ENERGY SAVERS 7mfl/aM Thuzl/aM HARDWARE STORES HARDWARE STORES ^ SPECIALS • --. , ' iMi11 . ' • •* '*±mX ' V*' ' •i ••t rMaktiA •'•• «, lJI IBi Plastic Tabular Ideal for most household plumbing installations. 07/2660/2695/2663/2104/2686/2684C (P) Drata Trap 2.91 (R) Hnd-Orate ̂... .3.4* (SprBeai 1J8 (T) Strata* 1.88| (U) 98* Coaplor ...:. 1.88 (V) ttaiversal Coupler 1.88 JhduVafta VMW uitiyjf mmy WaWi nwiicio f̂ Themwlw. QUR I raMrgtoThnutaM LOW PRICES Anod* Rod Hot Wall FuNy Automatic Controls Non-Corroding bitakoTubo If now's the time to replace your old model, do it with an energy efficient True Value water heater. The new. low- consumption pilot uses up to 50% less B.T.U.S than older models. Fiberglass insulated, y Fuel-saving design features a 2-in. blanket of super, high- density noergiass msuiauon plus new, low-watt density DUralife* elements. Sensitive energy cut-off system pre vents overheating. CUP THESE MONEY SAVING COUPONS C>52Totph»8 11 SAVINGS COUPON 1-fT.UpMI - Fast-acting! Easy-to-use! Pours right through standing water. Un- dogs drains fast 07/0203 UMT: Oaei *81 SAVINGS COUPON Safe, easy method for undogging stubborn waste lines. 5%-in. cup of genuine rubber. 20-in. unpainted handle. 07/C12X .--. U8WT:0aoceapeaper taitaaw LLjj