB within walking distance of a shopping and medical center $295. Mayline Apartments, Richmond. 815- 678-2861 12-3tfc HOUSE FOR RENT, Wonder Lake, one bedroom. $275.815-728-0702 12-3tfc N E W L Y R E M O D E L E D HOUSE, curtains, carpeting, stove, large yard. Pay own utilities, $280. 815-385-7879 or 815-344-3076 12-10-12-12C Female to share 7 room home in McCullom Lake. Own transportation. Prefer retired or semi-retired older lady. $150. month, everything furnished. 815- 385-2193 after 2 pm. 12-10-12- 12c F E M A L E R O O M A T E NEEDED to share 2 bedroom ranch in Foxridge Subdivision, for more in formation call after 4 pm. 815-344-1792 12-10-12-12C W H I S P E R I N G O A K S CONDO, 2 bedroom, 14 baths, all electric. $333. month, available now. No pets. (Sell 5 percent down) 815-344-1183 12-10-12-12C FOX LAKE, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, free heat, pool, walk to train. $375. month, includes all utilities except electric, security deposit requried, no pets. 815-459-7666, ask for Steve. 12-10-12-19c U 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Available Now Clote to shopping center within walking distance 704 logon, Cooney Heights McHenry NEW APARTMENTS Ready for leasing on Rt 31 CHAR-MAR APTS. Call between 9:00 am S 4:00 pm 815385 5965 after S:00 pm I15-385-9019 .v 3 Study For Dystrophy On Sunday, Dec. 14, students at the College of Lake county, in Grayslake will conduct a very unique fund raising event for the M u s c u l a r D y s t r o p h y ; association. < i t J! r The event called a study a-thon is similar to that of a walk-a-thon, bike-a-thon, and dance-a-thon. A study-a- ' thon, however, will consist of students obtaining dollar pledges for a certain number of hours they study. * • • • There is such a thing as being too clever. * • • • H i g h f l y i n g c a u s e s more than airplane acci dents. • • • • .American Viewpaints A man comes to measure his greatness by the regrets, envies and hatreds of his competitors. Ralph Waldo Emerson McHENRY OPTICIANS 1301 Rfversid® Dr. McHenry (Acron (fom Fox Hole) Illinois 385-9240 Every Friday & Saturday Night "The Great" Detti Gaines with the Den Walker Trie -Plus- Our Famous Fish Fry with Potato Pancakes 4 All you 9 5 can eat! 3309 Chapel Hill Rd. McHenry 3154191 1