Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Dec 1980, p. 8

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PAGE 8 •PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, DECEMBER it, lt80 Green And Blue Of Christmas Blended in with the traditional Christmas reds and greens are the blues - the holiday blues. • The newest color in the seasonal spectrum signals depression for many Americans at a time when they expect (and are ex­ pected) to be most joyous, says Alexander Rosen, .associate professor of psychology and director of c l i n i c a l t r a i n i n g a t t h e University of Illinois at Chicago Circle (UICC). "Some people are predisposed to respond to stress in particular ways," says Rosen. These people react by "manifesting the typical symptoms of depression - feelings of h o p e l e s s n e s s , d e s p a i r , reduced activity, social withdrawal ancjj appetite and sleep disturbances." Those most susceptible to stress, he notes, are those who spend their holidays alone. A family may sound like a sure guarantee against such a problem, but Rosen points out that families may ac­ tually generate stress and anxiety for those responsible for managing the holidays. Parents, heads of households or those in charge tend to find the season of joy of con­ stant demands-planning, shopping, preparing food, decorating and generally overseeing. When faced with insufficient time and energy to complete these taks, such individuals are candidates for "the blues". The state of the economy - particularly inflation and unemployment - also tends to cause anxiety. Ad­ vertising reminds us of the material side of Christmas, but the gift list is more than persona] incomes can handle The result: Worry, unhappiness and feelings of i n a d e q u a c y a b o u t remembering friends and family with presents - and resulting stress. In addition to urging us to s p e n d , n e w s p a p e r s , television radio and m a g a z i n e s b a r r a g e Americans with what Rosen calls "idealized notions" of the holidays. Families and loved ones are together, happy, materially successful WEST BEND. slve your Humidifier a physical today! . . . w h e r e c r a f t s m e n s t i l l c a r e * Your humidifier needs a "physical check-up" just like you do to keep it in tip-top shape West Bend makes it easy to keep your humidifier running at peak, efficiency all winter long with humidifier water treatment and replacement filter belts and reser­ voir liners Give your humidifier a West Bend physical today MM WATER RESERVOIR LINERS No more tedious cleanup when you use West Bend Humidifier Reservoir Liners! They protect reservoir from the minerals in tap water that causes staining and time build-up, so there s no need for time-consuming scouring and scrubbing FILTER BELTS Keep your humidifier operating at top efficiency with a genuine West Bend replacement filter belt Spun-polyester material ab­ sorbs water like a sponge, but it's inorganic, odorless Most Repair Parts In Stock HUMIDIFIER WATER TREATMENT Controls lime scaling caused by minerals present in hard water reduces unpleasant odors, too Works in all manually water-filled humidifiers and vaporizers -- helps minimize parts failure due to scale formation Easy to use just add a capful each time you fill the reservoir Quart bottle (aver­ age winter supply) Lee & Electric 1005 N. FRONT (SOUTH PTE. 31) McHENRY, IL. 30541802 and radiant with holiday cheer. Such reminders, which ignore the reality of life in many cases, raise expectations, he says. If those anticipated standards aren't met, the letdown results in anxiety and sometimes depression. There's a final factor involved in the holiday blues - winter. Bleak scenes, cold temperatures and short, gray days lower the spirits, make it more difficult to travel and make it harder to be comfortable. Rosen says that depression is the most serious mental health problem in the United States and that it requires professional guidance and treatment. The holiday blues, on the other hand, are what psychologists call "reactive" depressions -- stemming from specific events in an individual's environment - and are usually temporary. For these milder, common cases, Rosen suggests, there are measures that can help. Relaxation is important. There are courses and commercial teaching aids available for a technique Rosen calls "progressive relaxation", a process that teaches people to control stress-induced muscle tension. Anxiety and depression are real and take physical forms such as tensing of muscles, he says. W h i l e p r o g r e s s i v e r e l a x a t i o n , h y p n o s i s , meditation or some other lossen up an Rosen says others simply need to watch a movie, read a book or physically exercise "What's important is for people to find some method or technique of relaxation that works for them" the psychologist said. Also important is a restructuring of thoughts - simply put, positive thinking. Rosen points out the interpretation an in­ dividual puts on events is crucial . to -his - or her emotional state. Depressed people too often choose to view an event in its least flattering, most catastrophic light. This leads to loss of self-esteem and feeds depression. "Step back, put things in perspective and remember, whatever your troubles are now, they're not going to last forever," he says. "Look at 'negative' incidents for what they really are -- transitory, not lift-threatening and not debilitating. Although such events are annoying, try to realize that they're soon gone and forgotten." Rosen recommends a third step to prevent depression: Initiating one's own ac­ tivities and "structuring your environment in ways that are conducive to goals that you want to ac­ complish." Individuals should take an active, not passive, role in their lives and believe in the goals they want to meet. Single people, in par­ ticular, nekl a strong social network of friends and acquaintances to sustain them during a time when they feel loneliness more than usual. Rosen notes also that women are twice as likely to become depressed as men, according to statistics. Women should be extra vigilant in recognizing the possibility of depression and taking care to assert themselves, initiate activity and relax. Like the common cold, the blues have no cure. However, says Rosen, an­ ticipating a bit of blue during the holidays, knowing why you feel that way and taking steps to minimize the problem can make the red and green all that much brighter. Honor Maurie Taylor For Service To Youth process can individual, When the McHenry County Youth Service bureau's annual meeting was held in Woodstock earlier this month, Jim Aull, president of YSB's board of directors, introduced board members Doris Wagner of Harvard and Maurie Taylor of McHenry, who were honored because of their exceptional American Legion Post 491 - RING WOOD ROAD. McHENRY - OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (5:00 - 9:00 P.M.) •PERCH--ALL YOU CAN EAT *0THER MENU AVAILABLE SAT. NIGHT « « OFF THE WALL VI HALL FOR RENT Looking for a Special Gift For a Special Youngster? Introducing Filbert.. .a Friendly, Furry Fellow Who Reaches Fortune and Fun to Future Financiers! \ Your special youngsters can both become Squirrels and have Squirrels, for Filbert, the mascot of The Squirrels Club", is now available as a 12-inch tall, lovable stuffed toy. Filbert represents The Squirrels Club, a sav­ ings program for children under 13. The club en­ courages young people to develop thrift habits and good character as they have fun and learn about themselves and about other youngsters from around the country. Squirrels Club mem­ bers receive free subscriptions to The Nutty News, the club's quarterly comic-style magazine which combines contests, puzzles, pen-pal col­ umns, and educational material with wholesome entertainment. Giving a youngster a Squirrels Club member­ ship is as easy as opening any savings account. Filbert and his savings representatives are eager to help you enroll those special little ones in the club and eager to give them free club premiums. Even if those children you have in mind al­ ready belong to the club, you can surprise them with their very own Filbert stuffed toys. Filbert is made of allergenic, non-toxic and fire-retardant materials. He's a practical reminder that saving money can be fun. ^ Delight those young ones with Filbert and with membership in The Squirrels Club. Both make great gifts for stfttieone special. "Filbert" Stuffed Toys Available Now! SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICE: Squirrel Members - Non-Squirrel Members (Add 50<t For "Filbert" Toys, Boxed) 800 050 M m Niax Whatever your banking needs First National is proud to serve you and the McHenry community MEMBER FDIC NaTIONaL BaiMK OF IVFHBNRY 3814 WEST ELM STREET P 0 BOX 338 McHENRY. ILLINOIS 60050 815 385-5400 service to youth and the community. Board members elected for a second term were Anita Sherwood of Crystal Lake and Maurie Taylor. New members elected were Richard Johnson of McHenry and Ted Span- bauer of Woodstock. The approximately 60 people in attendance wit­ nessed a slide presentation of YSB services narrated by McHenry county young people. Four YSB team leaders spoke about the activities and programs provided by their teams to youth and their families throughout the county. The Youth Service bureau is a private, not-for-profit organization and is part of the McHenry County C o m p r e h e n s i v e M e n t a l Health Service system. The 24-hour emergency phone is 1-800-892-8900. Low Heat Observe one cardinal rule in cooking cheese: a little cooking at low heat. Cheese is a protein food and like other similar foods, it is toughened by high heat and by over-cooking. Legal Notice INVITATION FOR BIDS The Village of McHenry Shores, Illinois, does hereby invite sealed bids for the acquisition of a 1961 Dodge Diplomat police vehicle. Bids will be received until 7:00 p.m. on December 30, I960, by mail or delivered by hand to the Administrative Assistant, Village of McHenry Shores, 3215 West Beach Drive, McHenry Shores, Illinois, immediately after which time and at such place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Those desiring to bid may obtain copies of the specifications and other bidding information at normal business hours beginning December 17, at the McHenry Shores Village Hall. Bidders will be required to comply with all laws in­ cluding those related to the employment of labor and the payment of local prevailing W000 rates No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days subsequent to the opening of Dids without consent of the Village of McHenry Shores. The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder com­ plying the provisions of the Invitation tor Bids, without discrimination on the grounds of race, color, national origin, religion, or S6X. The Village of McHenry Shores reserves the right to reject any or all sealed bids. By Order of the Board of Trustees Village of McHenry Shores (Pub. Dec. 17,1980) No. 800037 Legal Notice ORDINANCE NUMBER 0-80-246 AN ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, M c H E N R Y C O U N T Y , ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Sections 23- 16.1 and 23-31.1 of the Municipal Code, City of M c H e n r y , c o m m o n l y referred to as "Farm Machinery Exclusion from Municipal Retailer's Oc­ cupation Tax, Service Oc­ cupation Tax, and Use Tax", which was passed and ap- groved on the third dav of eptember, 1980, be ana the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. This Or­ dinance shall be published in pamphlet form under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenrv. Illinois. SECTION 3. All Or­ dinances, or parts thereof, in conflict with the-terms and provisions thereof, are to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION 4. This Or­ dinance shall be in full force and effect beginning January 1, 1981. PASSED THIS 1st day of December, 1980. , AYES: Nolan, Pepping, Datz, Harker, Adams, Wieser, Schooley, Meurer. NAYS: None ABSENT: None ' t APPROVED this 1st day of December, I960. Joseph B.Stanek, ' Mayor ATTEST: Barbara E. Gilpin, City Clerk (Pub. Dec. 19,1980 ) No. 900024 Legal Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Education of School District Number 156, in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, that amended budget for said School District for the fiscal year beginning July 1. 1980, will be on file and conveniently available to Siblic inspection at 3926 W. ain St., McHenrv, Illinois, in this school district from and after 8:00 o'cldCk A.M., on the 19th day of December 1980. Notice is further hereby given that a public hearing on said budget will be hela at 7:30 o'clock p.m. on the 20th day of January 1981, at the Board "of Education office in this school district Number 156. Dated this 16th day of December 1960. Board of Education of School District Number 156, in the county of McHenry, State of Illinois. James S. Tonyan, Secretary (Pub. Dec. 19,1980) No. 800036 I'Acupi City driving uses more gas than highway driving. The trick is to maintain city speeds as close as possible to the economical 30-40 mph range. It takes less gas to travel at 30 mph than it does at 20 mph. Get your car up and over the 20 mph mark when driving in the city, each mph closer to 30 means more economy. TK LOWEST PRKEDl Ml-fUTURE, BEARCOT No-onsni SCANNEREVER. I 160 SCANNER $225.«o EJectja, . .w , - c r Bring home all the real excite­ ment of scanning, and save' Bearcat 160 features a smooth, keyless keyboard for all controls including volume and squelch Has 5-band. 16 channel coverage. Priority. Selective Scan Delay. Automatic Lockout and Search. And much more. Bearcat is number one in scanning "lAKEITffiOMA SMART OPERATORS radicomM 2604 N Chapel Hill Rd.. McHenry. II. 815-385-4224 Mm - Frl S-5 pa Sat 1-3 CUsmI SwMlay

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