PAGE 18 - P1JVINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14.1161 Lakeland Park & Lakeland Shores Carol Cominsky 385-7246 Association Plans Dance At the last meeting of the Lakeland Park Property Owners association on Jan. 8, final plans for the annual dance were made. The big night is Feb. 28 and this year's theme is Mardi Gras. It will take place at the American Legion on Ringwood road with the doors opening at 6 p.m. and a buffet dinner served at 6:30. Wear your dancing shoes so you can dance to the music from 8-12 p.m. NEW YEAR'S PARTY Newlyweds Cindy and Dave Lebrecht gave their first New year's eve party in their new home Dec. 31. Cindy's grandparents Doris and Phil Kibbe of McHenry will be moving to Florida this weekend so this was also a farewell party for them. The guests who > were on hand to toast the ifew year were Dave's parents Jeri and Charles Lebrecht; Cindy's parents, Dave and Diane Rasbaugh; her sister Doreen, with her boyfriend Rob; aunt Pam and uncle Hank Justen with their sons Keith and Kevin and their friend Scott Bland. Everyone had a very enjoyable evening and we wish the Kibbes much luck in their new home. WINTER CRUISE Ed and Barb Rous had the right idea when they left McHenry Dec. 20 and drove to Haines City, Florida to spend Christmas with Barb's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Baier They left Brian and Jamie with their grandparents while they drove to Miami Dec. 29, where they boarded a ship headed for Freeport. New Year's eve was spent aboard ship in Nassau for a big celebration. The cruise was a great time for relaxing and enjoying all the good food that was served non stop. The Rous family returned home Jan. 6 and Ed says everyone should go on a cruise at least once. DOUBLE CELEBRATION Two birthdays were celebrated at Bob and Carol Leonard's home recently. Danny had his Jan. 6 and Diana's was Jan. 10. Cousin Jimmy Higgens and Lisa Cominsky were there on the sixth for a spaghetti and meatballs dinner. Robbie and Christy helped their brother and sister blow out the candles on the two cakes that were served for dessert. Danny is taking some of his friends to see the movie Popeye while Diana has a slumber party this coming weekend. Sounds like these two kids had very nice birth days this year. CONDOLENCES , We received a call last week with sad news. Frank Plushkiss, who used to live on Meadow and was a good friend of my son Mike, died suddenly in North Carolina Jan. 6. We And it flcult to realize that such a young boy has been taken away from this earth so soon. We will always remember his smiling face looking down at us from the tree fort in our backyard; he was so proud of being part of the construction crew that built it. May God grant his family courage to go on and to accept his untimely passing. BELATED WISHES The hectic holiday season has passed once again, the winter blahs have set in and I'm back at my typewriter waiting for the phone to ring. I hope everyone made a resolution to call me this year with their news. While we were gone, many people had birthdays and a few anniversaries were celebrated too. I would like to take this time to say we hope everyone had a very special dav. TTiere were eight New year babies, which included HerbDettmer, Ed Lane, Jim Grothman, Louis Rehberg, Paul Rizzo, Tommy Kozicki, We're Nice To Have Around The Home I** % Save 49% Popsys WireboR 443 Rao.87C ove 62% loma Cutlery Tray Economy Pall Basin CrMt for school Save Bp To 51% LOMA Wast* Baikal er laundry Baikal Save 35% Pakar or Pinochla Cards Your Choice Your Choico Our Rog. 1.17 Svpor Savings Pampors 60's Extra Absorbent 2/14.44 Limit 2 Reg. 67' Arro Stroamlino pokor or pinochlo cards. >avo Wo ropsyt Two Pocktt Portfolio Rog.37C We're nice to hove around tho house. A. Separata compartments for silverware, cillery. Protects cabinets, drawers against hard knifes, nicks anil scratches. 0. Lightweight, odorless, easy to dSln. C. 7 qt. capacity, size 14" diem, x 3'/.". Ideal for all small laundry and cleaning |obs. 1.44 Rog. 2.46 or 2.97 STRETCH YOUR BUDGET $«f 30% Milliht- Vim wWtffflWRfTBWTBI »ave M9 /© Custom Van Assortment 2.44 Reg. 3.27 Sturdy stool and durablo plastic construction mako thaso vans kid- proof for hours of fun. No. 410. Sov« 41% Disnay Bank Asst. _ 2.44 Reg. 4.17 Unbroakablo banks of Pluto, Mlckoy, Mlnnio and Donald Duck .with movoablo arm. No. AWD2500. Hove replacement batteries on hand for toys or HashVgbts. 1S0% dacron polyester S9/A1" wide. Many new spring fashion colors. Save Up Te 41% Baa River Mylar Print Shirting or #pi npvwi A. Dan River essorted pleid and fancy shirting with Mylar gold threads. Dan press. 4S% Kodol polyester, 3S% cotton. S. Spring me Id M% Kodol polyester. 35% cotton. S9/M" wide. Per fect weight for pants, shirts, suits. New spring colors. Reg. 4.97 Yd. Your Choice 2.44 Reg. 9.47 Yd. and 4.17 Yd. Standard site JO" • U"M> asi ticks. Cwshy soft poiyjJWsr fll sorted floral Ml. ava 32% ays ' ants • 10.96 oly/cotton pants with and back slash ckats in blue, tan or brown, ys sites Save 39% Assorted Vlayl Place aM Is 44* ia. Reg. 73< Your Choice *•0* 1.44 IY« 10 Pock Bic Shavers % Carpat Utility Mat Reg. 1.62 Monay saving 10 pack of disposable Bic Shavars % Reg. 73' Limit 4 All purpose mat for ontrancas, kit chan, auto and mora. 12"xl7". SAVR Color Print Piles Dev. Original Roll *1 OFF Our Rag. 2.99 to 8.12 Exp. or Super • Movie Reg. 1.99 H( Exp. Slide Reg. 3.39 2.19 In your Christmas Htm mm Veu receive gukk service lo lT Coupon Seed For 44* OFF Padnii •a Stock COUPON. •COUPON • •AH.Y9t*9 WAT 10 to 4 4400 W. tfl. 11 R 11.47 A CO--TRY URR RO. \ \ Catherine Kozicki and Chuck Pierce. - Gregory Blisnik Jr., Mark Albert Knaack, Christine Lenz and Ronnie Mullen all celebrated Jan. 2. Mary Ellen Etheridge turned eight years old Jan. 3, and she shared her day with Marilyn Etheridge and Darlene Licastro. Kimberly Jane Belzer was 10 on Jan. 4 and her day was shared with her brother Keith and Raymond Charles Corey who also turned 10. Bruce and Sue Warren celebrated their twelfth anniversary on the fourth. Mike Raddiffe and Tom Jenkins added another year Jan. 5. Danny, Parson became a teenager Jan. 6. Barb Meuer and Terry Arroyo heard the birthday. song on the seventh. Kelly Jo Jenkins was seven yeafs old Jan. 8, and she shared her day with our brother-in-law Jeff Jordan. Jan. 9 was the 27th an niversary for Leah and Walter Nuss. Jan. 10 was a special day for Diana Parson, Kevin Hahndorf and Jo Lynn Glosson. Scott Fish blew out his birthday can dles on the 11th. Mary Ellen Johnson, Mark Rogers and LeAnne Taylor had their special day Jan. 12. torn and Barbara Gerambio had another anniversary on the 13th. * COMING EVENTS Jessica Boelter will be 6 years old Jan. 14. Jimmy Paul will hear the birthday song Jan. 15. Barb and Ron Meuer celebrate 28 years together on Jan. 17. Scotty McGrath turns five on the 18th, and he shares his day with Jim Koch and Pearl Koester. Tina Licastro and Richard Larson have their special day Jan. 19. Jeremy Sullivan will be two years old on the 20th, and shares his day with Lin Dentro, Agnes Clove, Jill Glosson, Rudy Lense and Dorothy Moore. Clara and Leroy Freund will celebrate their 13th anniversary Jan. 20. i Jf A/p Save 24% Ooartz Elactric Haatar ve 29% Eveready 2 Pak C or D Batteries 44c Reg. 42< Myoitor Fill Bod PIIUws ¥•21 Fv|l Color Print Film 110-24 vpor savings Moat 12 Ox 44c Limit 6 Protect your car against gas line freese Reg. 58.76 Quarts9 elements produce radiant hoot for mora warmth than convontional fan driven electric hoatars. No motors. fans or blowers needed. No. QI00I. Tlie Unlvers* Galaxies contain billions of stars of many types -rangta?* from supergiants less dense than the earth's atmosphere to white dwarfs hundreds of times den ser than lead. Space is almost "empty" since stars are, on the average, spaced several light years apart. But there are some clusters, like in our universe, that contain perhaps half a mil lion stars. Astronomers believe that planets may revolve around many stars. TRACTION FACTS Keep tire pressure at rec ommended levels -- under- inflation increases wear, not traction. Don't mix front radials with regular snow tires on back -- it increases chances for a skid. Make sure your tires have enough tread to cut through the snow. benthiseKWC the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rental $1.00 per hour . . . for every hour thereafter. (Example 2 hours . . . total charge $1 plus tax.) NO MINIMUM Special Rental Rote Good Monday thru Thursday RINSENVAC cleans the way professionals Co, at a traction of the cost FRI.. SAT., iSUM> --' ^ PIR i HOUR NO MINIMUM OVIRNIGHT SPECIAL! 8:00 P.M. :00 A.M. 110.00 8 HORNSBYS1 f orrti ly cm t «*r % 4400 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY, ILL