PAGE 10 - PLAINDEALER TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23. lfM P AGE II - PLAINDEALER - TUESDAY, DECEMBER IS. 1IM fiagpy £Wicfay We have a sleighful of Yuletide wishes for all our friends and patrons who have been so kind and thoughtful throughout the year.. .the very merriest of Christmases to one and all! True peace, love and jay! McHenry Plaindealer Editorial Department Cfiristmas Joy This Yuleride angel s here ro say "Hope you have rhe happiesr of holidays!' Enjoy, all! Dan Adams Adams Bros. Steel Division 3003W.lhi.U|| McHenry 385-9100 Merry Christmas Hats off to all our loyal customers who have been extra nice all year long! Earl R. Walsh & Jack Walsh Insurance 4410 W. Rte. 120 McHenry 385-3300 Ghfiskmes Yuleride is rhe rime ro find peace ond content ment . brotherhood and love May yours be joyous. Dennis Conway 3319 W. Elm St McHenry 385-7111 MERRY CHRISTMAS Sanra soys, "hove o happy Chrisrmas."... We'll odd, thanks for being good friends! £ Brake Parts Company 1600 N. Industrial Dr. McHenry 385-7000 HELLO According ro Sanra, we're in sfore for a very merry Xmas! Overton < Cadillac- PontiacCo. 1112 H. Front St ' McHenry 385-6000 C&ristmas 4 Joy Santa's taking some time wish everyone a very happy and healthy holiday! McHenry Printing 3909 N. Main McHenry 315-7600 HELLO Looks l ike another merry Christmas is coming. Be joyous! Munson Marine Rte. 12 Volo 385 2720 PEACE All of the best to our friends and neighbors this bright holiday sea son! May your home be warmed with the spirit! Midstream Union 76 3702 W. Elm McHenry 344-2510 Yu lei hie <m reel in&s We've o sleighful of holiday wishes ro oil our good friends and ^.neighbors. Be merry! City Wide Carpet Company, Inc. 1809 W. Elm McHenry kjuleHde In rhis season of laughter and merri ment, may you also find spiritual con tentment 6 peace. Lincoln-Mercury 907 H Front St McHenry 3854403 Reasons (greetings Hove you heard? A wonder ful. exciting day is coming your way. .. it's Christmas! May it bring along only the best for you & yours. Little John's 1211N. River Rd. .. McHenry 3854)14 HELLO May your day shine with love, peace and happiness... Enjoy ir. Chain-0-Lakes Travel Service 3405 W. Elm St McHenry 305-7500 NOEL We're bringing you a stocking filled with our holiday wishes this, joyous season! , Genevieve's 1315 N. Riverside Dr. McHenrv nnVIIVIII W 385-0230 HELLO We're so glad to chime in with our good wishes! Peace, love and happi ness to everyone on this joyous occasion! Goodyear Tire Center 4400 W. Rte. 120 McHenry 385-7300 0 01 » <P£ACE ;OM (EARTH Santa's on top of the world about the coming holiday. We know it's going to be the best Christ mas of them all... out of this world! Greetings to all! Jolm^tyort Shop 4tlN.Ste.120 Best Wishes Old Saint Nichofal is popping out totftond holiday greetin<0ffto everyone .. . allu^ur friends and bors! Merry Chrii . #* Misters Coiffures 3701 W. Elm McHenry 305-7550 CHEERS Ir s our turn ro ex press our hopes for a merry Yule. Enjoy! Susan's Shoes 3902 W. Main McHenry 344-5330 Best Wishes Let rhe gift of hqp- piness be with ybu and youijs forever Our sincere wishes for a very memor able Chrisrmas full of Lors & lors of joy-filled moments for you ond yours on rhis Holy day...merry Xmas! McHenry Lumber Co. 4030 W. Main St McHenry 385-4600 Alexander Lumber Co. iWFrent St ;>#cHenry 385-1424 Greetings fleod all about it... the holiday season is t»r©...along with our Qewsmaking wishesfor :dfl the joy, cheer and laughter that's fit to '{Jsilebratel Be merry! Little Chef Destaaraat 1332 H. Riverside Or. McHenry 385-9752 Yuletide (im'lings We're headed for a bright ond glowing Christmas. Enjoy each joyous moment of it. Jerry Luciano's Aluminum Products Services and Gutters Unlimited 305-0427 Iksl UliSlKS The scent of pine... the spirit of love... may all things that mean Christmas joy be yours this sea son. To all our good friends, "thanks." Adams Steel Service 3003 S. Rte. 120 McHenry 305-0100 PEACE Hope your Chrisrmas tree is trimmed wirh brorherhood & love. McGee's, Inc. 1245 N. Green St McHenry 305-0047 QHIMHBS Christmas is a rime for sweet dreams ro come true...enjoy! Christopher's Men's Wear 3902 W. Main McHenry 305-4060 Ottt ttllSlKS We ve a basher of Christmas joy ro send to all our friends! Mitchell Buick & Oldsmobile 903 N. Front St McHenry 385-7200 Holiday Greetings Announcing rhe start of o great big beautiful holiday Enjoy rhe day to irs very fullest. Merry Christmas. McHenry Tire Mart 3931 W. Main St McHenry 385-0294 inaj5px> floficfcr? May the Spirit of Christmas bring Peace 6 Happiness to You 6 Yours McHenry Ready Mix Co. Inc. and It's Affiliates 1819 Dot St McHenry, II. 385-4920 Merry Christmas Express-ing our worm wishes for o holidoy filled wirh happiness. McHenry Plaindealer Composing Room & /i>\ T lloliiluy (•reelings McHenry Plaindealer Classified Dept. Stoffel & Reihansperger 3424 N. Elm MrUaum Mbiism J 305-0300 Bttt lUlSlKS McHenry Plaindealer Bookkeeping Dept ((/fmstmas The wonder of rhe holidoy brings com fort ro one ond all May it lost forever Laurie's Pizza 4811 W.EIm McHenry 344-5960 Seasons Greetings Enjoy rhe holiday with those you love. May your Chrisrmas be remembered with pleasant memories. Happy day ro one and all! Weathervane 1313 H. Riverside Dr. McHenry, II. 385-0884 Happy Christmas The serenity of the holiday is a yearly miracle let us nor forget rhe first one! cy\ Gfirt£liV(is <wisa We sincerely wish all our generous patrons a wonder ful Christmas! May ir be filled wirh friends, fam ily. love ond joy Thanks for always being there First National Bank of McHenry 3814 W. Elm St McHenry, II. 385-5400 May yours be a season /of peace ond harmony, love ond joy Our best wishes for o very merry Christmas M & M 2900 W. Rte. 1i McHenry 385-5690