PAOC14 Wednesday TV High School MacNeil-Lehrer Tic Tac Dough Happy Days Again Woman's Channel Hollywood ! Report 0 Tic 0Ha| • ws 9 All In Tha Family 039 Rookies V SoortsCenter 0 8$ Dsve Breese Reports • Whst Will They Think Of Next? 0 Bullseye 0 Bsrnev Show 6:30 Fsmiiy tar's Wild C9V All In The NBA Basketball Boaton Celtics va Chicago Bulla (&) « MacNeH-Lehrer Report • WMd Wild World Of Animals 0PMMagaz*e 00 Sanford And Son 0 American Angler 0 Movie -(Drama) ••• "Bad Day At Black Rock" 1955 Spencer Tracy, Robert Ryan. The story of a western town's well- guarded secret and tha atranger who uncovers it. SI mins.) 17 Going On Nowhere The story of a father and son who somehow com pletely loose touch with oneanother. <3)0 Benny Hill Show Informacion 26 Metroview Video Comics Face The Music 0 WBBM Editorial WLS Editorial 7:00 0000 Enoslt's shades of Hazzard County for Enos when Sheriff Rosco Coltrane comes to townandteamaupwithhis former deputy to'chaae down an armored car rob- bervrlna. (60 mins.) 000RealPeopleThe story of an Atlantic City woman who refuaed to aell her houee to make way for a gambling caaino, a visit to a kiaeing contest, and a segment on a Wyoming man who gets great gas mileage on hie motor- powered roller akates. (60 mins.) 0 Eight Is Enough When the typesetters at Tom Bradford's paper go on strike, Tom finds himself st odds with management after he aides with the typfeaettere. (60 mins.) (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) 8PM Magazine MKE At7 America Body Works Billy Graham Christ mas Special . 0 Movie -(Mystery) "The Stranger" 1946 Oraon Wellea, Loretta Young. An ex-Nazi living peacefully in a email town, ia about to marry an uneu- soecting girt. (2 hrs.) 4 0 Movie -(Romsnce) ** "Something Short Of Par adise" 1979 Susan Sar- andon, David Steinberg. Two young New Yorkers lesrn about love and ex plore the ups and downs of s one to one relationship, lated PG) (90 mins.) ~ Mike Douglas Bowling Game Al Rojo Vivo fGroup Ufa protection dommn't hava to ond at ratlramant. SMtqr UVi Retired Lmt I www n peep tana Ml Iwaiti that can pmMa Waffma tmtnft far , Pto: Mali ara paM M| yaars. *PmiNR ara tai MectiMa • a JEANNE ADELMANN 13307 Hickory Una Vw 33S-49M Sentry Ufa Insuranca Company 0 & Movie -(Comedy) *•% "Going In Style" 1979 Lee Strasberg. George Burns. (Paid Subacription Television) Three retired men decide to go against the law. (2 hre.) 0 PBA Bowling From At lanta. Georgia 0 <5$ Chicago 0 Hocus Focus 0 Movie -(Adventure) "Beneath The 12 Mile Reef" 1953 Terry Moore, Robert Wagner. The murderous competi tion for rich but dsngerous sponge beds take precedence in this adven tures of Greek divers, their rivala in business and their apecial code of ethics. (2 hrs.) 0 NBA Bssketball Detroit Pistons vs New York Knicks 0 Six Million Dollar Man 7:30 0® Joker's Wild (2)© Over Easy 0 Downhill Racer O (SI Aprendiendo A Amar 7:59 ® @ Newscene 8:000 O O ® CBS Wednesday Night Movie 'The Millionaire' 1978 Stars: Martin Balsam, Ed ward Albert. Three peo ple's lives are drastically changed when they are suddenly given one- million dollsrs each by an eccentric billionaire. (Repeat: 2 hrs.) CABLE CHANNEL 3 Christmas Special I Diff"rent Strokes Arnold is dejected when he faile to make the Pop Warner football team, but Mr. Drummond has a plan to' revive his spirits. (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) O Taxi Bobby's acting job in an outdoor commer cial prompts the cabbies to taste the high country during a week of roughing it, but panic prevails when they discover that the jun gle of New York City is no traininggroundforsurvivai in the wilds. Tic Tac Dough © Edwin Hawkins At The Symphony Edwin Hawkins and the Hawkins Family come together with the Oakland Symphony Orchestra for an evening of gospel mu- eic.(60 mins.) 0 College Basketball Marquette vs Minnesota 0 National Rodeo Finals Special 0 WhoAreTheDeBolts? 'Where Did They Get 19 Kids' You'll laugh and cry with the extraordinary DeBolt family asthey meet life's challenges. Host: Henry Winkler. 0 ® Movie -(Science-Fiction) •• "Beginning Of The End" 1957 Peter Greves, Peg gie Caatle. A small town is mysteriously wiped out by giant grasshoppers over eight feet tall. (2 hrs.) (fif)0Movie -(Comedy)M "It Happened on Fifth Avenue" 1947 Don Defore.GaleStorm.ANew York City mansion is taken overbyabumwhoinviteaa horde of friends and the real owner in disguise to be his guest. (2 hrs., 15 minsj La Hora Familiar NHL Hockey (Joined In Progreea) New York Rangers vs Winnipeg Jets 0 First Row Features 'One Wish too Many' 0 Streets Of San Francisco 8:30 000 The Facts Of Life JSoap ® To Tell The Truth Movie -(Comedy) "Main Event" 1979 Barbra Streisand, Ryan O'Neal. The head of a per fume company loses her business and finds she must rely on her only asset to become solvent again. She must turn a non- fighting prizefighter into a v winner. (Rated PG) (2 hrs.) 0 PKA Full Contact Kar ate Welterweight Con tendere Bout 0®BiMyGrahamChrist- mas Special 8:59 0<® Newscene 9:00 0 0 0 Quincy Quincy rushes to an Arizona Indian reservation where his foster son, Cheeter, has been hit by bubonic plague-and ef forts to halt the disease's spread are hampered by greedy reeort owners and an Indian medicine man. (60 mine.) O Vega$ The arrival of a precious child shatters Dan Tanna's romantic Christmas skiing vaca tion, as a little girl claiming to be his daughterprecipi- tates a desperate race to ssve her mother from a snowy suicide. (60 mins)